arriansarchive · 32 minutes
Jacob Portman/Millard Nullings Headcanons
"We all love your Jacob stories, Ari" You all say in unison
I love jillard 🕺
Enjoy enjoy enjoy!!!!!!!!!!!!
Prompt(s): Sick Jacob and caregiver Millard
Whenever Jacob gets sick with let's say a sore throat, he'll steal Millard's cup that's full of cold water
(Millard secretly keeps it just for Jacob and not himself)
"Can I drink some of that?"
"I guess sooo.."
Millard loves whenever Jacob will cuddle close to him on the couch since I headcanon that ever since Abe died, he hasn't been very touchy with anyone but Millard
Millard hates whining but puts up with it for Jacob
Adding onto the bullet point above but not really related to the prompt, Millard definitely grew up with a whiny little sister that got on his nerves
Back rubs. That's all.
They are literally the cutest people in the house whenever Jacob's sick because they're all lovey for once
(behind Fiona and Hugh of course)
Jacob clings to Millard and if Millard isn't there then he clings to Emma because they're best friends
Ending notes: Lorde yayayaya
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arriansarchive · 2 hours
Jacob Portman/Millard Nullings
Thought I'd write a real story about the sillies for once
Jemma doesn't exist everybody
Love love love sickfics but I'm not very good at them
Emetophobes don't read below!!!!!!!!
I just love jillard more than life itself soooo
Summary: Millard wakes up to find that Jacob has fallen ill.
Millard sighed as the night sounds woke him from his slumber. Somebodies dog was barking outside, and Millard had always been a light sleeper.
But something felt off, as he looked around the room, Jacob's room, he saw what was peculiar. Jacob wasn't in his bed.
Ever since the peculiars had come to live with their friend, Millard had stayed in Jacob's room. It worked pretty well as Jacob was the only one who could see him, and millard was not very keen on sharing a room with anyone else.
He didn't want to be in a room with anyone else because he had some unknown feelings about Jacob. Whenever Millard tried to explain it to him, Jacob started laughing.
"Why are you laughing?" Millard asked, very angered that Jacob would try and downplay his feelings like this.
Jacob's laughter finally fizzled out after a second, "I'm not laughing at you. It's just what you described was exactly what I was thinking."
Millard stepped closer to Jacob, silently inquiring what he was wondering. Jacob rubbed his hand over the silk of Millard's button-up shirt around his hands. Finally, after what seemed like hours of them standing by each other, Jacob leaned in, and their lips met.
It took a while for Millard to get used to the fact that he was gay since, in his time, it wasn't common at all. It was frowned upon even, but he eventually got around to the idea.
Millard sat up in bed quickly whenever he heard the sound of retching coming from the bathroom on the other side of the wall. He pulled on some random pants of his he found on the floor and began his rush.
He busted into the bathroom as quietly as he could to see Jacob on the floor near the toilet. His hair was plastered to his forehead with sweat, and Millard put a hand to his mouth in shock.
Jacob almost never got sick; but when he did, everybody knew it. It was his dramatic flare shining through. Jacob threw his head back in agony, and Millard chuckled a little under his breath.
"What are you laughing at?" Jacob slowly lowered his head to the toilet seat.
Millard yawned a little and smiled. "Nothing, Jacob."
He continued, questioning Jacob's stomach ache. "So, what inspired your stomach to wake you up tonight?"
"I think it was the pizza." Jacob whispered.
Millard raises a hand up to rub his boyfriend's back; but instead of comforting him, it forced out another heave that only squeezed up some stomach acid. Never being a fan of vomit, Millard leaned away a little bit.
He didn't have a weak stomach, but he was still a little squeamish. Millard was also that way whenever it came to large amounts of blood. He didn't like blood after he got shot trying to get Miss Peregrine.
"Kill me." Jacob spat out in between retches.
"Oh, love, I don't think I could do that." Millard laughed.
"Not even if I was a zombie in a zombie apocalypse?"
"I don't think that would ever happen, so it isn't relevant to this conversation."
Jacob glared intensely at Millard until he got the answer that he wanted.
"Fine, no, I wouldn't kill you if we were in a zombie apocalypse." Millard rolled his eyes.
Jacob smiled and dove his head further into the toilet which Millard assumed couldn't be helping the nausea he must be feeling. Trying to problem solve, he grabbed one of the bigger trash cans in the house that resided in the bathroom for Jacob to vomit into.
"Hey, how about you come lay down in your bed with a trashcan beside you? I think you're empty anyway." Millard murmured next to Jacob's ear soothingly.
Jacob hummed and tried to stand. He was wobbly and leaned into Millard heavily. Since he was much taller than Jacob, it was kind of awkward, but he made it work anyway.
Whenever they got to Jacob's bed, Millard placed the trashcan by the side that Jacob always laid on. Jacob collapsed on his side of the bed, looking up at Millard miserably, apparently too tired to be dramatic.
