authenticnigeria · 1 year
How to negotiate a salary increase in Nigeria
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Negotiating a salary increase can be a daunting task, but it's an essential part of career growth and financial stability. However, it can be especially challenging in Nigeria, where there may be cultural and societal factors that influence the way negotiations are conducted. In this article, we'll explore some tips and strategies that can help you successfully negotiate a salary increase in Nigeria.
Tips on How to Request For Salary Increase in Nigeria
Know your worth Before you can negotiate a salary increase, you need to know what you're worth in the market. Research the average salary range for your job and level of experience in your industry and location. Websites such as Glassdoor, PayScale, and LinkedIn Salary can be useful resources for this. Knowing your value will give you a solid foundation for negotiation and help you make a compelling case for a raise. Time it right Timing is crucial when it comes to negotiating a salary increase. Avoid asking for a raise during your probationary period or when your company is going through financial challenges. It's best to wait until you've been with the company for at least a year or when you've made a significant contribution to the organization. Also, consider the timing of your request. If your company is going through a busy period or if your manager is under a lot of stress, it may not be the best time to ask for a raise. Build your case When it comes to negotiating a salary increase, you need to build a compelling case for why you deserve it. Start by listing your achievements and contributions to the company, such as projects you've completed, sales you've made, or problems you've solved. This will demonstrate your value to the organization and justify your request for a raise. Be sure to also emphasize your future potential and how you plan to continue making valuable contributions to the company. Practice your pitch Negotiating a salary increase can be nerve-wracking, so it's important to practice your pitch beforehand. Write down your key points and practice delivering them confidently and persuasively. You may even want to role-play the negotiation with a friend or family member to get feedback and build your confidence. Be open to compromise Negotiation is a two-way street, so be prepared to make compromises. If your employer can't meet your salary expectations, consider asking for other benefits or perks, such as flexible working hours, additional vacation time, or professional development opportunities. These may not provide immediate financial benefits, but they can be valuable in the long run. Be professional and respectful Finally, it's essential to remain professional and respectful throughout the negotiation process. Avoid making demands or being confrontational, as this can damage your relationship with your employer. Instead, be courteous and express gratitude for the opportunity to negotiate. Even if you don't get the salary increase you were hoping for, remain positive and continue to work hard to achieve your goals. Negotiating a salary increase in Nigeria requires careful preparation, research, and strategy. By knowing your worth, timing your request, building a compelling case, practicing your pitch, being open to compromise, and remaining professional and respectful, you can increase your chances of success. Remember, negotiating a salary increase is not just about money; it's also about demonstrating your value to the organization and setting the foundation for future career growth.  
Letter Sample Requesting Salary Increase
Here's an example of a letter requesting a salary increase in Nigeria: Dear , I am writing to request a salary increase for my work as a at . I have been with the company for years and have made significant contributions to the organization during this time. As you know, the cost of living in Nigeria has increased significantly in recent years, and I believe that my current salary no longer reflects the value that I bring to the company. According to my research, the average salary range for a with my level of experience in is . I believe that my skills, experience, and contributions to the company justify a salary increase to be within this range. To support my request, I would like to highlight some of my accomplishments during my time at . . I believe that these accomplishments demonstrate my value to the organization and justify a salary increase. I would be open to discussing the possibility of a performance-based salary increase or other compensation that aligns with my contributions to the company. I am willing to work with you to find a solution that meets both of our needs. Thank you for considering my request. I am committed to my role at and look forward to continuing to make valuable contributions to the organization. Sincerely, Read the full article
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authenticnigeria · 1 year
GMG Inevitable crash
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An Australian, Company registered in 2018 Graphene Manufacturing Group, GMG is been used by Hidden Individuals to scam gullible individuals and here comes it's Inevitable crash.
