airanke · 9 hours
Every time I think of Dante the Abiteth in my brain goes "I wanna... X X X X X X" and I sit here at work trying To Be Normal TM.
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airanke · 10 hours
Having your own OC as your Blorbo is great because you will never have to see a bad Fannon brainrot take or awful but inexplicably popular ship involving them, but also I Have To Do Everything Myself Around Here Augh
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airanke · 22 hours
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The fact that I want to collect Unicornos because Abiteth would collect them is driving me insane.
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airanke · 1 day
The fact that I want to collect Unicornos because Abiteth would collect them is driving me insane.
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airanke · 1 day
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Actually thinking of getting this tattooed... it's full Dabiteth and all symbolism waaaah
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airanke · 2 days
I'm gonna laugh at this forever because WHAT EVEN ARE THE SOUNDS IM MAKING?????
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airanke · 2 days
Things Dante can do that I assume all cowboys are good at because I know nothing:
Swing like a king
Line-dance like a pro
jokes about drinking moonshine but it's just beer
loves his baby aka his Big Trusty Old Truck TM
can and will wrangle Abiteth with an actual lasso
fearlessly approach the bull as if he won't get tossed and/or gored
Horse Whisperer TM
Sharpshooter TM
Don't Touch His Hat, That's His Hat
Anyway 🫡
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airanke · 2 days
Okay I'm not an avid watcher of Helluva Boss, and I'm just listening to someone talk about ship rankings.
But as soon as they brought up Striker x Stella I was sold and I'm fucking CRYING WHAT'S WRONG WITH ME 🤣🤣🤣🤣
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airanke · 2 days
OOoughg the burn out is hitting hard today ugueughehguueh
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airanke · 2 days
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I had a sticker haul the other day... anyway @thecowboykatsuki-anon I thought you might appreciate the cowboy related ones I found~
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airanke · 2 days
The way I'm reworking Dante's entire backstory to fit more into why he wanted to move to the small town with their own mini rodeos and why he's so good with horses and is, frankly, a cowboy, is so funny to me 🤣
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airanke · 2 days
I gotta talk about my feelings w/ the last chapter and my feelings re: Touya in general but I also don't want to talk to anyone directly about it so I'm gonna put it here and you're free to agree or disagree with me just be polite
Realistically I would have preferred it if Touya lived, but that was BEFORE he copied Shoto's technique, burned himself the way he did, and THEN froze himself the way he did. His body was completely covered in ice.
Tomura is dead, and Himiko is implied to be dead (she gave all her blood to Ochacco so Ochacco could live), and it legitimately doesn't feel right for Touya to live and the other two to die (they're a trio, they should all die... together, and I mean, that's what Himiko wanted for Touya too. She wanted him to be happy, or well, I think her actual words were that she hoped Touya was smiling?? I can't remember and I don't wanna look it up rn).
And really, it only made sense for Touya to live if he had lost to Shoto in the first part of their fight (when he got mega ice blasted), but after that? Nah, let my man die. Let him go. Let him get like ONE thing that he wanted.
And that's not to say that I don't find that last panel interesting... it's like such a selfish thing for Enji to do. Like he's so desperate to atone for what he did he's assuming that if he can keep Touya alive, maybe he can atone for it. I'm kinda hopeful that there's just this realization that fixing Touya's physical body is impossible, and that he and Enji have one last conversation and then Enji lets him go.
Either way I'm not happy about it, neither plot point for Touya's character is satisfying to me because if you were going to kill him, then he should have died surrounded by his family, and if you were going to keep him alive, then you should have ended Touya's fight with Shoto stopping him in the first place.
And I know people are going to mention that Compress is still alive even after literally ripping his body apart with his own quirk (which is honestly kinda bullshit to me personally), so clearly the technology EXISTS, but I don't think Touya's body or any new body they give him could support him in any way.
As an aside, one of my biggest concerns with Touya living is Hawks somehow being involved in his recovery - which is so disgusting and discomforting to me on so many levels, and I would genuinely prefer it if Touya died just to avoid that.
Anyway this was kinda all over the place cuz I just don't know how I feel, but at the end of the day none of it is good 🤣🤣🤣 I still think Horikoshi is a great writer, but I do agree with ppl who are saying that it feels like this ISN'T how he wanted his story to go. I dunno.
Also also this is only thoughts relative to CANON, I don't care about fanon or my fanon or my headcanons or WHATEVER, because obviously if Abiteth was involved things would be so different, as I've said time and time and TIME again, Abiteth ruins the entire story of BNHA because her existing fundamentally changes the plot of the series. Anyway. Back to what I was doing.
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airanke · 3 days
Slowly collecting the MHA Manga... can't believe I'm actually buying it BUT HERE I AM.
And no, don't ask me how I feel about the latest chapter because I honestly do not know :')
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airanke · 3 days
I also bought some new sketchbooks today because... I think... I will start a Dante x Abiteth sketchbook.
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airanke · 3 days
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airanke · 3 days
i love it when characters are codependent. i love it when losing someone feels like losing a limb. i love it when two people "complete" each other so wholly and terribly that one can barely function without the other. i love it when the fear of losing the only person who understands them is so all-consuming they'll destroy anything to stay together, including themselves.
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airanke · 4 days
Gooooodododfahoufdaghoha I REALLY unintentionally downplay how strong/powerful Abiteth is.
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