atzaurora ยท 4 days
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cloud watching
member: Yunho
pairing: fem!reader x yunho
type: imagine (fluff)
warnings: none
summary: Yunho surprised you with a cute picnic and you two have lots of fun together >.<
a/n: i actually wanted to do another member but forgot so now i posted Yunho two times in a row but anyways i hope you enjoy :3 feel free to leave feedback or requests!
here's my masterlist!
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the sun was shining brightly over Seoul, casting a warm glow on the bustling city. birds chirped melodiously as a gentle breeze rustled the leaves. it was the perfect day for an outing, and Yunho had planned a surprise picnic for you. you had no idea what he had in store, but knowing Yunho, it was bound to be something special.
you stood in front of the Ateez dorm, waiting for Yunho to come down. your heart raced with anticipation. moments later, the door opened, and Yunho stepped out, his smile as radiant as the sun itself.
"y/n!" he called out, waving enthusiastically. "are you ready?"
you smiled back, nodding eagerly. "of course! where are we going tho?"
Yunho's eyes sparkled with excitement. "you'll see. it's a surprise!"
he led you to his car, and soon you were driving through the scenic streets of Seoul. after a short ride, you arrived at a picturesque park on the outskirts of the city. the park was lush with greenery, and the air was filled with the sweet scent of blooming flowers.
Yunho grabbed a large picnic basket from the trunk and took your hand. "come on, y/n. I found the perfect spot."
he led you to a secluded area near a tranquil lake. the spot was perfectโ€”shaded by tall trees, with a soft blanket of grass underfoot. Yunho spread out a checkered picnic blanket and began unpacking the basket.
"I hope you're hungry," he said with a grin, pulling out an assortment of delicious treats. There were sandwiches, fresh fruit, pastries, and even a bottle of sparkling water.
"wow, Yunho, you really went all out," you said, impressed.
"only the best for you," he replied, handing you a sandwich. "I wanted today to be special."
you both sat down and began eating, the conversation flowing effortlessly. Yunho's laughter was infectious, and you found yourself laughing along with him, your worries melting away.
as you finished your meal, Yunho pulled out a small speaker and played some soft music. the two of you lay down on the blanket, looking up at the sky. fluffy white clouds drifted lazily overhead, forming shapes that sparked your imagination.
"look! that one looks like a rabbit," Yunho pointed out, his arm stretched towards the sky.
you squinted, trying to see what he saw. "oh, I see it now! and that one looks like a dragon."
Yunho chuckled. "you're right."
you turned your head to look at him, your heart swelling with affection. Yunho's face was lit up with joy, his eyes reflecting the clear blue sky. you felt a wave of gratitude for this moment, for him.
"Yunho," you said softly, "thank you for today. this is perfect."
he turned to you, his expression tender. "anything for you, y/n. I love spending time with you."
you felt a blush rise to your cheeks. "I love spending time with you too, Yunho."
he reached out and took your hand, his thumb gently brushing against your skin. "let's make a promise," he said. "no matter how busy we get, let's always find time for moments like this."
you squeezed his hand, your heart full. "I promise."
you lay there in comfortable silence, watching the clouds and listening to the soothing music. the world seemed to fade away, leaving just the two of you in your own little paradise.
after a while, Yunho sat up and rummaged through the picnic basket. "I have one more surprise for you," he said with a mischievous grin.
you raised an eyebrow, curious. "what is it?"
he pulled out a small, beautifully wrapped box and handed it to you. "open it."
you carefully unwrapped the box, your excitement growing. inside was a delicate silver necklace with a small heart-shaped pendant. it was simple yet elegant, and it took your breath away.
