aquilamage · 23 hours
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what if i gave them casual outfits >:3
drawing legs is so hard help
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aquilamage · 1 day
today and yesterday's vetted fundraisers. please continue to share and donate in whatever capacity you can! i know there are lots of posts like this and it's easy to just scroll past, but please resist apathy - the few seconds or minutes you take here can absolutely save lives.
june 8th & 9th:
Tahani El-Shorbaje, her husband Wissam, their three children, and six extended family members ($8,508/$50,000) - @tahanishorbaje2
Mohammed Alanqer, his wife Enas Majed, and their four children, one a newborn (€9,747/€38,000) - @mohamedalanqer, @enasmajed
Mohammed Hilles, his wife, and their four children (€10,825/€20,000) - @hmzamohammed
Mahmoud Khalaf's family of eight (€5,039/€30,000) - @mahmoudkhalaff
Reem Shehab, her husband Fahed, their five children, and the childrens' grandmother (€11,316/€50,000) - @monashehab, @danashehab
Skater Hani Alhajjar's family of ten (they lost their father to kidney failure after he was deprived treatment) (€26,103/€50,000) - @skatehani
Amal Ashour, her husband, and their baby daughter (€4,133/€30,000) - @moatasim20101010
Amani Hasan and her three children ($3,403 CAD/$17,732 CAD) - @amani93gaza
Mahmoud Saleh and family (he's lost his father, niece, and nephew) (€2,484/€20,000) - @mahmoud-saleh444
Mohammad Awni and his family of six (€283/€45,000) - @mohamedawni
Reham Al Jarrah and her family of seven (€1,972/€49,000) - @rehamjarrah
Rana Helal, her husband Ibrahim Sahqura, and their four children, one a newborn (€15,480/€28,000) - @ibshaqura, @runnosan
unvetted but likely legitimate:
Newlyweds Walid Abushaban and Farah Al-Aklouk (€330/€40,000) - @walidabushaban, @engfarha94
i know this is a longer list than usual, but please take that as a sign that the situation of these families is only growing more dire and let it encourage you to action rather than overwhelm you. even the smallest efforts count
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aquilamage · 1 day
that farm arrays pearl attempt made me miserable. so to cheer myself up I gave myself an excuse to stare at Looks to the Moon (making images with the 'colorpicked from my ref sheet of them' flags)
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[Image Description: a 3-by-3 set of images of Looks to the Moon from the Scholar passage art with a different pride flag as a background for each. They are, left to right and top to bottom: lesbian, rainbow, bi, trans, nonbinary, genderqueer, aro, aroace, and ace. End ID.]
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aquilamage · 1 day
also I wanna say: for all the shit I talk about Five Pebbles I do really like him and the way he's written. he's also dealing with so much terrible shit and his reactions are very compelling! even if I'm constantly like "did five pebbles do some fucked up shit" it's (affectionate) (enthusiastic). I love him it's just of the "I wanna put him in a jar and shake it" flavor
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aquilamage · 2 days
that farm arrays pearl attempt made me miserable. so to cheer myself up I gave myself an excuse to stare at Looks to the Moon (making images with the 'colorpicked from my ref sheet of them' flags)
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[Image Description: a 3-by-3 set of images of Looks to the Moon from the Scholar passage art with a different pride flag as a background for each. They are, left to right and top to bottom: lesbian, rainbow, bi, trans, nonbinary, genderqueer, aro, aroace, and ace. End ID.]
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aquilamage · 2 days
in my now-inevitable tierlist for how easy and nice pearls are to get, this farm arrays one is going so fucking low on the list you gotta scroll down to see it. fuck this pearl and whoever designed this area. miserable!
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aquilamage · 2 days
ever wanted to own most trusted advisors but $15 was too pricey for you? well now you can get it for only $10 alongside ~600 other games or whatever in the TTRPGs for Palestine bundle. all money goes to medical aid for palestinians and there are in fact some really great games in there, some of my favourites are wanderhome and eidolon: become your best self 1e. please consider checking it out!
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aquilamage · 2 days
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just a couple of traumatized kids
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aquilamage · 2 days
Episode 8! Pearl reading (and some other Looks to the Moon dialogues) part 2!
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aquilamage · 2 days
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can't believe we're over a week into the month and we haven't drawn them yet
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aquilamage · 2 days
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(Page 196) [Tapas] [Sideblog] [Twitter] [Patreon]
(Patreon is currently a few pages ahead!)
Yeah, your girlfriend talks about you a lot.
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aquilamage · 3 days
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shout out to team cherry for inventing toxic yuri
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aquilamage · 3 days
artists rb this with your favorite thing about prev's art-style in the tags
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aquilamage · 3 days
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aquilamage · 3 days
Episode 8! Pearl reading (and some other Looks to the Moon dialogues) part 2!
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aquilamage · 4 days
the need to talk about the characters vs the fear that all of my analysis is just empty prose and surface level understanding
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aquilamage · 4 days
been rewatching the blg hollow knight series and it's making me feel a lot of things.
1) re-experiencing the story for the first time in a while means the emotions are hitting me hard, and now I'm thinking extra more on all my in my head story stuff. also I wanna replay (slash maybe actually finish this time) myself so bad
2) there's a billion great things about that series and one of them is all the lore reactions. and specifically I can't stop thinking about the way the 250 word lore essay part makes me feel. like the pure excitement and being so into analyzing everything is soo incredible. And it's like. I've been feeling really iffy about my rain world recordings for lots of little things, but revisiting that moment aka my biggest inspiration for wanting to do it in the first place...it helps. potentially doing that same thing for someone else would be such an honor. and even if it does end up just being for future me, it still means a lot to get back to thinking about it in this context
3) also my brain is doing the typical "lets mash together the things you're into" and thinkin about hk characters in rw and vice versa. mostly surface level design thoughts but :3
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