an-au-blog · 1 day
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running away again
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an-au-blog · 1 day
"One sided stuilly" "stuilly where Billy's the toxic one" "stuilly where stu is hopelessly innocently pining and Billy uses that against him"
Mutual toxicity. Billy thinks he's in control, Stu LETS him think that because he's ATTACHED to Billy and doesn't want him to fucking LEAVE (and he likes it . He's gay.) Billy is Stu's BEST FRIEND. Stu's family is NEVER THERE and even if he's popular now nobody is fucking REAL to him. Billy's REAL. Billy KNOWS HIM.
Give me a Billy with commitment issues that tries his fucking hardest to push Stu away and whenever he tries to leave give me a Stu who will grab Billy by the fucking neck and force him back until he calms back down. (Even if it's not technically the best way to clam down, obviously).
Give me a Stu who's smarter than he looks. Give me a Billy who gets pleasantly surprised whenever Stu plays mind games with HIM instead.
Give me stuilly where they both use and manipulate EACH OTHER.
Give me stuilly where whenever one tries to run away the other digs their nails into their skin to stop them. Violent codependency.
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an-au-blog · 1 day
I thought to myself "Is Vash a manic pixie dream girl?"
Yes, he comes into people's lives just as swiftly as he leaves, he's "quirky" and "different", alien, but I'd say people's lives don't become easier after meeting him. They might learn some life lessons, but he doesn't "fix them"... In fact most towns he passes through are ruined afterwards.
Wolfwood on the other hand, should be a prime example of a "depressed goblin nightmare boy", he's gloomy (kinda), he's untrusting, he won't hesitate to take a life if needed... but then he's so sweet with kids and regular civilians, they love him, and he saves Vash so many times...
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an-au-blog · 1 day
Sanji fell first and inviting Zoro on a date. Zoro falls too... but not in love, he just falls asleep in the middle of the very thoughtful and overly prepared picnic date Sanji stayed up cooking for. But at least it was after eating all the food...
The worst part is: Sanji finds it extremely adorable that Zoro gobbled up all the food, pretended "it was halfway decent" (when he obviously loved it) and then fell asleep on the grass so calmly. Not to mention that one his summer fling whom he was very fond of was a narcoleptic So now he feels like it's a sign of trust and can't help but be fond of it. Not to mention that he could tease him about his hair blending in with the grass...
Still, falling asleep on the first date was very ill-mannered and after a couple of minutes, Sanji woke him up with a kick and started scolding him. They fought a bit, turning into a wrestling match that ended up with Zoro getting distracted in shock at how flexible Sanji is and found himself trapped in a masterful headlock between Sanji's legs.
The cook wasn't delusional that Zoro would want another date, because if he fell asleep on the first one, he was obviously bored. But much to his surprise, Zoro asked him out on a second date. Sanji thought it was a nice gesture but the date itself was nothing special. For Zoro, however, it only confirmed what he had suspected... This was it for him, he found so much in Sanji. Zoro fell harder.
low-key inspo from this art/post
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an-au-blog · 1 day
That’s a red flag to YOU! To Marcille she’s just charming.
Had this idea ever since I finished reading Dungeon Meshi and finally got around to finishing it.
(on youtube for better quality)
Music - “Red Flags” by Tom Cardy
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an-au-blog · 1 day
this post made me think about how weird that would be. Cora is a Marine, low-key the son of Garp's naive bestie, he's also the brother of a tyrant and the main BBG during a whole arc. An arc which bled into the next one at that... funny isn't the right word but for lack there of, it'd be so funny to see Luffy's reaction
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an-au-blog · 1 day
more zosan reversed tropes bc uni wants me dead and this is my way of coping:
not fake dating, but where everyone is super convinced that they aren't ACTUALLY dating...
One day, Zoro and Sanji call everyone over and announce that they are getting engaged. It comes as a big shock to almost everyone because: 1. they say it too matter-of-factly, with disdain almost; 2. they never told anyone they were dating. Luffy, being Luffy is very happy for them and tells them they can't get married if he doesn't wed them as their captain. They respond that they never expected anything else. Robin and Franky congratulate them, Brook starts getting ready with the music, but Nami and Usopp? Nami and Usopp couldn't believe it. And they refused to let everyone else believe this lie. They decided that both Sanji and Zoro are lying, but why??
They make a makeshift investigation, but it turns out that Luffy and Robin genuinely believe them, Franky and Jinbei think it's none of their business and they can't bring themselves to break it to Chopper and Brook because they were too happy to attend a wedding. Soit was up to Nami and Usopp to prove to everyone else that there was no way they're dating.
At first they start looking at how they interact with each other. It was obvious they were faking it - they never started bickering and fighting and even when they just sat in silence Sanji would throw a ladle in Zoro's direction because he's snoring too loud. Or Zoro would make a biting comment about Sanji and it would start all over again.