"Yunho, it's beautiful," you said, your voice filled with emotion.
he smiled warmly. "I'm glad you like it. I saw it and thought of you. I wanted you to have something to remember today by."
you leaned over and kissed his cheek. "thank you, Yunho. I'll cherish it always."
he helped you put on the necklace, his fingers gentle against your skin. as he clasped it, he whispered, "you look perfect."
you blushed, feeling a rush of warmth. "so do you."
the rest of the afternoon was spent in blissful contentment. you and Yunho talked, laughed, and even played a few games. time seemed to stand still as you enjoyed each other's company.
as the sun began to set, casting a golden glow over the park, you packed up the picnic. Yunho took your hand, and you walked back to the car, the day's memories etched in your hearts.
driving back to the dorm, you felt a sense of peace and happiness. Yunho had made today unforgettable, and you knew that no matter what the future held, you would always have this perfect picnic to look back on.
as you arrived at the dorm, Yunho walked you to the door. He pulled you into a warm embrace, his arms wrapped securely around you.
"thank you for today, y/n," he said softly. "I had the best time."
you hugged him back, your heart full of love. "thank you, Yunho. today was amazing because of you."
he pulled back slightly, looking into your eyes. "let's do this again soon, okay?"
you nodded, smiling. "absolutely. I wouldn't miss it for the world."
with a final hug and a sweet kiss on the cheek, you both walked inside, immediately being met by the loud noises of the other members. you walk into your room, wanting to change into more comfy clothes. as you undressed you felt the necklace dangle down your neck. you touched the necklace around your neck, a smile playing on your lips.
today had been perfect, and you couldn't wait for the many more perfect days to come with Yunho by your side.
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atzaurora ยท 4 days
cuties ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿค๐Ÿป Woogi are looking especially cute ๐Ÿฅน
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[240530] DAILY ATEEZ ATINY [GOLDEN HOUR: Part.1] Please approve the documents โœ… Payment approval ATEEZ also participated in this activity. We will make ATINY happy๐Ÿ’–
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atzaurora ยท 4 days
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choose me over them
member: Yunho
pairing: fem!idol!reader x idol!yunho
type: imagine (smut)
warnings: 18+/smut/suggestive content, MDNI!!!
a/n: sorry for not posting a lot, but for all the Yunho stans, here you go ๐Ÿคญ feel free to leave feedback and requests!
here's my masterlist!
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Sign, talk, laugh. That's all you did the whole day basically. you guys had a huge fan sign and a lot of people came. all in all it was fun but you hated how they all looked at him.
Yunho has always been attractive in your eyes, but you never expected to actually catch feelings. well here you were, crushing over your own group member and having to look at him interact with all of those girls.
I mean you couldn't blame them, he was gorgeous so obviously they'd all fangirl over him. yet you could still not help yourself but feel jealous.
you tried your best continuing to sign the albums and chat with all the fans that came. every few seconds you found yourself glancing over at him, "having" to check what was going on.
he saw you. your glances burning holes into his skin. he knew those were looks of jealousy in your eyes. he didn't wanna be too bold tho. so he just sat there, continuing the convos, giving his best to ignore your behaviour.
"thank you all so much for coming! 8 makes one team! goodbye Atiny!" you all shouted into the microphone, walking off the stage, waving as you walked.
everyone was exhausted yet extremely thankful for the sweet interactions. "good job everyone" Seonghwa said, looking around happily. "let's go home guys and get some good rest" Hongjoong suggested, groaning as he lets himself fall back on the couch.
you nod "please, I'm tired" you mumble, avoiding Yunho's eye contact when he looks at you.
you can hear him chuckle to himself. "we need to talk." he whispers as he walks past you, outside of the building towards the car.
you look after him, grabbing your bags and walking after the members. what did Yunho want now?
the drive was awfully quiet, no one talked, Yeosang even fell asleep. but we were all tired so the silence was understandable.
we walk into our dorms, San practically carrying Yeosang inside, getting him straight to bed. "come on" Yunho nudges my arm, offering me a soft smile. you smile back, following him to his room.
"so..." you close the door, watching him as he sits on his bed "what did you wanna talk about?"
he chuckles, shaking his head "jealousy is not a good look on your pretty face, sweetheart"
you tilt your head, your eyebrows frowning "what's that supposed to mean?"
