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setup and punchline
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I wish lesbians were as easy to find in real life as they are on tumblr
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New Years is a time to reflect on all the dogs and cats we’ve seen this year, and to look forward to all the dogs and cats we’ll see in the year to come
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I want to personally bring Tesla back like Orpheus, purely fueled by vengeance
nikola tesla was like “you will live to see man made horrors beyond your comprehension” yeah dude and they’ll prolly be branded with your last name. how does that make you feel
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THIS 🔪 is my protecting Elliot Page knife
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I dont know who to ask and the internet is not giving me much but, is incense dangerous to animals? I really like burning incense for spells, cleansing and generally bringing a nice smell to my house, but i also want to get pet rats and i dont know how those two will work together. Is there anything i can substitute for incense in spells etc or what should i do in general?
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Hi! It is ok to burn incense with pets as long as they are in a separate room away from the smoke. Cats are risky because they don’t have the enzyme we have to break down essential oil particles but things like lavender are safer. Since rats are usually in cages most of the time, as long as you keep them in the cage in a separate room, and after, let the room air out through the windows for an hour... It should be safe.
Incense is safe as long as you keep it in a different room than your animals because certain animals can be more sensitive than others. 
Rats have a very sensitive sense of smell that even little things can disrupt their respiratory system. So make sure you don't burn it for too long and be very careful about what you burn. And to make sure you burn it far away from the rat.
It is your choice if you want to eliminate all risks or limit them. I have 2 cats, and as long as I have followed these safety precautions (5 years), they have never gotten sick or lethargic. 
I’ve actually seen some fear-mongering posts that say if you burn anything in the house it will automatically kill your animals. While this is good information to keep people from posing a risk to their pets, if you take proper precautions, it should be ok if your animal does not suffer from (Breathing problems, bad liver, or a heart condition. When in reality, if your pet is suffering from essential oil/incense poisoning, it will not kill them in a single day, but poses a risk if you ignore the symptoms. You will see the symptoms as follows:
Dizziness (You can tell by your animal's eyes rolling back and forth)
Shaking and tremoring
excessive drooling
Collapse or seizures
Lethargy, depression, or dullness
If you see any of these symptoms, contact a vet immediately.
Safety precautions:
- Keep your pets away from smoke/diffuser and in a different room
- Make sure to clean the area if something spilled
- Keep what you're burning high up
- Work in a highly ventilated area
- Keep it away from fabrics and carpets.
Remember that these incense/herbs/oils are toxic to rats:
- Peppermint + Eucalyptus (Will kill them instantly don’t do it)
- Jasmine
- Lavender 
- Black pepper
- Rosemary
- Oregano
- Sage 
Part 2: If all else fails
Take a pot of water, boil some vanilla extract, orange peel, and star anise, and it will make your house smell wonderful. You can substitute incense for beeswax candles anointed with special oils and herbs that are nontoxic to rats!
Medical Sources:
I hope this helps!
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can we all agree that being overdressed is a myth made up by boring stuffy people who are too worried about other people’s lives and don’t want you to have fun
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I really hope you see this message Lady Diana! I know how many asks you get. My super favorite thing that you do in your pick a card tarot readings on Youtube is when you mention quotes from movies and books to explain what a card means! I've found that that method is what sticks with me the most - both as a querient and as a tarot reader myself. It really makes me remember the cards' messages! Is it ok if I kindly ask for a quote for all the major arcanas? Thank you!
TAROT MEANINGS: The Major Arcana in Quotes
“Just do it.”
— Nike
“It's magic. I ain't gotta explain shit.”
— Meme from 2008
“Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.”
— Aristotle
“Easy, breezy, beautiful.”
— CoverGirl
“Any man who must say, ‘I am the King’ is no true king.”
— Tywin Lannister
“The essence of great leadership is influence, not authority.”
— Ken Blanchard
“Old love does not rust.”
— Estonian proverb
“Work hard in silence. Let your success be your noise.”
— Frank Ocean
“Fortune favors the brave.”
— Babe: Pig in the City
“Depend only on yourself. Even your own shadow leaves you in the darkness.”
— Ibn Taymiyyah, paraphrased
“Whatever will be, will be.”
— Doris Day
“You get what you fucking deserve!"
— The Joker
“Sometimes, the best thing you can do is nothing.”
— Catelyn Stark
“We each die countless little deaths on our way to the last.”
— Clive Barker
“Too much of something is bad enough. Too much of nothing is just as tough.”
— Spice Girls
“Would I rather be feared or loved? Both. I want people to be afraid of how much they love me.”
— Michael Scott
“It takes an earthquake to remind us that we walk on the crust of an unfinished planet.”
— Charles Kuralt
“What you seek is seeking you.”
— Rumi
“Invisible tears are the hardest to wipe away.”
— Unknown
“If you want to be happy, be.”
— Leo Tolstoy
“Don’t wait for the Last Judgment. It happens every day.”
— Albert Camus
“Started from the bottom, now we're here.”
— Drake
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I can believe this post everytime I see it, it’s too much omg
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Today, November 20, is the Trans Day of Remembrance, a day to memorialize those who have been murdered as a result of transphobia.
We honor those who found the courage to be true to themselves in the face of transphobia.
Although I am not trans myself, day in and day out, your stories have given me the courage to live life to the fullest and not let adversity and homophobia be my downfall.
