athena-write · 8 months
movies where someone hears an important message only once and retains all the details….
girl if that were me, we’d be fucked. I have to reread emails like 4 times.
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athena-write · 3 years
Shinobu Kochou is eight when her life is ruined. She's eight when a demon breaks into her house, shattering the doors in the process, then proceeding to her parents' bedroom. Shinobu is eight when she sees her parents swallowed hole, with her only comfort being Kanae's arms around her. She's eight when she learns how a demon is killed and swears to do so herself.
Shinobu is nine when she and Kanae find Himejima Gyomei and make him train them. She's nine when nightmares haunt her and her only anchor to sanity after said nightmares is Kanae. Shinobu is 9 when she is sent to a cultivator.
She's eleven when she reunites with her sister at the final selection. Kanae hugs her tightly when they both make it out alive, both she and Shinobu crying tears of joy. Finally life was looking better.
A beautiful sunny day when she is twelve Shinobu gets a new sister. Kanao is shy, hallow too, and Shinobu is so frustrated by it, she loved Kanao so much, the little miracle deserved happiness.
Shinobu is fourteen when her happiness burns before her eyes. She's fourteen when she holds her sister' dying body and hears her dying words, contradicting their promise. Shinobu can't fulfill Kanae's will. She can't.
Under the wisteria tree at the Ubuyashiki estate she stands, now fifteen. A pillar. She smiles and grins, yet inside she scowls and yells. She feels like a typhoon is inside her, leaving nothing but destruction in its trail. Shinobu is fifteen and she knows she's broken.
She is eighteen when she knows her target. Shinobu is ready, she lived for revenge after all, so she accepts the fact that she has to die.
Shinobu is eighteen when she cries rivers of tears, thinking about Kanao, Aoi, the little girls. She had so many regrets shattering her heart from a thousand angles. She allows herself to cry just this once. Shinobu knows she has to kill that demon. How could she live in a world where her little sisters are killed? She can't live in such world. Her life be damned Shinobu would kill it.
Shinobu's life ends at eighteen. Douma is killed by her, Kanao and Inosuke, that's all that matters, she's free now.
Shinobu is eighteen when she reunites with her sister and, for the first time in years, happiness finds her again.
Angst! Yes again! Reblogs highly appriciated!
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athena-write · 3 years
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Bitch you thought my Shinobu brainrot was gone after a year but boi are you WRONG.
(comments/replies and reblogs appreciated likes too)
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athena-write · 3 years
Patience go brr
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So have sketch
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athena-write · 3 years
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When carsillion finally has some buisness to attend so you get master for urself
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athena-write · 3 years
When u finally finish TwT
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athena-write · 3 years
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When you come back from the dead, but in a gorgeous way 😏
(Reblogs appriciated)
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athena-write · 3 years
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Happy bday Nez!
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athena-write · 4 years
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Paint styleeee
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athena-write · 4 years
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Replies and reblogs highly appriciated!
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athena-write · 4 years
Norray week day 7!
For Halloween Norman decides to dress as a vampire. Ray pulled the look quite well last year and, well Norman had to be quite handsome, especially this Halloween, for his surprise to work. Well the effect would be the same anyways,  but he had the vampire look ready so might as well wear it.
He goes trick or treating with the little kids, going from house to house, appreciating the decorations every person had decorated their house with. There was a beautifully carved pumpkin that Norman liked a lot.
They finally go to Ray's neighbourhood and, as you'd expect from Ray he hadn't decorated his house. What a shame.
"I want to ask Ray for trick or treating, do you mind staying a bit behind?" Norman asls the little ones.
"Oh sure!" they reply
He makes his way to the pristine white door, ringing the bell.
"Trick or treat?" he innocently says to Ray's annoyed figure.
"Trick," Ray says, expression daring.
So Norman kisses him.
"Happy Halloween!"
Tysm to everyone who read my short ficlets for the norray week! I had lots of fun in this event and I'm glad I participated in it!
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athena-write · 4 years
Norray week day 6
Emma is well, Emma and Don is well, Don, so he and Ray get dragged into a camping trip with the duo and Gilda. It's lovely, who was he kidding it was hilarious, seeing Ray struggle with bugs. He and Emma in a silent agreement decided not to let Ray play with the campfire, as they still remembered that one incident when they were five.
