akuworld777 · 7 hours
One thing I admire about the Zukka fandom is that they are largely aware that it is fanon. Like they're not making essays upon essays and meta analysis on why their scenes "prove" it's gonna be canon.
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akuworld777 · 7 hours
zuko is already a hilarious character but he becomes even funnier if you give him a crush on sokka
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akuworld777 · 7 hours
loveee the thought of zuko as fire lord making his first diplomatic visit to the SWT and sokka taking FULL advantage of his and zuko’s friendship status to mortify his fellow council members and the general population of the south pole, as well as the fire lord himself.
like zuko will be chatting with some council members and sokka comes up and just starts roasting the fuck out of him. just saying shit like “who let you off the boat in THOSE shoes” to get a reaction out of the council members, who are making giant eyes at him like this is a professional visit where the fuck is your father to restrain you?!!!?
bato would be having an awkward conversation with zuko about resource allotments for the rebuilding effort and sokka needlessly throws in “did you know zuko sings to himself when he’s alone? he’s pretty good. give him a demo, zuko, come on,” and zuko’s grimacing because it was one fucking time sweet spirits sokka and bato is giving sokka the most embarrassed look of his life
sokka throws snowballs at zuko in the middle of the village and zuko falls over four consecutive times as a result.
for all his outward expressions of aggravation, it eventually becomes apparent to everyone that zuko isn’t too bothered by the teasing and sokka doesn’t mean anything by it, because every night they sit at the water’s edge and joke for hours.
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akuworld777 · 7 hours
Book 1 in a nutshell
Zuko: Well look who we have here. If it isn’t my second worst enemy
Aang: Second? Who’s the first?
Zuko: Me of course. I dedicate a lot of time to hating myself I deserve to be number one at something
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akuworld777 · 7 hours
I just saw a post from someone saying "zuko obviously never wanted to be firelord" and.... did we watch the same show?
Like at this point i've gotten used to people grossly misunderstanding the show's characters (mainly aang and katara) but i've never seen it happen so blatantly, and to ZUKO of all characters.
Zuko, the guy that asked his uncle to let him into the war meeting when he was only 13 because "he'll be firelord one day" and he wants to learn as quick as possible. Zuko, the guy that interrupted said war meeting also at age 13 because even that young he already felt a massive responsibility for his nation and the people in it, and he couldn't just stand by as these generals were planning on killing them. Zuko, who at age 13 BEGGED his father not to punish him, because he only had the Fire Nation's best interest at heart.
Zuko, who despite what his father did to him, still traveled to the world's most desolate places for a chance of getting his honor, his family and his throne back. Zuko, who at age 16, looked his father in the eye and told him he was going to free his people, and the whole world of his tyranny. Zuko, who at age 16, said he wasn't betraying his nation by joining the Avatar, he's saving it. Zuko, the teenager with so much love for his nation that he questioned his own uncle when he suggested Zuko should be firelord, because he didn't feel like he deserved it, because his people deserve a leader that hasn't made as many mistakes as Zuko.
And you're telling me you think this kid never wanted to be firelord? What version of atla have you watched, genuinely?
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akuworld777 · 7 hours
Zuko's unkillability should be utilized more in post canon. Every fire lord Zuko headcanon is all "poor Zuko, having to deal with so many assassination attempts, this boy is hanging on by a thread." But listen, my guy has already survived being burned, blown up, electrocuted, fought three agni kais, faced the Avatar numerous times. It becomes something of a meme in the FN that no one can kill the firelord so you shouldn't even try, Zuko ends up surviving increasingly elaborate and unlikely assassination attempts. He develops an immunity to poison after having been poisoned so many times. He's just like "huh, you thought THAT would kill me?" at this point.
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akuworld777 · 7 hours
Zuko attends Izumi's career day at school and everyone in the class is like! The firelord is coming to our school! And the teacher has the class prepare all these questions about governing and politics. And Zuko shows up in an apron and teaches the class how to make tea.
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akuworld777 · 7 hours
Nobleman on Zuko's Council: Firelord, someone blew up one of our factories!
Zuko, knowing full well it was Katara: Who could have done this?
Second Nobleman: Firelord, several of our war machines were crushed mysteriously by falling rocks overnight.
Zuko, deadpan, knowing it was Toph: Whatever shall we do?
Third Nobleman: And there was an uprising at one of the schools. Apparently one of the students, a young colonial wearing his school uniform belt as a headband, started a "rewrite the history books" campaign.
Zuko: Young people these days.
