apas-95 · 12 minutes
Sonic the hedgehog underwater running out of air musicv
finding some way to replace my dive computer deco alarm with this
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apas-95 · 13 hours
Diving Theme, Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire
this song makes me feel uneasy dghdgsh
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apas-95 · 13 hours
Ocean man by ween
Yellow submarine and octopuses garden by the beatles
Go into the water and murmaider by dethklok
perhaps a bit on the nose
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apas-95 · 13 hours
all that remains by otherkin is a good song esp if ur driving thru anywhere flat n arid
diving not driving dgbsdg but if I end up diving somewhere flat and arid I'll give it a listen :3
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apas-95 · 13 hours
ten years on and I can say: the matrix is legitimately the perfect movie if you recut it to remove the trinity prologue, and watch it like immediately become a moody thriller about, to quote the blurb, 'a computer hacker who joins a group of underground insurgents'. there's so so much more intrigue if you just start on neo as a computer hacker obsessed with a wanted international terrorist who's slowly losing their grip on reality, and then let the buildup to Everything that happens for the break into act 2 work in full force (and letting trinity, the agents, etc have a better first reveal than just some random action scene unconnected to the rest of the movie). like if you can trust the audience to sit through some (really good!) buildup to get to the action, the prologue is basically needless
I really liked the matrix when I was younger :3 every single week on friday I would rewatch the matrix and every single time I would love it. I would watch it start to end uninterrupted, enjoying every minute. It was, in my opinion, an absolutely perfect film, a masterpiece, with the sole exception of the fairly straightforward technical flaw in the prologue Trinity chase of the extremely shallow background meaning the studio backdrop of a city skyline was noticably static during the rooftop section. In every other regard it was (in the mind of a 14 year old with a stolen laptop, Backtrack mounted on a CD, and a discman loaded with daft punk) absolutely flawless.
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apas-95 · 14 hours
the closest that any gringo (scientific term for usamerican) comes to a national culture is when they scroll through a list of them as search options on 'GrubHub'
you ask a usamerican what their culture is like and they explain the fact that they have small businesses
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apas-95 · 14 hours
you ask a usamerican what their culture is like and they explain the fact that they have small businesses
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apas-95 · 15 hours
whats a buddy rush is it like that scene in Heat where one of the guys is providing cover fire while the other runs to another cover?
next time I run my small-unit tactics course should I brief every single drill with a reference to a scene in Heat
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apas-95 · 16 hours
deference is a skill that you are going to learn
(in an incredibly horny voice)
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apas-95 · 16 hours
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apas-95 · 16 hours
saw a video of a woman suffering postpartum psychosis who couldn't be around the baby for safety and one of the comments was "it's supposed to take a village to raise a child" and this really is such a good example of why community support is so important and how the nuclear family fails to address a child's needs. a child's parents even when they are 'good' parents are simply not always going to be available physically and emotionally when needed for a variety of reasons, and the less stress added to these situations, the better it is for everyone, including the child.
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apas-95 · 17 hours
whats a buddy rush is it like that scene in Heat where one of the guys is providing cover fire while the other runs to another cover?
next time I run my small-unit tactics course should I brief every single drill with a reference to a scene in Heat
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apas-95 · 17 hours
my problematic fave: tgirl fascist supercop
Tumblr media
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apas-95 · 17 hours
Askbox is OPEN:
Send in suggestions for songs for me to listen to while diving :3
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apas-95 · 17 hours
none of what youfuckers are doing is blogging
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apas-95 · 17 hours
I do not believe the soviet union was imperialist in nature (such a thing is absurd, imperialism being a stage of capitalism, soviet revisionism nonwithstanding). However, I do believe the soviet union held an incorrect and commandist national policy, which both: weakened the socialist camp through creation of dependent polities; and led to errors and excesses which contributed to national strife.
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apas-95 · 17 hours
I really liked the matrix when I was younger :3 every single week on friday I would rewatch the matrix and every single time I would love it. I would watch it start to end uninterrupted, enjoying every minute. It was, in my opinion, an absolutely perfect film, a masterpiece, with the sole exception of the fairly straightforward technical flaw in the prologue Trinity chase of the extremely shallow background meaning the studio backdrop of a city skyline was noticably static during the rooftop section. In every other regard it was (in the mind of a 14 year old with a stolen laptop, Backtrack mounted on a CD, and a discman loaded with daft punk) absolutely flawless.
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