"You'll get sick if you stay in the same bed as me." Jacob muttered into the pillow.
"Don't care." Millard shrugged with a large smile.
Tired as ever, Millard climbed into the bed behind Jacob, rubbing his back gently. Soon after, Jacob fell asleep. Millard stayed up a while longer to ensure that he wouldn't start to throw up again then he fell asleep as well.
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arriansarchive · 22 hours
Millard Nullings/Jacob Portman Headcanons
Okay so hello..
I didn't know if this was a request for more jillard or less jillard buuuut I'm taking it as more
This might have repeats because it's been a while since I've been on this account
Prompt(s): None just random
Jacob helps Millard with the maps of America and sometimes they make little fake maps of fantasy towns, so they can make their own little universe
"Jacob, what should we name this town over here?"
"I vote for Hollowville."
"Well, since I'm opposing; and we're the only two in the room, I guess you'll have to pick a more appropriate name."
Scoff "I didn't know it had to be unanimous."
Jacob can see Millard. Whenever they found this out, it was absolutely insane
Like... Jacob screamed in fear or something whenever he saw Millard
Because he's dramatic like that
"Holy shit! Why's there a naked guy in your house?!"
"Wait, you can see me?!"
Adding onto the last bullet point, Jacob is literally the most dramatic boy in the house
Over Horace and even Enoch
He's just silly that way
Ending notes: Just something simple to get out right now before a bigger project.
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arriansarchive · 2 days
hello :)
can I request that ron weasley gets absolutely dominated by male! slytherin! reader, degrading him and asking him to beg? maybe?? If it's not too much you can throw in some overstim and/or fluff too.
thank you・⁠∀⁠・
- 🎗️anon
Sub!Ron Weasley/Dom!Slytherin!Male Reader
OOOUGH I actually love this prompt
I love you 🎗️anon
I couldn't fit the fluff correctly in there, but there's a hug at the end, so take that I guess
And I didn't know how to input the Slytherin part really, but it's there somewhere
Let's goooo first full post back
Okay onto the story
Summary: request above
The fun really started once you and your boyfriend, Ron Weasley, entered the empty bathroom. He had been teasing you all day with his hands rubbing up and down your legs when you passed each other, giving you a very noticeable erection.
It was torture, so you vowed to take him to task once you were alone in the bathroom where you normally met between classes. Whenever the time finally came, you pushed him against the sink and pressed your lips onto his viciously.
"You're a bitch, Ron. An annoying, horny bitch." You panted a little as you tugged his pants off to reveal his extremely hard penis. You raised your eyebrows in muted surprise. He had been planning for this.
"Well, it seems like you enjoy it a fair amount.* He whispered in your ear, motioning to the erection you also had.
You dropped to your knees suddenly once his pants were off and wrapped your supple lips around the head of his dripping penis. Ron let out a low groan that echoed throughout the bathroom; you hoped nobody would hear.
"Shut up!" You reached up and clamped a hand over his mouth.
He moaned into your hand as you continued to move your tongue around his sensitive skin in a dance. You smiled as best you could with his penis in your mouth, wondering if he was feeling the same torture you felt all day.
You pulled your mouth off momentarily, "How does it feel.
Ron moaned a little louder, but your hand muffled the pleasured noise. You could tell that he was getting closer to his climax though you never intended to stop whenever he came.
He started to convulse, obviously pent up from the past busy week, whenever he came hard. You felt the ropes of the salty, sticky substance coat your tongue. Usually, you didn't enjoy swallowing the liquid, but today you just wanted it out of the way.
"Oh, Merlin; I've been waiting all day for that." He smiled lightly.
You looked up at him and cocked an eyebrow. "I'm not done."
You see his Adams apple bob up and down in a gulp of excitement or nervousness; you can't tell. Ron enjoys overstimulation, and you're excellent at going it, so it all works out.
Your hand went down from Ron's face and cupped his penis in your hand gently. It twitches from the mere touch.
"Fuck!" Ron swore.
You smirk a little. "Just a little bit, and I'll be done."
You kiss the lip and drag your tongue down to the base of his dick. He shivers above you, grabbing your head, pushing you down while he quivered.
"Okay, okay, stop!" He groaned in pleasured agony.
His tip was leaking, and he was hard once again, but you stopped anyway. As you stood, he grabbed your arm regretfully.
"Wait! Now that I'm hard again, can you please continue?" He rubbed the back of his neck with his hand.
You smiled with a false sense of sympathy and gave him a big hug. "You know what? I think I'll leave you to do that, Ron."
Ron stood speechless as you sauntered out of the room, chuckling behind the hand covering your mouth. He's definitely going to get you back tomorrow.
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arriansarchive · 2 days
Emma Bloom/Male!Peculiar!Reader
I'm just Ken... where I see love, she sees a friend...
