bachibabe · 12 days
Popping in here for two seconds to say that I am in utterly love with Dan Heng he is the loml
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bachibabe · 2 months
Hello everyone!! I missed you guys a lot <33
I think this is a long time coming (and not at all surprising tbh) but I just wanted to make an official post stating that im officially putting a hiatus on this blog D:
I haven’t really felt inspired writing anime centric content in a while. I don’t know how to describe it well, but I fell out of love with writing for a good while. Which is kind of crazy for me since I’ve been writing since I was 11 or 12. It just didn’t make me happy anymore, at least for anime content.
It’s kind of dumb, but I was re-reading old fics that I used to love back when I was in my army era™ and I remembered just how happy I was back then. How much fun I had back on my old bts blog. So! I kind of went back to it!! LMAO!! It’s honestly reignited my passion for writing. I’ve been having sm fun, writing and telling stories. I’ve enjoyed writing for the first in a long time since moving over there!! It’s actually been such a good time.
So, that being said, I don’t think I’m going to be posting here for a little bit! Probably not forever— I still love anime and watch it all the time. But at least for now! DM me if you want the url to my new blog!
Anyway! Best wishes from Lily’s island paradise!
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bachibabe · 3 months
hbd to me! officially twen-tee
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bachibabe · 3 months
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— 𝐇𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐨 𝐍𝐞𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐫 ♡
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synopsis: oh no! what is a cursed spirit supposed to do when he gains interest in a mortal girl? probably not make sex dolls of her, kidnap her, then fuck her until she breaks. but no one told him that!
𖦹₊┆ mahito x fem! reader
𖦹₊┆ wc: 4.5k
𖦹₊┆ warnings: noncon, dubcon, kidnapping, sex doll, cruel and unusual punishment, mindbreak, fear play, blood, biting, marking, minimal prep, cervix bruising, dehumanization (?), creampie, mahito is gross, referring to the sex doll as if it was a real person
𖦹₊┆ notes: the fic ive been writing on and off for a month… she is my baby… i have birthed her. please please please read the warnings and enjoy <33 kms if this doesn’t show up in tags
18+ → minors / blank blogs dni
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Footsteps. Footsteps right in front of you. Right in front of your safe haven.
Please don’t stop. Please don’t stop. Please keep walking. Please. If there’s any god out there please make him keep walking.
His fist hits the desk right above your head. Fuck. Fuck. Shit. Why the fuck did you even hide? It was dumb. So dumb. You can’t get away. Maybe if you ran, kept running forever you could get away. But you can't. Not anymore. It’s too late for any of that.
“There you are, pretty doll.” His sick smile is all you see as he leans down, coming into view. He’s crazy. He’s fucking crazy. You know that. You do.
You knew from the moment he knocked on your door in the middle of the night. Practically buzzing as he rocked on his heels. His speech was slurred, manic. He’s never spoken like that before. So. . . so crazy.
You tried to be polite, you really did. You tried to make small talk, to politely excuse yourself even though your hands were shaking.
You tried to close the door on him but it just wouldn’t shut as he kept rambling. His foot shoved in the way, preventing your escape. His dirty fucking sneakers– god even now you remember them so clearly. You remember so many things you wish you didn’t.
How he fucking smiled when you looked back up at him.
It makes your stomach churn to think about it now.
You remember clearly how he grabbed you. He forced his way inside, slowly backing you against the wall. You remember how he grabbed your wrists, talked about how tiny they were in his hands. Showed you only a moment of warmth before harshly biting into the skin, red rising to the surface, coating his tongue. A sound of pain was retched from your throat, trying to pull away while his grip only got tighter. His hips forced you into the wall, trapping you. Keeping you as prey.
He said you taste delicious.
It fucking echos in your head. Makes you go insane with how it repeats over and over again. Exactly how he said the words. The lilt in his tone, the smile that made him look like he just saw the face of god. How excited he sounded at the first taste of blood.
The way you could tell that he craved more.
Craved everything you had to give.
You didn’t think demons were real before that night. Ghosts, angels– anything that goes bump in the night was just a figment of one's imagination. Maybe hallucinations. But this, this was real. How you wish this was all just some stupid hallucination.
Nothing is paranormal before you face the devil himself.
Nothing is more terrifying than when the devil wants you.
