another-bryk-in-the-wall · 28 minutes
I honestly should go back and re-do some of my Bryk gifs with my new knowledge of gif and photo editing
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another-bryk-in-the-wall · 37 minutes
I’ve been reading Is This the Real Life: the Untold Story of Queen and some things in this…
-Brian and Roger got into it after a show one time and Roger just went in with hairspray in Bri’s face
-Freddie met with a group of people in tight satin pants and couldn’t sit down so he looked around and tried to not attract attention to himself while undoing them
-Freddie was also so exhausted during their US tour at one point he just completely passed out, face in his breakfast
-Roger chose the shirt Fred wanted to wear for their first Rainbow show so he stormed off during soundcheck and brian begged for him to come back
-Also during their first US tour, Brian got himself a love affair in New Orleans and had to be rushed back to the UK after waking up in New York with full blown hepatitis due to a vaccine he received earlier in the year.. Freddie got herpes apparently? Icons.
-Freddie kept up with visiting Brian in the hospital while they worked on Sheer Heart Attack since homeboy had an operation after he was cleared for his hepatitis bed rest then had an ulcer shortly after.
-Roger didn’t like his hair in the cover photo for Sheer Heart Attack so they added extensions in the final photo. 
-Years after them leaving Trident, John was met with a former employee who recognized him at an airport and just completely shut him down. We love a king who knows his worth.
Edit #1 since I’ve read a bit more…
-Brian would somewhat irritate the person making coffee and tea. “…and then I’d ask Brian what he wanted. Then there’d be this pause and then he’d ask ‘How many teas are you making? How many coffees?…Two?…Three? Is it easier for you to make another coffee or another tea?’ You could spend 10 minutes just doing this. He was trying to make it easier for me, but in the end I’d be like, ‘Brian! Just tell me what you want!’”
-Bri thought Death on Two Legs was too mean and felt bad singing it.
-Freddie shutting down homophobes in the audience by shining the spot light on them and asking them to repeat what they said.
-Freddie didn’t believe the gold disc for a Night at the Opera was the album so he broke it open to play it and it was indeed their album. He was suspicious of EMI after everything at Trident which, I mean, valid.
-Mary out here recognizing her and Fred’s relationship was crumbling, accepted it and hugged him when he came out. We love a good support system.
-When in Australia, they had to go on foot to their venue due to a festival taking place. No cars could pass. But Freddie being extra, he was driven through in a limo while drinking champagne.
Edit #2
-Fred was being driven to the studio and they crashed so he went to a nearby house to use their phone…in a silk kimono with Queen written on the back…almost dressed in full stage attire. They let him in, made him tea and chatted.
-During their show at Maple Leaf Gardens in Toronto, Brian’s amp exploded and he ran over to tell Freddie but it was in his mic pretty much so everyone heard him panicing. Fred waved Bri away saying “Oh, just jump around a bit and the silly bastards won’t know the difference!”
-If Fred walked somewhere, a car would follow him with the door open in case he got tired. This boy is so extra I swear to god….
-I ALMOST FORGOT!! They had clocks as promo items for News of the World and they sounded kind of fancy so I looked it up and…..
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Bitch…I low-key want one.
Edit #3
-That feeling when Roger could not confirm but didn’t doubt there being dwarves with cocaine at the Jazz debut party.
-In Munich recording the Game, the boys would split off to do their own thing after recording for the day. Freddie would explore the gay club scene while the others got drinks, dinner and a club then would meet back up with Freddie at the hotel. Taylor’s suite (not sure if it’s Roger or Crystal tbh) was the HH….the hetero hangout and Freddie’s was the PPP…the Presidential Pouff Parlour.
-John was nicknamed Ostrich because ���He’s was like a bird who stays quiet until it finally lays a perfect egg.’ Kinda wish there was more about John in this book tbh
-the author really out here typing Deakey….unbelievable. Either Deacy or Deaky, binch. Come on.
-According to Crystal, Roger had his drum case be a close up of his face in case he had amnesia and needed to know what he looked like but we all know the truth, Rog 👀
-During a late night drinking sesh, one of the crew put on the Flash Gordon soundtrack and John, shit faced, asked who it was.
Edit #4
-Apprently Cool Cat was the first song written for/on Hot Space and Brian wasn’t a huge fan of it or Back Chat because it wasn’t heavy enough. Adding onto that, Staying Power and Body Language were thought to be too gay and Bri wanted things to be for everyone of different persuasions. Brian….let the gays have something.