I'm listening to that song and I thought that line fit just a little bit with Reader and Emma in this story
Only that line though
This is set when Abe is with Miss P
This is actually a really old draft from a year ago, but I'm finishing it up to try to get something out
Summary: You're sick of Emma ignoring you for Abe, so you corner her one night to talk.
The night was long, and you were restless in your chair. The owls hooting seemed to lull you to sleep most nights but not this one.
You sat awake at your desk, tapping a pen on the paper. Many normal things happened today, almost too normal.
Emma ignoring you for Abe, Fiona and Hugh doing everything together, Enoch being a prick, Emma ignoring you for Abe.
That sentence made your blood boil over the edge of it's imaginary pot. Abe was a problem for your friendship ever since he arrived at Miss Peregrine's house.
You and Emma had been close friends for many years. You both were basically inseparable. You went to the beach together, you helped her pick out clothes for random events, history work Miss Peregrine assigned, and other.
But then Abe came, and it all went away as quick as a feather being carried through the wind.
Suddenly a light switch being flipped from across the hall sparks your attention. You and Emma's rooms were adjacent to one anothers. That means it could only be Emma.
Whenever Miss Peregrine does sleep, which tonight would be one of those nights, she sleeps heavily, so as long as you didn't make any huge noises you could get out of the house easily. That's what you suspect Emma is doing.
Abe is also a heavy sleep, so you suspect that he wouldn't be coming on this midnight stroll. You would be though.
You shot up from your desk, shoved a few pillows under your blankets, and made for the door, waiting for the right time to follow suit behind Emma.
She was probably heading to the beach, you presumed. Since every time before Abe, you and Emma went out to the beach to just talk and think.
You heard the downstairs door opened and shut quietly then started to slowly peek out your door. The hallway was barren and empty just like you thought.
Your footsteps were light inside of your socks, once you get the the bottom slipping on shoes and a fluffy hat.
The front door opened and closed once more as you exited the desolate, quiet household that in the day was loud and bustling with activity.
The walk to the beach was peaceful for your racing mind. It calmed you down immensely, probably for the better with what your about to talk to Emma about.
The outside ring of the beach was beautiful. The plants displayed out the front always calmed your nerves whenever you happened to be in distress.
Usually whenever Emma and you came here, it was to talk about some stupid new rule or short-lived piece of drama that came about in the house. Enoch picking on Horace, Fiona and Hugh, something like that. Something stupid.
Something stupid that the two of you laughed at.
There was no more laughing between you and her. There was just silence. Where there used to be a bold, strong connection; there was dead quiet, a broken string.
You sighed whenever Emma came into view. A sigh of relief? You'll never know. Her blue dress flowed as her knees were drawn up to her chest, her heading hiding in them. You could tell it was her from her blonde head of hair, a head of hair you'd know anywhere.
"Emma Bloom!" You called out, somewhat teasingly.
She looked up and turned her head on the direction where you were standing, waving your hands like a maniac.
"You." Emma rolled her eyes.
You jogged over to where she sat on the sand and took your rightful place beside her. Whenever you looked into her eyes, you saw they were red and irritated. She had been crying; and, for Emma, that meant something really bad had happened.
"What's wrong with you?" You said awkwardly.
You were never good at heartfelt conversations. You thought that was what Emma loved about you until Abe, heartwarming pep-talks Abe, came about.
"You wouldn't care. You don't like him anyways." She sighed and rubbed her eyes again.
You looked away from her and sighed. "I might not like him, but I still want to know what's ailing your heart, love."
She sniffled. "I'll tell you if you promise to never call me that ever again."
Nodding your head, you smile softly. "Deal."
Emma began to explain to you that Abe was planning to go join some mame-shift, hollow-hunters army that sent him a letter a few days ago.
"-and that would leave me alone." She finished.
You almost scoffed but managed to keep it inside, though maybe not your sour expression. She looked over at you, needing somebody to give her some advice.
"My advice to you, Emma, is to look around you at the people who really care about you." You sighed. "I've been right here for weeks, knowing he'd eventually leave you, but you've glazed past me every time."
She huffed and got up from her position on the sand to storm away. "I knew you'd do this. You make everything all about yourself!"
You looked up and started to call after her, but you felt it would do no good. Once Emma got set on something, she wouldn't change her mind. It was something you loved about her.
Supposing you'd just walk back to the house, you got up from your seat. Maybe it would take Abe leaving for her to realize what she had. Maybe you would wait until then.
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arriansarchive · 2 days
Okay, it's definitely about time that I decide to show my face here again. Hello! It's been a hot second. I'm going to get to all the requests I've gotten shortly as well as starting stories of my own. OCS will be included in my works now. I just wanted to tell everybody that I'm back, and I'll get to your requests soon.