Fourth Nobleman: Also someone in a spirit mask is robbing the rich at swordpoint while reciting lines from theater.
Zuko: That one was me.
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akuworld777 · 7 hours
Sometimes I think about Zuko being the Firelord and I just giggle like yeah it is an angsty situation, yes it’s got great fanfic material but guys your just going to give a 17 year old a whole country. Like not even a normal trained from birth Prince you’ve got a guy that was officially the Crown Prince for like 3 years and then he was out at sea causing problems. His special skills include hunting the avatar, B&E, being buddies with mythical beasts, prison breaks and customer service and you gave him the ultimate power to do whatever he wants. Not to mention he’s got friends who are just as insane and feral and he’s got all the money. Toph and Sokka are going to talk him into the most insane purchases in seconds. Guys c’mon.
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akuworld777 · 7 hours
Birds Of A Feather Fight Ghost Together
Danny is now a bird. No, he did not transform willingly and yes it did have something to do with Vlad's new weapon because creepy old men who have acess to advanced tech will try anything on unsuspecting teenagers these days. It's not all that bad though, he can still fight pretty good as a weird pigeon (the ghost learned very fast that sharp talons to the face were not worth it) and the only downside was his attraction to shiny things, which has only distracted him a few times (no Jazz he was not hording the fancy and shiny forks, he was just holding onto them incase he needed them for a bigger dinner later).
Anyways he was flying through the GZ on his way to either find more shiny things or peck out another ghost's eyes, he doesn't mind which comes first, when a glint caught his beady bird eyes.
"Shiny thing first it is."
As Danny flew closer he realized two things. One, the shiny thing was infact a shiny sword. Two, the shiny sword was being wielded by a child in the middle of fighting a ghost.
He quickly flew down opening his beak and produced a small coo wail that immediately popped the creature. Danny needed to figure out how the boy ended up– Wait! HE HAS FRIES!
He'll figure out that later but now he needs those fries.
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akuworld777 · 7 hours
Just read the post about Tim wearing ghostly looking nightgowns and my first thought was: "Imagine Red Hood going into TT to kill his replacement only to find a fucking Ghost patrolling the corridors". And also this is "Haven slept in 48 hours Tim" so he's moving a bit more sluggish and erratically. Maybe he's humming something to try and stay awake.
Red Hood would immediately shit his pants and come back running to Gotham for some holy water. "Titan Tower is haunted" he'd say. His goons are really confused.
I'd also imagine Tim, as a sleepy stim, moves the gown around in peculiar patterns and runs the material between his fingers. So, he's silently stumbling around and humming as his gown flows in hypnotic motions. He probably looks like he's floating down the corridor.
When he sees Red Hood fleeing, he merely rubs his eyes and shrugs. It wouldn't be the first time his tired brain has conjured up weird shit.
That's until, a week later, Red Hood returns decked out in exorcism gear, and throws Holy water at a napping Tim.
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akuworld777 · 7 hours
Adding onto the ask I ended cuz my brain was melting and also classes
And taking inspiration from "Do Not, Under Any Circumstances, Wake Him Up" by Lulu_Rhythm
What if Jason learned all about Tim's disguise Jane Doe, what he did as Jane, the fact civilians knew and rogues knew Jane was Robin before the Bats, and the rumors flying asking where the Robin went, certain he died?
plus just why he was so precious to Gotham?
And fucking flipped?
Next thing Gotham knows, Red Hood is channelling his inner 'Batman post-Jason's death' by going ballistic on the new Batman (Dick) and cutting all ties with the Bats as a whole
His guilt definitely fuels it as well, he's reaching out to the younger Bats as much as possible to ask if they need help for anything like getting out of the Bat lifestyle of if they're unsafe
Something he wishes he could've done for Tim
He's channeling some of his guilt and rage into bettering his territory in other ways, sure, but there's still a lot of blood spilling going on
Unlike Batman though, Red Hood still (mostly) holds back against anybody who isn't complete and utter scum who has it coming
All of this goes on during BruceQuest alongside the other madness in Gotham
When Tim comes back and Gotham breathes a sigh of relief because their Robin is alive and well?
Jason's is going Full Overprotective Big Brother, much to Tim's annoyance
Doesn't help that the kid is down a spleen
If Gotham thought Red Hood's Wrath was bad before he had Red Robin safe and sound in his nest most secure safehouse in Crime Alley?
They've seen nothing compared to what's coming
What do Gotham's Rogues and civilians, people out of Gotham, The JL, YJ, Batfam individually and Tim most of all think of Jason's Rage-Guilt fueled redemption arc of sorts? Idk, my brains melting
Hell what does Tim think, going from, "I've lost everything but I got Batman back!" To being abducted by Red Hood and smothered with mother henning?
