archrries · 4 days
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Bradley may have daddy issues, but he loves his grandparents I'm sure of it (rich people do)
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archrries · 6 days
What if one day Merlin had just woken up and decided to reveal his magic. However to do so he just uses it as he would if it was legalised and gaslights Arthur (and everyone else) into believing he had been doing things this way all along
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archrries · 6 days
Merlin in emerald green is underrated. Everyone always draws him in strictly blue and red, which don’t get me wrong, are definitely his colors. But imagine those gold eyes, against a dark green velvet. Imagine the stark black hair against a soft green grass. Imagine the pale skin and blue eyes in the deepest and richest color the earth can be. Imagine.. just imagine.
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archrries · 6 days
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eyes like starlight ✨
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archrries · 6 days
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I'm obsessed with Breadley UpperCrust III
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archrries · 12 days
Ok no because I said this and now Maxley is all over my tiktok fyp and I just
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Its them, your honor
Credits to @violetwitchhh for the incredible amazing art of them
Autistic Stoner boyfriend x Autistic crazy yappatron boyfriend
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archrries · 14 days
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archrries · 15 days
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ressource thread !!
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archrries · 15 days
God why did you make me remember. I am constantly suffering from this fact.
sometimes im okay. and then. merlin and arthur are canonically soulmates. the horrors
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archrries · 15 days
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Mermay….mermay…. Merlinmay….
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archrries · 15 days
Arthur sends Merlin on some job and wants him to take a knightly escort to keep him out of trouble. Merlin: I'll take Gwaine with me Arthur: I said "keep you out of trouble" not "guarantee you'll get into it". Take Lancelot with you, he's the least likely to commit treason with you Merlin: You say that like he's never committed treason with me
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archrries · 15 days
Arthur: Merlin, can you help me? All of my clothes keep disappearing for some reason.
Merlin, wearing a tunic that's 5 times bigger than his size: Spooky.
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archrries · 15 days
right now i'm writing paragraphs of obsessing over merlins little hair curls from arthur's pov and it's partly hilarious and partly what am i doing with my life
no but in my defense, look at those cute lil curls
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archrries · 15 days
Okay but it's definitely not until Merlin does something like getting stabbed by an iron sword that anyone realizes he's NOT a fairy. Rule 1 is that they hate iron. It burns them, stops their magic from working, etc etc. So when Merlin 1. Gets literally stabbed and 2. They realize it was iron, they're kind of pulling out all the stops to save him. But Merlin just...heals??? Faster than normal people, by the way. Like he's up and moving within hours, if even that. Arthur is just so confused because he was definitely aware of how heavy of an effect iron had on fairies. So he looks back at all those books, just in case, only to realize yeah there's no way Merlin can be a fairy if he's healed so quickly after being stabbed with an iron blade. So it's back to the books and Arthur tries getting the knights to help only to still be so lost. Of course, Merlin is confused because suddenly the whole kingdom is avoiding him (they thought he was a friendly little fairy, what the hell could he possibly be? Will he hurt them?) Eventually Leon comes up with Dragonlord, saying 'just because we think they're gone, doesn't mean they are' cause he's just Mr. Fancy Pants. Arthur doubts it but what other choice do they have? So they test it. Merlin is honestly kind of nervous when the knights all start trying to get close to him again after the avoidance, so he stays out of the way, which just makes it that much more difficult for them to test their theory. I mean, how are they meant to get a good look at his teeth? After all, Dragonlords look perfectly human except for their double sets of 'fangs'. Just a trait passed down that has no real use, like how humans evolved out of their wisdom teeth. Arthur is dead set though and makes various plans to try and get a look. Cue the montage of them trying and failing over and over. Eventually Arthur figures it's just best to ask him flat out. Make up some reason like 'there's a sickness blah blah blah'. And sure enough, Merlin has a double set of fangs. Arthur gets so excited at his discovery he forgets he was lying to Merlin about the reason and blurts out that they were trying to figure out what creature he was.
Time for today's silly Merlin au! This time featuring himbo Arthur!
I think that the show should have leaned into the whole "Merlin's technically a creature of magic" aspect, both in terms of being magic incarnate and kin to the dragons, and I think Arthur should have also been forced to come to terms with it as well. However, this is Arthur we're talking about, so of course he wouldn't come to the right conclusions right away.
In this scenario, around season 5-ish, there's an evil sorcerer seeking revenge against Camelot for the purge who puts a spell on all of the humans in Camelot, one that would weaken them and cause such fatigue that no one would be able to even stand up after a while. But it's a powerful and taxing spell to cast, so the sorcerer can only afford to target the humans in Camelot to keep the number of targets as low as possible. Besides, what could the livestock in Camelot do to stop him anyways?
So everyone in Camelot is falling under this spell, and Arthur and the knights are rushing to prepare for battle against the sorcerer to make him lift the spell. However, with each hour that passes, everyone grows weaker and weaker.