What is GMG
GMG stands for Graphene Manufacturing Group. GMG is a clean-technology company that has developed and proved its own proprietary production process to manufacture Graphene powder from readily available low-cost feedstock. This process produces high quality, low cost, scalable, ‘tuneable’ and contaminant-free graphene. A research on the actual company shows that company is owned by Craig Nicol and the company is not aware that such scams are being peddled with their company name and logo as an email notification was sent.
The GMG Scam and it's Inevitable Crash
Just like every high paying get rich schemes, GMG has greeted the media wave with everyone wanting to invest in the next big thing to make urgent money. Nigerians enjoys this kind of sit at home and make huge money kind of investment schemes and no wonder so many people don't show any empathy to them when some of these platform crashes and goes away their money. Many still wonder how they haven't learn from MMM and the rest of them but what do I know?.   GMG It is a high yield investment programme (Ponzi) that promises 750% returns, through investing. Investigations by Elint Eerie has revealed that the platform is owned by a Nigerian countering wild speculations that it is owned by Australian and even Americans. In the GMG Ponzi Portal if someone invests N2000 that individual would get N15000 at end of the month, N4000 to get N30,000. They have a package where someone would invest N600,000 and get 4,500,000 wow that really sounds mind blowing and who would not want to make some huge money in this hard Nigeria economy. It's Telegram channel have about 24,000 Members.
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GMG Ponzi   GMG Ponzi Claims that they work/ affiliated with the official Graphene Manufacturing Group, a claim that is not true after investigations.
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GMG Claims False How GMG Ponzi Works A Bank account is provided by the GMG Ponzi Platform with the Name REALITY MICRO FINANCE BANK LTD which is on Wema Bank PLC - 8949340912 used to peddle this Ponzi. Individual are to pay their plan and then wait monthly to receive their 750% Return on Investment. A research by Elint Eerie shows that the Reality Microfinance Bank is registered in Nigeria CAC - RC - 803458 under the business name PINQIERGOLD ENTERPRISES.  
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  GMG Ponzi GMG Ponzi uses this portal https://cashier.ipays.world/ to process or display the account detail for the future gullible investors. This is some of the messages sent to lure people to the soon to crash site: Graphene manufacturing group ( GMG ) Is an online investment that give you 25% of you investment daily and give you 35% per referral investment Investment outline 4k - 1k daily 30k monthly 8k - 2k daily 60k monthly 15k - 3750 daily 112500 monthly 30k - 7500 daily 225000 monthly 70k - 17500 daily 525000 monthly    GMG Ponzi Website was registered on 26th of March 2023 and as every other Ponzi scam will crash soon. This Article would be updated once it crashes. Stay Jiggy.     Read the full article
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authenticnigeria · 1 year
Should I Get into Freelancing in 2023
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Freelancing has become an increasingly popular career choice in recent years, offering the freedom and flexibility to work on your own terms. If you're considering taking the plunge into freelancing in 2023, here are some things to consider:
Are you self-motivated and disciplined?
Freelancing requires a high level of self-motivation and discipline, as you'll be responsible for managing your own time and workload. If you struggle with staying focused and on track, freelancing may not be the right choice for you.
Do you have a marketable skill or expertise?
Successful freelancers typically have a specific skill or expertise that they can offer to clients. This could be anything from writing and editing to graphic design or web development. Think about what you're good at and whether there is demand for those skills in the market.
Are you comfortable with uncertainty and risk?
Freelancing can be unpredictable, as you may not have a steady stream of work or a guaranteed income. It's important to be comfortable with this level of uncertainty and be prepared for the possibility of slow periods or unexpected expenses.
Do you have a support system in place?