You learned that that night.
He dragged you next door, throwing you to the ground. He looked like a shadow, only a silhouette as he stood in the doorway. The moon casting a glow from behind him. You couldn't see his face, none of it was legible as you scrambled backwards. Trying, trying so desperately to put some space between yourself and the beast.
His shoulders heaved as he panted. Like a fucking monser that just got his kill.
He had.
He closed the doors. Locked them with what felt like a million keys. He started fucking giggling. Giggling like a goddamn lunatic as his demeanor changed completely. He was smiling like an innocent little kid. He was happy. The happiest you had ever seen a person before.
“Ahhh~” He sighed, glee laced in his all too cheery tone. It was like nails on a chalkboard. Speaking, churning in your ears so it's all you can hear. It mocks you. Mocks your very being. Mocks you for trying to live a normal life away from him.
You remember how he clung to you that night as you sobbed. Whining about how you shouldnt be sad, that you were home now. He’d coo, playing with your hair as he tried to ‘soothe’ your trembling body. His arms wrapped around you in a vice. It felt like he was choking the air out of your lungs.
Maybe he was trying, maybe he wanted you dead. You really had no clue. You just wanted to get away– be as far away from him as you could. You’d do anything, you told him as much. Change your name, leave the country. You promised you wouldn’t tell anybody! You would tell him anything if it meant you could leave.
But he kept you in place. Tucked in his arms. His entire body wrapped around yours, keeping you close. Keeping his face nuzzled into your neck. Smelling you. Smelling your fear.
He loves that smell.
If you let him he would breathe it in all the time, treating it as the very thing that keeps him alive. Well, until you die anyway. But he knows that won't be anytime soon! You’re strong. You're tenacious. He knows you are. You’ve dealt with so much in your life, you can deal with him too. He just knows it.
He wonders what all of your other emotions smell like.
Hmm.. What about love? That would be an interesting smell. Maybe it would be sweet like honey? Maybe bitter like chocolate… Humans are so interesting. They're so fun.
You are especially. And he knows you’ll like him too. He’s sure of it as you finally tire yourself out, falling asleep on his beat up mattress. Mmhmm crying for hours must really hurt your soul. Poor thing. He would fix it. Fix you up all nice and pretty. Yeah, he knows just how to. His pretty experiment.
Well, he thinks that’s all you are. A nice human experiment for him to play with. To learn everything about. Learn what makes them tick, what makes them laugh, what makes them cry. Kenjaku told him as much. He could keep a little human as a pet, dispose of them when necessary. But… he doesn’t want to let you go! Just the thought makes him want to cry!
You are already better than he ever imagined!
The chair blocking your body is thrown back, assaulting the wall with a deafening crash. Your hands come up, covering your ears. Shit Shit Shit! Fuck, what are you going to do, what are you going to do?! Your body forces itself as far as it can into the corner of the desk. All you can hear, all you can think about is the sound of your heartbeat ringing in your ears.
Why are you so dumb?! You knew you couldn’t win! You never win any of his games!
He squats in front of you, blocking your only means of escape. You hear him, watch him inhale deep before letting out a sick laugh. One that makes you want to cry. One that makes you feel like trying to run– trying to hide is useless. Maybe it is. You don’t see how you could possibly get away.
The pictures covering his walls tell you everything you need to know.
“Found you.” He smiles, crawling towards your body, crawling towards your last bit of safety. He looks like a monster– he is a monster. He can’t be human. He can’t. You refuse to believe it. Your legs kick, they try to get away. They try to be your last line of defense but his face only shows that of an owner looking at a puppy having a fit. He looks so fond of you.
You want to scream.
He grabs your ankle. It hurts. Everything hurts. You should’ve become numb at this point, you wish you had. You feel your body slip out from under the desk, dragged against the hard floor. Pick you up with ease, lay you down in his bed. His gross disgusting bed.
He pouts. He fucking pouts at you. Sits in front of you.
“Don't tell me you’re jealous.” His frowns, tilting his head at you. “I didn't mean to make you! I swear! I just wanted to show you. How much I love you…how good I could make my pretty doll feel.” You could never be jealous. Not of anything involving him.
Especially not involving the putrid fucking sex doll that lays next to you in bed.
