amaya-chwan · 1 year
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Enjoy this late night photo of our dork to celebrate his big day! 😍😭
P.S. Sorry for being radio silent, guys 🥹 Just a lot of personal, real life stuff happening, and I honestly do not have the time or capacity to work on takeaways at the moment. I would truly love to come back and work on some takeaways for you all, but probably not in the near future (try maybe July onwards?). Please be patient with me! Working through some stuff!
Oh, and I'm flying out to Japan next week, so I'll be off exploring all the sites, eating all the food, and having long overdue catch ups with old colleagues and friends around the country!
Have a wonderful day everyone! 💜
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amaya-chwan · 1 year
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Enjoy this late night photo of our dork to celebrate his big day! 😍😭
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amaya-chwan · 1 year
Pardon the interruption to our regular posts, but...
Happy Birthday to this cutie, Mafuyu!!! 🎉🥰
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The given manga is set to end next month, but fingers crossed there'll be a sequel! 💜
If you haven't read/watched this glorious series yet, I highly recommend! 😍 Ngl, I have a very soft spot for this series for very personal reasons, so I shall be celebrating these cuties' birthdays properly this year!
Okay, regular scheduling to resume momentarily, thank you! 🤣
- Amaya-chwan
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amaya-chwan · 1 year
Hi lovelies, it's been a while
Hello lovelies!! 💜❤️💛
Hope you've all been well! Happy New year to you all!
Thank you for all your kind words and messages, and I'm truly sorry that I haven't responded to you all yet. Life got way too busy in the last 6 months last year and some things happened, so I switched off from socials for a while.
I am planning to make a longer post on this next week or so (with our long awaited takeaways), but for now, let us rejoice in the announcement of our beloved dorks becoming Nendoroid figures! 🥰😍
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Very very excited, as it has brought me back from my slumber hahah!
And in other good news, Therapy Game Restart volume 3 has been announced and is scheduled for release on 1st April! To find which stores have which freebies, please see this Twitter post!
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Thank you again for all your patience with me, I'm excited to start fangirling about our beautiful dorks again with you soon!
Until then, stay happy, healthy and safe! 💜- Amaya-chwan
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amaya-chwan · 2 years
Hello lovelies!! 💜❤️💛
My sincerest apologies for the super delay on the takeaways for this glorious chapter!! Real life has just been really busy the past few months. 😭😭 But have no fear, after this coming weekend, I will actually have some time to read and write our takeaways! 💜
Thank you for your patience though! Please bear with me a little while longer--I will definitely release the takeaways for chapter 21 before chapter 22 is released next week, 14th October.
See you all very soon for our takeaways! 💜
-- Amaya-chwan
Hi lovely humans! 💜❤️💛
Gosh it's been a while! Hope you've all been well! 🥰
It's been a long time since we've seen our dorks, but ohohoho, the newest chapter is here!! 🎉
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(Red nails with a silver butterfly... iykyk 😉✨)
Hoping to get the takeaways written for you all sometime later this week--just a little busy with work and personal life, but will definitely read it this week. I was just browsing through the pages and saw a familiar face!!! I won't say who though, my lips are sealed! 🤐
Also to the lovely humans who've sent in asks, I'M SO SORRY I haven't gotten back to you yet. I will slowly work my way through, promise!!
As always, thank you for all your support and patience with me! 🥰❤️💛
See you all very soon for our takeaways! Got a good feeling about it! 💜
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amaya-chwan · 2 years
Hi lovely humans! 💜❤️💛
Gosh it's been a while! Hope you've all been well! 🥰
It's been a long time since we've seen our dorks, but ohohoho, the newest chapter is here!! 🎉
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(Red nails with a silver butterfly... iykyk 😉✨)
Hoping to get the takeaways written for you all sometime later this week--just a little busy with work and personal life, but will definitely read it this week. I was just browsing through the pages and saw a familiar face!!! I won't say who though, my lips are sealed! 🤐
Also to the lovely humans who've sent in asks, I'M SO SORRY I haven't gotten back to you yet. I will slowly work my way through, promise!!