Freelancing can be isolating at times, so it's important to have a support system in place to help you stay motivated and on track. This could include a mentor or coach, a network of other freelancers, or a trusted friend or family member. Overall, freelancing can be a rewarding and fulfilling career choice, but it's not right for everyone. Carefully consider your strengths, skills, and comfort level with uncertainty and risk before making the decision to pursue freelancing. With the right preparation and mindset, it can be a rewarding and fulfilling career choice. Freelancing has become an increasingly popular career choice in recent years, with more and more people opting to work independently rather than being tied to a traditional 9-to-5 job. But is freelancing actually lucrative? The answer is a bit more complex than a simple yes or no. On the one hand, freelancers have the ability to set their own rates and choose the projects they want to work on, giving them more control over their income and career path. They also have the freedom to choose their own schedule, allowing them to work from anywhere and take on as much or as little work as they want. This can be especially appealing to those who value flexibility and autonomy in their work. However, freelancers also have to deal with the lack of a steady paycheck and benefits that come with a traditional job. They have to handle their own taxes, insurance, and other expenses, which can be a burden for those who are not well-organized or financially savvy. Additionally, freelancers may have to spend time and money on marketing themselves and finding new clients, which can be a daunting task for those who are new to the freelance world. Despite these challenges, many freelancers are able to make a good living through their work. According to a survey by the Freelancers Union, the average hourly rate for freelancers in the United States is $28, with some industries, such as writing and editing, paying even higher rates. Freelancers who are able to build a strong client base and consistently deliver high-quality work can often command higher rates and have a more stable income. Ultimately, whether or not freelancing is lucrative depends on a variety of factors, including your skills, industry, and ability to find and retain clients. It requires a lot of hard work, dedication, and financial savvy, but for those who are able to succeed, it can be a rewarding and fulfilling career. Read the full article
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authenticnigeria · 1 year
How to get into Affiliate Marketing in 2023 and Make cool cash
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Affiliate marketing is a popular and effective way to earn money online. If you're looking to get into affiliate marketing in 2023, here are some steps you can follow to get started:
Find a niche
The first step in getting into affiliate marketing is to find a niche that you're passionate about. This could be a specific product or service, or a broader topic such as health, finance, or technology.
Research affiliate programs
Once you've identified your niche, research affiliate programs that offer products or services related to your niche. Look for programs that offer high commissions and have a good reputation.
Join an affiliate network
An affiliate network is a platform that connects affiliates (like you) with merchants who are looking to promote their products. You can join an affiliate network to find and apply for affiliate programs. Some popular affiliate networks include CJ Affiliate, ShareASale, and Amazon Associates.
Create a website
In order to promote products as an affiliate, you'll need to have a website where you can share information about the products and your experiences with them. You can create a website using a platform like WordPress, Wix, or Squarespace.
Write content
Once you have your website set up, start creating content that will attract your target audience. This could be blog posts, product reviews, or informational articles. Be sure to include affiliate links in your content so that readers can easily purchase the products you're promoting.
Promote your content
To drive traffic to your website, you'll need to promote your content through various channels such as social media, email marketing, and guest posting on other websites.
Track your results
As you start promoting products and earning commissions, it's important to track your results so you can see what's working and what's not. Use tools like Google Analytics to track your website traffic and conversion rates. By following these steps, you can get started in affiliate marketing in 2023 and start earning money by promoting products and services that you believe in. Read the full article
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authenticnigeria · 1 year
How to Survive as a Digital Marketer in Nigeria
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As a digital marketer in Nigeria, you are faced with a unique set of challenges and opportunities. The digital landscape is constantly evolving, and it can be difficult to keep up with the latest trends and techniques. However, with the right strategies and tools, you can thrive in this dynamic and competitive field. Here are some tips for surviving and thriving as a digital marketer in Nigeria:
Stay up to date with the latest trends
To succeed as a digital marketer, it is essential to keep up with the latest trends and changes in the industry. This includes new technologies, platforms, and marketing techniques. Stay informed by reading industry blogs, attending conferences and workshops, and connecting with other professionals in the field.
Understand the local market
Nigeria has a unique and diverse market, with its own set of preferences and challenges. To effectively market to Nigerian consumers, you need to understand their needs and habits. This includes researching local trends, understanding cultural differences, and adapting your marketing strategies to meet the specific needs of the Nigerian market.
