arent-i-the-fairest · 5 months
hi i think the way you write reader is so... yuu. does that make sense? like it's the yuuest of all,,,and personally i really really like that. thats all goodbye have a nice day
hehe thank youu anon (^ν^) i’m really glad you like it!!
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arent-i-the-fairest · 7 months
Is this blog still active?
it’s still active! i post like once in a blue moon, but i’m online and lurking around on the website often hehehe
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arent-i-the-fairest · 8 months
hehe, my pleasure!! ╰(*´︶`*)╯♡ glad you liked how the rq turned out! i had a lot of fun writing it!
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arent-i-the-fairest · 8 months
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𝐮𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 (𝟐)
he takes care of you while you’re sick. (romantic)
author’s note : in addition to neige, i wrote hcs for che’nya and rollo! i love these three so much <333
crowley, crewel, and sam ver. of this prompt here!
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neige leblanche
“you really called off a photoshoot just to come take care of me? you know you didn’t have to,” you said, smiling softly. neige shook his head.
“oh, i know, i know. but i just couldn’t help myself. the thought of you being all alone while sick just makes me so sad!” he pouts, taking your hands in his. “so i had to come! now, come on and lay down. take it easy and just leave everything to me! i’ll take good care of you.”
he babies you so hard, it’s to the point you almost feel embarrassed. like, he spoons feed you and everything. but he seems no shame in it!
he also decides to take it upon himself to do all ramshackle’s housekeeping and chores for you. (househusband material, honestly.)
no matter how many times you warn him that your sickness is contagious, he can’t resist giving you little kisses throughout the day. so it was no surprise when he called saying he was sick the next day…
“don’t say you didn’t expect this to happen, neige.”
neige only let out a whine and hid his face in the fluffy pile of blankets you brought him. as much as you wanted to scold him for not listening to your warnings, seeing him in such a pitiful state made it impossible.
you’ll save the lecture for later. for now, you’ll be gentle with him, just like he was with you while you were sick.
“oh my, you’re not looking too well!” che’nya chuckles, quirking his head to the side as he looks at you. “well, don’t worry. nurse artemiy artemiyevich pinker is here to help you recover!”
you didn’t have the highest expectations when it came to his caregiving skills, but he actually does really well at taking care of you. he’s very attentive when it comes to your needs. be warned though, he will ask you if you’re feeling better like every 20 minutes just to annoy you.
he’ll exaggerate his cat behaviors to entertain you— and maybe to get you to coo over him being cute. he’ll knead blankets (or perhaps your lap if he wants to rest there instead), bump his head against you, and the like. if you had a cat toy, he’d probably play with it. all without feeling the slightest bit of embarrassment too.
“i’ve gotta ask… did you really come here to take care of me, or was this just an elaborate plan to get me to pet you?” you joked as you scratched behind che’nya’s ears.
“oh no, you’ve caught on! i just came for some pets,” he teased back, purring and leaning into your touch. “— just kidding, of course. hehe.”
you chuckle and lay your head against his chest, listening to the calming sound of his purring as you drift off to sleep.
rollo flamme
you got sick from getting hit by several spells. the perpetrators were none other than ace and deuce, whose fight you accidentally got caught in the crossfire of. (they’ve apologized to you over ten times for this..)
with all the chaos that’s been thrown your way so far, you hardly cared. this is just another tuesday at nrc for you. but you know who did care? rollo.
needless to say, he was not happy to hear of this situation. it’s only served to support his resolve of wanting to eradicate magic.
he tries to hide his anger about the context of how you got sick… and he doesn’t do a good job at it. you’ll look at him once in a while and his face will be twisted up in a scowl. or sometimes you’ll hear him muttering under his breath about “vile reckless mages…” and the like.
knowing how no-nonsense he is, you were a bit nervous about being in his care. but he ended up being a lot more gentle with you than you expected! (… he still made you study though. no falling behind in school on his watch.)
just like neige, he took it upon himself to do all the housekeeping for you. and you swear, you’ve never seen ramshackle so spotless. rollo does not play when it comes to cleanliness.
you watch in amusement as ace and deuce desperately try to convince rollo to let them enter your dorm. rollo is not even slightly swayed by their pleas, standing his ground on not letting them step foot in ramshackle.
“you two are the reason the prefect is ill in the first place. you’ve proven yourselves to be dangerous. i will not take the risk of letting you miscreants in and causing any more trouble for them.” rollo glares down at the pair, getting ready to shut the door on them. you quietly laugh at how protective he’s being.
you walk over to rollo, gently pulling him away from the door to let ace and deuce in. “come on, rollo. let them in. i’m sure they’ll be on their best behavior, especially with you here watching them like a hawk.”
rollo sighs and finally relaxes. “hmph… fine.”
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arent-i-the-fairest · 8 months
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still screaming. fellow honest <333
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arent-i-the-fairest · 8 months
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arent-i-the-fairest · 9 months
aaaaa mika hi!!! i’m doing good!!! currently still squealing about the fact that rollo is getting ssr! also praying that this means other side characters could maybe possibly get cards too~ disney,,, neige or che’nya card pls :’3
how are you doing? doing well, i hope!! ♡
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arent-i-the-fairest · 9 months
rollo getting a card has singlehandedly revived my twst obsession
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arent-i-the-fairest · 10 months
💌 Send this to the twelve nicest people you know or who seem to have a good heart and if you get five back you must be pretty awesome. 💌
ty~!!! 。゚(゚´ω`゚)゚。♡
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arent-i-the-fairest · 11 months
☆ Put this star into the inbox of your favorite blogs. It's time to spread positivity <33
♡(´ε` ) !!!