As always, thank you for all your support and patience with me! 🥰❤️💛
See you all very soon for our takeaways! Got a good feeling about it! 💜
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amaya-chwan · 2 years
Takeaways from Therapy Game Restart Chapter 20
Hello lovelies! 💜❤️💛
Thank you for your patience! Life is stabilising just a little more as I'm getting used to my new job! Hope you've all been well!! Can you believe next week is June? What in the what?? Time is FLYING!!!
Anywho, this new TGR chapter has me SMILING! 🥰
Dear+ teased us yet again on Twitter with this preview picture for this chapter:
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Let's get right to it! In this chapter:
It seems our dorks' apartment hunting adventure is back at square one. 😔
That old man... grrr hdu say that! Just when I thought you were nice! 😤😤
But you go Shizuma! Glad you told him that you and Minato are together! 🙌🙌
Aww bb Minato! Please stop blaming other people's actions on yourself. Be happy, and be unafraid when loving who you love! 🥺🥺🥺
Bless you, Shizuma! Fight for your love! You and Minato deserve the world! 🤗🥰
Ohhh, public displays of affection, eheh! LOVE IT! Don't be shy, Minato!!! 🤭😍🥰😘
OMFG THAT FAMILY! AND THOSE KIDS! Bless that family, and LMFAO at those kids! HAHAH 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Ahhh now we see you and your true feelings, Minato! Don't be shy about it!!! Hehe, Shizuma sure likes it! 🤭🤭
Awww bless that real estate lady! 😭
That ending is so random? Ahah 😂🤔😂
And that’s it for this chapter’s takeaways! Trying not to give too much away as it wouldn't do the chapter justice! But it's a little bit of a roller coaster, isn't it, aha!
As always, for a more detailed breakdown/summary of this chapter, please continue after the cut! There may or may not be a surprise (or way more) there. Please keep reading if you want to see~😉✨
Our chapter opens with a front page shot featuring Minato sitting on your run-of-the-mill playground rocking horse. The text reads: It would be nice if we only had happy and fun times.
We then find our dorks in the park.
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As Shizuma sits down next to him, Minato says that the last apartment they inspected wasn't so bad, with a blank, dejected look on his face. Shizuma looks over with a similar expression and agrees.
We find ourselves in a flashback, back to the end of the previous chapter. Just as Saito is asking them about their relationship, the real estate agent angrily says that they are friends, of course! Saito laughs as he recounts that the youth of today are so close that they practically cling to each other. He then comments that if they are standing that close to each other, people would mistake them for "those" people, which irks Minato. Shizuma looks blankly on at Saito.
Before Saito can even start talking about his younger days, Shizuma interrupts him and says, "We aren't friends. We're in a serious relationship." The real estate agent, slightly blushing, lets out a surprised "Whaat" and Minato calls Shizuma's name, panicking.
Shizuma continues, saying "My apologies. I didn't know how to tell you so I've kept quiet, but the reason why I'm apartment hunting right now is because I've been thinking about moving in together with him."
Saito is stunned, the real estate agent (still slightly blushing) covers her mouth shyly, and Minato stands next to Shizuma awkwardly. He then pinches his nose, in deep thought, thinking Shizuma is a little bit of an idiot right now. Just as he thinks this, Saito apologises to them for what he's said. He reassures them that he doesn't mind that they're together, but...
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We're back at the present, with our beloved dorks in the park. Shizuma tells Minato that he should've listened to him, been more vigilant, and should've continued with the 'we're just friends' story. Minato, still looking down, tells Shizuma that this kind of situation was bound to happen, even though it's infuriating. He also says that since Shizuma was looking forward to apartment hunting, he didn't have the heart to tell him about this and didn't want to dampen the mood.