Those whose lives were taken shall never be forgotten for they are still among us. They are the very foundation of our community. We are not just a collection of random queer individuals. We have come together with a purpose. There is still a long way to go. We must look up to our trans siblings who were true to themselves despite being condemned, hated on, and taken away from us, and draw courage from them.
Violence and transphobia will never win. Community, truth, and acceptance shall prevail.
In your footsteps of truth and courage I shall follow. Now and always.
Thank you.
Rest in peace.
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What animal looks like it would screm the loudest
the bare-throated bellbird is so loud that it can cause permanent damage to human hearing at close range!
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and they absolutely look like it.
111K notes · View notes
probably i just said it but i want to say it again:
- don’t apologise if you don’t know english.
- yes, english is the most common language on the internet but you are not forced to know it perfectly.
- your own language is beautiful.
- non-english people make a huge effort to write in English everyday on this website.
- support non-english people and don’t make them feel bad if they do not know English. 
- actually support all the languages.
- spread more language diversity on Tumblr.
thank you. 
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Demisexual 101
What is Demisexuality
A demisexual is a person who does not experience sexual attraction unless they form an emotional connection. It’s more commonly seen in, but by no means confined, to romantic relationships.
The term demisexual comes from the orientation being “halfway between” sexual and asexual. Nevertheless, this term does not mean that demisexuals have an incomplete or half-sexuality, nor does it mean that sexual attraction without emotional connection is required for a complete sexuality.
When describing demisexuality as an orientation to sexuals, sexuals often mistake it as an admirable choice rather than an innate orientation. Demisexuals are not choosing to abstain; they simply lack sexual attraction until a close, emotional, relationship is formed.
According to one model, a person who identifies as a demisexual does not experience primary sexual attraction but does experience secondary sexual attraction. In this model, primary sexual attraction is based on outward qualities such as a person’s looks, clothes, or personality while secondary sexual attraction is attraction stemming from a connection, usually romantic, or from status or how closely the person is in relationship to the other.
Though factors such as looks and personality do not affect primary sexual attraction for demisexuals (since demisexuals do not experience primary sexual attraction), such factors may affect romantic attraction, as with any other orientation.
“Demisexual” is sometimes out under the gray-A umbrella. Demisexuality differs from gray-asexuality in that demisexuality is a specific sexual orientation in between “sexual” and “asexual”, whereas “gray-A” is a highly unspecific catch-all used for anything between sexual and asexual that does not fit.
Demisexuality may make forming romantic or sexual relationships more difficult for some people. Demisexuals often make first impressions with sexuals of being “just friends”, which may make sexuals value the relationship less. Or more depending on the person.
What Demisexuality is not
•Demisexuals are prudish or choosy.
One common misconception about demisexuals is that they are simply more choosy or “prudish” than other people who identify with mainstream sexualities. This isn’t the case; it’s that a demisexual does not feel any desire until an emotional connection is present.
•Demisexuals are scared of their sexuality.
Another common misconception is that a demisexual is scared of sex or is hiding their sexuality. Again, a demisexual simply sees sex in a different way than other “mainstream” sexualities, and because of that, may not place a high importance on sexuality unless they feel emotionally connected.
•Demisexuals don’t like sex.
Demisexuals do like sex, but only when they are attracted to their partner.
•Demisexuals are boring in the bedroom.
Just like anyone with a mainstream sexuality, some demisexuals are “vanilla,” while others are interested in experimenting. Demisexuals are all unique, and some may be more sexually adventurous than others.
•Demisexuals have a low sex drive.
While demisexuals may not have a high sex drive throughout their lives when they’re not in a relationship, they may not desire sex that may not be the case when a demisexual is in a relationship. A demisexual may have a high sex drive with a certain partner, or they may not. Again, it’s all dependent on the individual.
•Demisexuals are just straight people trying to be apart of the LGBT community
People who say this are forgetting that there are demisexuals that experience same sex attraction. There are homoromantic and panromantic demisexuals along with the heteroromantic. Not to mention transgender demisexuals, agender demisexuals, and nonbinary demisexuals. Even if a person who is demisexual identifies as heteroromatic, they are still under the ace spectrum.
•All Demisexual people are attracted to everyone who becomes close to them.
This is kind of ridiculous. While some demis might become attracted to a close friend, that doesn’t mean that they’re attracted to everyone. Just because they’re close with their cousin doesn’t mean they are planning a wedding with them.
• Demisexuality is just a preference.
Here’s the thing: it would be a preference if someone would rather not sex or a relationship until they and their partner have established a close relationship. (aka abstaining)
With demisexuality, an actual attraction isn’t present until they have a strong romantic and emotional bond in the relationship. They are not abstaining, but they do initially have a lack of any attraction.
•Demisexuals are just self proclaimed slut- shamers
Demisexuals have a variety of feelings about sex and other sexual activities. Some may be only comfortable having sex once they are close to someone, while others might enjoy casual sex for the feeling, not for the other person. Some are even sex repulsed. All feelings about sex are valid in a demisexual identity: the only thing that defines demisexuals is that they only feel sexual attraction after forming an emotional bond. Just because a majority of demisexuals don’t partake in casual sex themselves doesn’t mean they hate people who do.
Does Demisexuality have a pride flag?
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Yes, we do have one. And the image above is the flag.
The colours in the flag represent different aspects of the community.
•black: a symbol for asexuality
•purple: for community
•gray: represents “Gray-Ace”
•white: sexuality
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