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arent-i-the-fairest · 11 months
I was reading though your pinned and OMG ALMOST BIRTHDAY TWINS I was born on the 17th of May hehehehe
ooo very cool!! we’re taurus buddies! :D
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Could I request some enemy-rival for the best grades in class to lovers with Azul, Riddle, Jamil, and Vil. (It's ok if you don't do the last two).
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𝐀+ 𝐢𝐧 𝐩𝐢𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠
author’s note : i’ve finally finished something!! i’m very sorry for being so inactive everyone, writer’s block has had me by the throat orz
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azul ashengrotto
azul is an entrepreneur, and you learn very early in the business world that you’ve got to be competitive; and he is just that.
we all know him, he does some shady shit. you would think with an academic rival, he would try and pull something like getting you expelled or finding some way to nuke your grades— all while somehow managing to stay in the bounds of what’s legal.
but despite you two’s thick rivalry, azul wouldn’t do anything of the sort to you.. if you were anyone else, he would. the truth is, he’s got a little crush on you.
“i really don’t think getting me a tutor is necessary, professor.”
crewel looks up from his paperwork, unconvinced. “your performance has been dropping, prefect. quite significantly. i wouldn’t be doing this if this if you were just experiencing a small bump in the road. i’m worried about your comprehension.”
“.. i guess i have been having trouble understanding what we’ve been learning,” you admit. “anyways, you mentioned already selecting a tutor for me. who is it?”
“azul ashengrotto.” crewel replies cooly. you choke. of all the possible people—
“why him??” you barely breath out.
“he’s one of the finest student-alchemists in the school, that’s why. i would’ve asked one of the other top alchemists to tutor you, but they were all busy. besides, the pup seemed enthusiastic at the idea of tutoring you.” crewel explained as he stirred his coffee. “i know you don’t like him, but you’ll have to put up with it until your performance starts picking back up. do your best not to maul him during you two’s sessions.”
a knock on the door momentarily pulled you out of your misery.
“please excuse the interruption!” a familiar voice chirped. you sighed; it’s azul. and just like that, you feel miserable again.
“ashengrotto. thank you for taking up the tutor role. show some gratitude, prefect.” crewel orders.
“thanks, azul.” you grit out.
“of course! i’m willing to help you fix your shortcomings any time,” azul flashes an admittedly charming, but at the same time irritable smile at you. “anything for a beloved friend.”
your eyes twitch at his insincerity. “so what are you here for?” you ask.
“i actually came to take you to the library. that’s where i’ve decided we’ll be holding our tutoring sessions.” he smiles.
the realization of something makes you raise an eyebrow. how did he know you were in here? you didn’t tell him (or anyone else for that matter) that you would be seeing crewel after school. you haven’t talked to azul since class that morning, when you chewed him out for indirectly calling you dumb.
“.. i see. we should get going then.”
the two of you walk in blissful silence until azul disturbs it.
“just so you know, prefect— me tutoring you means you are in debt now. i’m a busy man, you know. and i’ll be having to pay jade and floyd a couple madol extra for running the entire lounge theirselves for an hour and a half each day i’ll have to tutor.”
“debt?!” you sputtered. “i didn’t even get a choice in this! crewel just sprung all this on me today, literal minutes before you joined our convo,” you stop firmly in your tracks. “if you tutoring me is going to get me in debt, i’m not going. i can study on my own.”
“oh please, being in my debt isn’t so bad!” azul snakes a hand around your arm before dragging you in the direction of the library. you try to break free, but he’s got an iron grip. “and i happen to be very fond of you, so i won’t make you repay me with anything too costly.”
“knowing you, you definitely are!”
having azul as your tutor is emotionally grueling.
it’s not the way he teaches. he’s not like teachers that have thin patience and are just all around terrifying— the worst you get is the occasional quip, but that’s expected of your rival. aside from said quips, he’s actually quite kind. and helpful. the grueling part is trying to come to terms with the fact that you fell for him.
you were practically vibrating with happiness seeing the score on your report card. “finally! i’m back at a high A again! i’ve got to tell azu..” your voice trailed off as you remembered earlier today, he asked you to come to the mostro lounge.
he was gonna make you pay your debt today.
. . .
entering the establishment, you were taken aback to see the place with not a single customer. it’s after school; the time mostro lounge is usually it’s busiest. and as far as you know, there’s nothing special going on today. besides you having to pay your debt.
“did he close for the day because of me?” you gulped as you looked around for azul. out he came from the VIP room— dressed not in his dorm uniform, but in a rather fancy outfit. apparently he wants to collect his pay in style.
“prefect,” he greeted, seeming oddly nervous. “your payment is..” azul cuts himself off, like he’s struggling to speak. his face is flushing at an indescribable pace. meanwhile you’re nervous out of your mind; even more so confused at why he looks like he’s about to pass out.
“go on..” you urge.
“having dinner with me.”