Build a strong online presence
In the digital age, having a strong online presence is crucial for any business or individual. This includes having a professional website, an active social media presence, and a well-defined brand. Make sure to optimize your online assets for search engines and engage with your audience to build a loyal following.
Take advantage of digital advertising
Digital advertising is a powerful tool for reaching and targeting specific audiences. In Nigeria, platforms like Google AdWords, Facebook Ads, and Instagram Ads can be effective for reaching potential customers. Make sure to set clear goals and track the performance of your campaigns to ensure that you are getting the best return on investment.
Collaborate with other professionals
Building relationships with other professionals in the industry can be beneficial for your career and your business. Look for opportunities to collaborate with other digital marketers, designers, developers, and content creators. You can learn from their expertise, share resources and ideas, and work together to create more effective campaigns. By following these tips, you can survive and thrive as a digital marketer in Nigeria. Stay informed, understand the local market, build a strong online presence, take advantage of digital advertising, and collaborate with other professionals. With hard work, dedication, and a willingness to adapt to change, you can succeed in this exciting and dynamic field. Read the full article
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authenticnigeria · 1 year
Labour Party Announces Osuntokun As Obi’s Campaign DG
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    The Labour Party has announced a former presidential aide Akin Osuntokun as the new Director-General (DG) of its Presidential Campaign Council (PCC). Osuntokun succeeds Doyin Okupe who resigned of late as the director-general of the campaign council for the party’s presidential candidate, Peter Obi. Authentic had exclusively reported on December 19, 2022 that Oshuntokun was a front runner to take Okupe’s position. Until recently, Osuntokun was the Zonal Coordinator (South) of the campaign council. A former Managing Director of the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN), Osuntokun served as Political Adviser to former President Olusegun Obasanjo, and as Director of the Presidential campaign of the People’s Democratic Party in 2011. Justice Ijeoma Ojukwu of a Federal High Court in Abuja on December 19, 2022 had found Okupe guilty of receiving over N200 million cash from former National Security Adviser (NSA), Sambo Dasuki, ruling that his action violated the Money Laundering Act.
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Labour Party Announces Osuntokun As Obi’s Campaign DG
Dele Omoyeni Updated December 27, 2022 11
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Akin Osuntokun   The Labour Party has announced a former presidential aide Akin Osuntokun as the new Director-General (DG) of its Presidential Campaign Council (PCC). Osuntokun succeeds Doyin Okupe who resigned of late as the director-general of the campaign council for the party’s presidential candidate, Peter Obi. Channels Television had exclusively reported on December 19, 2022 that Oshuntokun was a front runner to take Okupe’s position. Until recently, Osuntokun was the Zonal Coordinator (South) of the campaign council. A former Managing Director of the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN), Osuntokun served as Political Adviser to former President Olusegun Obasanjo, and as Director of the Presidential campaign of the People’s Democratic Party in 2011.  Okupe: LP Calls For Prosecution Of Candidates With Corruption, Drug Cases Justice Ijeoma Ojukwu of a Federal High Court in Abuja on December 19, 2022 had found Okupe guilty of receiving over N200 million cash from former National Security Adviser (NSA), Sambo Dasuki, ruling that his action violated the Money Laundering Act. The court held that Okupe was guilty in counts 34, 35, 36, and 59 and sentenced him to two years imprisonment with an option of a fine. Okupe, an ally of Obi right from the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) before the duo joined the LP this year, subsequently paid a N13m fine and escaped being jailed. Okupe, a former aide to then President Goodluck Jonathan, later resigned as the director-general of Obi’s campaigns. Read the full article
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authenticnigeria · 1 year
Tinubu, Wike’s Camps Meet To Finalise Deal On 2023