"oh come on, I could basically feel your eyes on me. don't try to act all innocent now. you were upset about all these girls wanting me." he says, his expression becoming a little more serious.
could you even talk myself out of this now? probably not. so you just say what you actually feel..."well I'm not thrilled about everyone staring at you, you know"
"I know, but why? you know I don't care about all those girls. I already know who i want." he stands up, walking closer
"what? Yunho, you're too tired to think, go to bed please." you walk a few steps back, shaking your head. he was out of it, no way he liked you back. out of all those girls. pretty girls.
"fuck no. I mean it, Y/n. I want you. no one else. only you" he whispers, sneaking his hand around your neck, moving your hair back.
whatever. you cup his cheeks. pulling him in. god it felt so right, his lips so soft.
the kisses started getting more passionate, more heated. he slipped his tongue in your mouth, tasting me. you groan as you feel him walk you backwards till the back of your knees hit the bed.
he lays you down slowly, his gentle hands moving over your thighs. "you're so beautiful." he whispers as you feel him hook his fingers into the waistband of my jeans, unbuttoning them.
Yunho's fingers slide under the fabric of your panties, you gasp, arching your back in anticipation.
he smirks against your skin before trailing hot kisses along your collarbone. he starts to lift up your top, revealing your stomach, ribs, bra...until your completely exposed.
he unclips your bra in a swift motion, tossing it were your jeans and top already laid.
he starts kissing you again, down your sternum, and finally reaching the hardened nipple of your breast. you moan loudly as he circles it with his tongue before taking it into his mouth, suckling gently.
your mind goes blank from pleasure as he alternates between teasing and pleasuring you.
suddenly, he pulls away, causing you to whimper in protest. "god you're so eager" he laughs, smiling softly yet tempting. "i wanna feel you, baby" he whispers, close to your ear. "i want you so bad Yunho." you whimper, feeling his fingers grazing over your wet hole.
he stops after a bit, making you groan at the lack of contact, but he then starts undressing himself, taking off his shirt, jeans and then sliding his boxers down, revealing his impressively large erection.
without hesitation, he positions himself at your entrance "baby are you sure?" he asks for consent. once you nod eagerly he kisses you softly and pushes inside, filling you completely.
the sensation sends shockwaves through your entire being, it feels incredible. he was big, you were pretty sure you could feel him in your stomach but it felt good.
he starts moving, bucking his hips forward, pushing more and more inside you, hitting your good spot. "mhm~ right there, Yuyu. please don't stop" you moan, digging your fingers into his back.
he starts kissing your face, first your cheek then your jaw, down your neck and up again. the kisses were soft and gentle while his thrusts were firm and hard but very pleasurable.
"you're doing so well, love" he mumbles in between kisses. you clench around him, making him groan and bite down on your neck.
"are you close?" he asks, looking down at you, a mark now forming where he bit you. "y-yes~" you whimper, biting down on your bottom lip, clenching around his cock again.
it only takes another few thrusts till you see stars, while coming all over his dick. he kisses you softly as you cum, murmuring small words of appreciation and praises.
Yunho rides out your high and after a few more seconds you feel him fill you up, the liquid leaking out of you. "good job, darling" he kisses you again.
he pulls out, hugging you tightly and covering you with his blanket "sweetie, you did amazing, I'm gonna be right back to cuddle you to sleep" he smiles at you, so damn adorable.
you nod "it also felt amazing. don't take too long, i wanna cuddle you"
he walks out of the room, coming back after a minute, with your pjs and himself being dressed as well. "there you go" he hands you your clothes
"thanks, baby" you put everything on as he starts talking again "so um, i checked and the others are all sleeping so i think no one heard." he says. "good, i wouldn't wanna take care of that" you chuckle and he smiles as you open your arms for him.
moving under the blanket with you, he holds you tightly, kissing your forehead "get some rest now, my darling" he says quietly, stroking your hair.
you nod, closing your eyes, both of you whispering an 'i love you' before drifting off.