“.. oh! wait wh—”
riddle rosehearts [!!! — burnout]
it’s not being competitive that’s bad; it’s being the annoying type of competitive that is. and riddle is certainly giving off that annoying-competitive vibe to you. but whatever! you’re willing to compete against him, it’ll just push you even harder to aim for the top. and it is genuinely fun to compete!
— until you get burnt out.
turns out juggling personal problems, other people’s problems, 20 others things as well as keeping your grades high is not easy. at some point you begin to crack; your energy deteriorates, and so does your grades. and who is there to point it out? your beloved rival, of course.
the grades you see on your report card right now are not the worst thing you could get. not by a long shot! (just take a look at ace and deuce’s grades.) but it still stings to get when you’re usually so much better.
you used to have high A’s— even a few A+’s! but now you had low B’s in just about every class.
“i did all i could. all that effort, just for me to end up sinking.” you crumple up your paper up in frustration then toss it behind you, not even wanting it to be in your possession.
it landed right in front of riddle. he unfolds it and sneers as he makes his way to your seat.
“what happened to your straight A’s?” the boy asks, sliding the report before your hunched-over form. “don’t tell me you’ve lost some of your work ethic?”
“no,” you sluggishly sit up, shaking your head. “at least, i don’t think so. i’ve been working as hard as i can. i don’t understand how my grades plummeted despite that.”
there’s a look of concern that crosses riddle’s face for a moment, but you don’t catch it. he immediately dons a scowl once again.
“hmph. well, if you want to get back to the respectable place you once were, you’d better work even harder.”
you, drowning in self-loathing over your grades, decided he was right. so you worked harder. you worked so hard in fact, you ended up ill.
“when i told you to work harder, i did not mean half to death. what were you thinking? neglecting sleep, a proper diet— essentially every necessity of having good health? i’m disappointed, prefect.”
riddle’s harsh tone is making your tension headache intensify. your head pounds with every word he says.
“listen— i know it wasn’t smart of me to let my health go to shit. but let me do something right for the first time in like, a month, and nurse myself back to perfect health,” you throw your blanket over your head. “which starts with getting some rest. i appreciate the visit and the scolding— now please leave.”
riddle scoffs as if he’s offended, tugging your blanket right back down. “i am not leaving! i’m going to help you,” he stops, his irked expression turning into a somber one. “i owe you it.”
“.. explain?” you ask, eyebrows scrunched together in confusion. he sits on the edge of your bed, back facing you.
“i’m the reason your sick, aren’t i? inadvertently of course, but still.” he stares down at his lap in shame. “i felt that i was only looking out in your best interest when i told you to ‘work harder’. i didn’t want your grades to end up dropping even lower— and for you to end up even upsetter than you already seemed.”
the corners of your lips twitch up. “so what i’m getting from this is.. you care about me?” you ask. he confirms it with a nod.
“i didn’t want to show back then, but i’ll admit it to it now. i do care about you.” he is so glad he has his back to you right now, because he’s sure his face is bright red.
he’s praying that his words are mending your relationship. (lucky for him, it is. your heart is pounding, and it’s not from whatever overworking-induced disease you have.)
“that’s really sweet, riddle.” you sit up and scooch over to give him a half-hug, which he returns clumsily. “also, just so you know, i don’t blame you for getting me sick or anything.”
he lets out a relieved sigh as he turns to give you a full hug, burying his face in your neck. a 180 from the way he was so stiff just seconds ago. then he suddenly recoils as if he’s just snapped out of his euphoria.
“would now be the right time to ask if we should start dating?” you ask.
“it would. i’d love to be a relationship.” he smiles. “now, let’s get you some rest.”
jamil viper [!!! — chapter 4 spoilers]
this rivalry is unique to the others; that is because of the fact that jamil can’t make above average grades. not because he’s got average intelligence, but because his grades have to be underneath kalim’s. servitude sucks. (you two are still competing to be smarter than each other, so it’s still considered academic!) (.. right?? idk the rules)
you and jamil are quite close— not that either of you will willingly call each other a friend, but you are friends. despite that, you know way less than you feel like you should about him.
he’s so secretive about himself, it just makes you want to know more. but at the same time, you don’t wanna show interest. so you’re stuck wishing for a chance to learn more about him without seeming like a simp. and your wish came true.
despite all the times you’ve been over, you haven’t gotten a proper look at scarabia. (sure, you were here for all of winter break, which is a solid amount of time to be locked in a dorm— but it was hard to pay attention to the interior design with the whole jamil-going-insane saga.)
so today, you decided you were gonna walk around and really take the whole place in— and god, this dorm is gorgeous.
“i’ll have to thank kalim for letting me explore. and to make him give me some tips on how to decorate ramshackle..” you mumbled to yourself, turning to leave the storage room you just finished observing.
you’re slightly alarmed at the sound of the door knob being vigorously shaken. the door flies open, and now you’re suddenly face to face with a thoroughly upset looking jamil.
jamil curses under his breath. this room is empty for nearly 24 hours all 7 days of the damn week. the one time he comes in for solitude, there’s someone in here. but strangely, he doesn’t hate having you in his presence right now.
“are you okay?” you ask, concerned. he stays silent, hesitant to reply— half of him wants to just say ‘yes’ and walk away right now, while the other wants to unload all his feelings.. which is so unlike him. yet that out-of-character half wins.
“.. i’m exhausted.” jamil quietly admits, shutting the door so any passersby can’t overhear the sensitive conversation. he leans backwards onto the wall and he slides down to sit on the floor against it.