-With the Works and Hot Space being my top two Queen albums…I was disappointed how much was just blown over with the recording process tbh.
-Paul Prenter was a massive cunt but everyone knows that.
-John was busted after a Phil Collins concert because he was drunk driving. He was driving his new Porsche but then got his license suspended for a year. Brian was a guest DJ for a radio show where he played Stevie Wonder’s Don’t Drive Drunk and dedicated the song to “John, whom some of you may know has had a little problem with his car recently.’
-Freddie’s pick up line for Jim was ‘how big is your dick’….I mean, in a way, it worked??? Iconic.
-Roger owned up to having their sound guy set false sound limits for the groups before them during Live Aid so when Queen went on, they were the loudest.
Edit #5, the last one since I finished the book
-Paul Prenter should have had someone kick him in the shins tbh fuck that guy
-Brian met Anita through a Eastenders event and he was gushing about how much he loved the show since Chrissie had him watch it then invited her to Wembley which she turned him down.
-Also fast forward to the later half of the 90′s, Anita helped Brian get into therapy for his depression and other emotional matters. We love a supportive queen.
-When the book finally talks more about John and it’s him saying the We Will Rock You musical sucked and he having an affair with a 25 year old erotic dancer like come on my dude….why couldn’t I be her??? But for real, I looked into it and found an article and wowza. When sd!Deaky be an actual thing????
-The press’ harassment of Freddie and his inner circle during his last years is absolutely horrendous to read about tbh. I think it was Roger (feel free to correct me on that if I’m wrong) who crashed his car because the camera flashes temporarily blinded him when he was trying to visit Freddie.
-Also Freddie was able to see the Bohemian Rhapsody clip from Wanye’s World since Mike Myers sent him a tape. Bri and Fred watched it and according to Brian, Freddie loved it and sent his seal of approval.
There’s the things I found interesting reading this biography. If you’ve read it or have any other fun facts, add them on my dudes!
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another-bryk-in-the-wall · 44 minutes
30 Day Queen Challenge : Day 30
Oh god..the last day and it’s my choice? Whoever made this challenge has made a profound mistake giving me this sort of power.
If you aren’t aware, there is a niche kind of Queen meme that is my absolute favorite and they never fail to make me cackle. If you’re in the discord server, you already know but….
The Brian May snapchat memes where he asks for toe pics.
Am I going to share some? Oh ABSOLUTELY 
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Also just the normal Snapchat memes are good too.
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Well, what a conclusion for this challenge…..
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another-bryk-in-the-wall · 45 minutes
30 Day Queen Challenge : Day 30
Oh god..the last day and it’s my choice? Whoever made this challenge has made a profound mistake giving me this sort of power.
If you aren’t aware, there is a niche kind of Queen meme that is my absolute favorite and they never fail to make me cackle. If you’re in the discord server, you already know but….
The Brian May snapchat memes where he asks for toe pics.
Am I going to share some? Oh ABSOLUTELY 
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Also just the normal Snapchat memes are good too.
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Well, what a conclusion for this challenge…..
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I can see ASGZC playing Smash Bros and Genesis getting fucking *pissed* that Sephiroth is a playable character.
Sephiroth: Zack, for the last time, I do not know Mario personally. He's a video game character. I cannot possibly get his autograph for you.
Zack: Does that mean you're not real? Are you dead!?
Sephiroth: Only on the inside.
*Meanwhile Angeal and Cloud are holding Genesis down*
87 notes · View notes
I can see ASGZC playing Smash Bros and Genesis getting fucking *pissed* that Sephiroth is a playable character.
Sephiroth: Zack, for the last time, I do not know Mario personally. He's a video game character. I cannot possibly get his autograph for you.
Zack: Does that mean you're not real? Are you dead!?
Sephiroth: Only on the inside.
*Meanwhile Angeal and Cloud are holding Genesis down*
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every time
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CallMeKevin is too underrated
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Hello Call Me Kevin fans. Here's a dump of a majority of my CMK fanart from around 3-4 years ago.
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has anyone done this yet
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Redrew a meme someone sent from the subreddit.
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i love him so much :(
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close mutuals: my wise advisors
normal mutuals: nobles of my royal court
followers: my impoverished subjects
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