He and Ray go out to collect wood for the fire, well it's mostly because of Ray's urgent need to leave the absolute mess Emma and Don were making. Norman couldn't blame him, really. But.
"Ray, a thing of mine fell in the ground a few meters from here. I'll go get it," Norman says, you know, like a liar.
"Sure," Ray replies.
Norman hides behind some trees, ready to jumpscare his beloved, until he hears the noise, that is. It's like an animal was scratching the trees with sharp, sharp claws, screeching. 
Norman looks because there has to be something there, but to no avail. He turns back, ready to go to Ray, when strong arms grip his shoulders. Norman screams.
"Learn to lie better next time," he hears Ray's voice say 
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athena-write · 4 years
Norray week day 5!
Midnight is when Norman can breathe. He can breathe during the day, of course he can, but he has to breathe through a thick facade, made by kind smiles which he most often than not doesn't feel and kind words he doesn't mean. During the day Norman breathes through a facade. And that's fine.
Before he didn't need the facade as much, but he had support. Back then he had the support of a blob of flame red hair and emerald eyes. That support is there no more, replaced by a cold gravestone with gold letters. Nothing more.
He can breathe without a facade at night though. He has black hair to thank for that. So he walks up the mountain, pace a bit faster, not minding the small rocks bouncing against his feet, nor the dirt messing up the white shoes. All that mattered was that he made it there by midnight.
He doesn't quite pay attention to the tall trees like he used to, he has another captivating green to look out for now, nor does he see the fallen autumn leaves. He doesn't see where he steps much either, leading in him almost slipping. He was such a fool.
He does make it there by midnight and Ray is there, waiting for him.  
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athena-write · 4 years
Norray week day 4
"A curse?" Norman asks.
He knows what it is of course, having one himself, a shadow, in a sense, ever so dark, ever so threatening, always there. He's used to it by now, the frail body, the crystaled eyes, the graying hair. He would be a healthy baby, that's what the doctors had said no?
Yet a magician, perhaps an oracle, heard a prophecy. Such a damned prophecy it was the one that ruined his life, a second after his first breath. It's all because of another magician with white
 hair - the irony- that Norman even has to die.
He cannot live, for a curse is cast upon him. He knew this since three, his parents had been honest at the very least. It was meaningless, making ties, when they'd only be cut by obsidian scissors today, if he was being optimistic, tomorrow.
How could he not form ties with sweet Emma? How could he not form ties, when she smiled those smiles, which like a sun made his dark thoughts disappear, for hours to no end?
How could he not love Ray when he had seen the boy's tender and caring side, which Norman couldn't help but love? 
He was cruel, Norman knew, to himself, the others as well. He was like a dark curse upon others' life, and much like his own curse, he'd leave the others destroyed. He was devil himself, evil, cruel, yet had the smile of an angel. How ironic.
"Yes, the home-work essay is for curses, why?" Ray asks
"Nothing," Norman replies
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athena-write · 4 years
Norray week day 3..
It starts out innocent enough. Emma suggests they go to a haunted house for halloween to get in the mood, which he agrees because why not. He could never say no to her anyways, being his best friend since five (and a matchmaker but that was more of Emma being Emma)
So they go, him dressed in a white suit with scarlet fake wounds painting his suit. Emma goes as a werewolf which, fine, she can't look like any monster, she's just too pure.
Ray dresses of course, as a vampire. Vampires were supposed to have unearthly beauty, which Ray just pulls off amazingly, as handsome as he is. It makes Norman almost flush, seeing him in that black and red cape, raven hair contrasting his pale features. It makes Norman want to kiss him. He resists through.
Emma has a sudden problem with Gilda to take care of, but they're already in line, so she makes them go alone. Norman thinks that there's definitely something suspicious about that, but oh well, he might as well enjoy the alone time.
He and Ray finally go in, both wearing unimpressed looks, far too old to be scared by such things as haunted houses. The first attractions are childish really, he and Ray almost smile at how cheap the costumes look.