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arriansarchive · 9 months
Sub!Peter B. Parker/Dom!Male!Spider!Reader
Warnings because I always forget them: uhhh scent thing? scent kink???, getting caught, PANCAKES, porn, simple dick sucking
I tried to make the scent thing less weird but I think I failed with the wording I'll be honest
Before Mayday of course
Okay for my update schedule I'm going to try and get something out every/every other Sunday and maybe sooner if I feel like it
I'm easing myself into using the word dick and penis more can you tell? I damn well hope you can cause I go through hell trying to do it
I hate the word suckle
This is less mean!dom!reader then I usually do but it'll have to work because I'm on a time crunch here
Summary: would you like some plot with your porn???? yes? too damn bad
Your house was surprisingly quiet and desolate tonight as you flip the pancakes you were making for dinner. Nobody ever said a Spider had to have a good eating schedule to be a hero, you know.
The last pancake got shoved onto the plate, and you wooped in hurray. Hunger was one of your biggest weaknesses during missions (and everyday life).
"Peter!" You called.
Your fruitcake boyfriend, Peter B. Parker, was also a Spider working for Miguel. He had recently got home from a particularly hard mission, so the pancakes were mostly for him.
No call back or footsteps came from your shared room. You wait a second, a minute, ten minutes, still nothing came.
But then you hear a slight squeaking from something against the wall. Your eyebrows crease in confusion as you walk slowly towards the room, preparing for a fight.
You slammed open the door to a quite erotic scene. Peter had a pair of your boxers from the dirty clothes basket you both shared held up to his face. His hand that wasn't holding them was stroking his dick furiously.
You lean against the door frame and watched for a second, contemplating whether to continue the moment or ruin it once you make yourself known.
"Peter." It was almost like a command.
Your voice was lustful and your eyes glazed over with the thoughts that consumed you like a body of water you were sinking in.
His eyes shot open and he lowered the hand covering his face with the boxers to his lap. His expression was surprised and shocked.
"M/N, I thought you were making pancakes." He muttered.
You chuckled a little. "I was until I heard our ridiculously loud bed creaking and then walked in to this."
His face was completely beet red at this point, and his hand had let go of his painfully erect 'problem' he was dealing with.
"The pancakes are done then?" He scratched the back of his neck nervously.
You nod. "But I'm going to finish what you started before you eat them."
His face looks bewildered and slightly betrayed. You guess he feels this way because your letting the pancakes get slightly colder than normal.
Once he talks, your thoughts are confirmed. "M/N, the pancakes will get cold!"
Without a word, you crawl quickly onto the bed and capture his red and puffy lips into a ferocious kiss that took all the breath away from you.
It feels like you pulled away all too soon to kiss down his jaw, neck, and finally arrive at his collarbones where he was the most sensitive.
Peter groans a little when you start to suckle on one of his sweet spots you had hit not even two nights before.
He tries to snake his hand through your entangled bodies to touch himself, but you bat his hand away quickly.
"No, I'm going to do it." You declared darkly.
He furrowed his eyebrows in testy defiance but ended up not acting on it. His arm went to hold onto your shoulders while you straddled him lightly.
Leaning down silently, your lips wrapped around the tip of his weeping cock. Peter's groans filled the air that was heavy with the scent of erotica.
His legs were shaking violently and squeezing around your head while you lick a stripe up the vein of his dick.
"Oh shit, M/N!" He sucked in a breath quickly. "I'm gonna cum."
"Already?" You half-heartedly complained.
He whined as you came off with a 'pop' sound. Leaning on your elbows, you look up at him through your lashes in thought.
"Should I let you cum yet, Peter?" You tilted your head in faked innocence.
He blinked in confusion and then rolled his eyes affectionately because he knew what you wanted from him.
Peter sighed and closed his eyes. "Yes, please."
Grinning evilly, you lowered yourself back onto him, immediately setting a fast pace to get him to achieve his orgasm.
He screamed, probably loud enough for the neighbors to complain about, and white ropes of cum shot out of his tip and into your eagerly waiting mouth.
His breaths were labored with the strain of staying up even if he was leaning on the headboard. Peter looked at you in contemplation.
You stood up slowly with a mischievous grin present on your face.
"Where are you going?" He questioned.
"I don't know about you, Pete, but I'm going to eat some of the cold pancakes I made."
With that, you walked away from Peter briskly, leaving him to wallow in his post-orgasm clarity.
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arriansarchive · 10 months
Jacob Portman/Venom!Symbiote!Reader Headcanons Part 2
Okay listen I know I've been gone a long time but my schedule is probably going to be hectic for a while
I might not ever go back to my daily posting yes I'm so sorry
But I'm going back into things for now so request things and someday I'll get them out
And I might not remember what headcanons I've already put and I'm trying to get this out fast so I'm not going to check so bare with me
Okay so you talking is going to be in italics, Venom in bold, and other characters just normal
Headcanon prompt(s): random
Whenever you were at his house at the end of book 3 you enjoyed watching the history channel with Jacob
You and Venom hated history so you both just wanted to see what they got wrong
"What the fuck are they talking about"
"I think they are talking about (insert historic event here)"
"Jacob, do you really believe this?"