How he fucked it last night, making you watch. Made you hold his hand while he thrust into the thing. Made you cup his face as he came inside.
“How I’ve been practicing just for you.” He coos, a smile gracing his lips as he moves to his knees, crawling towards you in the bed. “Humans are hard to understand…And I really just can’t wait for you any longer.”
You don’t hear his words. Your eyes fixated on the doll that looks just like you. Every freckle the same, every mole. Every fucking tiny detail mirrored yours in a lifeless, hollow core made of silicon. Filled up with his cum. You don’t want to think about how many times he’s fucked it. How many times he’s pretended having sex with you while holding it close. How much he had to have spent to get such a thing.
How deep whatever he feels for you runs.
You swear it probably coats his veins. Running under every inch of this skin. Giving it color. Giving it life. It's all you’re able to think about when he leaves you alone in the apartments. It’s hard for you to swallow. To believe for yourself. You wish it is a lie.
You let him get close. You let him into your bubble for only a second. You allow his face into your neck. Biting your skin, drawing blood once again. He loves the taste. You think he's probably obsessed with it. You wanted to recoil away, disgusted with how he hums, lapping at the skin. But you don’t. You need to let him have this. Even if it's just for a second.
You close your eyes tight. You feel him relax. He thinks you’re giving in. You know he does. You can do this. You can do this. You may have only made this decision a moment ago as you stared at the doll, but you had to do this. You had to do it for yourself. It may be the last chance you get. You can’t stop fighting.
You can do this. You can do this.
The mantra chants over and over again in your head like a prayer. You feel his hand reach up, covering your clothed breast with his palm. Massaging it carelessly, without any thought or respect for you. In his head you’re probably the same as that fucking sex doll.
Your knee shoots up. Right into his crotch. Right where it hurts the most. Your hands shove him with all the strength in your body, getting him off of you. Getting him away for only a moment while he recovers. Maybe. Maybe you can make it out of the door. Or maybe you can make it to the bathroom and lock yourself inside. Maybe you have a chance. Just maybe.
Your body scrambles off of the bed, moving faster than you ever thought was possible. You race towards the door, arm reaching out for the handle. You’re so close. You’re almost there. You’re almost able to get away.
Freedom is within your grasp, it's so close you can taste it. He forgot to lock the door, you know he did. You didn't hear any of them click back in place when he came inside. He was too caught up in the moment with trying to find you. If you make it there then maybe, just maybe you can get outside. Run as fast and as far away as you can. Call the police and escape from him. Spread the wings he’s tried to clip.
You land flat on your face.
Not even your arms are able to cushion your fall.
A stitched hand wraps around your ankle, pulling you, dragging you again. Backwards. Back into the cage. Back to him. His chest heaves. His shoulders hunch. He looks disheveled. Crazed.
He has that fucking smile plastered on his face.
“I love it when you run. It's so pretty.” He giggles, “You know me so well.”
You kick at him, thrash your body as he pulls you closer and closer. “Get the fuck away from me!” You yell, though it falls on deaf ears. All the strength in your body is being used to get away. To try and escape from him. He can’t be human. He’s too strong. Even with your struggle he still lifts you easily, like you’re just some fucking little kid having a temper tantrem.
“I’ve been so patient…” He sighs, placing– rather, forcing you onto the edge of the bed. Your knees on the floor as your torso is pressed against the mattress. Your arms pinned behind your back with one of his hands. Your hips pinned in place with his own. You can feel his cock against you. He’s hard. “I really am patient, you know?”
He hums, gently rocking his hips against you. His entire length pressed against your cunt. Taunting you. Words are not needed for you to know what’s to come. “It’s really too bad you know? I’ve run out.”
The simple statement makes your blood run cold.
“I’ve been so gentle…so caring…” He purrs, forcing his sweatpants down his legs. Just enough for his cock to spring free. Just enough for him to be able to stroke himself. For him to press the fat head where he wants– no, no. Needs to be. “I’ve really been trying my best to be good for you.”
You wish you could see. You wish you could see everything– exactly what he is doing. What he is planning to do to your wrecked frame. If, if everything wasn’t such a surprise then maybe… maybe you could make it a little better. But like this… you’re helpless. You’re trapped. You hate it. You can’t stand it. You wish you still had more tears left to cry. But you know it’s over. You can’t do anything now.
