atlanticsea · 24 hours
Now and then I see someone upset that a post has "lost them followers" on tumblr dot com and it has prompted me to wonder... How do they know? Are people keeping close track of their follower counts and triangulating significant changes by what was posted at that time?
This is multiple questions in one but let's just start with...
Please reblog this because I'm pretty sure I don't have very many followers (not that I've checked recently) and I'm desperate for that sweet sweet data.
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atlanticsea · 1 day
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billy collins in response to being asked "if you aren't a poet, but were interested in getting started, how would you do that?"
watch the full video here
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atlanticsea · 1 day
the amount of letters in your full name is now your forever age. what is it?
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atlanticsea · 1 day
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atlanticsea · 1 day
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Giza, Egypt Oct. 2023
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atlanticsea · 1 day
Dude, how can it be that every single fucking thing about US politics trends on here immediately, yet when 27 countries in the EU vote and there's a historic, alarming lurch to the right (far right parties have won the elections in Italy, Austria and France), it's not even trending? In Germany, the AFD, a right-wing populist, anti-democratic, racist party with a wing that is officially extremist (read: Nazis) and is in parts monitored by the office for the protection of the constitution, is the second strongest party (also among 17-24 year olds!). Guess I'll die.
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atlanticsea · 1 day
I should be over the "nothing is enough" mantra because i know that zionism relies on denial but I just can't get over how everything that is happening in Gaza is broadcasted and it's not enough. Despite gazans using sim cards to get their word out, theyre not believed. I'm thinking about Ghassan Abu Sitta and other international doctors that should have the privilege of being believed for what they saw in their hospitals and their testimonies will hold weight in the future when we write the history but to zionists and American news outlets they're completely invisible. This all feels like such a cruel joke.
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atlanticsea · 1 day
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atlanticsea · 1 day
dreamed tumblr had started saying "les girlies" instead of "the girlies". a common phrase was "le otp des girlies" (the otp of the girlies) which basically meant "an otp shared by me and my friends of exquisite taste". there was some kind of gender discourse about it
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atlanticsea · 1 day
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atlanticsea · 1 day
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Hey is anybody having trouble with those Captcha test things lately? Mine are getting kinda weird and I’m even not too sure what to click on
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atlanticsea · 1 day
the reality is that israel rejected every ceasefire proposal and every hostage exchange in order to kill and kill and kill. for some reason the western media is reacting like they are the israeli public, whose largest grievance with the genocide and netanyahu was that it would affect the israeli hostages. now that the genocide has saved four hostages (still less than the number of hostages it has killed) it is perhaps a Salvageable genocide to the western onlookers, who insofar had been unimpressed with the genocide that was too transparently a genocide to be called a hostage rescue operation.
because they don't have a real problem with wiping palestinians off the map, they can only be critical of how gauche it all is to do so while publicly killing israelis in the process. but if the genocide can be seen to save some israelis, well—that makes it worth it. the western liberal can accept the most loathsome reality as long as it preserves the status quo. killing israelis is not the status quo, but killing palestinians is. they can watch the brains spill out of a child's skull and rationalize it as "legal killing" because it saved a hostage who could've been released through negotiation six months ago. because in truth, killing palestinians is far preferable to zionists than negotiating with them. this only presented a problem with some people realized killing israelis might also be preferable to negotiating with palestinians. violence and subjugation above all. we will never speak the same language. everyone should die first.
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atlanticsea · 2 days
i have to be so so honest i thought this man's name was laois. like the county in ireland. ive been calling this man leesh this whole time like the county in ireland. he is irish to me. he lives in donaghmore to me.
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atlanticsea · 2 days
Over 200 dead Palestinians for 4 free Israeli hostages... And they're already blaming the Palestinians for not reaching a deal , when there was one that was all hostages being free in exchange for a ceasefire. Anyways, remember when Israel shot dead their own people who were freed hostages because even though they had a white flag, they thought those were Palestinians ?
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atlanticsea · 2 days
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“There is no other home”, Soviet poster, 1986.
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atlanticsea · 2 days
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atlanticsea · 3 days
Damn what if you told your dad he mispronounced a word during a zoom meeting and he disowned you for embarrassing him and told you you were only welcome back home if you found bigfoot so you spend three years travelling the world to find bigfoot but along the way you become friends with bigfoot and teach him how to fight so he beats up your dad for you
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