Ten minutes later, though the atmosphere starts getting colder. It may be the work of an air conditioner, the smart part of his brain supplies. He might be a tad more scared, but he's still sane.
Fifteen minutes later the bones look far too real. He takes Ray's hand in his, it's warm, unlike a vampire's would be. Ray would usually just refuse, not being one for public affection, but it seemed the house was affecting him too.
Twenty minutes later and Norman is gripping Ray's hand tightly, just as the latter was doing with his. They're ready to jump at every goddamn noise, the house really had overdone it that year.
Finally they see the end of it, and they're almost, almost there.
Emma jumps behind them shouting a boo. 
Norman and Ray, both seventeen years old, renowned geniuses,  scream so loud that probably their entire city, no country, had heard, hugging each other tightly in the process.
"Scared ya," is all Emma can say before Ray chases her down the hunted house's walls, while Norman clutches his heart.
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athena-write · 4 years
Noray week day 2 everyone!
He's not one to give into urges really. He isn't one to go after a  human's flesh, even when he sees their neck, skin soft, or one to eat humans at all for that matter. Ray may be a vampire, a noble one at that, as funny as it is, yet he has not tasted human flesh since he was reborn into this world with cursed fangs and slitted eyes.
Urges for blood are just.. there. He has heard the others of course - they weren't being careful for him not to hear, in fact one could say they raised their voice when Ray neared them - and he has, of course, learned that blood is sweeter than any kind of honey, more delicious than a king's food. Yet, he has yet to try it.
It's another kind of urge that hits him when he sees crystal blue eyes and snowy white hair. He absolutely ignores it, of course, he has always been one to ignore urges, so his self control would work, well he prayed it would anyways, he was screwed if it didn't.
His self control proves to be utterly useless because with each word from the white haired vampire his urge ? to befriend him grew stronger. Surely that was it right? He was lonely so he wanted a friend, it checked out.
No it really wasn't that. One could say that the statement was a lie but Ray is sure that leaning in for.. something is not an urge to befriend rather…
Ray may have not tasted human blood before, but pale sweet lips? Yes, of course. 
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athena-write · 4 years
Another victim, another death. Such thing is normal to him by now, Ray sadly thinks. Blood, as red as wine, staining norman's hand, contrasting his snow-like hair, pristine smile. It was awful, how his baby blue eyes became slightly darker when murdering someone, how his smile became ever so stained, day by day when meeting Emma. All for him.
Why was Norman doing this? Did he not know the consequences of his actions? He would surely go to jail, and that was the best possible outcome. The people who Norman had begun killing weren't normal people, oh how much he wished they were.
No, they were murderers, assassins, high government officials, all those high ranking people, getting killed on Norman's killing spree. 
"Why are you doing this?" Ray asks yet again.
Yet again he gets no answer. It's infuriating, how Norman purposefully chose to ignore that one special question that Ray asked one thing. One thing he'd never know.
"Why have you yet to leave?" 
"Because I love you. I don't want you to suffer for me."  All the words he couldn't say.
Norman asks in return, a soft smile marring his cold blooded features. How many people had forgotten that smile? Ray asked himself. Probably most of them, he knew that much. It was painful, seeing a glimpse into the past, kind Norman and not an image of the cold facade he was so stubborn on using.
Why was the world so unfair? Ray wondered. People, kind people like Norman and Emma and everyone he knew suffered, while others didn't care for the burnt plagues they left to the world. 
"Norman answer me why" Ray insists, even if it hurts to do so.
Norman only smiles that no good smile in return, as if could explain all of his questions. It didn't, of course.
"Norman, answer me." Ray almost shouts "Please" he doesn't intend for his voice to crack, yet it seems to thankfully affect Norman to some ext-
Wait why, why was Norman so pale? No he wasn't that pale even when sick. Something was wrong. Something was utterly wrong.
Norman turns his body fully to him then, no longer facing the dead body. He sees the wound. He sees blood too.
"Norman, Norman call an ambulance fast"
"It's too late Ray, I was careless forgive me."
"Why did you do this? Why Norman? You could have lived. Why would you do something so stupid for someone like me?"
"Because I l-" Norman drops then, no longer having the strength to speak, no longer having a heartbeat. 
  FOR norray week day 1
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