another-dra-anew · 22 days
🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈PRIDE THEMED OC ASK GAME🏳️‍🌈 🏳️‍⚧️
Bc I wanted one and didn't find it so. Here
[Send ask aimed at a specific character]
1. What's your oc's gender identity? What's their relationship to their gender?
2. What's your oc's orientation? (Romantic/sexual/platonic alterous ect) Do they have opinions about it?
3. How did your oc discover themself? Did something cause them to question, or did they always know?
4. Is your oc's environment supportive about their identity? How does this impact them?
5. How did you figure out your oc's identity?
6. How does your oc feel about labels? Theirs, or in general?
7. Is there something that could cause your oc to question their identity? What?
8. Have they had struggles with their identity, be it due to internal or external reasons?
9. Are there cultural or lore specific aspects to their identity? If applicable, does their species affect it?
10. Does your oc celebrate Pride? How?
11. Is your oc open about their identity? Are they more lowkey or more blunt about it? Why or why not?
12. Does/did your oc ever wish they could change the way they are? Why? If it's in the past, how did they get over the feeling? (this can be about internalized homo/transphobia)
13. Would your oc be open to a poly relationship? Why or why not?
[Not aimed at a specific character] / [Aimed at creator]
14. Do you have ocs on the aro or ace spectrum?
15. Do any of your ocs use neopronouns? Which ones?
16. Did you ever change an oc's identity when they were already established? Why?
17. Do you share identity with any of your ocs? Which ones?
18. Do you prefer to give your ocs specific labels, or keep it unspecified? Why? If applicable, do you change their labels depending on circumstance?
19. Do you have preferences about depicting homo/transphobia in your stories? What, and why? Does it vary by story?
20. Have your ocs helped you in self discovery? How?
21. Free ramble card wee
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another-dra-anew · 2 months
want 2 prank u all for april fools but dont have prank ideas :(..
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another-dra-anew · 3 months
next update going 2 be kinda dense. theoretically it’s ready to post but i think i wanna reread it to see if i can make it not so Much.
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another-dra-anew · 3 months
trying to work on update. but. only thing in my brain is the "bye im heading out !!" "not dressed like that u arent!!!" meme. sorry </3.....
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another-dra-anew · 3 months
just so u all know what consistently happens is i open the doc to work on the update, stare at it, have genuinely no clue what’s going on, convince myself it’s not real bc the words don’t feel right in my brain, swap a line maeda has w/one of makis, then close my laptop
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another-dra-anew · 4 months
todays update might be uhhh tomorrows update 👍
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another-dra-anew · 5 months
i’ve underutilized fishnets in designs
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another-dra-anew · 5 months
hiiiii tumblr people !!! beta is still on hiatus </3.... but im working on posts again!!! i havent done work for beta in almost two months, because i was really worried i would just work on beta instead of school stuff if i was "allowed" to work on beta.... but anyways!!!
to fill u all in on my discord ramblings: i've recently been thinking about having a book club of sorts for beta! i'm working out how often it'd meet, what those meetings would look like, and what the assigned readings would be, but! my current thoughts are that once a week, i'll share my thoughts on the selected posts (might be two posts, if they're long, may be four if they're short, etc- varying weekly!), and hopefully, in the past week, those who r interested will have read those posts, and will be able to chat about them with me/each other!
i've heard a lot of people say they'd like to read beta, but, absolutely understandably, when they have free time, they don't think of undertaking 300+ posts!!!! this'll break it down some, and also, helps encourage people to chat about the story !!!
the current plan is for this to be hosted in one of the channels in the discord server, but! i wanted to share over here on tumblr as well, bc it bugs me when things are locked away in servers ksdjskjdkjs.. if there's people here w/o discord who are interested, maybe i'll find a way to put this on over here as well?
i love polls so heres a poll about it <3
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another-dra-anew · 6 months
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doodles for @another-dr-another
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another-dra-anew · 7 months
smiles at u all. hey guys i have a question (<- totally not hiding from the server rn)
ch2 deadly life spoilers ? dont look at this if you arent done with chapter 2/dont know who all dies
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another-dra-anew · 7 months
okay. gonna set another self imposed deadline. im sure THIS TIME that'll go GREAT
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another-dra-anew · 7 months
we will NOT fall into ch2s no planning issue TRUST !!!!!
(i wrote 1.5k words worth of in twenty minutes, about like. six truth bullets)
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another-dra-anew · 8 months
GREAT NEWS i literally wrote over 5k words of beta content today
bad news, it literally all is spoilers for the entirety of acg. every. every word. could not see the light of day until we finish acg. but uh. ayyyyy :D!!!
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another-dra-anew · 8 months
doing a test run of nanowrimo to see if i'll be able to/will want to do it in november, i'm writing beta for it!!!! so, hopefully that'll be another tool to help get me to work on chapter 3 :)
*cut to my nanowrimo test run google doc. i have written out a scene from CHAPTER FIVE and nothing else*
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another-dra-anew · 8 months
my house may be on fire but so lord help me i will get this update done 🔥🔥🔥
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another-dra-anew · 8 months
i dream of the holiday event i was doing last year, but i also was obnoxiously hyped for ch3 earlier today- should i try throwing a event this season, or focus on ch3?
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another-dra-anew · 8 months
tbh i’d be fine w it!! like i’ve used placeholders a ton to help me get back in the swing of writing, so i get it + it’d really be helpful for you -iris
im working on cleaning out my inbox tee hee...
this ask was sent in when i was considering skipping over writing yamaguchis execution for now, which i wound up doing!!! the current plan is to write it when i write the ch3 culprits execution because thats one ive been wanting to write for foreeever and actually have mocked up a few times. so ill make myself do what i dont want to do (yamaguchi execution) by combining it with the fun thing i want to do (ch3 execution)
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