“oh.” you slide down next to him. “i’d be exhausted too if i had to do all the shit you do around the dorm.” you attempt to cheer him up.
“it’s not because of dorm duties,” he chuckles wryly. “i’m sure this is nothing you want to hear about as we left this back at the winter holiday, but i can’t help but rant about it now. i’m exhausted of holding back to kalim. holding back to everyone, really. but especially him.”
“i thought you didn’t feel that way anymore! didn’t you get counseling to work that mindset away?”
“i did get counseling. but please, as long as i’m a servant to the al-asim family, these horrible feelings won’t be going anywhere. regardless of how much counseling i receive.”
you wanted to help him, so you tried to think of something you could do. then came the question — what could you even do? it’s not like you could just pull him and his family out of servitude. nor ask him to just go wild and do whatever he wants with his life. whatever you do, it’ll just have to be small scale.
you wracked your brain for a few days before hatching a plan; a plan that in retrospect.. was not that great. the gist was : on an upcoming test, you would purposefully get a lower grade than him because the high of being better seems to be one of the things he wants the most.
as you intentionally penned in several incorrect answers, you sighed to yourself. this is dumb.
would purposefully getting a grade lower than him even make him feel the slightest bit better? it’s kalim who he’d want to get a higher grade than. but you’re also a rival to him— of course, a much less serious one— but a rival nonetheless! so maybe he’d still be happy..? 
the more you thought about it, the more holes you found in your plan.
this most definitely has more cons than pros. to name the two big ones— a low grade on your track record of otherwise perfect scores would scar your soul. and jamil.. you don’t even know if he’d appreciate this. if anything, this would give him a laugh.
you looked up from your test and a few seats ahead of you, where jamil sat. to others, he had the same neutral expression he always wore. but you could notice he still seemed a little down.
.. even if this just gave him a small laugh, it would be worth it.
. . .
“this was not worth it.” you clasp your hand over your mouth in embarrassment as jamil snickers. the thought of this low C dragging your grade down by several points is giving you physical damage. you’ll be making an A+ on every single future assignment to cope and rebuild your grade. “anyways, shouldn’t you be thanking me or something for this hit to my grade i took for you?”
“.. you’re right. i should thank you. i don’t know many people who would willingly take such a large hit to their grade just to make me feel better.” jamil says before smirking.
“what’s that face for?”
“i was just thinking. knowing how much you care about your grades, you wouldn’t do this for just anyone. i must be special to you.” he says jokingly.
“you are.” you reply not jokingly. both of you freeze. jamil is shocked, processing what’d just happened. and you’re mortified you just accidentally confessed— you almost consider bolting while he’s still stunned.
“.. you’re special to me too, prefect.”
vil schoenheit
you’re a top student, exceptionally attractive, have shining potential, and much more. you know what all that makes you to vil? a threat. you get rival status.
you never wanted a rivalry with anyone, let alone vil fucking schoenheit!! he’s scary!! you just wanted to make good grades in peace, but he dragged you into one anyways.
to tell you a secret : vil lowkey liked you from the jump. he valued a lot of things about you. from your intelligence, to work ethic, to your personality, you were charming. he also had this itch to curate you to your full potential. but he held back— he shouldn’t help his proclaimed rival. (you might rise to his level if he does!)
one day, the great 7 frowned upon you and you were assigned to be partners with vil for a project. a project that required the two of you to work together over the course of an entire month. during this, his love would grow and eventually be requited. and that journey started with him doing exactly what he said he wouldn’t : trying to curate you to your full potential.
“what time do you normally go to bed?” vil asks, taking your attention off of your work.
“oh, i don’t usually check the time before i go to bed, so i can’t give an exact answer. but definitely past 10 or 11pm most nights.” you admit. the way he furrows his eyebrows is a sure sign that he disapproves. you’ve gotten horror stories from epel about the routines vil makes everyone in the dorm follow, and you’re hoping they’re not about to extend to you.
“it must be quite late, because i can see some dark circles.” he says, prodding right under one of your eyes. his bluntness makes you sputter. “now tell me, what skincare brand do you use?” oh boy.
“… that cheap one at the school store.”
he clicks his tongue. “that won’t do at all. i’m not even sure what janky brand you’re talking about, and also extremely concerned that you can’t remember the name of it— but whatever it is, it’s not doing justice for your skin.”
“hey, i’m just working with what i can afford.” you mumble. he waves it off.
“i have plenty of other questions, but i doubt any of the answers will be what i want to hear. after we finish this project session, come with me to pomefiore. i’ll put you on some beauty and health routines that’ll get you glowing results by a week.”