Shizuma recalls Minato saying this before they started looking for apartments, that it wouldn't be so easy for them, and that their relationship is different to the others as they are two men. Minato then reminds Shizuma that Saito isn't the only one like this. They're in this apartment hunting game for the long haul, so Minato has been ready for this from the very beginning.
Looking defeated, Shizuma apologises to Minato, saying that he was naive, that he thought he understood how the public would perceive them as he was able to handle those girls who stared at them (in Play more+). He comments that he's only caused Minato to worry.
Minato then slaps him on the back, surprising Shizuma. Minato casually (and not too seriously) says, "That's right! You were too carefree about this all! // There are so many cruel, thoughtless people in society, too!"
Minato watches Shizuma on the side, who is still feeling the pain from that back slap. A sad smile forms on his face as he tells Shizuma that if anyone has to apologise, it's him. He's the one who stayed with Shizuma, who is 'straight', and dragged him into all of this.
Minato's monologue goes:
If Shizuma-kun hadn't been taken [caught] by me, he would've had a new girlfriend by now, and he probably would have so many apartments to choose from. I didn't want something like that being said to him [referring to when Saito only wanted to rent out the apartment to 'normal' people].
With eyes glazed over, Minato confides in Shizuma, telling him, "I couldn't care less about what people think of me... // ...but if people were to talk about you, Shizuma-kun, I wouldn't be able to handle it... // ...I'd hate it so much that I would die."
Shizuma looks up to Minato, who continues his mini heart-to-heart confession. Annoyed by the whole situation, Minato says if he could go back to before the inspections, he would tell his past self over and over again that the landlord is a sharp man, so be on your guard!
What seems to be a little burden off his shoulders, Minato relaxes, sitting with this arms stretched out behind him, and then goes into more hypotheticals: if he could go back to the night they first met, he would lecture his past self, saying, "If you go out with this 'straight' man, you'll start to think like this. Are you really okay with that?"
Shizuma quickly grabs Minato's hand and brings it up to their faces. He tells Minato with great conviction, "If you do that, then I'll go back in time with you and tell myself to never, ever let you go. // No matter how far back in the past you go to try and stop us, I would follow after you anywhere and everywhere to get in your way."
Minato is taken aback and then suddenly remembers that they are in a park when a woman runs right in front of them, chasing after her child. And that Shizuma has said all of this out loud. Awkwardly trying to change the subject and avoid public gazes, he tells Shizuma to hold on a moment and to let go of his hand. But Shizuma only goes on to hold Minato's face and...
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Shizuma brings their clasped hands to his cheeks, saying he'd gain the upperhand on Minato with all these sweet whisperings and words of love. Slightly embarrassed and flushed, Minato snatches his hand away from Shizuma, telling him not to be so smug. Shizuma then asks Minato if he looked that hurt by what Saito said. Minato thinks for a second, saying "Eh? No... That was... well..."
Just as they're pondering this, a little boy with his family behind him points at our beloved dorks, yelling, "You just kissed him! // You just kissed his hand! // Why? // You're both guys!!"
The boy's mother tells him to stop and not point at others. Minato asks Shizuma what he's going to do now that people have seen his smug actions in public. Just as the young boy says it's weird and the mother telling him to stop that, Shizuma realises he is hurt by these words, wondering if he and Minato really are weird.
His older sister looks over blankly at Shizuma and Minato, then tells her younger brother that they are together, just like their mum and dad, so that's why they kissed. But the boy isn't satisfied with that answer.
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Shizuma smiles and laughs, as Minato shyly covers his mouth as he smiles on at this family. We change scenes and find our dorks in the car, driving home. Minato looks annoyed, telling Shizuma that they can never go to that park again. Shizuma asks why, since there was a nice father there. Minato, still very irritable, says that's not why--it was what happened after that he's annoyed about...
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Minato confesses to Shizuma, saying "At the amusement park, in the taxi, and at the cafe, when you touch me in public where people can see us, I... really like that. // I love that you don't try to hide that we're together... is what I think..."
