New Good Omens Comic!
I will be starting a new Good Omens comic soon! I'm finishing up One Night in Bangor and will be making a PDF version of the entire comic swiftly. Yay!
The next comic will be it's a new craze by attheborer or areyougonnabe on Tumblr. Please give them some love!
Crowley and Aziraphale are very possibly the people least qualified, on the entire planet, to start up an advice podcast. But what else is there to do when the world isn’t ending anytime soon, you’re technically on indefinite sabbatical from your lifelong careers, and you need a plausible excuse to spend more time with your best friend who you’re definitely not, absolutely not, maybe just a little, actually maybe overwhelmingly in love with?
It's a cute fic in script format so I'll be able to add in my own little sprinkles of body language for some extra fun. Tune in soon for the first update!
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Those outfits are so cute omg
Thank you so much!!! Crocheting has definitely been a big help easing my anxiety. And it’s made me very interested in making my own clothes in general. I can sew and hem, but I’ve never sewed together an article of clothing before. Now I want to!
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I’ve been learning how to crochet cute little outfits for my girl since I have more down time to rest. I’m a bit obsessed!
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Can’t wait for her to immediately poop or pee or puke on these!
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I'm so sorry to hear people are being gross and weird. Congrats on your baby!
Thank you! I know the vast majorly of people are good and wholesome and I can’t tell y’all how much I appreciate all the positive messages over the years. I will do my best to protect her from that gross and weird 1%. Mama bear mode activate!
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I will be deleting the video of my little girl moving and won’t be posting any other pregnancy related images due to the weird messages I’ve received. A good reminder to me to never show images of my daughter after she’s born, either. Nor reveal her name. Not that I was planning to, but you know. Sometimes you forget what the internet is like.
I will, however, let y’all know when she’s coming and that she’s arrived safely. ❤️
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Can I buy the pdf for One Night In Bangor somewhere else that’s not patron? I always have trouble with the platform
Great question! I will be happy to email the PDF to you and you can PayPal me $1. That might be the easiest way if that works for you.
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Just wanted everyone to know I’m almost done with One Night in Bangor and will have a PDF available for it soon-ish.
My patrons and I are currently working on what to comic next and I look forward to starting a new comic this summer! Please note there will likely be a pause in updates when I go into labor, but that I will be back. ✌️
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Hi ...I've been a huge fan if your Sherlock stories on Archive for years, under your other pseudonym, penumbra... Just recently realized can't find them anymore tho ...have they all been deleted ? Or where they moved somewhere else? Thank you for any info you can give
Hello, thank you so much for the question!
I orphaned the fics when I got married and inherited small nieces that know how to use the internet a little too well. My fics are still there, just under “orphan_account”. I really need to find time to track them all down and have proper links. Is there one in particular you’re looking for? I do have the link to Though Greater Far, Is Innocent.
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This is lovely!
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@goodomensafterdark - Reblogs much appreciated! Scroll to the very end for closeup details.
I drew this piece next to my grandfather in hospital:
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Probably shouldn't have, since I ruined my ink at the very last moment by blubbering all over it. I was so fucking pissed with myself.
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If you liked this artwork, I have a Patreon with tons more! I try to make everything as un-pay-walled as possible, so join the free tier if you don't want to pay!
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Didn’t expect my girl to have such a personality this early.
She gave me a boop and I asked, “Oh, hey, are you awake, E?”
No responding boop.
Until my husband sidled over and started talking to her then it’s wiggles galore.
Already ignoring me. Or perhaps just a carbon copy of me and absolutely delighted by Zach at all times. Which, you know, fair.
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Do you draw Star Trek or House MD????
I think I may have drawn one Star Trek commission years ago. I don’t believe I have any House MD fanarts. I like both shows, but a severe lack of time to draw stuff for all the things I enjoy, sadly.
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Hi Kelley! Not sure if anyone has mentioned it already, but if you were ever considering going back to 211bcon, the beekeepers announced that next year is most likely the last.
Oh, man! I hope I get a chance to go! The past couple of years I’ve had stuff going on, (my wedding, family deaths, etc) and next year I’ll be contending with managing a baby, but I’d love to go to the last one if I can!
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How do you draw hands so good?!? Sorry if this is strange, but I love your art :)
Ahhh, thank you so much!
1.) Practice
2.) I use my hands as references A LOT. Hands are difficult and when I just can’t figure it out, I take pictures of my own hands as a guide. 😊
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anotherwellkeptsecret · 2 months
Will you post Closeted series on Tapas? Or just Closeted, without Naked?
I will eventually post Closeted, notNaked, on Tapas. As soon as I have the time it will be uploaded there!
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anotherwellkeptsecret · 2 months
Because I received feedback on Patreon via an exit survey: I had to switch from hand drawn to digital because I started developing inflammation in my hands from Crohn's and using a pencil is harder on my hands than a stylus--I can adjust the sensitivity so I don't have to press as hard.
It's okay to prefer my older work better--I prefer my old lines better--but sometimes you gotta roll with the punches. Wanted to share not to make that person feel badly, just wanted them to know I wasn't being lazy and abandoning my traditional roots for kicks and giggles.
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anotherwellkeptsecret · 2 months
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anotherwellkeptsecret · 2 months
The NSFW collection are NSFW individual arts and linearts I make on Fridays. They alternate between Johnlock and Ineffable Husbands. The collection itself is pretty massive at this point! I think over 500 arts at this point.
NSFW comic pages are available to all tiers. The $1 tier gets them an update behind. There are new pages on Patreon already that aren’t available here.
I will make sure to let Tumblr know when One Night in Bangor and Naked are finished so you can hop over and acquire the PDFs if you’re not interested in following along with the slower updates of a page at a time.
Any chance in a million your One Night In Bangor will be available with or in addition to the Good Omen's comic bundle? I love this series, its the first fan comic I've ever gotten into and has gotten me hooked onto fan comics as a whole! Thank you!
Yes! It will be available in PDF format on my Patreon after I finish drawing it! I will make an update when it’s available and anyone who isn’t already a Patron can go download it by joining the $1 tier on Patreon. You get a whole month of that tier’s updates, too, if you feel like it, or you can cancel the patronage support immediately if you’re only interested in the PDF. You’ll have access to all the other PDFs, too!
I am in the process of uploading other PDFs to Patreon. It will take a minute, but I hope to have my whole collection there at some point. The PDFs available now are Oh, What a Night, Change of Pace, Closeted, and the Good Omens comic bundle (That Certain Night, A Romantic Affair, As Long as We Both Shall Live).
I believe, if I’m not mistaken, all comics are available on my Patreon in their own collections so even if a PDF isn’t available yet, you can still read each comic I’ve ever done and download the pages.
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