"This is Red Hood, who I'm pretty sure is a demon from actual hell trying to redeem himself, and this is his emotion support victim Red Robin, who gets mother hen'd and doted on to hell and back" —random Gothamite
Ooh? Jason becoming a full mother hen to Tim after this incident is hilarious and adorable. I also imagine, after everything that happened during the BruceQuest, Tim is a feral little bastard with extreme trust issues. He only trusts those that Jane trusts.
So, Red Hood is trying his hardest to domesticate Tim, feed him, and make sure he's protected/has support. While doing this, RH is also turning the streets bloody in an attempt to make them safer. Basically, pure chaos as their conflicting personalities mesh.
I'd also like a cute scene where Jason starts using all pronouns for Tim since they seem comfortable with that. Jason checks Tim's reactions to ensure that's okay while Tim is pleasantly surprised.
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akuworld777 · 7 hours
God, all the miscommunication is so tasty and angst. Hear me out. One of the other workers asking Tim why he dresses up as one of them while he's in costume and he has to face the fact they know Jane Doe and Red Robin are the same person. So he ends up explaining to the 3 or 4 that are there to confront him that he's been doing this job because he feels he has to. At the start, back when he was Robin, it was because he needed information from someone and Batman said that the only people the person was loose lipped with was people he slept with. So Tim did it and got the information. And it was such an easy way to get the information they needed and they did need information, so he just. Kept going. And over time, being there with the others on the street felt safer than he did with the other Bats.
Tim is visibly surprised with that last part, the others can tell he hadn't fully realized that was how he felt until he started venting. Then he just looks at his hands and says softly, "they... they were supposed to be my family. They call me Brother. Why is it safer for me out here than with them? Why am i..I... *happier* talking with you guys than I am with them?" And they can see the tears starting to flow down his face a a lot of harsh reality is suddenly being shoved in Tim's face.
Those there tell others what he said and opinion of him quickly changes from Anger to Pity then eventually back to the friendly relationship he had before they found out. Tim finds out some where mad because he had "other options" when they don't and goes to those ones saying, "I have connections. What if I can get you a job? I can keep your pimp off your back, I can help you move I promise I'll keep you safe. If you told me you didn't want to be out here, I would have helped you. I swear." He probably gets rejected by the first few but when one does cautiously take the offer, he makes good on his word, getting them a job at WE and helping them get a new apartment outside of Crime Alley. Tim knows this will put a target on his back, but he doesn't care. When has he ever valued his own safety above others?
I agree that it might take a bit for them to trust RR when he guarantees them a job outside of the sex industry (especially if they've been doing that for a long time).
For this, I like that Tim has genuinely built up relationships with all of them. Even through the semi-identity reveal, most go back to supporting each other.
Tim is a sacrificial idiot and we love him for it. I wonder how much Jane can help out their fellow coworkers before they start refusing her (out of pride, distrust, fear, feelings of being a burden, etc). Let Tim find a sense of community even through the trauma of how that emotional support came to be
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akuworld777 · 7 hours
The irreparable damage the Bruce quest did to Tim is such an under shown concept, like.... he'd always be investing everything, oh dick pat his left shoulder instead of his right like usual? There's clearly something wrong. Oh Damian hasn't cut his line or called him a rude name in a few days, time to get rid of all food/drink stock he owns and replace it. He's even wary of his own friends, like oh Bart is talking slower than he usually does? Time to stalk him and check his vitals every two seconds.
Yes yes yes.
Tim is a paranoid bastard who's needed to increase his tendency to be on the lookout. I feel like he's always had somewhat of a meddling need to ensure others were chill (hence why he learns about Batman's reaction to Jason's death and proceeds to stalk Dick to another state). His parents leaving constantly taught him that others won't always be around.
Robin taught Tim to be more alert. Jason attacking him took away his ability to trust highly secure places would keep him safe. His 16th birthday made him distrust everyone and all information provided to him. Damian attacking him in the Manor stole his ability to feel safe at home. Losing all of his friends and his parents taught him that there's no guarantee you'll see someone again. Dick taking Robin instilled in him that nothing is permanent or truly his. The hero community not supporting him nor giving him credit showed him that people he trusts can and will turn on him.
So, Tim is fucked before going on the BruceQuest. After? Where he compartmentalizes that he didn't kill tons of people by exploding those bases and that the knowledge of that getting out can crash down on him or be found out at any time?