And he continues:
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Crying happy tears as he drives, Shizuma tells Minato that if he really likes that, he'll happily continue being so open and honest about them being together in public. Minato is looking out the window just as a Shizuma gets a notification on his phone. Shizuma asks Minato to check it in case it's the clinic.
And here is the final page:
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And that’s it for this chapter! THANK YOU FOR READING THIS FAR! 💜 A little sad about their apartment hunting (grrr Saito!), but our dorks are too adorable this chapter! All this romantic talk, going back in time, and Minato slowly getting used to public displays of affections... it's so heartwarming for me, eek! Excuse me while I do my happy dance for our dorks! 🥰
What did you guys think of this chapter? Let me know your thoughts!! And thank you again for reading!
EDIT 2022-05-31: Oh wow, it's been a week! Thank you for being so patient with me! Edits are now complete!
📢 As always, please support Hinohara-sensei by purchasing her books, CDs, and merch! 📢
And please also refrain from resharing these translations and images outside of my posts!Thank you for understanding! ❤️💛
There won't be a new chapter in next month's Dear+, so I shall see you all again in about 2 months (hopefully)! 🥰
As always, please stay safe during these especially turbulent times and look out for each other and for your loved ones! 💜❤️💛
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amaya-chwan · 2 years
Hiiii I just discovered your account!! I don’t know if you are ever active but thanks so much for translating so much!! You’ve done us a great service!
Hiii lovely human! 👋👋
Awww you're most welcome! I'm glad the TGR community is so supportive and sweet and we all share in the love for our dorks (and their brothers!) ❤️💛💜
Thank you for your lovely comment!! I'm not super active on Tumblr anymore, but I do come back here to share all the goodies (when I have a spare moment)! 🥰
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amaya-chwan · 2 years
Hi lovely humans! 💜❤️💛
Not sure what's happening this year, but time is flying by so quickly! I hope you enjoyed those photos Sensei treated us to on Twitter the past few weeks, hehe!
Forgot to snap a photo when it arrived, but IT'S HERE! The new Dear+ Magazine is here!
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(I also did get the rest of my exhibition merch in the past month, and have just gotten around to unboxing it and putting them on my shelves! ahah Our dorks in their tiny-kun outfits are too adorable, eeeek!)
I had to take a sneak peek during my lunch break, and without giving too much away, the chapter is a little 😖😤 at the start, but majority of it is just 😍🥰😘 and then the last page is 🤨!!!!
Hoping to read the chapter and post our takeaways sometime in the next few days. But as always, thank you for all your support and patience with me! 🥰❤️💛
See you all very soon for our takeaways! It's going to be a good one, promise! 💜
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amaya-chwan · 2 years
Thank you very much, I was able to find it and I was able to read it, where do you see the raw? I follow pages in Japanese and they are also on until 11 and apparently they are on 19 and could you give me the page where you see it I would really appreciate it 💜💜💜, and I had my suspicions about onodera (many the truth) now I'm more afraid and it anguishes me, Minato fights with his mind every time ☹️☹️☹️, thanks for your summaries, I love them 😍😍😍
Yay, I'm glad you found it! 💜
I purchase Dear+ every time there's a new Therapy Game Restart chapter, so I only have physical copies to read. BUT! You can buy chapters online on eBook Renta or the Animate Japan Online bookstore!
Here's hoping we get a backstory for Onodera! I'm not too worried about them anymore since they don't seem to be interested in Shizuma. But I totally get what you mean! Be strong, Minato!
And you're most welcome! Thank you for reading them and leaving such a kind comment! 😘💜
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amaya-chwan · 2 years
Hinohara-sensei's Twitter Post 2022-05-14
Hello again lovelies! 💜❤️💛
We have been blessed yet again with another Twitter Post from Sensei!