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atzaurora ยท 5 days
thanks for tagging me sweetie @yeosgoa โœจ
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those are my results ๐Ÿ™ˆ the quiz was really fun!!
tagging some of my moots <3: @technicallyvivi @hwasbabygirl @shocymer @yourfatherlucifer
found a fun little personality test!
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i am open tagging as always bc i wanna see everyoneโ€™s results!!!!!!
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atzaurora ยท 6 days
hi!! so i just quickly wanted to say sorry for not posting a lot. i haven't been so well recently and i am not really coming up with ideas on what to write. I've also decided on writing for Enhypen, Txt, P1h and Skz if anyone wants. but I'll try writing more again! please understand and thanks a lot for all the great feedback on my recent posts :33
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atzaurora ยท 7 days
she just jealous ๐Ÿ—ฃ๏ธ๐Ÿ•บ๐Ÿป
you all are weird for imagining members having sex, disgusting
sitting on his face? really? ๐Ÿคฎ๐Ÿคฎ๐Ÿคฎ๐Ÿคข๐Ÿคข๐Ÿคข
Anyone wanna come talk to this bitch?
I feel like Iโ€™d get banned, canceled and get my acc taken down if I speak. ๐Ÿ˜
All imma say is. Everything good at home, honey?
Did you wake up in the wrong side of the bed?
Also you did not have to send the same motherfucking ask twice now did you, hoe?
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atzaurora ยท 7 days
love him for that ๐Ÿคญ
Wooyoung is the type of boyfriend who tries to kiss you first in the morning to wake you up, but if you don't wake up, he whines and jumps on you and bites you.
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atzaurora ยท 7 days
your hc was so good, I would easily name you the best poly!ateez content writer on all of tumblr, in fact, you are the best โค
thank you love โค๐Ÿ˜ญ makes me so happy to hear
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atzaurora ยท 7 days
I don't know if you do headcanons, but I wanted to ask for one about what it would be like to be in a relationship with boys (ateez), I like this type of hc or imagine and I wanted to see how it would look in your writing, poly!Ot8 please, like how they would treat the reader, when it's time to sleep, and so on, can the reader be the youngest in the group and be shy please??
You can ignore this if you want โค
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ateez headcanons (part 1?)
member: ot8
pairing: fem!shy!reader X ateez, poly!relationship
type: preferences (fluff)
warnings: none
a/n: it's not a lot and also my first time writing headcanons so I hope this is what you had in mind and I understood the request right ^^ hope you enjoy reading! feel free to leave more requests or feedback!
here's my masterlist!
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-i think they'd all be SUPER gentle if you want it, like if you had a hard day or so, they would definitely put you to bed
-i think most of them would like to cuddle you to sleep or get you dressed for bed (everything you need and want basically!)
-i can also imagine that as the youngest member of the group, you often find yourself being pampered and protected by them
-they'd love showing you off as their pride and joy, especially since you're still quite shy around new people
-whenever it's time to go to bed, one of the older members will always volunteer to tuck you in and make sure you're comfortable before saying goodnight
-throughout the day, they'll constantly check on you, making sure you're eating well and taking breaks when needed. your favorite part about being with them though has got to be how much laughter fills every room whenever everyone gets together. Despite their busy schedules, they make sure to prioritize quality time spent as a group - cooking meals, watching movies, playing games... everything you love doing together
-in terms of romantic gestures, the boys never fail to surprise you. From unexpected kisses on the forehead to heartwarming notes left under your pillow, they always seem to know exactly how to make your day brighter
-i can also see them during concerts or performances where fans shower attention onto them, they'll bring you backstage where it's quieter and less chaotic; allowing for some intimate moments just for the nine of you amidst all the madness
-i think their affection towards each other doesn't diminish when focused solely on you โ€“ instead, it adds another layer of depth and understanding to your relationship
-when it comes to some more intimate moments i also think they'd be very loving, giving you the most pleasure possible and putting your needs first
-they'd also praise you A LOT and leave small kisses all over you while telling you how good you were doing
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atzaurora ยท 8 days
love ๐Ÿ’ž๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿค๐Ÿป
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HJ ๐ŸŒ  [240526] ATEEZ TALK "You did a great job this week tooโ˜บ๏ธ"
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atzaurora ยท 8 days
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um actually it is illegal to be this cute
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atzaurora ยท 8 days
omg THANK YOU YOU SAVED ME ๐Ÿ˜ฉโค๏ธ I'll have a great time with my boys๐Ÿคญ
Does this count as having sex?