Exactly how he wants it– wants you.
You feel him stop moving, an excited gasp resonating from his throat. His entire presence changes in a flash, giddiness taking him over as the cogs in his brain turn. Making his own story, his own reality changing all over again. “Unless, you don't want me to be good for you? You want me to take what I want? That’s why you’ve been trying to run and hide?”
His frame towers over yours, his full weight pressing against your back forcing you deeper into the bed as he mumbles into your ear. “All you had to do was say so~ ♡”
All you can do is whimper in response. Whimper like a wounded animal that's been forced to accept their fate. Your head is blank, devoid of all thoughts and feelings. There is nothing. Nothing you can do.
Maybe he’s right.
Maybe a small part of you does like it. Who knows. You certainly don’t.
He blows gently on your ear, teasing you before he leans back. Your bottoms are forced down, exposing your cunt to the entire room. You can feel him practically buzzing with excitement. With some sick pleasure found deep within his gut.
“So pretty!” He whines, spreading your cheeks to get a full view of your pretty little cunt. You hate that you’re already wet. You hate that the feeling of his cock did it to you just moments before. You hate that he can see it. You hate the way pride bubbles up in his gut. The way you can hear him lick his lips like a starved man.
Hate what the other little voice is saying inside of your head. Hate that even maybe a little bit of your soul wants to feel him. The quiet fucked up voice that you always try to scilence.
“Mm… I wanna taste you so bad but… I really can’t wait anymore… what am I supposed to do!!” You can practically hear the pout plastered on his lips. “Ah~”
The fat head of his cock finds its way back to your cunt, dragging itself up and down your lips. Milking every last bit of wetness out of your hole. Your nails dig into your own hands— maybe his. It’s hard to tell where you stop and he begins. When he’s this close it’s hard to tell much of anything.
“We have forever together don’t we?” He chuckles, his head stopping at your unprepped little hole. Attempting to push into it with just enough pressure to have you squirm. Have you bite down on the sheet to silence any sounds that might try to come through. “We can try out all sorts of fun things together~”
His thumb aids as he tries to push the head of his cock inside. Prodding, trying to force his way inside without a care in the world for how it might hurt. How it might feel for you. He’s too big— you’re, you’re too tight. You can’t take it! It won’t fit you just, just!
“Mmmm!!” A muffled cry breaks free from your throat as the head of his cock buries itself in your cunt. Your ears ring, pain taking over your senses as he lets out a mouth watering, near pornographic moan from above you.
His grip on your wrists tighten, eyes staring at where he’s fucked himself into you. Wow~ it’s so pretty. He never expected a human to feel this good! It’s incredible! Magnificent! And this is just the first inch of him? Oh my… he can only imagine what bottoming out with feel like— how it will feel when his cock is pressed against your cervi—
Wait wait!! He’s getting ahead of himself again. A gasp leaves his throat as he pulls out, a muffled whine leaving your own. Your hole clenches around nothing. What a cute little thing! It’s calling him back in!! He knew you wanted this, he knows all about you huh?
He drags his cock back and forth through your lips again, red mixing in with the pretty white. He dips his cock head over and over again into your entrance, thrusting himself deeper and deeper every time. Stretching you just perfectly around his length.
Hmm, humans like prep right? He figures that this is close enough. His doll doesn’t need it. She just takes him right away— someday you’ll be the same! He just needs to break you in! But until then, he needs to savor this… who knows when you might come around again?
Mmm… you’re too mean to him. Yeah, that’s all it is.
Ah, it’s too bad he’s too lost to notice you’re already falling apart. Your back is arching on its own. Working without permission to give him a better angle. Your hips bucking, leaning back ever so slightly as he presses into your cunt. Urging him just a little deeper. Your pussy is too wet to think about anything, your head in a daze as he teases you, taunts you relentlessly.
You don’t want this— at least you think you don’t. But, it’s so hard to know what you really want when you’re head gets like this. When it’s actually feeling good. When the pleasure mixes with pain to concoct something dangerous. Something that makes you unsure of anything really. Maybe you’re dumb, maybe you’re stupid. Yeah. You probably are. But that’s okay. He likes that.
He likes you.