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The text reads:
Mama (?): The preparations are done~ Please wake up Micchan~
Shizuma: Minato, [Mama said] the photoshoot is going to begin.
Minato: *mumbling/grumbling sound*
GAAAAH, I love their outfits! 🥰😍😘💜 These are the outfits we shall see our dorks wear on the front cover of this month's Dear+!!
Anywho, I hope you enjoyed! As always, please visit Sensei's Twitter and post a comment if you can! And thank you for reading!
See you all soon for our takeaways! Until then, please take care of yourselves! 💜
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amaya-chwan · 2 years
Where do you read the english translation of Therapy game restart chapter 12?
Hi there, cococutie! 👋
I'm not too sure where you'd be able to read the English translation of chapter 12. I don't think SuBLime has released volume 2 just yet, so you might have to wait a little while longer! 😭
Sorry that wasn't very helpful! But fingers crossed the official English translation will be released soon! 🤞💜
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amaya-chwan · 2 years
hello, I was looking for the summary of chapter 17 since I was very excited reading everything and I can't find it 😭😭 are you still having problems? I couldn't find it on your page, I'm dying to know what happened between them and the truth was a gift finding you in my country is translated up to chapter 11 and knowing more about them has been wonderful for you 💜💜, thanks for your hard work
Hi there, Gitana! 👋
Ahh, because of the 💦💦 nature of the chapter and the takeaways, I had to write them elsewhere! If you go back to my post for chapter 17, after the "keep reading" section, there's a "please click HERE" sentence. Please click that hyperlink (it's underlined) and it will redirect you to the takeaways for chapter 17! Hope that helps, and hope you enjoy! 😃
And thank you for leaving such a lovely comment, lovely human! 💜
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amaya-chwan · 2 years
Hinohara-sensei's Twitter Post 2022-05-10
Hello again lovelies! 💜❤️💛
The new Dear+ is upon us just yet, but Sensei just dropped this image on Twitter:
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The text reads:
Panel (1) [Minato just felt like] joining the photo Panel (2) Shouhei: Why do you always, always, have to get in the way [and photobomb]!! And you made a weird face too!!!
Ahh, bless Minato and his younger sibling ways, ahah! Legit, coming from a younger sibling, I totally do that too! 🤣🤣🤣
Anywho, I hope you enjoyed this cute illustration! I burst out laughing when I saw it! If you have Twitter, please leave a comment for Sensei! 💜
That said, I shall see you all again for our next set of takeaways very soon! Take care of yourself and your loved ones! 🥰💜
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amaya-chwan · 2 years
Takeaways from Therapy Game Restart Chapter 19
Hello lovelies! 💜❤️💛
Hope you've all been well!
Thank you for your patience! IT'S FINALLY HERE--the day where Shizuma and Minato finally go apartment hunting! Countdown to their big moving in day begins now! 🤭
Dear+ teased us with this post on Twitter:
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Oh Minato~ 🤭
This is a fairly short chapter, but not as short as the special chapter from last month!
But first of all, to our takeaways! In this chapter:
I like their style for apartments--very modern, very chic. 🙌
Oh Minato, you don't have to worry about people knowing you and Shizuma are dating, I promise!! 😭
BUT OMFG your imagination in that room, ahahah! 🤣🔥🔥
Did I mention that Shizuma's looking pretty 😍🔥
Oh, here's the landlord, randomly popping in! 🤣
I think the real estate agent and the landlord know, you guys... totally not obvious at all... 👀🤣
And that’s it for this chapter’s takeaways! Very exciting times ahead for our beloved dorks!
As always, for a more detailed breakdown/summary of this chapter, please continue after the cut! There may or may not be a surprise (or a few more) there. Please keep reading if you want to see~😉✨
Our chapter begins with Shizuma and Minato in the middle of inspecting a prospective apartment with the real estate agent. The opening line is said by Minato: Surely there are an infinite number of lies I've told so that it makes it easier for us to live together.