Emma got mad at you one day in whatever book about you and Venom following Jacob around
To which you shrugged
"Why are you so close with my boyfriend, M/N?!"
"Actually, I think he likes us more than he likes you."
If you ever got hurt during the final books then he was absolutely crushed even though Venom can just heal you
He definitely freaks out about thinking it's all his fault
You don't die though because yk I control that and it's not what's happening right now
"Jacob, We're fine now. It wasn't even your fault"
(inserting a really wobbly and crying voice)"But I basically just killed you."
"Please, it was only a scraped knee!"
Speaking of him overreacting he is a total drama queen and Venom cannot handle being the second drama queen
They have fights over this constantly trying to one up the others dramatism
Ending notes: I'm very sorry I've been gone so long but yk life happens
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arriansarchive · 10 months
Jacob Portman/Symbiote!Venom!Reader
I went to a party yesterday wee hoo
MMMMMMM ALCOHOL (kinda joking on that I've only recently turned 21)
So sorry I haven't posted in 2 days I've been busy
Headcanon prompt(s): Random
Let's say you were a part of the crew who went to get Jacob out of the island
Aaaand let's say Venom decides to destroy some things
The first time he sees it he's just in complete shock and awe like he literally will not move until he's pulled or being chased
He probably thinks your a monster at first and he wouldn't be completely wrong
"You look like that wretched moron, Abe."
"What are you?!"
"Not what, who."
"Wait, didn't they make a movie on you?"
"You have Abe's smarts too."
He began to stick around you more than Emma even though he was drawn to her
He was basically attached at your side
You know that scene during Hollow City where they are hiding from the hollow with the two girls in their house? He was clinging onto your arm the entire time
"Why are you holding onto me?"
"Oh, sorry, M/N."
"No, you should hold back on. He secretly really enjoyed it."
He doesn't notice it until a while later but he's definitely more attracted to you than Emma
He likes that you and Venom treat him like he's his own person and not Abe
Id think he notices he likes you around the fourth book whenever he and Emma break up and you comfort him a little
He sees you in a whole new light
Ending notes: Okay i love Jacob so I'll prolly do a part 2 and stuff but yk
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arriansarchive · 10 months
If you have any other requests PLEASE PUT THEM IN MY ASK BOX. Also read my request requirements before doing so. I will not answer any fem!reader or commented requests since I've gotten both before. Oh I forgot to say something but by the way on my gay stuff or smut with men or anything idrc if your a minor and interact I just don't want fem aligned interacting with it. Just note if your a minor then I'd prefer you just not comment. Liking or reblogging is fine.
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arriansarchive · 10 months
Alma LeFay Peregrine/Symbiote!Venom!Male!Reader Headcanons
Just pretend your a loop helper or something that the council sent to Alma
There's some headcanons of the kids too
Headcanon prompt(s): You get sent by the council to help Alma and her children, you knew her from some other place and she has an itty bitty crush on you too, some random
The day you were set to come help Alma she got her wards all ready and lined up to meet you in the living room
She was more stern than usual that day because she wanted to make a good impression on you
"Children, we will have a Loop Helper coming for a few years, and I need all of you to be on your best behavior."
"Miss Peregrine, why do you look so flustered today? Will he be mean?"
"No, Claire, but we still need to be good."
Emma caught on really quickly to her crush on you and visa versa
The second you walk in it's all hugs
Alma looked a bit annoyed at your sudden sense of love in front of her children but yk she'll get over it
Abe giggled and Emma slapped him in the back of the head and then led him and the others away
"Leave them be, Enoch! It's not your business."
"They seem to be getting on well."
"Your mocking tone of voice says your not enjoying Miss Peregrine being happy. Why is that?"
"I don't like seeing anyone happy, Emma."
Enoch is your biggest hater
Even whenever you've tried to bond with him by helping with clay figures or Venom trying to talk to him it didn't work.
Speaking of Venom, one day he comes out in front of the kids at dinner and just absolutely devours a raw steak or something and everyone's flabbergasted
"What is that thing?"
"Who not what."
"I didn't ask what; I asked what is that thing!"
Venom scares Enoch and not Claire
She will follow you around the grounds while your helping out with chores or cooking and help you help them
"Mister, do you need any help?"
"Thank you but not right now. You can call me M/N also, Claire."
"What do I call your other guy?"
"So you're like a snake?"