Yeah. I don't think Tim will ever truly be able to trust anyone again. He has levels for sure, but he'll always have a contingency plan for betrayal. He knows loyalty is not guaranteed
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akuworld777 · 7 hours
Saw the ask about rogues and civilians thinking Red Robin died while he's off on BruceQuest AND discovering he spent years undercover as a sex worker and thus band together to makes entire sections of the city impossible for other Bats to enter
Fuck, how does this affect Red Hood? From Jason's own personal thoughts on Tim and (how much does he learn?) to his reputation
Yeah when Tim's hero reputation is irreparably FUCKED before he does things himself and goes off on BruceQuest, all hell is breaking loose and now a good chunk of Gotham's people and rogues are . . .
As far as they know right after the kid got Smear Campaigned he fucking DIED
Wtf would they even do after that?
Dick-as-Batman is gonna have it horrifically, how are civilians and rogues gonna treat Damian as Robin? Will they try and kidnap Dami to try and save him from Jane Doe's fate?
What does any major character think of this? Individually or collectively?
How does this affect their relationships with each other? Oh God, Alfred; what about him?
During BruceQuest do rogues and civilians alike try to reach out to the third Robin's associates to see if they need help themselves like Cassie
Joker???? What about him and if this is a timeline where Tim was earlier Joker Junior'd? What will he think when news comes out what will he do?
Does Harley decide, after Red Robin returns and it's revealed the kid is alive and well, to go "Joker is objectively 100% awful but he was up to something" and adopt Tim as her own kid of sorts, but without Joker sharing custody and doing it with her owm friends instead like Ivy?
My brains melting, go crazy go stupid
Alright!!! Let's try to answer the questions ^^
For Jason/Red Hood, it depends on how much RH is associated with the Bats. Before the BruceQuest, it might not be well-known that he's allies with the Bats (especially because he's shot at or tried to beat him up). Depending on how public his aggression towards Robin (now RR) was, this might endear him to the areas that are closed off. As far as emotionally, there Jason had to resort to crime and desperate measures just to eat. Dealer's choice on whether he had to resort to selling himself or not. Regardless, I bet Jason throws up repeatedly in horror and distraught after finding out that Tim has been doing that during his time as Robin (not sure when Tim would have started, but at least as young as 15). There's a bit you can explore there with angst and shit (especially since Jason attacked Tim at the age of 15).
I think that maybe Gothamites would believe that Robin has lost his marbles in grief. However, that makes perfect sense due to everything he's been through (as far as what's publicly known of him being a child therapist, Robin, and losing Batman). Despite them thinking it's possible he did lose himself, at least he wasn't putting people in the hospital like Batman did. I think they would be more upset that RR wasn't supported and how hypocritical everyone was.
It's a toss-up on how they would treat Damian. It probably varies between despising the child for taking over R3's place, wanting to protect him, and being indifferent to Batman throwing another child into the line of fire.
Alfred is debatable. How cruel it is to Alfred and how the old man reacts depends entirely on how he acted to Tim during his years of Robin, whether the 16th birthday incident happened, and whether he intervened when Damian said harsh comments to Tim. That would change Alfred's reaction to being either "fuck it's all my fault" or "what more could I have done so this didn't happen?"
Maybe a rogue or two tries to reach out to RR's non-Gothamite associates. I'm curious how Anarky reacts to all of this.
Adding JJ to this AU would be so fucking cruel to Tim, but I'm down for that. That would give him parent issues with 3 sets of parents, but Harley is just a complicated mess of emotions and shit. I think she would take on more of an aunt role to Tim due to the whole JJ incident. There could be some angst there with Tim calling her Aunt Harley
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akuworld777 · 8 hours
I love all these additions so much. Thank you both, this AU has been near and dear to my heart for a long while and I'm so happy to find others who genuinely enjoy it and add on their own ideas to it.
I especially love the idea of Tim going missing for a while and all of Gothem going to hell because they think that Batman finally snapped and killed not just Red Robin, but Robin The Third and Jane Doe. The villians used to be not so bad, doing schemes about at the level of the animated Batman show, but now? Now that they believe that Batman killed the Robin who saved them right after finding out that the poor bird had been a sex worker since he was Robin? Oh no. Fuck that. They are ratcheting it all the way up to Arkham Games level of difficulty.
Catwoman won't even look at Batman.