The first apartment is a 2LDK (2 bedrooms, living, dining and kitchen) that has been newly renovated and has a great deal of natural light coming into the place. The agent tells them that due to the apartment being situated in a quieter area, there are hardly any shortcomings to this apartment nor the facilities nearby--the carpark (for the aparment complex) is also quite spacious!
As the agent tells them to take their time looking, we see Shizuma and Minato thinking about this apartment--Shizuma compares this to another apartment and comments that this place is spacious as well, while Minato is slightly conflicted about which apartment to select.
The double page colour spread's monologue says: A bright living room, a spacious veranda, and a bathtub long enough for me to stretch my legs. Those are all nice, but above all else, the most important thing is finding a place we can live in, together.
We find Shizuma and Minato at the second apartment, inspecting the wardrobe, and they agree that it is large enough to fit both of their clothes. Minato asks Shizuma if the fact that they're finally apartment hunting has hit him, and he says it surely has. As they are standing really close to each other, the agent comments that they really must be close friends. While smiling at the real estate agent, Minato pats Shizuma on the shoulder and tells her that they've been close friends since high school.
While Minato apologises for intruding on this apartment tour and recounts how Shizuma has enlisted his help to find his first apartment to live in with his "girlfriend" (and the agent being so gullible and believing him), Shizuma is visibly irritated that lying seems to be second nature to Minato.
We are then shown a flashback, just prior to the start of the apartment tours. Sitting in a waiting area at the real estate agency, Minato tells Shizuma that today, they are best friends, and they must not tell the agent that they are a couple. Shizuma asks why, but Minato answers his question with another question: why does Shizuma find it important to be stupidly straightforward and educate everyone about their being a couple.
Shizuma warns Minato that the truth will eventually come out, and they should be upfront and honest if people ask them. He also says the real estate agency doesn't seem like they'd discriminate* since they are just doing their job. Minato does agree with this point, but is doubtful that they would be so understanding. Shizuma looks on worriedly at Minato but is suddenly called on by an agent to begin their proceedings. As they stand up to go to the other room, Minato pleads with Shizuma to keep their relationship hidden today as he isn't comfortable telling them.
*Discriminate here is a loose translation. Literally, Shizuma said "It doesn't seem like she'd do something bad with that information" or something like that.
Back to the present, we find our beloved dorks at their third apartment. The agent is showing Minato the rangehood in the kitchen while Shizuma, with a pained look on his face, thinks that he and Minato need to talk about this "don't tell people about us" situation they constantly find themselves in--Minato hardly gave him any chance to refute.
The agent asks Shizuma if any of the three apartments they visited caught his eye. Shizuma, with a bitterness in his voice, asks his close friend for his opinion, and of course, Minato feels the sting in his words.
Minato starts by saying the first apartment had high ceilings and the skylight was an interesting feature. As for the second apartment, he liked that there were 2 walk-in closets and an ample amount of storage. For the third and current apartment, he admits that while the building is old, he likes it--the layout of the place makes it spacious and the neighbouring areas are quiet. Adding to that list, he also likes the Japanese style room, giving him lots to fantasize about.
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Minato ends his commentary by saying that Shizuma is the one signing the contract, so he'll be taking a closer look and will decide. He asks the agent if they are okay with time, and as she happily tells them all is well, an elderly man by the name of Saito makes a surprise visit simply by opening the door and asking if the inspection is going well. The agent says "Ugh" and Minato and Shizuma pick up on that. But unlike them, this elderly man is still happy-go-lucky as she frantically tells him that there are no issues and her clients are still looking around. He says he just couldn't sit still when he heard that there would be visitors today.
Saito asks who is inspecting today, and Shizuma introduces himself. Saito comments that it's good to have young people introduce themselves so directly and laughs. Shizuma follows with an awkward chuckle and thanks him. Standing on the side is Minato who asks the agent who the elderly man is, and the agent tells him that Saito is the landlord.
