anchoring-below-you · 3 years
I cringe, I laugh, I cry
Jk I’m proud of the redesign, especially on how I drew the flames :))
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2016 vs 2021 oc art
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anchoring-below-you · 3 years
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I drew something and I have no idea what to name this—
Though I kinda wanna label this as “Deception” or smth but idk if this even brings that feel to it so I’ll just leave it at that lol
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anchoring-below-you · 3 years
Wondering how the word gypsy is a racial slur? Why are you referring to it as the G word when it literally means a free spirited traveller. What is so offensive about that?
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Let me tell you a story, ignorant one. 
Once upon a time, there were a group of people migrating from northern India and Pakistan after the invasion “of the Persian Muslims who have since settled in Trukey, all of Europe, and the Americas These people are called the Rromani.” (x)
Once the pale bird feces people of Europe came into contact with the Rromani, they believed them to hail from Egypt, thus calling them Gypsies. 
Now about what disgusting white people like you have been trying to turn this racial slur into. There is nothing about being a free spirited traveller if you’re called such a word. What is up with white people romanticizing everything to make it seem all nice and rainbows for them?
“They were not nomadic by choice. They moved around because they had to
 they were persecuted everywhere they went, and still are, to this day. They were persecuted alongside the Jews in the Holocaust – the Roma & Sinti”. They were forced to have this sort of nomadic lifestyle because “no country wanted them there”. (x)
Let’s not forget these lovely things Rromani people did and still go through because of who they are:
“Forced sterilization (yes, it is still happening)
Harassment (by law enforcement as well as civilians)
Fingerprinting (this is happening in Italy right now – all Romani people are being fingerprinted, simply because our race is considered ‘criminal’)
Concentration camps
Exclusion from public schools and welfare programs
Bombings (it is not uncommon in places like the Czech Republic for people to throw molotov cocktails into the windows of Romani homes)” (x)
“First and foremost: THE WORD “GYPSY” IS AN ETHNIC SLUR. It is a pejorative. It is an exonym that is hurtful and offensive. You need to accept this, period.
We are NOT your halloween costume. We are NOT your flowy skirt. We are NOT your fashion sense. We are NOT your wanderlust. We are NOT ‘boho.’
Gypsy is not fashion. Gypsy is not traveling. Gypsy is not a headband or a costume, or boho, or a long skirt.
Gypsy is a hurtful ethnic slur used to refer to the Romani people.
We cannot seem to emphasize this enough to people. This word is a slur. It was created to be a slur. Its meaning does not change. It will always be a slur. It will always be offensive.
‘The word is not yours. It’s ours. We can use it as we see fit. You cannot.’ - biggadjeworld 
We are a real people, with traditions, culture, and colorful heritage that spans centuries.” (x)
The “x”s in the post refer to sources you can click on and educate yourself with. On those pages, there are more links to become familiar to this slur and the Rromani people.
Also, don’t forget to stop by thisisnotromani!
- Jess
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anchoring-below-you · 3 years
Dream Smp Heashot Fanart??? Idk lol
(Made these a few months ago oof)
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anchoring-below-you · 3 years
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Here’s my RPG Maker buyer’s manual for the Steam Summer Sale. Remember, DLC is on sale too, and the sale ends on the 8th!
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anchoring-below-you · 3 years
You know that thing where nightmares mix up happy stuff with scary stuff and create horrific abominations? and now look me in the eyes and try to convince me that they don't experience nightmares anymore (Youtube version) (Audio: Thirty Seconds to Mars - Hurricane)
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anchoring-below-you · 3 years
Here’s some animatic/storyboard of thing I did as practice (I still don’t have any new content tbh oof)
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This one is for a friend (^) they’re pog asf with their colors and shading
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This one is actually one of my lazy projects that I’ll never finish and explain cause of my anxiety.
Anyway, imma go and play Genshin Impact now oof
I’ll probably post my oc ref sheets next, who knows lol
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anchoring-below-you · 3 years
Hallo to all my remaining followers!
Sorry if I wasn’t active here anymore. Reason why I wasn’t interested with this app till now was because of school, home, my attention span and this current’s pandemic. Another reason was because of Instagram’s update. Dunno how to explain this, but from what I could understand was that they’re competing against Tiktok and photo visuals aren’t much encouraged but is still there. So from now on, I’ll try to post as much as I can here. For fun, I guess.
I’ll also might edit this account and remove/archive some stuff here, since I changed a lot for the past few years or so.
Btw, here’s some fake story covers I made from 2020 till this year, as an apology for drifting away for no reason at all. :’)
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anchoring-below-you · 4 years
@shandlr Im not even active here anymore xD but I'll do it cause quarintine is boring...
Nickname: hmmm I can't really use my real name since thats the only thing people call me but in discord it could either be Nyoom or Jay
Gender: Female, but tomboy-ish
Star Sign: Taurus (04/21)
Height: 5'1" I guess but I'm two inches taller than shan uwu
Hogwarts House: Gryffindor. Though on some test results, I got either Hufflepuff or Ravenclaw.