And not just for Batman! They hear the rumors of what Nightwing took from him and Two Face and Ivy *sneer* at Dick. They hear about Red Hood trying to kill him on more than one occasion, shooting him and beating him who knows how many times and Black Mask and Penguin are suddenly aggressively trying to take bites out of his territory. They hear that Robin has made attempts on his life multiple times and nearly succeeded at least twice and he might very well be the one who put the bird in the ground and not even Harley will pull her punches on him anymore.
But then. Then the Bats dig themselves *even deeper* when they admit and even beg people to believe them that *they didn't know*. They didn't know that Tim was a Sex Worker. And they don't know what happened to him. They swear they don't. And isn't that just a kick in the pants? This group of people who pride themselves on knowing everything, who call themselves Worlds Greatest Detectives, who can solve their crimes before they even commit them and they missed something so utterly massive about one of their own? Batman claims that he didn't know about Red Hood or Robin trying to kill Red Robin and just makes it even worse for himself.
Batman claims he didn't know Robin or Red Hood tried to kill (more than once) Red Robin????
I hope someone pummels him for that comment. Yikes, Bruce.
I do like the au of different rogues going intense in their crimes as retaliation. Only some of them would do it for RR while others would use the chaos as a chance to further their own agendas (idk how sneaky Black Mask is, but I figure he'd use the distractions to silently build his resources).
Your AU is cool and interesting to think about! Poor Alfred might get a heart attack, though.
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akuworld777 · 8 hours
Have you ever read a fic called A Medication On Railroading? Because I think you'll like it. Basic summery with no spoilers: Jack takes Tim on a trip to Atlanta and then leaves him in Atlanta so he goes train hopping to get home. Very hurt/comfort.
But it also gives me an idea that I'm not sure where to share. What if that wasn't Tim's first time getting home like that? Maybe the first time was just New York when he was say... 9 years old? His parents took him with them to a Gala and Jack thought Janet called him a car home and Janet thought Jack took care of it. Neither one did and Tiny Tim figured out how to get home on his own. It happens again when he's 11 so he already knows what to do, he studied up in case it happened again.
After the second time, anytime Tim is with his parents he keeps his camera bag on him at all times which has 300 dollars in it that he can use on getting home. Tim also discovers during the second one that trains are *way* better than busses and cabs. He's all alone, just him and the scenery and whatever cargo his car holds. He can Fully Relax. He doesn't have to be the perfect heir, he doesn't have to smile for the cameras, he doesn't have to be quiet or good or perfectly polite. He can scream and laugh and cry if he wants to and no one will ever know! He can sing and curse and throw rocks at things! He can be a *kid*.
After Tim becomes Robin, he never calls Batman for a pick up if he's abandoned somewhere and instead will make his own way home. Heck, after some missions with Young Justice he will turn off his trackers and ride trains home so that he can loudly vent about them without having to worry about anyone ever knowing what he said!
This does become a slight problem when he's 17 and Bruce needs him for something and finds out from Bart that their mission ended a day and a half ago. But Tim never called for pick up. And his trackers are all offline. And he never hit his emergency beacon and *no one can find him*. Bruce totally isn't freaking out. The other Bats totally aren't freaking out. Young Justice totally isn't freaking out. There totally isn't a panic spreading through the super hero community about Red Robin maybe being dead I a ditch somewhere and how both Batman and his team will react.
Tim meanwhile is straight vibing as he reclines on a stack of bags of rice like they're pillows, singing along to some sound track he downloaded onto his MP3 player, having turned the volume to max and nearly screaming the lyrics because it's the one time he feels like he can.
Yes! I love that fic you mentioned. It's really really good. Perhaps I should re read it since it's been a minute.
Also, I absolutely adore the little tidbit you've added. A few things to note that I love about it:
No one else knows/finds out until he's Red Robin
It's a semi-decent coping mechanism. He gets to chill out, vibe, and process. He's also in touch with nature and music during this.
Tim drops his various masks to simply exist for a bit
Tim chilling on some rice bags in a train cart with an MP3 player (not even his phone. This indicates he's fully offline during these trips)
A few additional notes to add. One, this could buff up the canon notion that pre-Robin Tim traveled far to go see Dick at the circus and convince him to become Robin again. If Tim had already done that twice unexpectedly, he'd do swell when he actually plans to do it.
Two, Tim probably created a white noise generator or something to give him totally privacy on his "me trips." This is why Kon and Superman freak out. They can't hear him.
Three, he probably gets covered in grime, dust, and dirt. He's no longer in the pristine environment he grew up in.
Gods. That sounds so nice and relaxing. I'm actually kind of jealous. Just the wind, music, and the slowly changing scenery? Fuuuck.
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