You like to tend to the plants with Fiona and Miss Peregrine likes to watch you from afar
She just really likes seeing her (boy)friend bond with her kids
Ending notes: Okay this was rushed but I still like it so it's being posted
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arriansarchive · 10 months
Request Announcement
If you requested something about S4!Steve Harrington/Male!Reader then I'm sorry to inform you that my clumsy ass fingers slipped and it's now gone, so if you would like to resubmit your request I would be happy to get that done as a first priority.
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arriansarchive · 10 months
Could you please please please write something about both cedric and harry asking male reader to the yule ball and there's a whole lot of angst? ultimately who ends up with reader is up to you both are amazing picks ;)
(separate) Cedric Diggory/Harry Potter/Male!Reader
My two favorite boys against each other hurts but I aim to please the public eye
I just realized that in most of my harry potter stories you walk down the hallway in the first scene
Hm interesting!!!!
Okay i might not have done the angst very well and I'm really sorry because you said you wanted a lot of it
Bitchy reader
Written with anti-hero by Taylor swift in the background
Woah surprise surprise I actually got a request done instead of posting mphfpc/symbiote reader crossovers
Summary: Request above
--The Yule Ball is three days away--
The classroom was barren and desolate with no one in it, you thought. It was your seventh year at Hogwarts, and the triwizard tournament's tension was a foot in the intense air of the campus.
Though, that tension had dissipated a little with the oncoming dance. You were thinking frantically about who you would bring since nobody had asked you yet.
Something creaked, bringing you out of your thoughts. You look to the door to find one of your close friends, Cedric Diggory, closing the distance between you both swiftly.
"M/N!" He called with a smile on his face.
You gave him a grin back and stood up to go see him. Seemingly without thinking he pulled you into a tight hug.
This confused you a little due to him not really being the affectionate type with you. He seemed more emotionally close and physically distant even if he wasn't like that with other people.
You and Cedric had been friends for what seemed like forever. Your parents met his parents in Hogwarts a long time ago, and they got it on well.
So from then on you and Cedric were best friends from the beginning. You even shared a crib to play in whenever you were both just babies.
You've also had a long-lived crush on him since second grade basically; you tried to convince it was wrong, but that was eons ago it seemed. It failed miserably, you remember.
That's why you were worried that he was in the tournament. It made you sick to your stomach to think he might die because of some stupid prize he wanted.
"I have a question for you." He said with a blush spreading across his nose and cheeks.
You raised an eyebrow in question, amused at what stupid thing he might say. His questions are notorious for being unthought out most of the time anyways.
"Will you go to the Yule Ball with me?" Cedric mumbled and a smile danced on his face.
Your eyes widened in surprise. You thought he had been eyeing Cho Chang this entire time and was going to ask her to the Yule Ball.
"You're not going with Cho?" You asked.
He shook his head solemnly. "No, she turned me down, but you're the next best one, M/N. We've been friends forever."
You were absolutely appalled that he could even think that. You were the next best? That is the definition of 'what someone doesn't know can't hurt them' and what it applies to.
"I'm the next best, Cedric?" The hurt was apparent in your voice.
You pushed past him softly, still not wanting to hurt him, and headed for the door. The sound of his shoes squeaking against the polished floor filled the tense air.
"Wait! M/N!" He called.
With anger bubbling up inside of you, your dorm seemed like a fine place to go. As long as you weren't stopped along the way it would all be fine.
The hallways were bustling with students and teachers alike, some going to classes or others that have free periods. You had a free period after that interaction, so you were eternally grateful.
"M/N!" A voice shouted. "M/N, do you have a second?"
You really wanted to just ignore this person and continue to your self pity and solitude, but what fun would that be? Your tracks stopped as you waited for this mystery person to catch up to you.
To your surprise it was Harry Potter who stood before you now. He had an embarrassed look on his face.
He said something that you definitely weren't expecting so soon after Cedric. "I want you to go to the Ball with me." He muttered quickly, looking at the ground.
Half of you thought it might be a little weird taking the chosen one to a Ball, but the other half wanted to do something to get back at Cedric, and Harry wasn't half bad.
"I don't have a date yet, so why not." You said with a big smile on your face.
--The Yule Ball is now two days away--
You decided to hang out with Harry and his friends today instead of Cedric, but Ron and Hermione had went off somewhere, leaving you and Harry to your lonesome.
You both talked about some random things, schoolwork or teacher gossip mainly. Well, that was until Cedric walked over with an angered look on his face.
"M/N, have you decided yet?" He demanded.
Harry looked at him confused. "What could he have decided on for you? He's going to the dance with me, anyways."
"Oh, M/N didn't tell you? I asked him to the dance the same day you did, and I bet he's using you to get back at me. He's never even shown any interest in being your friend, much less your date."
Harry looked at you with widened eyes. "I thought you said you had wanted to be my friend for a while?"
It's true; you said that. You thought that it would've been an easy lie to get away with since everyone wanted to be the chosen one's friend but apparently not.
