anchored-tatia-blog · 11 years
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anchored-tatia-blog · 11 years
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anchored-tatia-blog · 11 years
should I make a Katherine or an Elena bloggg, help me. 
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anchored-tatia-blog · 11 years
Brown orbs eyed the stranger in front of her, a sharp retort on his lips and curiosity urging her forward. Such a flaw curiosity was, Tatiana knew better than most. "I see, why would such a man become so used to such a question? A career perhaps?" The Petrova's voice was light and causual - as if she were only asking about the weather - but there was an intrigued spark in her brown eyes.
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“Being the one generally asking such a question, I have a hard time finding an answer for your question.” He remarked, eyebrows raising at the woman as he spoke. Finally he sided with: “I’ll settle with a ‘no’—for now.”
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anchored-tatia-blog · 11 years
Tatia could be extremely formal with introductions - people noticed her, second glances she was not short on. She was aware of it and received this silent homage with an equally silent dignity. She was quite aware of the green eyes of this sharp Salvatore on her and she was not hesitant to return his gaze, just as unwavering and unreadable as his. A soft smile was present on her lips at his words, "Indeed. Acquainted with both of my doppelgangers, you have drawn my interest you may say."
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His eyebrow arched as she spoke, confirming his suspicions.  How interesting.  Stefan’s eyes flickered over her face with interest and caution.   Original?  Either way, she was still an elder therefore stronger.  
It occurred to him that she used his last name when he had not given it.  ”I have,” he answered her, cocking his head to the side, “And it seems you’ve heard of me, as well.  The pleasure is all mine.”
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anchored-tatia-blog · 11 years
"It is preferred the gentleman introduce himself first, but seeing as you seem to be impatient to who I am I will engage in the introductions first. Tatiana Petrova, you may call me Tatia."
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anchored-tatia-blog · 11 years
To a casual observer the two identical women - minus perhaps their hairstyle - were twins, a normal chat between normal women. Of course, Elena and Tatiana knew the truth. Elena Gilbert carried with her the Petrova fire close to her chest like a sleeping infant. Elena was - like Katerina - a mirror image of Tatia. Sparkling brown eyes and masses of chestnut hair - of course always in a different style between the doppelgangers. An exhausting business to be a beauty for others, but for the Petrova women, they were naturals. Studying the woman with an interested look, Tatia smiled softly, "I am not a vampire, Miss Gilbert." Her smile faded and her arm reached out to softly brush a loose lock of hair away from the doppelganger's eyes. "I apologize for everything you and your loved ones have gone through, it was never easy tasks for you or them."
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Bewildered by the woman in front of her, Elena cocked her head to the side. Her chocolate brown locks tumbled down her shoulder, a slender eyebrow raised. “Are you—” The gears in her mind twisted as she strained to place a name to the face. It was apparent to Elena that she was a Petrova doppelganger, but she wasn’t sure how it would be possible as she was still only an eighteen year old girl. “You’re the originator, aren’t you? How are you.. Are you a vampire?” The young brunette had seen many things as of late, but this took her by surprise.
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anchored-tatia-blog · 11 years
"And old faces. Hello Kol."
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+ five
“Lovely set of new faces. I’m Kol.”
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anchored-tatia-blog · 11 years
"May I help you, gentlemen?"
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anchored-tatia-blog · 11 years
"A good eye on you, Mr. Salvatore. Tatiana Petrova, you may call me Tatia. You have heard news of me, I presume?" A dignified study of his face for a moment before regaining her composure. "A pleasure to meet you."
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“Not sure.  You’re not Elena or Katherine.  That leaves one other name that comes to mind.”  He keeps his eyes on her, partially amused and mostly interested.  ”Stefan.”
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anchored-tatia-blog · 11 years
"It certainly must be. So, Mr. Salvatore, what types of things are considered 'good' by your reputation?"
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“Must be those keen vampire senses.—Likewise, Tatiana. I hope they were all good things, I have a reputation to keep.” 
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anchored-tatia-blog · 11 years
Not really , I was just passing by .
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"Passing by in Mystic Falls, a common thing indeed. Perhaps a name might help me?"
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anchored-tatia-blog · 11 years
Tatiana was incredulous. Elena was every bit of a warrior as she had hoped. With fire sparking in her eyes and a hungry protective sense in her stance. Perhaps she would have taken offense if she had not heard the name of her other doppelgänger, but she let a small smile linger on her lips, a slight curtsy as a greeting, "Elena, I am not Katerina." A murmur of words escaped her lips as brown orbs studied the broken woman in front of her.
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Eyes narrowing, the brunette inhaled sharply. Her fists were clutched tightly, indents of crescents forming under the pressure of her nails. Instantly, she identified the woman as Katherine, having only knowledge of one double self running around, living in ignorant obliviousness to the fact that the woman before her wasn’t the one who’d tried so many times to ruin her life. “Katherine,” she sputtered, “We both know you couldn’t help me with anything.”
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anchored-tatia-blog · 11 years
Did you ever make that gif hunt? :D
/ oh my god no. hahhah i completely forgot, I have replies to get to and everything so I get really distracted!
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anchored-tatia-blog · 11 years
"May I help you?"
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anchored-tatia-blog · 11 years
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 niklauswillavengekol said: “Which part? The part I loved you deeply, or the part where you ripped out my heart?”
"I understand if you are hurt and angered by me, Niklaus, it is right to do so, but my choice was you. I know you cannot believe that, but I know it. In my heart and my soul. I am truly sorry, I did not mean for any of that to happen, for you to be hurt, for me to be too indecisive. "
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anchored-tatia-blog · 11 years
☑ I'd become vulnerable, make love to you, then realize you were also with my brother the night before. Wait-didn't that already happen, Tatia?
“You misunderstand my intentions, Niklaus.”
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