He slides his cock inside of your hole, his hand moving to your ass as thrusts his hips. Forcing his cock deeper and deeper with each stroke. Your walls clenching around every inch that pushes its way inside. God, you’ve never felt so full. You’ve never felt anything like this. Anything like his cock, anything like him.
Whimpers, whines, all sorts of sounds escape your throat as you let him do what he pleases. Give into whatever twisted pleasure is being given to you. It’s hard to stop them when he’s even louder— panting like a fucking dog as he feels you. Feels every inch of you. Makes you two become one.
He fucks into you so hard it hurts. So hard that your entire body is being pushed into the bed, spine curving up to meet him with every demonic thrust of his hips. Every time the skin of his thighs meets your ass, every time the head of his cock meets with your cervix, pain racks through your body. You can’t take it. You feel like you’re going crazy. You feel like you’re the insane one.
The sound of skin against skin penetrating the sound of your ears like some sort of sick, twisted song. A song he plays so well. One you don’t want him to stop. No matter how much it hurts, how it stings you, you just can’t find it in yourself to push him away. His moans feel like a siren’s voice, luring you closer and closer, pushing you so close to the edge.
“Why’s she so mean!” He whines, his thrusts frantic and hurried. Only caring for his own pleasure, only caring about him. “Won’t let me in any deeper doll! Can you believe that?” He groans, pressing his cock so hard against your cervix you nearly scream in pain. Your body thrashes, trying to get away from the sensation.
He shushes you quietly, leaning his torso against your back as he coos. “Shh… shh… it’s okay… we won’t try that today okay? Must be too much for you… poor thing.” His hips relent, slowly rocking into your battered cunt to give you a little bit of a break. To rest before the main event.
You want to cringe at how wet you sound, how messy you’ve become due to his cock and his cock alone. How greedily your pussy takes him, urging him back with every thrust. Wanting it. Wanting him.
You see his arm reach past your head, grabbing onto your mimics hair. Pulling the doll closer. Holding its head so it’s staring right into your eyes. It’s so lifeless. So hollow.
“It’s okay.” You can hear the smile in his voice. “Someday you’ll take me just like she can, yeah? You’ll be sooo~ good for me.” His hips start to pick up their pace again, thighs slapping against your ass so hard you might see stars. So hard you actually want to listen to him.
“I had to break her in too, real good.” He pants out, loosing himself in the feeling of your tight, warm walls.
You flinch away. You can’t look at it anymore. Can’t look at a face that is exactly your own yet so cold and distant. So lost. Used for months on end. Maybe a little sense comes back to you, a small part of reality seeping back into your skull.
He tsks. Fucking tsks and shakes his head in disappointment. “That won’t do… I need my girls to like each other…” He grabs your jaw, forcing you to look up at the thing. The creature with your hair and eyes.
“Kiss it.” His voice changes in a second, morphing into something commanding. Something scary. Fuck reality. Living in whatever dream you’ve created for yourself is better. Better than facing this. You don’t want to disobey. You want to listen, want him to let you cum. Maybe want his praise, even if it’s just a little.
Your lips meet with the cold, lifeless silicon. Tasting whatever disgusting leftover cum can be found on its lips. He pushes the head against your lips, forcing you to lick your tongue inside. “Adorable!!”
He likes it. He likes it too much. You can tell.
Tell by the way his hips pick up speed, forcing your used hole to take him over and over again. Forcing you to accept him into your body. Forcing you to fall for his cock. Make sure no one else will ever be able to use it. Use you like the way he wants to.
Can tell by the way his cock twitches, his thrusts becoming sloppy. His pace completely out the window as he searches for nothing but his own release.
Maybe you like it too. Like the way his cum tastes. Like the way he took this, took all of you for himself. All of you flesh as his. The coil tightens in your stomach, white specks start to form behind your eyelids. You’re close, too fucking close you just can’t take it anymore.
A loud moan leaves your lips, muffled by the silicon held against your mouth. Waves of pleasure crashing through your frame like a tidal wave of ecstasy as white paints the inside of your walls. Ears ringing, vision gone white as endorphins fill your brain making you forget— forget everything about this moment. How fucked up it is. How you want more.
Your walls clamp around his cock as it jerks in your cunt, milking every last drop of cum from him. Filling you up until you’re full. Until you can’t think anymore. Until you’re so tired you just want to collapse.