Harry took your silence as guilt, and his face turned from puzzled to infuriated. He opened his mouth as to say something but was stuttering.
"You lied about wanting to be my date and my friend, so you could get back at my opponent?" He questioned.
You rubbed at the back of your neck, thinking of what to say. You were at a loss for words at how unprepared you were.
"You know what? I'm done. I don't even want to know your reasoning, M/N." Harry barked and then walked away with his hands balled up into fists.
Cedric looked at you with passive rage in his eyes. "You did this one to yourself."
He walked away shortly after looking you up and down. You stood there in shock of what just happened.
Now you definitely wouldn't be able to find a date since Cedric and Harry were probably going to spread this story like plague around the school.
--The day of the Yule Ball--
Long story short, you didn't even go to the dance since you had no date. You stayed in your dorm locked inside of your room.
Oh well, M/N! You did this to yourself after all.
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arriansarchive · 10 months
Millard Nullings/Symbiote!Venom!Male!Reader Headcanons
More symbiote reader/mphfpc yes yes
My first Millard thing because I forget about him a lot and wanted to get something out about him before I forget
Also I'll say it again sorry if Venom isn't very Venom or his lines are a little awkward because I'm just now rewatching the movie and I still don't have his personality down yet
I'm pretty proud of this so
Headcanon prompt(s): You can see Millard for some reason, and some randoms too
The first time you walked into the home and saw Millard you just thought he was a nudist
You were still confused about how the Peculiar thing worked so you just let it pass off as normal for a while because you thought it was just his peculiarity
I mean who would think having a symbiote would be more normal than being naked???
Certainly not you
One day you just let it fly at the table after he talks about being invisible that you can see him
"Wait, you're invisible?"
"Of course I am, M/N. You cannot see me."
"Oh, well I just thought you were a nudist for a while."
"Why did you never mention this? I've been walking around naked for birds sake!"
After this encounter he immediately started to put clothes on all the time
Before this though Venom has for sure laughed at him in your head
"That boy is naked, M/N. Is this house full of nudists?"
"No, I think it's just him. Maybe he gets hot around the house since nobody else seems to mind."
"I find it quite amusing."
After you and him get over the fact that you saw him naked around the house casually, you actually become pretty close
Once he sees Venom though (let's just say Venom hid out for a while and everyone was confused about ur peculiarity) he was mega intrigued
Venom took a liking to him over time but at the start of their unlikely friendship Venom thought Millard was annoying
Millard was excited to see a real life symbiote as he had read about them in one of the many peculiar history books he has
Millard basically asked every single question in the book
"So what is the parasite-symbiote's name?"
"Can't you just ask me yourself, nudist? You better apologize as well; I am no parasite!"
"Well, you grew into M/N's body as an alien entity, so by peculiar standards you are considered a parasite and a symbiote."
If you like maps then you (not Venom he doesn't give a shit about maps) work on them with him and look at all the maps he's collected
If you don't then you and Venom just watch with Venoms head sticking over your shoulder
Ending notes: Okay i quite like these headcanons so I might make a part 2
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arriansarchive · 10 months
Noor Pradesh/Symbiote!Venom!Male!Reader
I watched venom so now I'm gonna be obsessed with symbiote reader for like forever
Okay off topic but the movie was so fucking good
I just wanna say also that most of my 'male' reader stories are gn because of the second person pov; I just say male because it's written with a male in mind or you have a penis soooo
Okay I just wanna say that this is very paraphrased because I am not going to get the book to see what exact lines there are
Excuse me if Venom just isn't very venom because I don't have his personality completely down in my head yet
I'm watching agt right now and it's so good omg
Lame ending yeah but I didn't know what she could say
Summary: Noor meets your symbiote, Venom, for the first time while talking with the Peculiar's in the abandoned building.
The pitch black building was quiet besides for the light tapping of everyone's footsteps, making you a little uneasy.
"It's dark." The deep voice inside of your head rang out.
You speak out to Venom in a hushed whisper. "You just noticed? We've been walking in this stupid tunnel for what seems like forever."
"Quiet!" The blind girl in the lead who's name you had already forgotten barked.
You heard Venom grumble something about her not being able to control him before he went back into whatever crevice of you he was hiding in.
The blind girl suddenly came to a halt as did the rest. You stumbled back as you bumped into someone who mumbled an ow.
"Who's there?" A sharp voice from beyond the darkness says.
You see that there's a patch of light in the distance, but it isn't light enough to make out anything major. You start to take a step forward before forgetting that it could get you kicked out of here, and the mission would fail.
"Noor, there's people who are like you that I've brought here." The blind girl told.
Jacob ejected in a few words before all of you were lead into the feeble light. There was a girl, probably the same age as your body, standing in the middle of pizza boxes and empty soda cans.
She was really pretty. You thought her name sounded like something out of an old fantasy novel. Her hair was dark, and her eyes were something you felt like you could get lost in.