“what? that’s sudden..” though the thought of looking like a new person in just a week is tempting. “also, that’s really nice of you to do for your rival. this is something you’d do for someone if you liked them.”
vil turns away to obscure his face from you. “that is not why i’m doing this,” he clarifies. “i’m only doing this because you’ll be more interesting to compete with you once you’re not so much of a spudling. i need you to become more of a challenge.”
yes, that’s why. there is no other possible reason he would reach out to help you improve yourself. this is totally not him denying he’s doing this out of affection.
so that was a lie. it was totally out if affection. (also, yes, you did get great results by the end of the week as promised. for a while, you were concerned he was actually setting you up and the opposite would happen.)
the two of you started spending time with each other outside of project sessions and sure enough vil found himself falling harder. he wasn’t thrilled about this at first, but eventually he started thinking.. you two do make a nice pair, don’t you?
there was even a shift in his behavior towards you. of course, there was still a flair of that sharper side of him— it wouldn’t be vil if there wasn’t. but he was noticeably less standoffish and condescending. he became all around much kinder towards you. his behavior even bordered on affectionate, at times.
he did fear this romance was unrequited though. despite his change in behavior, he’s worried you’re still off-put by him for the way he used to act towards you, among other things.
meanwhile, what you were really feeling was : you very much have feelings for him, but him being so sweet lately cannot mean he likes you back, right??
you’re in for a shock when vil inevitably confesses. he can’t stand pining for too long.
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Can I request Rollo going on a Valentine's Day "date" with MC and having fun like an old married couple all the while the boys, and maybe even the staff, are screaming in denial?
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author’s note : aaaa ok so, i wanted to make one of those big posts i do sometimes (where i include every nrc boy with hcs for each one) y’know, for a valentines special— but that didn’t work so we’re spending valentines with rollo instead (with a small mention of the nrc boys being jealous. probably punching walls and crying) (plus the staff being concerned dads)
—takes place in that one theory au thingy where rollo lives with you in ramshackle :) happy valentines day!
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the week before valentines day has been.. suffocating.
gifts and requests to be your valentine have been coming in like crazy. the desk in your room has become a mess, crowded with flowers, letters, and all sorts of sweets that all pile on top of each other.
all of them, you’re flattered to have received, but unfortunately don’t really want. you already have your eyes on someone, and it’s not anyone that’s already asked you out.
“you have quite the amount of admirers, prefect.” rollo acknowledges the large mound of items, sifting through it with your permission. he grimaces at all the love letters you’ve gotten. “do you reciprocate any of their feelings?”
you shake your head, and he lets out a small sigh of relief, glad to know he hasn’t lost you to anyone.
as rollo turns his attention back to looking through the pile, you’re hyping yourself up, trying to channel the confidence of everyone who confessed to you combined. with just one day before valentines, you’ve gotta shoot your shot now.
there’s nothing to lose, right?
“i’ve been thinking,” you start. you almost consider chickening out when you meet eyes with rollo. he’s so unintentionally intimidating with his soulless (but pretty) eyes. “since neither of us have a valentine.. we should be each others. i-if you wanna be! totallyokayifyoudon’twantto—”
“i’d like that.” he interjects. he covers up his quickly reddening face, but you can still spot some blush on the tips of his ears. you hardly pay attention to it though since you’re too busy silently celebrating.
“it’s decided then.” you giggle. rollo nods, lowering his handkerchief to reveal a soft smile, looking uncharacteristically adorable.
you’d just have to try and keep this a secret from the other boys. they’d probably hate him even more if they found out about this, and you’d die if all the forced getting-along you made them do went to waste.
you actually thought you’d be able to keep your “date” hidden, but then you told grim about it— a terrible mistake.
the biggest rule in the book : never trust grim to keep his mouth closed.
the first people he blabbed to was ace and deuce, who spread the word to the rest of the first years, who spread it to their dorm leaders— and not before long, the rest knew. even the staff managed to get word of it too.
the boys were, as you’d expected, sulky. you chose rollo over him? did rollo go against what he constantly preaches and cast a spell on you?
they all go about their days valentine-less and ill tempered thinking about you and rollo being all lovey-dovey.
meanwhile, the staff are somewhat worried. rollo has no intentions of harming you, they’re aware. but the thought of (what might as well be) their child becoming romantically involved with someone who tried to strip the world of magic has them feeling troubled.
you and rollo are completely oblivious to any of this, though. at least until you get back from your date out at the town.
“so this is the town,” rollo says. “i’ve never had a chance to come down here until today.”
“hehe. what do you think? isn’t it nice down here?”
he nods, eyes scanning all the different buildings until they stop and linger on a bakery. a patisserie, to be exact. through the window, there are several sweets and baked goods on display, and he’s got his eye right on the croissants. you follow where he’s looking and giggle.
“wanna go to that patisserie?” you ask.
“if you don’t mind.”
after purchasing a croissant per rollo’s silent request, you two sit on a bench. he rips the good, giving you the bigger half and you thank him.
“this reminds me of that time at the trip!” you hum. “you were showing me around and we stopped by that bakery to buy a croissant, we even split it and ate it on a bench exactly like we are right now.”
“i remember. it’s perhaps the only moment of the symposium i look back fondly on.”
of course, that’s a lie. every moment at the symposium he shared with you is a moment he looks back fondly on. he’d feel far too embarrassed to say it out loud though.
“it’s such a simple, but sweet memory.”
“the way you’re reminiscing it almost makes it feel as though this was ages ago.”
“i know i know, this was just a little over a month ago. but it’s kind of crazy to me.” you smile. rollo tilts his head, nonverbally asking you to explain. “what i meant by that was.. it feels like we’ve known each other for much longer than a measly little month and a half. don’t you think?”
for what feels like the millionth time to rollo, he gets flustered. even more so when you put your hand on top of his.
but he ponders your question. it really does feel like you’ve known each other for far longer. it’s odd to him how quickly he warmed up to you— rollo’s never been one to get along easily with others. and with that, he’s never been one to open up easily either. but you were able to crack his shell.