He drops the doll letting you pull your head back to finally be able to breathe again fully. Your frame slumps against the bed. Tired. Drained of everything it has to give.
He slowly pulls out of your abused little hole, watching the way it flutters around nothing. Watching the white mixed with red slowly drip out of it onto the rug. “Humans are such incredible little things…”
He smiles, shallowly dipping a finger inside your hole before popping it in his mouth. Just a little taste. “You did so good doll…” He pets your hair, gives you some sort of comfort after everything he’s done. It’s the least you deserve.
He moves your body into the bed with ease, pulling a blanket over your shaking form. A nap would be good right now. It’s always good to give humans at least one nap a day! Mhmm… and you seem like you could use one.
He moves behind you, wrapping an arm around your body from behind. Pulling you close to his chest. Making no mind to fix your clothes. This is good. This is right. It’s how it’s always supposed to have been!! Ah, and now he has all the time to make you understand that too. He’s so lucky. So lucky to have found such a good human.
“Night night dolly…” He whispers in your ear, brushing your hair gently. Coaxing you to sleep. “Let’s have a great day tomorrow too, yeah?”
Right. Cause this is forever. ♡
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bachibabe · 4 months
I have a new crush and it’s him (mashle chapter 115 spoilers kind of but not really bc it’s just a picture of a character)
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Look at him. Look at his cute little happy pats. It sparks joy deep in my brain. He’s so psyched and I am too
It’s bad. I want him terribly
Yes I also did have a crush on laughing Jack when I was younger how did you know
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bachibabe · 4 months
your theme is so pretty I love animal crossing sm <3
Omg 🥺🥺 thank you so much!! I only just got the game but so far it’s been really fun!!! My favourite villager is Raymond <33 I don’t have him yet but soon… soon I will!!
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bachibabe · 4 months
࿐ ࿔*:・ 𝗷𝗼𝗶𝗻 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗽𝗶𝗻𝗸 𝘃𝗲𝗹𝘃𝗲𝘁 𝘀𝗲𝗿𝘃𝗲𝗿 !
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𝗽𝗶𝗻𝗸 𝘃𝗲𝗹𝘃𝗲𝘁 is an adult only server centered around roleplaying, socializing, writing, making friends & more!
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bachibabe · 4 months
wiwi what was yours n bachi’s first date like !!
Ahem. I apologise, I am normal about him. So normal. So normal I can tell you about it without hyperventilating, in fact
It’s kind of hard to place our first date tbh, just bc I think we’re official (at least in his eyes) before he even takes me out for the first time. After we meet each other again after the longest time he already knows that we’re destined to be together and decides I’m his girlfriend EOFNWOFH But I’m fine with it so it’s good. Typical like “I told you we were gonna get married when we were young” type shit
But! Our first official date we had (that wasn’t just a spur of the moment hang out type thing) was really sweet 🥺 we went through a cute little shopping district in town. Got some pretty drinks and treats from a bakery. Probably got take out from somewhere to eat at home since I’m not really a fan of eating in restaurants. And when we got back to my place my room was decorated to look like the night sky 🥺 those little glowey stars pressed into the ceiling, one of those little star mood lights / projectors too. He had a picnic set up on the ground and a projector set up to watch a movie with all of my favourite snacks (including chocolate covered strawberries he tried to make himself) and yeah !!! It was just really nice and cute and sweet and I love him so much
I’m. I’m siCK ABOUT HIM!!! I MISS HIM!!!!!
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bachibabe · 4 months
Also thinks deeply about Bachira Meguru, love of my life
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bachibabe · 4 months
I’m getting really into mashle so I apologise if it’s all I talk about for the next few days
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bachibabe · 4 months
Mash burnedead the man that you are
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bachibabe · 4 months
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This is in response to the missile strikes on Yemen and the Ansar Allah movement (aka the Houthis) being designated as terrorists again
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bachibabe · 4 months
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✦ ・ you two have both come to the bar to wind down after a long day of work.
꒰ content ꒱ ⌗ afab!reader (she/her), firefighter!toji, teacher!reader, alcohol consumption, playful bantering, car sex, cowgirl position, pet name: princess, unprotected sex, squirting, clit stimulation, fingering, etc. + 3.00k words !