I just wanna have sex like how I be doing on this ai chat app.
Anyways Hongjoong eating Hwas ass while he makes him sit on his face.
My Seongjoong๐Ÿซ ๐Ÿ˜–๐Ÿ˜”
Damm wish I was like this in real life
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atzaurora ยท 8 days
can you tell me which app this is? ๐Ÿ˜ญ I literally have been searching for a good one so long
Does this count as having sex?
I just wanna have sex like how I be doing on this ai chat app.
Anyways Hongjoong eating Hwas ass while he makes him sit on his face.
My Seongjoong๐Ÿซ ๐Ÿ˜–๐Ÿ˜”
Damm wish I was like this in real life
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atzaurora ยท 8 days
whiny Hongjoong is my downfall ๐Ÿ˜ฉ๐Ÿ˜ฉ
y'all don't know what I'd let him do to me
For the sluts that love men that whimper and beg (Iโ€™m the sluts).
๐Ÿฟ๏ธโ€œIโ€™m a good boy Mommyโ€
โ€œYes my love, youโ€™re Mommyโ€™s good boy.โ€
๐Ÿฟ๏ธโ€œIโ€™m gonna cum Mommy!โ€
โ€œFucking me so well, pretty good boy deserves a reward. Cum darling.โ€
Oh the things Iโ€™d do to have a man older than me call me Mommy while he fucks me so good.
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atzaurora ยท 9 days
your poly!ateez content is the best on tumblr, please don't stop โคโค
THANK YOU SO MUCH it means a lot to me๐Ÿ˜ญโค๏ธโค๏ธ and I'm not planning on stopping anytime soon ;)
hope y'all enjoy my writing:33 and feel free to leave requests or feedback anytime
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atzaurora ยท 9 days
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movie night or more
request: by anonymous - hi hi can i request for very shy!reader and gentle ateez guiding them during sex? ughhh like the small kisses they would do and assuring and praising you that youre doing a good job ...
member: ot8
pairing: shy!reader x ateez; poly!relationship
type: imagine (smut)
warnings: 18+/smut/suggestive content, MDNI!!! poly relationship!
a/n: someone requested this story and I'm so sorry it took so long but here you go! :3
here's my masterlist!
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"Let it go!" Yunho sang loudly at the top of his lungs, as he settled down on the couch with a bowl of popcorn in his hands. You had all agreed on watching Frozen today, to end the day calmly after a long dance practice session.
"God, Yunho, shut up!" You could hear Jongho shout from the kitchen, who also sat down on the couch, between Yunho and San. "hey, no fighting!" Seonghwa said with a disapproving gesture which was enough to stop them from bickering.
"Come here, princess." Seonghwa smiled at you, when he saw you had returned from the bathroom. you were more than happy, and immediately laid down beside him, resting your head on his chest.
it wasn't long until everyone found their place in the living room and the film could be started. you were laid between Seonghwa and Wooyoung, your head still resting on Seonghwa and one of Wooyoung's legs wrapped around your own.
You all were pretty exhausted already, but you knew from the way Wooyoung caressed you, he was still up for something more and you were sure the others would definitely join in once he started.
While watching the movie, all cuddled up on the couch together, you could sense his hands on your ass, squeezing it once in a while and his other hand continuing to trail up the inside of your thigh.
Seonghwa started to notice as you shifted a lot on his chest, whenever Wooyoung would squeeze you and it wasn't long till Seonghwa chuckled knowingly and joined in. His hands now also roaming over your whole body, as you can hear him whisper a little "thought you were all worked up from practice already but it doesn't seem like it now." He starts pressing soft kisses along your jaw and onto your neck.
