I honestly cannot believe how far T(W)ERF rhetoric has spread on this site. They used to be the ONLY ones I saw openly mocking the concept of identifying as queer, the ONLY ones I saw referring to people as ‘kweer’ in a mocking way.
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Hey, a late birthday is still a birthday! (And none for Miah, BYE!)
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((An OOC Message From the Owner of this Blog)):
Heyyy… so, this is Angel, the owner of this side blog and the “voice” behind Jerome.
…I think there’s been a bit of a misunderstanding lately about what this blog is?
I’m not a fictive. I’m not a kinnie. I’m not a reality shifter. I’m just… a person who made a sideblog two years ago to make a lot of shitposts. And it makes me kind of uncomfortable when people tag my posts as “reality shifting”, or ship themselves with this blog specifically.
I was fine with it for a while, but lately, I’ve just been getting kind of an icky feeling. There are minors who interact with this blog, and I’ve been getting a lot of… uh… strange asks, or being tagged in some… kinda f*cked-up stuff, that I don’t want to post for the sake of my own comfort.
What I’m trying to say is… I get it. Jerome Valeska is really hot.
But please don’t tag me in your “Jerome thirst posts” anymore, or in your reality-shifting posts anymore. I’m getting really uncomfortable with it, because I never wanted to give the impression that my blog is real. (The initial point of this blog was me making fun of Logan Paul’s terrible YouTube apology video.)
I’m just a roleplayer having fun with some online friends. I don’t act like Jerome IRL, which I didn’t think would be so bad… except for the fact that I’ve had people express disappointment when I don’t actually act or talk like Jerome, or when I introduce myself as “Angel” (which isn’t even my real name to begin with).
(I had one person ask to roleplay, we started talking, and then they immediately launched into an entire love confession to Jerome that took up the entire screen, and I had… frankly no idea how to reply to it, in-character or ooc… It was even worse considering I had an IRL boyfriend at the time, and such an intimate, intense, romantic roleplay concept felt way too sincere to my anxious brain.)
I’m. not. Jerome. I’m just a college student who started a Logan Paul-parody blog that ended up spiraling way too out of control, accidentally gained an impression for being annoying as hell, and attracted a large audience I was NOT ready to handle.
So… yeah. By all means, continue to send asks and tag me in posts! I love that! Don’t feel discouraged sending things like that!
But next time… please keep it PG-13 when you tag me in stuff, or send me asks. The majority of people in this roleplay fandom… are teenagers. I’m not, but most of the other Gotham roleplay mutuals I’ve made are, and I don’t feel comfortable posting or reblogging thirst asks where they can see it.
Please remember: I’m not your boyfriend, I’m not a character AI, I’m not a virtual dating sim. I have a life beyond this blog, and I don’t want people to think of it any other way than me trying to have a fun time.
I’m just… Angel. Please don’t get disappointed when I need to break character for my own sake, or don’t get too deep into a scenario. I’m not trying to be anything more than someone having fun.
Okay, so… uh… I’m glad I wrote that all out. I love interacting with you all, but please respect my boundaries from here on out, please don’t mistake me for actually being Jerome, and please… forgive my terrible puns. (Because I have at least dozens of them.)
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Would you like to really join Jeremiah's cult? It's open for everyone, including you.
Listen… As much as I deeply appreciate the offer…
Miah and I can barely be in the same room half the time, and he’s already spinning his head around with his own popularity.
Besides, I’m up to my ass in paperwork from running my own cult. And if I were to join another while still running my own?
…why, that would be just a conflict of interest. Can’t really join one cult and run another.
After that, the two cults would fight over me, and then it just leads to another opportunity for Jim Gordon to call in the “bootlicker brigade” to throw us allll back in Arkham.
(And I have yet to come up with another glorious Arkham Asylum Escape Plan Speedrun in case that happens. Gimme a few weeks tho, and it’ll be fan-fucking-tastic!)
Maybe one day, my wallet schedule will clear up (preferably, after Johnny Crane finally gets his Fear Gas shit together and helps me with the boring stuff),
But alas…. For now….
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I’m right where ya can always find me!
I won’t bite ya…
Go ahead…
Reach out sometime…
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I miss our Romie 😭
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Purple thing from McDonald’s is what people called you after you fell into that vat of acid!
Better start increasing your kill count, Miah! McDonald’s is catching up!
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This purple thing from McDonald's killed more...more people than me?
I've been gone...for 2 weeks...and McDonald's thinks they can outrun me with a fucking knockoff Muppet!?
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@idledreams Get caught? Us??? HA!
That’s a hilarious joke ya got there!
No, seriously, breaking outta Arkham is E-ASY!
(We have an Arkham Breakout Speedrun Challenge for that exact reason!)
Turns out, the guards don’t really give a crap on their coffee break!
And IIII don’t give a crap about breaking down a few doors to do it!
When we’re on the news, it’s because we’ll be showin’ off our Vegas winnings!
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Hello, Gotham!
It’s been a while, so I’d like to inform you all that @themadolhat and @jeremiah-va1eska and I are going to VEGAS!
(Bruce Wayne ain’t the only one who can have fun throwing money around, eh?)
BUT… we gotta break outta Arkham first!
1.) Break outta Arkham
2.) Go to Vegas
3.) ?????
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The 6 o’clock, 10 PM, and the morning show!
Hello, Gotham!
It’s been a while, so I’d like to inform you all that @themadolhat and @jeremiah-va1eska and I are going to VEGAS!
(Bruce Wayne ain’t the only one who can have fun throwing money around, eh?)
BUT… we gotta break outta Arkham first!
1.) Break outta Arkham
2.) Go to Vegas
3.) ?????
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Hello, Gotham!
It’s been a while, so I’d like to inform you all that @themadolhat and @jeremiah-va1eska and I are going to VEGAS!
(Bruce Wayne ain’t the only one who can have fun throwing money around, eh?)
BUT… we gotta break outta Arkham first!
1.) Break outta Arkham
2.) Go to Vegas
3.) ?????
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Jerome doodles muahahahahah😋😋
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Awww, bestie, ya shouldn’t have!
You really captured my ✨likeness.✨
(Especially all the ones where I’m flipping off the camera, y’know what I mean?)
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Making Jerome every time I get on piccrew 😕🤞💕
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Me showin’ up to ruin Jim Gordon’s day like-
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(Give Taylor her scarf back, Jake Gyllenhaal, I stg.)
I believe in the power of Swiftie Jerome
Excellent. I’m glad he brought this fact about his musical preferences to my attention, and glad that several of you are enthusiastically onboard with it 🤣
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Don’t worry! To me, Death is a revolving door and I’m spinning around like a carousel of doom!
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Happy birthday to Jerome (19-4-1996) and Jeremiah (20-4-1996).
Your memory lives on in all our hearts!
Rest well sweet angels!-
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Happy birthday to meeeeee…
Happy birthday to meeeeeeeee…
Happy birthday to myself…
Happy birthday to meeeeee…
And the best part?
I left a party favor at the GCPD!
Have fun, Jimbo!
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Oh shit, is this conversation what I think it is?
Did somebody say…
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We...we need to talk...
*glances slowly worried at him*
What did you do...?
-Bruce Wayne
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What relationship issues?!?!
I have no idea what you’re talking about. I’m doing just fine with my relationships!
I’ve got a REAL girlfriend who will ACTUALLY love me:
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Fellow followers...
I want to do something you people call "cool" on my blog...
But I don't know what...
I can't come up with any ideas so...
Give me suggestions in the inbox and I'll do them 😌
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