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To finalise the deal on the 2023 presidency, five aggrieved governors of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) are set to meet with the Presidential Candidate of the All Progressives Congress (APC), Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu, Authentic News Giant learnt A reliable source close to the former Lagos State governor, said barring any last-minute change, the meeting will be held in one of the European countries this week. The source, who refused to give the exact date of the meeting, however, said it is being conveyed to firm up their deal on the 2023 presidency with the governors. He said the G-5 governors, comprising Nyesom Wike (Rivers), Seyi Makinde (Oyo), Samuel Ortom (Benue), Okezie Ikpeazu (Abia) and Ifeanyi Ugwuanyi (Enugu) would after the meeting make their preferred presidential candidate known to the public. The governors, it was gathered are already in the United Kingdom ahead of the meeting. “The support by G5 for Tinubu is going to be a game changer, akin to the declaration of the G6 for the APC in 2014. “We are meeting with the group this week in Europe to firm up the arrangement. They are first-class nationalists who believe in the Nigeria project and we shall work together for the good of the nation,” he said. Read the full article
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authenticnigeria · 1 year
IPOB Leader, Nnamdi Kanu Needs Urgent Heart Surgery, Given Trial-And-Error Medications By Nigerian Government – Lawyer
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The lead counsel to the detained leader of the Indigenous People of Biafra, Mazi Nnamdi Kanu, Chief Mike Ozekhome (SAN), has said that Kanu lacks potassium in his bloodstream and may need “urgent heart surgery.”   This is as he and his team of over 18 lawyers signed a notice of application for an Order of Judicial Review (Order 34) in the Federal High Court in the Abuja Judicial Division, Abuja. The order with suit no: FHC/ABJ/CS/2341/2022, dated December 20, 2022, sought to compel the State Security Service to grant Kanu “unhindered access” to his medical doctors to enable them to conduct an “independent examination of his present deteriorating health condition” as earlier ordered by the Federal High Court on October 21, 2021, PUNCH reports. Ozekhome also prayed the court grant leave to Kanu to compel the DSS to avail him with “all his medical records from June 29, 2021, to date, including but not limited to the admission records, medical and clinical records, nursing notes, observation charts and documentation during treatment or stay in the hospital, laboratory test results, pharmaceutical records, radiological scan, images and reports, blood transfusion records and physiotherapy and rehabilitative treatment records”, among others. The document further stated that the “abduction” of Kanu from Kenya and how he was “subjected to various forms of brutal torture and inhuman treatment and degradation of all which worsened his health condition. The lead counsel also noted that Kanu suffered a mild cardiac arrest before he was “smuggled” back into Nigeria, noting that his health condition had continued to take a downward spiral since then.   “That various medical personnel that attended to the Applicant whilst in custody had repeatedly informed him that they could not ascertain the reason for the depletion of potassium in the applicant’s blood.   “That on various occasions, the medical personnel brought by the respondents took the applicant’s blood sample and allegedly transported same to South Africa for screening; and up till the present, there is no end in sight for their trial-and-error medication.” Read the full article
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authenticnigeria · 1 year
Christmas Day Tragedy: Trigger-Happy Nigerian Policeman Shoots Dead Female Lawyer, Omobolanle Raheem In Lagos
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ANigerian policeman on Sunday reportedly shot dead a legal practitioner, Mrs Omobolanle Raheem, while she was returning home from a Christmas service at Ajah Under-bridge. Ajah is a popular area in Lagos, along the Lekki-Epe Expressway.   The police officer who shot the lawyer on Sunday, Christmas Day, is reportedly attached to Ajiwe Police Station. AuthenticReporters learnt that after killing Omobolanle Raheem, the trigger-happy policeman fled the scene with his colleagues before another set of policemen later came and took her remains to a mortuary in the Yaba area of the state and vanished.   A lawyer, Yvonne, who is a member of the Nigerian Bar Association (NBA), Lagos Branch, and a close associate of the deceased, confirmed the gruesome killing to AuthenticReporters.   However, the identity of the police officer has yet to be ascertained.   Yvonne in a message obtained by AuthenticReporters on Sunday night said that Raheem's family called to inform her of the unfortunate incident, adding that they wanted a lawyer to stand in for them before the police would change the narrative.   