Back to Saito and Shizuma who continue talking. Saito tells Shizuma that even though he was told that the potential tenants were good, he lives next door so he just felt like coming by. Knowing that Shizuma is a vet, Saito is astounded and tells Shizuma he must be a smart cookie. He also asks Shizuma if being a vet is a profitable career as he's heard this profession often leaves vets unable to care for themselves. Shizuma, awkwardly holding the back of his neck, says he is doing okay right now.
Just as Saito asks Shizuma where he studied, we see a visibly irritated Minato, who now believes Saito is your commonplace bothersome landlord. Standing next to Minato, the agent says that Shizuma is very well-mannered to Saito. Minato corrects her, saying that he's like this with everyone.
Saito then asks Shizuma where his girlfriend is since the apartment is suitable for a couple to move into together. Shizuma looks over at Minato whose knitted brows say "Don't tell him." Shizuma sighs slightly and says she's unable to come today due to work commitments.
Saito says that's too bad, but then also says:
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Shizuma and Minato then open the door to the veranda, and both are pleasantly surprised to see how spacious it is. Shizuma comments that the park is right in front of them and the view is so nice that he could set up a table and chairs out here. Minato asks to confirm if he heard Shizuma correctly--that he wants to put some outdoor furniture on the veranda.
Shizuma reveals to Minato that his bedroom at his current home does not have a veranda, and that is something he has wanted for a while now--time to sit on the veranda and be in a daze.
Looking on as Shizuma says this, Minato smiles, telling Shizuma he must now find the most comfortable furniture, something he will never tire of. Shizuma agrees with him on this.
Minato then goes on to imagine how the veranda would look when it's set up. In winter, they could have some wine/champagne and sit with a soft blanket. In summer, Minato imagines them having beer and edamame. Shizuma laughs a little, asking Minato if they'd actually have alcohol all year round? Minato thinks it over again and then suggests having watermelon and sparkling water in summer instead.
Shizuma looks beyond thrilled at Minato's imagination, adding to his exciting. Minato then says he's just been listing what he wants, so he asks Shizuma what he wants in an apartment. Shizuma thinks long and hard about it.
And then, here are the last three pages of this chapter:
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And that’s it for this chapter! THANK YOU FOR READING THIS FAR! 💜 Eeek, that much closer to their domestic life!!! I'm glad that they had some fun touring potential aparments, and Minato have those naughty thoughts, hehe. I don't blame you, bb, hahah! But that Saito-san, he knows what's up. Don't be afraid to tell him, Minato!!!
Thank you again for reading this far! Let me know your thoughts!
Edit 2022-04-30: Thank you for waiting! Finished my read through and edits, and gosh those typos were horrendous! ahaha!
📢 As always, please support Hinohara-sensei by purchasing her books, CDs, and merch! 📢
And please also refrain from resharing these translations and images outside of my posts! Thank you for understanding! ❤️💛
There will be a new chapter in next month's Dear+, so I shall see you all again! 🥰
As always, please stay safe during these especially turbulent times and look out for each other and for your loved ones! 💜❤️💛
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amaya-chwan · 2 years
Hello lovely humans! 💜❤️💛
I hope you've all been well!
First of all, Happy Easter to you all! I hope you had a great and blessed Easter, wherever you are in the world! And also Ramadan Mubarak, wishing you lovelies a blessed Ramadan! 💜
And guess what came in the mail today??
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WOW, loving the outfits! *chef's kiss* 😍
Had a quick flick through, and it's time for our beloved dorks to go apartment hunting!!
Hoping to read the chapter and post our takeaways sometime over the weekend--work and personal life is still a little busy, but a good busy!
In any case, thank you for all your support and patience with me! 🥰❤️💛
See you all very soon for our takeaways--can't wait to start talking about it with you all! 💜
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amaya-chwan · 2 years
Takeaways from Therapy Game Special Chapter - 冬の夜の思い出
Hi lovelies! 💜❤️💛
Hope you've all been well! 🥰
Thank you for being so patient with me! Honestly, the next couple of weeks are going to be a little busy for me, so I tried to make time tonight to write this short takeaway!