Merlin does, of course, know that this spell has been cast and what it does, but he doesn't feel its affects and assumes that his magic is protecting him. He acts like he's growing weaker so he doesn't fall under anyone's suspicions for the wrong reasons. However, after Merlin summons and talks to Kilgarrah for advice on how to break the spell, Kilgarrah informs him that Merlin wasn't protected by his magic, but rather by the fact that he isn't truly human.
And Merlin decides to unpack the implications of that some other time, because he's got a kingdom and a prat to save.
Fast forwards to the knights getting their asses kicked by the sorcerer and the evil sorcerer preparing to kill Arthur, who's lying on the ground with his eyes closed. All the other knights were knocked out by a blast from the sorcerer, but Arthur's still barely clinging to consciousness, yet he's too weak to even open his eyes. All he can do is listen helplessly as the sorcerer prepares to kill them all.
But then the sorcerer yelps, as if he were hit by something. Arthur's hope skyrockets as the sorcerer yells "You! How are you even still awake?! Every single human in Camelot should be feeling the full effects of the spell by now!" Arthur thinks for a moment that one of his knights has found enough strength to overcome the spell and fight back, but that hope is quickly dashed when he hears Merlin's voice responding like he isn't tired in the slightest, saying, "Well it's a good thing I was never really human then."
Merlin decided to say that to throw the sorcerer off-kilter enough to distract him and give Merlin an advantage in the fight. Besides, Merlin can see that all of the knights, including Arthur, are knocked out on the ground, so there's no harm in admitting it to this sorcerer who he's definitely going to have to kill.
Arthur, meanwhile, is still conscious and completely reeling from Merlin's words. What the hell did he mean he wasn't human?! Has some vile magical creature taken Merlin's place?
After the battle (which sounded to Arthur like a bunch of grunts, pained yelps, and a final, wet gurgle), Arthur could feel the effects of the spell lifting, letting him open his eyes with a gasp. He frantically looks around to make sure Merlin's ok, but Merlin's only a few steps away from him, while the sorcerer lies dead on the ground with a sword buried in his chest.
Hearing Arthur's gasp, Merlin turns to him with a relieved smile and helps pulls Arthur to his feet. Arthur, meanwhile, is too stunned to even ask how Merlin of all people managed to kill a powerful sorcerer by himself, but Merlin's giving some unbelievable explanation that involves distracting the sorcerer and then getting a miraculous opening and stabbing the sorcerer. Arthur's nodding along, but inside, he's really searching man who might be Merlin or might be some magical imposter posing as Merlin, as awful as that is for Arthur to consider, for any signs that he's truly Merlin.
If he's an imposter, Arthur has to give him credit, he plays his part well. The man in front of him looks exactly like Merlin, talks like Merlin, walks with Merlin's lanky gait, and seems to know everything Merlin knows, even their inside jokes. Still, Arthur needs to be sure, so after they get back to the castle, Arthur goes down to the vaults and grabs a secret object that Uther used in the purge that could detect illusions and glamor magics. It was a simple clear crystal in the shape of a sphere and small enough to fit in the palm of a person's hand, but if someone or something that was using magic to alter their appearance came into contact with it, the crystal would glow with a bright light.
Arthur plants the sphere in his chambers and disguises it as a new paperweight. The next day, Arthur pretends to accidentally knock it off his desk, sending it rolling across the floor, and orders the maybe-Merlin to pick it up and bring it back to his desk. Maybe-Merlin rolls his eyes in a perfect imitation of Merlin and walks over to the crystal. To Arthur's shock and relief, the crystal doesn't glow when Merlin picks it up, so he definitely is the true Merlin.
But then that leads Arthur to a horrible conclusion: the Merlin he knew wasn't a human, and never was. And the only creatures with the ability to look convincingly human were creatures of magic.
Oh god, Merlin was a creature of magic.
Arthur decides that, in order for him to plot an appropriate course of action, he needs more information. Namely, he needs to know what exactly Merlin is.
So, Arthur sneaks into the library and secretly takes some of the bestiaries, searching for what manner of creature Merlin truly is. Arthur tries not to jump to the worst possible conclusions, but all of the creatures of magic that can take human form that Arthur knows of are horrible monsters that prey on humans. Take the sidhe and the lamia for examples!
But people don't randomly go missing or turn up dead from monster attacks very frequently in Camelot, and Merlin cries when Arthur so much as shoots a bunny, so if Merlin's some sort of monster that kills and eats humans, he's doing a piss poor job at being one. So, Merlin must be some sort of creature that doesn't hurt humans, which certainly narrows down the list.