“i agree.” he slowly smiles. “happy valentines day, prefect.”
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𝐥𝐮𝐜𝐚’𝐬 𝐭𝐰𝐬𝐭 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 !
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[sentient au] the player deletes twisted wonderland.
you take a week long break at rsa. this is how they all do while you’re gone.
you’re allowed to move to another dorm, but don’t know which one to choose. all dorms compete to get you to join. + you choose a dorm. what’s it like living there?
after an argument, you sleep back in ramshackle without telling him.
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[ace, deuce] the reader gets amnesia and can’t remember him.
[ace, deuce] you are taken to and trapped at rsa by some students who think you’re too good to be at nrc. + [riddle ver.]
[ace, cater] you eat a note to avoid having to read it in front of the whole class.
[ace, deuce] the progression of him liking you to LIKE liking you. + [riddle ver.]
[ace, deuce, riddle] the first years catch you and neige being lovey dovey and tell the dorm leaders.
[ace, deuce] you get injured protecting him.
[trey, ace] catching you singing.
[riddle] blowing him a kiss in public.
[riddle] calling him a feminine nickname.
[riddle] holding your hand out without telling him what you want.
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[ruggie] you are taken to and trapped at rsa by some students who think you’re too good to be at nrc. + [leona ver.]
[jack, leona] the first years catch you and neige being lovey dovey and tell the dorm leaders.
[jack] you get injured protecting him.
[leona] the progression of him liking you to LIKE liking you.
[leona] blowing him a kiss in public.
[leona] calling him a feminine nickname.
[leona] holding your hand out without telling him what you want.
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[azul] you are taken to and trapped at rsa by students who think you’re too good to be at nrc. + [jade, floyd ver.]
[floyd] you eat a note to avoid having to read it in front of the whole class.
[azul] the first years catch you and neige being lovey dovey and tell the dorm leaders.
[azul] the progression of him liking you to LIKE liking you.
[jade] getting matching necklaces for you and him.
[azul] catching you singing.
[azul] blowing him a kiss in public.
[azul] calling him a feminine nickname.
[azul] holding your hand out without telling him what you want.
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[jamil] you are taken to and trapped at rsa by students who think you’re too good to be at nrc.
[kalim] the first years catch you and neige being lovey dovey and tell the dorm leaders.
[kalim] the progression of him liking you to LIKE liking you.
[kalim] blowing him a kiss in public.
[kalim] calling him a feminine nickname.
[kalim] yandere hcs.
[kalim] holding your hand out without telling him what you want.
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[vil] you are taken to and trapped at rsa by some students who think you’re too good to be at nrc.
[epel] the progression of him liking you to LIKE liking you. + [vil ver.]
[all] you cut your own bangs.
[epel, vil] the first years catch you and neige being lovey dovey and tell the dorm leaders.
[epel] you get injured protecting him.
[vil] blowing him a kiss in public.
[vil] calling him a feminine nickname.
[vil] vil can’t seem to get your attention since you’re too busy with other boys. + he tries to get your attention some more. also a bit of him hating neige.
[vil, rook] yandere hcs.
[vil] holding your hand out without telling him what you want.
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[idia] you are taken to and trapped at rsa by some students who think you’re too good to be at nrc.
[idia] the first years catch you and neige being lovey dovey and tell the dorm leaders.
[idia] you accidentally succeed in proposing to eliza.
[idia] the progression of him liking you to LIKE liking you.
[idia] him dating you, who used to stalk him because you used to be too shy to approach him.
[idia] getting matching necklaces for you and him.
[idia] blowing him a kiss in public.
[idia] calling him a feminine nickname.
[idia] holding your hand out without telling him what you want.
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[malleus] you are taken to and trapped at rsa by some students who think you’re too good to be at nrc. + [lilia ver.]
[sebek, malleus] the first years catch you and neige being lovey dovey and tell the dorm leaders.
[sebek] you get injured protecting him.
[malleus] the progression of him liking you to LIKE liking you.
[sebek] getting matching necklaces for you and him.
[malleus] blowing him a kiss in public.
[malleus] calling him a feminine nickname.
[malleus] holding your hand out without telling him what you want.
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[crowley, crewel, sam] taking care of you while you’re sick. 
[all] introducing your boyfriend to them and hoping they accept the relationship. 
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[neige, che’nya] you and him meet up in secret at the woods.
[eliza] you accidentally succeed in proposing to her.
[neige] what’s it like with him having a crush on you? + part 2
[neige] him teaching you, a delinquent, how to be a good guy.
[neige, che’nya] having a study-hangout with him.
[neige] relationship alphabet.
[rollo] yandere hcs.
[rollo] he gets forcibly transfered to nrc in your dorm. you two end up getting close, and the nrc students don’t take kindly to it.
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Took inspiration from @arent-i-the-fairest fic of Rollo
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If you were aware there’s a theory going on that Rollo will be expelled from NBC and be forcibly transferred to NRC and become a student of Ramshackle. I’m pretty sure that’s not going to happen, but it’s fun to think about.
I wrote a thing earlier about it on my blog, and I can’t help but like the idea of Rollo’s redemption. MC is uneasy at first about their dorm situation, but they slowly get used to it. It gets to the point where they accidentally act like a domestic couple raising Grim and it pisses the NRC students. Jealousy ensues! Can I get headcanons of that?