Yvonne said, "They (the family of the deceased) have taken the matter to Ajiwe Police Station. The police officer is from Ajiwe station. Her husband was the one driving, while Barr. Omobolanle was seated in the front with her husband.   "The officer asked them to park and they needed the vehicle in front to move so they can park well, and immediately the police officer shot at a close range right into her chest. On seeing what happened, the remaining police officers on duty there absconded.   "After a while, some policemen came and moved her body to the mortuary in Yaba, without obtaining any consent from her family members. Currently, her family has located where they moved her body to.   When contacted, Vice Chairman of the NBA Lagos Branch, Abiye Tam-George, described the incident as shocking.   Abiye said there was no justification for the gruesome killing of her colleague, adding that the leadership of NBA, Lagos Branch would visit the police station to hear the account of the police divisional officer of Ajiwe Police Station. She said they would also hear from the husband of the deceased.   "This is a willful murder. It is unprofessional to even raise a gun at somebody let alone kill the person. Like said, I will be at the police station with members of the NBA to see the DPO. We received the news of our colleague's death with deep pain," she said.   Efforts by AuthenticReporters to get the reaction of the Lagos State Police Command were unsuccessful.   The Command's spokesperson, SP Benjamin Hundeyin did not answer the calls from AuthenticReporters. He had yet to reply to a text message sent to his mobile line at the time of filing this report. Read the full article
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authenticnigeria · 1 year
FACT CHECK: Is Obi The First Presidential Candidate To Visit Jonathan?
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Former president Goodluck Jonathan has said the presidential candidate of the Labour Party (LP), Mr Peter Obi, is the first presidential candidate to visit him. As the 2023 elections approach, presidential candidates, as part of their campaigns, pay visit to elder statemen to seek their support. Obi, who was in Bayelsa State on Friday to campaign, paid courtesy visit to Jonathan, during which the ex-president made the statement. Full text: “I want to thank you that you are the first presidential candidate to pay a courtesy visit to me. I want to use this opportunity to encourage you in what you are doing. “I have been listening to comments from political leadership and sometimes our supporters do more damage on our behalf. And I must commend you because your utterances so far have not shown any division. Just keep doing what is right. If you win, you will be a president for the whole nation, you won’t be a President for any group of people,” several reports quoted Jonathan to have said this during the meeting. Verification  Checks by Authentic showed that Obi alongside his running mate, Dr Yusuf Datti Baba-Ahmed, had earlier met Jonathan in September in Abuja before the Friday meeting in Bayelsa. Aside from these two meetings, there is no public record of any other meeting between Jonathan and Obi since the latter emerged as the LP presidential candidate, except if the meeting was private. Meanwhile, the presidential candidate of the All Progressives Congress (APC), Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu, had visited Jonathan in August, 2022 in Abuja. Tinubu was accompanied by his running mate, Senator Kashim Shettima, alongside a delegation of five APC governors. Verdict: Jonathan’s claim that Obi is the first presidential candidate to visit him cannot be verified to be true. Read the full article
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authenticnigeria · 2 years
JUST IN: Appeal Court Discharge and Acquits Nnamdi Kanu
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The Appeal Court sitting in Abuja, Nigeria has discharged and acquitted the Leader of Indigenous People of Biafra IPOB, Mazi Nnamdi Kanu. 'Nnamdi Kanu’s abduction and extraordinary rendition from Kenya is declared illegal and consequently constitutes a bar to further proceeding /trial. Court Held that It was done in clear and egregious violation of extant international laws, there is no justification whatsoever even the warrant of arrest issued in NIGERIA cannot justify the illegality in the abduction and extraordinary rendition of Mazi Nnamdi Kanu' More Details soon Read the full article
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authenticnigeria · 2 years
Trouble for ASUU as FG present certificate of registration to breakaway ASUU faction CONUA Tuesday