First of all, this edition of Dear+ features this special poster featuring our beloved dorks Shizuma and Minato, as well as Mito-san and Shouhei (and is that Georgia??)!
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Aren't they adorable?? 😍 And yes, I already carefully removed it from the magazine! 🤣
Anywho! This chapter is really short (4 pages, to be exact), and it's titled "冬の夜の思い出 -- A memory from a winter's night".
Since this chapter is really short, I'll just go straight into our summaries! So without further ado, please continue after the cut for the complete summary (plus a surprise, as usual~ 😉✨)
This chapter takes place right after our beloved Shizuma and Minato started dating. Shizuma has been at Minato's place--at Minato's invitation--since morning studying for the upcoming National Veterinary Examination in one week! Shizuma, still focused on his studies, looks exhausted as he sits on the living room floor, reading and notetaking on his textbook.
Right behind him, Minato is seated on the sofa, also looking tired, but not from studying, no. He's wondering when Shizuma will take a break and give him some attention. Catching on, Shizuma reminds Minato that he promised not to interrupt Shizuma's studies, and in return, Shizuma will shower him with all his love and attention after his exams.
Minato replies that he knows that already. Looking on at a very visibly tired Shizuma, Minato recognises that his request (that Shizuma would, at least, come study at his house during the busy time right before his exam) was a little unreasonable, but he's also a little surprised/slightly irked that Shizuma won't lay a hand on him, even though he's right there!
Minato tries to tempt Shizuma to take a break, saying that Shizuma looks like he's on death's door and that he must be tired. He offers to do anything to help Shizuma out, maybe something to 'heal' him. Shizuma asks Minato if he'll actually do anything, and Minato says yes, very excitedly at that.
Unfortunately, the request was not what Minato was hoping for. Instead, Shizuma asks Minato to buy him some nutritional supplements, eye drops, and chewing gum. We see Minato walking back home from the store during what seems to be a very, very cold night. He thought Shizuma would, at that moment, ask for a 'sensual' massage, and he begins to think why he's out here, on a cold winter's night, doing something so 'normal'...
Minato reaches his apartment and blows on his icy cold hands to try and warm them. He speaks aloud to tell Shizuma that he's back and has bought the requested items, so he's hoping that Shizuma can give him even just a little attention. As he looks into the living room where they were, he finds Shizuma curled slightly under the coffee table, asleep.
Annoyed that he's sleeping, Minato wonders why Shizuma didn't think to make better use of this time by making love to him! He looks again at his cold hands and has an idea--he lifts Shizuma's shirt to put his cold hands on his stomach!
Shizuma is surprised by this, and jerks his body in reaction to the cold! He sleepily tells Minato to hold on a moment and that his hands are cold. Minato thinks that Shizuma is mad him when Shizuma grabs his hand, but...
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And that’s it for this chapter! THANK YOU FOR READING THIS FAR! 💜 And thank you again for being so patient with me! I hope you enjoyed this very adorable, albeit short chapter! Very domestic vibes I'm getting here. Is Sensei teasing us with domestic life Shizuma and Minato? Hehe 🤭
EDIT 2022-04-05: Oh goodness, where has the time gone? Thank you for waiting! Not too many typos this time around, but a few changes in word choices, aha! Also, sorry there's only one image preview--I honestly didn't have any extra time! 😭
📢 As always, please support Hinohara-sensei by purchasing her books, CDs, and merch! 📢
And please also refrain from resharing these translations and images outside of my posts! Thank you for understanding! ❤️💛
There will be a chapter in next month's Dear+, so I shall see you all again then to find out what happens next! 🥰
As always, please stay safe during these especially turbulent times and look out for each other and for your loved ones! 💜❤️💛
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