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𝐩𝐚𝐬𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐜𝐫𝐢𝐦𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐟𝐥𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫𝐬
author’s note : merry christmas-eve everyone! (or merry christmas to those in timezones where it’s already dec 25th!) hoping everyone enjoys the holiday! ♡
⚠️ spoilers for masquerade event !
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“long time no see, prefect.” your new dorm student greets. you don’t respond, too stunned to speak.
rollo flamme. the guy that cultivated a supposed to be extinct species of flower to try and rid the world of all magic— and he’s been dropped right into your dorm with no warning whatsoever.
grim took it upon himself to break the silence. “there’s no way you’re stayin’ here! i still don’t forgive you for what you pulled during that trip!” rollo’s forced attempt at a smile finally fell.
“i have just as much of a say in this as you two do; and that is none.” he scowls. “i would’ve taken a different punishment if i could’ve. but this is what my headmaster— old headmaster saw best fit for me.”
“oh.” you cough. “i’ll.. give you a tour. starting with your room.” you give rollo a hand by carrying one of his suitcases for him, and he quietly thanks you.
grim huffs, annoyed that you don’t put up a fight. it’s not like you don’t want to, though. but the cat-monster scampers off somewhere to sulk, and you walk rollo up to his dorm room.
“as run down as it is..” rollo cringed at the sight of dust flying up from his bed when he set a bag down on it. “..i’m glad to have been placed in this dorm.”
you wore your heart on your sleeve— surprise and confusion written all over your face. “you were the only one i could find tolerable to be around when i met you at the symposium.” he shows you one of his rare genuine smiles. “i trust i’m in good hands.”
a tender moment was how it all started.
settling in was a bit of a challenge. grim held a huge grudge against rollo. (a few tuna cans from rollo though, and suddenly he felt a slight change of heart.) you were weary of him as well, but didn’t necessarily hate him. but not even considering the.. incident, it felt strange now having to share a living space with someone other than grim. but you got used to it relatively quickly.
rollo actually settled in quite nicely to the dorm. only to the dorm.. well, and his classes. but he failed to even attempt to get along with anyone from the other dorms, choosing to only hang around you and grim instead. he has no desire in getting along with other mages— he’s only really tolerating grim since he’s so beloved by you. (though he does genuinely start to become fond of him at some point, as much as he hates to admit.) so the three of you became pretty close knit.
trays in hand, you made your way towards your dorm mates.
“lunch is served.” you grin, handing each of the boys their meals. grim hops up from his spot on rollo’s lap, but pouts when he sees the lunch given. “henchman, you promised i’d get a tuna sandwich today!” he whines.
“you had one for dinner last night because you couldn’t wait until today, remember?” you put a hand up, stopping him from protesting. “you can’t have another! tuna every day is bad.”
“listen to the prefect and eat what you have here.” rollo says flatly. grim begrudgingly surrenders, ears flattened as he starts picking at his food.
you place your hands on your hips, grinning triumphantly before finally taking a seat next to rollo. “thanks. putting my foot down is a bit of a struggle for me.” you casually place an arm around his shoulder, and he leans into your touch. ever since he met you, he’s been more thankful that he has such a good poker face than ever.
“could’ve fooled me. you were quite stern.” he smiles.
you start chatting away with him, completely unbeknownst to the fact that there were 21 pairs of eyes, gaze set towards your lunch table— more specifically, glaring at rollo.
the people most bothered by rollo’s arrival were literally all of your friends. especially the ones who came to the symposium— feelings were (understandably) still quite bitter. but anyways, there are different types of jealousy among them. they have different reasons for disliking rollo and different ways of dealing with their feelings and him.
there are 3 groups i’ve generalized—
there are the ones who dislike him because they don’t trust him. of course, it’s mainly the symposium-goers. but there are also ones who didn’t go that just.. get a bad vibe off of him, i suppose. in any case, they keep as close of an eye on him as they can. they want to protect you from him in case he tries anything. (riddle, deuce, jack, ruggie, jade, jamil, vil, epel, diasomnia)
then there are the ones who are sullen. honestly, the main reason they harbor hatred towards rollo is because of how close he is to you. time that you’re out spending with rollo could be used hanging out with him! (ace, leona, azul, floyd, rook, idia)
then last but not last, there are the normal ones. (concerningly, the group with the least people in it lol) the jealousy is there, but they don’t hate rollo like the rest of these guys just seem to do. they’re quiet about their feelings as well. but they cherish every second of attention they get from you. (trey, cater, kalim)
. . . too bad rollo doesn’t care about a single one of them though, lol. he actually sort of enjoys the fact that he’s peeving so many people.
he may not have successfully carried out his crimson-flower plan, but at least he gets to sit in your arms while gloating at a bunch of mages who wish they were in his place.
staying at nrc for his redemption isn’t going as miserably as he thought. (though it’s debatable whether he will ever truly be redeemed or not..)
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Idk if anyone remembers this but there was a trend in ig where vids of ppl just holding out their hand out and their partners put their chin or hand on it. Can we get the dorm leaders' reaction to their s/o putting their hand out without telling them what they want? The dorm leaders don't know this trend.