But that was how they usually were, so it wouldn't prove much if some of their friends were so willing to accept their announcement at face value knowing they act like this. So Nami takes upon talking to Zoro in private, while Usopp talks to Sanji in private.
At first, Nami starts telling him how she would take money off his debt if he tells her the truth, but then he says the same thing that he said to the crew. That yes, the cook is a pain in the ass, but they love each other and want to get married. She threatens to tax him for lying, but he keeps insisting there's nothing else to say. She meets up with Usopp again, hoping that he did a better job than her, but he just said that Sanji caught onto him from the start saying it's for real and whatever he's scheming will not work.
They change tactics and switch partners, hoping that Nami will have more luck with Sanji, as he can't say no to her, and Usopp can try getting under Zoro's skin.
Usopp starts off by telling Zoro about how a great swordsman should have a nice and powerful partner, mentioning Hiyori, but then the unexpected happens and starts almost defending Sanji as his choice. "Sanji is stronger and nicer than her." "He's a worthy opponent and we already have the same priorities (Luffy)", "He's stubborn and driven, it's great." he says it all with a shrug and Usopp almost feels like he misheard him. "But you always fight?" Usopp says as a last resort. Zoro smiles widely "Yeah, it keeps me on my toes, my blood pumping. I love him so much, Usopp."
The sniper wasn't sure he wanted to prove they weren't a couple anymore. In fact he was starting to believe them. Nami came back with an equally defeated face. Nami tried using her charm, but Sanji kept going "Alas, my dearest Nami, Zoro and I are really getting married, unfortunately it is no joke. Unless you'd like me to take you out on a date!" And in desperation, Nami said "yes", but then Sanji flipped a switch. Saying there's no way, he was just joking and he'd never do that to Zoro. He's done self sabotaging and he really doesn't want to ruin things for them.
Robin overheats then and goes. "Oh, why didn't you ask me. I've seen them sneaking into toilets and private places like teenagers for months now."
And the theory had been debunked.
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an-au-blog · 1 day
The song ‘Roommates’ by Malcolm Todd fits shuggy:
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Here’s why:
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an-au-blog · 1 day
A thought occurred to me... Maybe Sanji is so smittened by Nami, because even though she had experienced a very similar trauma as a child, she handled it so well (in his eyes, probably way better than he did) and is now such an independent and strong spirited person. They're the same age, were the same age when their mothers died and yet, here she was doing better (mentally) than him... why?
She is more than he could be. It's more well-meaning envy than anything.
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an-au-blog · 7 days
guys I totally forgot that tomorrow is fic update Wednesday I'M NOT READY!
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an-au-blog · 7 days
never read any of these but damn this is awesome! I should start doing that too...
does anyone else make bookcovers for their fave fanfics or is that just me???
no???...... ya me neither....
anyhow here are some of my fave zosan ones ive thrown together in canva at like 2am lol
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fic sources in order:
Wanted by Hazel_Athena
Runaway Groom by CigaretteDaydreams
Falling In Love (Literally) by Purplepulu
don't look too long, or you'll forget to fall by Resacon1990
A beginner’s guide to courtship, by Roronoa Zoro by caparvisquartet
if no one ever hears it (how will we learn your song) by Resacon1990
Obelisk by DamianFinch
To Brighter Futures by Cherry_Sundae
First Breath of Air by Hazel_Athena
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an-au-blog · 7 days
fun fact: I told my (guy) friend to tell me if he thinks "I'll do what you can't and you do what I can't" is from a gay fanfic or from a canon dialogue, and he said fanfic.
We keep winning, we keep winning....
I want to throw up
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an-au-blog · 8 days
I was explaining op to a friend and showed him the dishwashing scene saying "this is sanji's bi awakening" and he went "idk abt sanji, but ace is definitely hitting on him"
a win is a win
I'm not an acesan enthusiast but no one can convince me that ace was Not flirting with sanji the whole time he was there during alabasta
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an-au-blog · 8 days
David Bowie's "Space Oddity" was playing at the end of the trailer huh? How fun, lemme just look up the lyrics and HHHHHHH-
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if these two die in space, i am fighting the writers myself
(guess we know what Hardy meant when he said they were "Star-Crossed Lovers")
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an-au-blog · 8 days
the funniest way to realize the venom 3 trailer was released, is getting a text from my friend just to find out that we saw the same horse meme on twitter
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an-au-blog · 8 days
"I'm giving you a chance, sweetie" I just KNOW Tom and Kelly were giggling and kicking their feet when they came up with that line
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an-au-blog · 8 days
The new venom trailer is so good, I just know it's gonna be Eddie and Venom being a healthier couple... but then again knowing the venom comics and how we're not allowed to have good things in life, I fear at what price... AT WHAT PRICE WDYM "TILL DEATH" ARE THEY GONNA KILL EDDIE
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