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In an attempt to clip the wings of the Academic Staff Union of Universities, the Federal Government will on Tuesday present a certificate of registration to the Congress of Nigerian University Academics (CONUA), a breakaway faction of ASUU. Minister of Labour and Employment Dr Chris Ngige will do the presentation. This was contained in an invitation sent to reporters on Tuesday by the Deputy Director of Press and Public Relations, Federal Ministry of Labour and Employment, Oshundun Olajide. CONUA, a breakaway faction of ASUU with a presence in a few federal universities, is led by its National Coordinator, ‘Niyi Sunmonu, a lecturer at the Obafemi Awolowo University (OAU), Ile-Ife. The message by the Ministry of Labour read: “The Honorable Minister of Labour and Employment, Dr. Chris Ngige cordially invites you to the recognition and presentation of Certificate of Registration to the Congress of Nigerian University Academics (CONUA). “The Programme is scheduled to hold as follows: “Date: Tuesday, 4th October 2022 “Your media organisation is invited to cover the event and strictly by invitation.” ASUU has been on strike since February 14 to press home its demands. Despite a ruling by the National Industrial Court on Sept 21, 2022 ordering the university to return to work, the University lecturers have remained adamant. Last week, ASUU through its lawyers, filed an appeal against the court ruling. Details shortly… Read the full article
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authenticnigeria · 2 years
I will Support You in 2027 to become President - Atiku tells Wike
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Worried by the danger posed to his ambition in next year’s presidential election by the camp of Rivers State Governor Nyesom Wike, the Peoples Democratic Party’s (PDP’s) flag bearer, Alhaji Atiku Abubakar, has offered the governor a new deal. Both men met on Thursday in Abuja in a fresh bid to patch up their differences, with Atiku promising to support Wike’s own presidential bid in 2027 if he (Wike) agreed to sheathe his sword and support him (Atiku) in the 2023 election. The duo and their supporters have been locked in a face-off since June when the former vice president overlooked Wike and picked Delta State Governor Ifeanyi Okowa as his running mate. Previous efforts to reconcile them had failed to yield any positive result. Atiku even appeared to have decided to ignore Wike, and proceeded with his campaign while the Rivers State Governor and his supporters threatened to have nothing to do with the Atiku presidential campaign. Five of the 11 state governors elected on the platform of PDP are in Wike’s camp, leading to a major crack in the party. However, a fresh effort brought them together on Thursday where Atiku pleaded with Wike to prevail on his camp to join the campaign train of PDP. Sources close to the meeting said the PDP presidential candidate offered to back Wike for the presidency in 2027 Wike was non-committal to Atiku because of past breaches of commitment, it was gathered. Read the full article
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authenticnigeria · 2 years
We removed Secondus because we wanted Presidency to come to south – Wike
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Rivers State Governor, Nyesom Wike has stated why he championed the removal of the former National Chairman of the party Prince Uche Secondus. He said this during a live media chat held in Port Harcourt on Friday. The governor said the move followed the resolution of the southern governors’ forum during a series of meetings last year. According to Wike, “in that meeting, it was agreed that whatever it is, President Muhammadu Buhari coming from the North has done eight years and therefore for inclusion the next president should come from the South. “The next meeting was held in Lagos, where it was started clearly that this is what we must ensure. The final meeting was held in Enugu. “We now said Secondus as the chairman of the party, you’re already running out your time and therefore you can’t go back because it’s the position of the south that the presidency should come to the south and the president cannot come to the south if you’re the chairman of the party. “By constitution of the party, this is what is stated. It was not as if it was a personal thing. “In order to allow our decision in the southern governors’ forum, this has to be done.” The Governor, however, said he was surprised to see that some of the governors who were conveners of the meeting started “shifting”, saying the chairmanship position should not be zoned. Read the full article
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authenticnigeria · 2 years
Ayu worked for, supported emergence of Atiku, says Wike