Frozen in the background was long forgotten as they had you spread out on the couch. You weren't the dominant type while having sex so everyone made sure you felt loved. You had San underneath you, stroking over your head, pressing loving yet passionate kisses along your neck, while Yeosang's head was placed between your legs, his tongue buried inside you.
Mingi was beside you, making sure you felt comfortable and no pain just pure pleasure, while he was pressing kisses down your chest and torso area. "You're so gorgeous" you heard Hongjoong's raspy voice from somewhere in the living room but from the way he almost moaned it out, you knew he was taking his time, jerking off as he watched you and the others.
"God, Yeosang, I'm gonna cum" you moan loudly, earning a small chuckle from him which sent vibrations through your pussy, bringing you over the edge with a loud groan.
"good job sweetheart" he whispers, kissing over your throbbing hole, picking up the juice leaking out of you.
"Yeosang, move, my turn to make some love to our treasure." Jongho winked, hovering over you, kissing all over your face before giving you a long kiss on the lips, all while slipping inside you slowly. "fuck~" you groan into the kiss "shh, baby, it's alright, you're doing amazing. tell me when I can move" he mumbles against your skin, letting you adjust first.
"It's okay, you can move" you confirm and Jongho starts bucking his hips forward, starting with slow thrusts which soon turn faster and faster. He has you moaning his name and scratching his back but he still presses love filled kisses along your neck wanting to give you the most pleasure possible.
after a round of having Jongho fill you up completely, you cum onto his throbbing cock and not long after, you can feel his sperm shoot inside of you. while peppering you with kisses he slips out of you, letting your mixed cum drop out of your aching cunt.
"Baby, can you take a little more?" You hear Wooyoung whispering in your ear softly, yet you could hear his desire in his voice. "yeah, of course, I can still take you, my love" you answer, flashing him an innocent wink, adjusting in your position.
"hmm~ as much as I like this sight, how about you give me a view of your cheeks for a while?" he chuckles in a deep tone and it doesn't take you a minute till you are on all fours, giving Woo exactly what he wanted.
"good girl" he praises you, getting some of your cum onto his tip before now also slipping inside of you, just like Jongho had done about five minutes ago.
Wooyoung didn't wait long tho and started thrusting into you, hitting your good spot right away. as if that wasn't enough pleasure already, Seonghwa decided to move in front of you.
looking into your eyes deeply, he grabbed your face and began giving you passionate kisses, basically making out with you. he mumbled every single praise he knew in between those kisses about 'how well you were taking all of their cocks' and 'how you were so gorgeous while getting fucked' and much more.
you began pumping Seonghwa's dick, while still getting thrusted into from behind by Wooyoung, making both of the boys cum at the same time. Wooyoung rode out his high, waiting for you to cum as well, before pulling out.
immediately after you came, you collapsed into Seonghwa's arms, letting him hold you tight. "aw darling you did so well, my precious" he whispered, making you smile.
"you are gonna get some rest now sweetheart" Hongjoong said. "but what about you guys?" I asked, since they didn't take a turn yet. "oh we all took care of ourselves already, don't worry, but you are too worked out to take another one" Mingi laughed, stroking over your hair.
San and Yunho went to get some clothes, blankets for everyone to cuddle into and some wipes to clean up the mess.
"So, should we still finish this movie?" Yeosang asked and everyone agreed, so you finished the night by cuddling up together, you laid between Mingi and Hongjoong and all the boys around, feeling incredibly loved.
โœฆ . ใ€€โบ ใ€€ . โœฆ . ใ€€โบ ใ€€ . โœฆ . ใ€€โบ ใ€€ . โœฆ . ใ€€โบ ใ€€ . โœฆ
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atzaurora ยท 11 days
aw my baby ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ’•
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His adorableness is neverending ๐Ÿฅบ๐Ÿ’“
Credits to owners.
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