"Who the hell are you people? Where did you come from?" Noor's voice was deeper than most, but it entranced you like no other.
A while of explaining happened, mostly consumed by telling and trying to convince Noor of your pasts and Peculiar history but to mostly no avail. She didn't believe a word.
Well, not until Enoch showed her his peculiarity, followed by some of the rest. She was completely taken aback.
Everything was going fine; questions were answered and trust was half-given. That was until a helicopter's whirring sounded outside of the room.
The men that were trying to take Noor had arrived. Being the last one in line, you were closest to the door.
"You, what's your weird thing you do?" She frantically asked.
A smirk grew on your previously concerned face as you turned to look at the door. The sound of yelling was apparently alongside rapidly approaching footsteps.
The door flew open to reveal two men with guns and sunglasses. Wights, you presumed.
"Bad guys?" Venom asked.
You nodded a little. "Very bad. I actually encourage you to eat them, so I don't have to look at them anymore."
The black goo enveloped you as Venom slid out of his bloody hiding spot. He cackled and launched himself off the floor to pounce on the guys.
"Cover the children's eyes!" He exclaimed gleefully.
Bronwyn quickly coaxed Olive and Claire over to her to shield their visions from the scene that Venom was making. The thing that she couldn't hide, though, was the sounds.
Crunching of bones and the squelching of flesh covered the previous quietness of the room. You swear you heard Horace faint.
Once the barrage of eating was over, Venom turned to Noor, Lily, and your friends.
"What are you?" Noor stammered out in awe.
One half of your face was unveiled from Venom's thick, gooey skin. Both of your voices combined to make a distorted melody. "We are Venom."
She took a quick step towards you, seemingly testing if Venom would tackle her or not and then reached a finger out to poke you.
Venom hurriedly cowered back inside of you, not daring to be touched anymore. "Pussy." You whispered.
"What did you just call me?" She cocked an eyebrow.
Enoch rolled his eyes behind you. You decided he was probably jealous by the female attention you were getting.
"He can talk to Venom in his head. His entire peculiarity is just Venom; quite disappointing if you ask me." He complained. "Mine is much better."
Noor paid no attention to Enoch's complaints and instead decided to take the same finger that had poked Venom, and she poked your face instead.
"So you have a parasite?" Noor questioned.
Your head panned to the floor; you were very sure that she was going to call you disgusting like all the village people previously in Wales.
"That's," She paused to give a giant grin, "so fucking cool!"
You looked up into her eyes and smiled widely, but the sound of other people venturing in the building became louder as the seconds past.
"Let's go. We can definitely talk about us later." You said, pointing to yourself and Venom. "Right now, me and Bronwyn have some fighting to do.
You motion to Bronwyn to come to the front with you as you all ran through the open door and into the darkness which was soon lifted by Noor.
Despite her seeming quite interested in you, you were definitely more interested in her. She seemed like everything you had always dreamed of.
Of course you weren't expecting to meet her in these conditions but would anyone?
Out of the corner of your eye you see Noor standing beside Jacob, whispering to him about you. You suppressed a smug grin as your next enemies rounded on the corner.
You think you might have a shot her with but only time will tell, you suppose.
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arriansarchive · 11 months
Jacob Portman/Millard Nullings Headcanons
Okay i love them sm
Okay i don't know if the Scottish word part is actually right but I did the least amount of research possible just so I could be done with this so bare with me
Headcanon prompt(s): random mostly sleepy headcanons
Millard will read books to Jacob for his nightmares to subside and for him to actually sleep peacefully
And whenever Millard can't sleep, Jacob will get out his maps from random places and map them out with Millard to tire him
Jacob obviously (as I've stated previously) has had nightmares after Abe died, so whenever he's thrashing in his sleep or something, Millard will play some music and wake Jacob to help him back to sleep
Millard just.. doesn't dream
"What did you dream about last night, Millard?"
"Absolutely nothing. You?"
"Surprisingly nothing, but tonight I'll probably have a dream about how weird you are."
"Well, apparently you enjoy it."
Back to the point of books, Jacob will only read picture books with the minimum amount of words on it while Millard only reads gigantic books with no pictures
They are perfect opposites on the academic spectrum
Millard doesn't realize that it's not his time anymore and will use really old words that Jacob laughs profusely at
"What is a 'bahoochie'?"
"I don't know why I thought you'd be cultured enough to know, Jacob."
Jacob introduced him the the history channel and after a while of gawking Millard was absolutely entranced
He would watch the TV for hours on end and just hold Jacob there the entire time
Ending notes: this doesn't do my favorite ship much justice but I hope you love them as much as I do
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arriansarchive · 11 months
Will Byers
Steve Harrington
None :(
Nancy Wheeler
None :(
Jonathan Byers
Jason Carver
Eddie Munson
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