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𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐭𝐨 𝐝𝐨?
author’s note : my friends used to do this to me all the time!!! and i had absolutely no clue what they wanted from me!! it was this ask that made me realize ajdjdkjd
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riddle rosehearts
it’s just a staring contest between you two for a while, both of you waiting for the other to do something. riddle just wants to know what you need so he can continue on with his house warden duties.
“you know, i really must be on my way now.”
you quickly slide in front of riddle’s path. “but why?” you ask, and his eyes widen.
“don’t tell me you’ve forgotten rule 683??”
“of.. of course not.” you lied, beads of sweat forming on your forehead as he narrows his eyes at you.
“.. just tell me what you’re holding your hand out like that for.” he sighs.
“oh, alright. i wanted you to either hold it or put your chin on it.”
“t-that’s what you’ve been holding me up for?” riddle sputters, slowly becoming red faced.
“won’t you do one of those for me? just for a second?” you plead.
“it’s nearly 3:00, i can’t—” he looks at your disappointed face, then lets out a defeated sigh. he quickly intertwines his fingers with yours, then stomps off 2 seconds later, flustered.
“thank you riddle!” you shout after him.
leona kingscholar
you caught him while he was super sleepy— like, 5 seconds away from passing out sleepy. you thought of pestering him later when he’d be more awake, but decided to try holding your hand out anyways. and you’re glad you did.
leona’s ears twitch as you quietly coo his name.
he’s barely conscious, and all he can register is you sliding your hand towards him. using up the last bit of his energy, he sluggishly lays his head on your palm before falling asleep. and you’re fighting the urge to squeal.
this probably beats whatever cold, moody response he would’ve given if he were awake, huh?
azul ashengrotto
his last guess would’ve been that you were wanting him to either hold or put his chin on top of your hand. see, immediate thought was that you were asking him for cash or something.
but you lowkey had him wondering if he was supposed to know what you were asking for. like, is this a common gesture humans do with each other that he somehow didn’t study before he came on land? you’re unintentionally making him question his knowledge.
azul looks up from your palm to your face. “what’s this? you’re begging?”
you stifle a chuckle. “i’m not asking for money. i know you’re hellbent on not giving anyone a dime.” you joke. he straightens up at the comment.
“how cruel of you to say, my dear! i’m not that stingy— i’d very much be willing to donate a couple madol to my beloved partner. but since that’s not what you’re asking for right now..”
azul looks at you expectantly, but receives no answer. he sighs. “.. well, what are you asking for?”
“this.” you reach over and grab his hand, placing it on top of yours and coiling both your fingers together. his composure falls apart with each second.
“o-oh, i see.” he coughs, using his free hand to cover as much of his flushed face as possible.
kalim al-asim
guesses everything he can. gives you a high five, does this little handshake thing, drops random items in your hand, everything. it’s super entertaining to see. but he does, in the end, finally pass when he rests his chin on your hand, stumped.
“i’m at a loss.” kalim says, nuzzling his face against your palm. “what were you trying to get me to do?”
“what you’re doing right now, actually.” you laugh. a look of shock crosses his face for a moment before he smiles, springing up off your hand.
“really?! so i did figure it out— unintentionally. but still!!” kalim exclaims.
“yeah you did! now come and put your chin back on my hand!”
vil schoenheit
it doesn’t take vil longer than 3 seconds to realize this is supposed to be some kind of trend— how he hasn’t actually heard of/seen it, he’s not sure. but he shuts you down pretty quickly. it’s the reaction you get most of the time when you try to do stuff like this with him; he’s not really one for entertaining your little games. unless he’s feeling nice.
“you’re no fun.” you pout, dropping your hand.
“i don’t know the trend.” vil says, toying with your hair.
“that’s the fun of this though— you don’t know what to do, so you make some cute reaction or something.”
“well, i’m curious. what was the goal?”
“you were meant to rest your chin on my hand, or hold my hand. either one.” you explain. he chuckles, inching closer to you.
“i see. how cute. well, i’ll make the kind offer of holding your hand now, if you’d still like.” —you quickly take him up on his proposal.
idia shroud
as he does with every situation he’s suddenly presented with, idia instantly starts to panic. s-stop looking at him so expectantly, will you?! he’s gonna start crumbling under this pressure!
in the end, he awkwardly places his hand on top of yours. you two aren’t holding hands, you just have them laying flat on top of each other— but it works!
“y’know idia, with how often you’re online, i’m surprised you haven’t stumbled on this trend before.”
“i don’t go on magicam or other social media nearly as often as i play video games. but even if i did, i don’t really follow couple trends and that all that romantic stuff.” he explains, avoiding eye contact with you. “.. but i could. for us to do them.” he adds in a voice barely audible.
“did you say something at the end there?”
malleus draconia
just instantly takes your hand in his, asking what you need. (he’s so smooth but he is absolutely oblivious to it.) and you’re stunned for a second, wondering if he knows the trend after all. lilia has been introducing him to technology more.. but you decide not to question it too much. instead, you just enjoy the little physical affection.
“what’s the matter, child of man? you’ve suddenly gone quiet.” 
“i-i’m just fine, don’t worry.” you quickly say. he’s got ice cold hands, yet they’re so comfortable to hold..
“i see. that’s a relief. what did you need then?” he asks.
“this, actually.” you say, staring down at you two’s hands. he lets out a confused hum, and you snap out of it. “let me give you context!”
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