Favorite Animal: Dogs
Number of Blankets: I have no idea, probably 3 of them cause my grandma hides them from me xD
Where I'm from: Philippines. The heat is bad for my allergies oof
Why I started this account: Got hooked when I saw youtubers narrating an ask blog of a fandom I'm in before but didn't know how to make an account for it. Also curiosity and that I wanted to post my art this year. :') (but I basically felt like a huge boomer here so I didn't post much if I wanted to)
I only have like two friends here in tumblr oof
@actuallykaz @shandlr
Rules : tag 20 people you’d like to know better and wrangle them into answering the questions below.  
I was tagged by @mawwart but the thread was really long, so I thought I’d make my own c:
Nickname : None that I want other people to actually call me ahaha. Just Bee is fine lmao
Gender : Nonbinary. I gave up trying to define it past that years ago ghdhgsd
Star sign : Capricorn (12/24 babyyy)
Height : 5’2"
Hogwarts house : hufflepuff– although I took a test recently that more or less told me I was a depressed gryffindor which is een funnier imo
Favorite animal : It’s hard to pick just one! Right now it’s Frogs, but I also love foxes, owls, and opossums.
Number of blankets : 3 or 4
Where I’m from : Vermont.. not to like, immediately doxx myself or w/e but.. eh
When I started this account : I think it was January this year? January or February. My main has been around since November of 2010 though.
Why I started this accident : For once I didn’t want to flood my main with a new fandom, mostly out of embarrassment haha
I’ll tag
 @madamedevien @schneeeetz11 @artehell @luciferswerthersorginals @yukiobeyme @flu-type–a @calling-me-merry @maybethatmakessense and @camilahellsing 
Don’t worry if you don’t wanna c: 
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anchoring-below-you · 4 years
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anchoring-below-you · 4 years
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WiP of Geisha's skin, Crane's Reflection for the upcoming arts month! (Febuary)
Also Geisha is beautiful ndjdkdkd
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anchoring-below-you · 4 years
Aight school made me busy so have some random sketches of my su oc xD
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Also Volleyball x Pearl is uwu👌
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anchoring-below-you · 5 years
Reblog if you support asexuals and aren’t a COWARD
RB if your blog is a safe, accepting space for asexuals!
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anchoring-below-you · 5 years
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Im having a mental block with everything
Literally having some mental block cause I just realised that I don't have a legit story for two of my aus :'/
Aside from that though, I made a White Diamond design and a Spinel design for the sky au!
Spinel's tear marks (I forgot what you call those) will glow a tinge of pink... which is not important but I said it anyway :^
And if anyone is wondering, White glows really bright if you provoke her or something...
Also drew three of my ocs that no one might not care about :^
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anchoring-below-you · 5 years
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Blue Diamond as one of the original toymakers
Also thought of something for Pink and White on what they do...
Now,I would imagine blue wearing those decorated hair bands because Pink made them for her as a bday or Christmas gift And that pink is waayyyyy different than the three diamonds. Instead of making toys she creates small trinkets like keychains or decorated hair bands but when she went up to them to ask if she could sell them for their toy company, they denied it and thought that “it could ruin the image of their company” or something along those lines. Also thought of blue making dolls since that’s her forte for the au
and white making toys that can mimic voices or something like that.
Here's the unfinished design of Pink:
Again, since white can make toys that mimic other's voices, I thought that she sleepily or accidentally made the mirror lapis and gave it to blue, who thought it was a bit creepy so she hid it in the attic till a few years later, Steven went in there and found it hidden inside a very dusty box filled with old unfinished projects.
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One more thing...
Have a kid Spinel design I made for the au... the past one from the movie :3
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She'll be an orphan on this one and got adopted by one of the diamonds but I haven't thought much of it oof.
Also sorry for the shadow casting on my sketches, Im still in school and Im suffering here oof....
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anchoring-below-you · 5 years
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More Toy/maker au stuff :D
Finally finished it...
Though the thought of this is still pending but I'll tell y'all anyway;
Imagine Pink Diamond left Spinel in the attic because she grew bored of her and that she's aging of course. Spinel hoped that one day when she comes back, they'll play again like old times and that she didn't realised Pink ran away and left everything behind, even her.
Another thing....
Pink left Pink Pearl in the attic too but White found her a few days later when she was looking for more thread and needle for new toys to make.
Then I suddenly thought of White trying to paint everything on Pink Pearl black and white but failed since the color reminded her too much of Pink Diamond and left her in the shelf, left to be forgotten and slowly rot as years went on. Lame reason but I'll come up with another one...
There's a lot of plot holes to the au and I'm not even good at making stories and such oof... but I hope you enjoyed it and that if its good :')
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anchoring-below-you · 5 years
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Aside from the Sky au, I made a
Toy/Maker au, where some of the gems (spinel, pink pearl, etc.) Were either left in the attic to rot or be taken by one of the diamonds aka toymakers after pink diamond ran away... there are some gems that are humans like garnet or other fusions and stuff like that.
Now, I'd kinda imagine Pink Diamond played with the jack in a box Spinel created by the diamonds as a special gift for her whenever they set off to work but as time went by, pink grew bored of her and left her in the attic for Spinel to hope that she'll return to play with her again.
----honestly the explanation would be long so I'll just leave it to that...hope you guys enjoy my au ideas! ^^'
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