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Rivers Governor Nyesom Wike has narrated how the National Chairman of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), Dr. Iyorchia Ayu, compromised the integrity of the convention that produced former Vice-President, Atiku Abubakar, as the presidential candidate of the party. He said Ayu used his position to intimidate other aspirants, mounting pressure on them to withdraw from the race and support Atiku. Wike said Ayu insisted that if they failed to withdraw from the race, he (Wike) would win the primary adding that the chairman held various meetings prior to the primary to convince aspirants to support Atiku. He said: “A whole chairman of a party, who is supposed to be the umpire, was threatening people to withdraw. He threatened that if Wike wins he would resign. He kept calling people that if they refused to withdraw that Wike was going to win. “He was holding various meetings and mounting pressure on people to resign. He was supposed to be the umpire. We didn’t want the party to go to court and we kept telling him to do the right thing. He was working for a particular candidate. There was nothing Ayu didn’t do to ensure that Wike failed. “I spoke last based on alphabetical order. When I came out to speak, there was danger. The applause was much. Everybody had spoken and we sat down to commence voting but a whole chairman of the planning committee announced that there was an announcement. “He gave back the microphone to Tambuwal. He said he wanted to withdraw but he went ahead to say people should vote for Atiku. If not for the love of the party, that convention would have ended up in crisis. “I would have said, that this convention will not take place. Ayu described Tambuwal, a national chairman as the hero of the convention. I never ran presidential election to want to be the vice-president”. Read the full article
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authenticnigeria · 2 years
I rejected Tinubu’s senatorial ticket offer – Wike
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The Rivers State Governor, Nyesom Wike, on Friday, revealed that the All Progressive Congress presidential candidate, Bola Tinubu, wooed him to join the ruling party with a senatorial ticket. He said the former Lagos State governor offered him the ticket after the Peoples Democratic Party presidential candidate, Atiku Abubakar, failed to fulfill his promise after he emerged as the PDP’s presidential flagbearer. He, however, said he turned down the offer and insisted that he would remain in the main opposition party despite his grievances, adding that he never contested the primary to settle for a vice-presidential or senatorial ticket. Read the full article
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authenticnigeria · 2 years
Wike vs Ayu: Southern Parapo My Foot - Olaleye Olawale
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Uche Secondus, a former national chairman of the PDP from the South and Rivers State indigene, was hounded out of office by Nyesom Wike, his southern brother, who thought he made him and as such, could destroy him. These emergency southern patriots didn't think Secondus was their brother and therefore couldn't see the need to rally round him at the time. Wike wouldn't let him finish off his term and the south failed to make a case for a southern replacement, let alone speak out in defence of Secondus. Curiously, his northern brothers stood for Secondus, even though a southerner. They stood up to Wike, challenged the rationale behind the move to have Secondus removed forcefully. And guess what, it was all about Rivers politics and the succession battle in the state, yet, the national politics was needlessly drawn into it. As you read this, no one has been able to tell Nigerians what Secondus did wrong. The south kept quiet but suddenly found its voice because a certain "money-miss-road" is throwing wads of dollars around for a foolish cause. He is constantly up in arms against his southern brothers. From Uche Secondus to Seriake Dickson, Ben Ayade, Godwin Obaseki, Dave Umahi and several others, just because those ones were not beggars like a few others, who were constantly genuflecting before him. And now, because the North would not have you treat one of them like you treat and disrespect your own brothers, they're now selling some failed artificial southern parapo, for whom? Let's even assume Iyorchia Ayu decides to stand down and in line with the constitution of the PDP, the Deputy National Chairman, North, Umar Damagum, takes over, will the south start another round of crisis, since it would take a convention to replace the incumbent in substantive capacity? Either way, Wike is not likely to end good from this misadventure and his options, gladly, are limited. Interestingly, his blind southern cohorts with questionable electoral worth are definitely going to watch him sink before they move on to the next victim. Wike is like a typical fly that rides or dies with a cause. He can savour the attention while it lasts. Read the full article
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