Arthur eventually finds a list of peaceful, human-like creatures of magic, and he starts trying to narrow down what Merlin is. He couldn't be an elf, since his ears were huge and round, not pointed. He couldn't be a gnome, he was too tall and gangly. He couldn't be a nymph, he spent too much time indoors to be a nature spirit. He couldn't be a leprechaun, he didn't have a beard or an affinity towards gold. He couldn't be a fae or a sidhe, he doesn't make deals with anyone (besides when he goes gambling at the tavern). And he certainly couldn't be a dragonlord, they were all dead!
Arthur was just about to give up when he finally found what he was looking for! The book's passage on fairies described them as benevolent relatives to the fae who would often disguise themselves as humans and would bring good luck and fortune to whoever befriended them, while sometimes engaging in some fun mischief! That must be Merlin!
Come to think of it, Arthur did have some great moments of luck, some of them almost miraculous! Morgana's magic failing her the day of a battle, defeating a dragon single-handedly, surviving the questing beast's bite, and of course defeating monsters that were said to only be killed through magic. And Merlin had been there for all of those events!
The book also describes fairies as creatures that love all living beings and are closely connected with nature, which makes perfect sense considering how much Merlin hates hunting! And fairies could see into the true hearts of people, which was how Merlin always knew if a person was untrustworthy!
It all made so much sense! This even explained Merlin's random "visits to the tavern", when Arthur knew that Merlin rarely ever drank. According to the book, fairies could only maintain their human forms for so long before they needed to spend some time in their smaller winged forms.
The book even addressed how fairies could be born from a union between a particularly powerful fairy and a human, which even explained why Merlin never knew his father and how Merlin could be a creature of magic while having a human mother!
Now that he knew the truth, Arthur felt so much relief! His best friend wasn't some diabolical monster, he was just a playful and friendly fairy trying to live as a human! It made so much sense!
And now all Arthur had to do was prove it. All evidence pointed to Merlin being a fairy, but he needed concrete proof before he could take any action. According to the book, the blood of a fairy in a human disguise sparkled under the light of a full moon. So, Arthur devised a plan to take Merlin out on an overnight hunting trip the day before the next full moon and "accidentally" cut Merlin's arm with one of the crossbow bolts. Arthur would then bandage the cut for Merlin and, after a couple hours, insist on changing the bandages, and pocket the first bloodied bandage.
Sure, Arthur felt guilty about purposely cutting his friend, but this was Merlin's fault for keeping the fact that he wasn't human a secret over their ten years of friendship! So, Arthur goes through with his plan, and when he held the used bandage up to the moonlight after Merlin had fallen asleep, he has to hold back a gasp as the red blood on the cloth shimmers and turns a bright golden color. Well, the book was right, the blood certainly sparkled!
(It was a shame that Arthur never read into warlocks, and how the magic in a warlock's blood made their blood turn gold under the light of a full moon.)
Arthur then turned to look at his peacefully sleeping friend, and swore that he would do everything he could to help his friendly little fairy.
Shortly after that revelation, Arthur starts actively noticing all of the strokes of luck he has. Bandits can never land a hit on him because they're too busy getting knocked out by tree branches or tripping over roots, his baths and meals are always the perfect temperature no matter how long he waits, and his injuries all heal at near-impossible rates. Hell, Arthur couldn't even recall the last time he got sick with something as small as a cold!
So Arthur tries to do little things for Merlin to show him his appreciation, like giving Merlin flower crowns (which fairies are said to like and Merlin absolutely adores), giving him a shiny silver mirror (fairies are supposed to like shiny things, and Merlin's never had a proper mirror before), and giving Merlin parts of his own meals as a food offering (which Merlin of course isn't about to turn down).
(Arthur's also kinda frustrated at the lack of information about fairy courting rituals lol!)
But Arthur isn't the best at keeping secrets, so the knights of the round table eventually catch him trying to set up a nice little fairy ring for Merlin in the garden, and they also "figure out" that Merlin is a fairy, and it all spirals from there until the entire castle is trying to show their appreciation for their fairy friend.
Merlin's very confused by all of this (since Arthur's terrible at actually communicating, Merlin doesn't know that Arthur thinks he's a fairy), but he's not about to turn down all of these lovely gifts!
And there's lots of different directions the story could go from there! A pretty funny scenario would be some rival king catching wind of how Camelot's great victories are all because of their king befriending a kind fairy, so he kidnaps Merlin in an attempt to make Merlin grant him such great luck and victory in battle. However, all they do to imprison Merlin is pour a circle of salt around him (since they firmly believe that fairies cannot cross a barrier of salt).
Merlin's just kinda raises an eyebrow and thinks that this is the weirdest kidnapping ever, steps over the salt, and escapes back to Camelot.
Thank you for reading through my rambling! :D
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archrries · 15 days
Arthur: since when can you juggle?
Merlin: I've been juggling three jobs since I came to Camelot, what are you talking about?
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archrries · 15 days
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Bradley doodle!! ⍢
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archrries · 15 days
ME. I DO!!!!!
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do people still even GAF about this ugly ass mf??
first one was drawn pathetically using my mousepad
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