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the bar isn't as packed as you expected it to be on a friday like this. no, it's the complete opposite. the music is low and the only chatter that you hear is from a party sitting a couple of chairs down. but you should've expected this, the night is still young.
you had come here straight from work, needing a drink or two to calm your nerves down after having such a hectic week. caged in your classroom for hours on end finishing all your iep's, lesson planning, and grading, you figured you deserve this much.
the greasy mini cheeseburgers you inhale aren't that good, but with running on hours of room temperature coffee and animal crackers, this taste like heaven on an empty stomach. you twist and turn, cracking and ridding yourself of all the aches within your body.
when ten pm hits, more people come crawling inside. more and more come in and soon, you feel the stifling pressure of people all around you. but you never get up, not once, keeping your seat at the bar. you haven't had much to eat or drink as a matter of fact, and you don't want to go home, quite yet.
with your back turned to the entrance and the music getting louder, the bells over the door no longer sound, as you don't notice the group of men coming in tow, heading straight for the bar. with their line of work, they're exhausted too. more so physically than you are mentally, calling a night of leisure as they trek towards the counter and not too far from you.
their domineering presence doesn't go unnoticed, not by anyone. women's eyes flock over and the men trying to pursue them scowl in envy as they have everything they lack. the bartenders take notice, the screech of chairs being pulled out, faintly sounding over the music as you come to turn your head right in their direction.
eyes that linger on them, a group of five handsome and rugged men that look like they've been carved by the romans. men with such a beauty and handsomeness that they've bound to call for unwanted attention, or maybe it is wanted, who knows.
they all wear t-shirts that hug onto them tightly, their toned muscles poking from underneath as they stand or find vacant seats. so breath-taking yet each one of them are look oh-so different. salmon-colored hair with tattoos that trail against his body, his face contorts into a frown that's menacing. his eyebrows knit together as he orders a drink for himself as the bartender makes a line of glasses.
white hair and blue eyes shielded behind dark shades that stand behind a brunette with his long-hair down, their beauty is admiring and breathtaking, pretty men that deserve to be on catwalks. the blonde does too, though his face is riddled with exhaustion and stress lines, the glasses resting on his face dropping down the bridge of his nose to reveal his brown eyes.
lastly, a man that's size seems to rival the tattooed-clad man, broad shoulders that has your eyes widening at the slightest and such a toned chest that you feel like you think could see every vein that protrudes.
he finds purchase on one of the stools, man spreading as he gives his order before his eyes flicker down the line of chairs. probably feeling your stair, you're met with green eyes. black hair that comes in front of his face with sharp features and a scar on the left corner of his lip. the eye contact is longer than you wanted it to be, heat rushing to your face as you finally divert and stare at your half-full glass, picking it up. your nails clatter against the glass as you bring it to your lips, and you're expecting for that brief interaction, if you can even call it that, to end there, but it doesn't.
with a drink in his hand and the seat to your left available, you feel his presence before you see him drag the chair out and take a seat. he enters your space with a snap of a finger, forcing you to once again look into those green eyes that hold so much confidence as he looks at you with no hesitation. you don't want to be rude, so you let out a small "hey" before looking right into your glass once again.
he repeats the small greeting with a chuckle, finding your avoidance of eye contact to be cute. "are you usually so shy?"
and you can't help the snort that leaves your lips. maybe because within one word of communication that he was able to deduce that from you. it makes conversation much easier as a response easily quips from your lips. "i've never considered myself shy, but it seems like you've got me that way."
and this chuckle is louder, more taken back by your response more than anything, surely piquing his interest. and his reaction makes you realize the words you've said and just how easily you let it slip from your tongue. you don't know whether you should feel embarrassed or proud of yourself because you were being truthful, but meant to keep it to yourself. but with the way his eyes light up at you, you play it off with a smile on your face and the tension finally dropping from your shoulders. 
“i wasn’t expecting that response, if i’m being honest,” he gets more comfortable in the stool, shifting it to be directly in front of you and giving you his full attention now. and in a matter of a few seconds, he’s managed to pull you out of your comfort zone. your smile is sweet, but your eyes are playful, “and i wasn’t expecting for someone to ask me if i’m shy right off the bat.”
“you’re funny.”
“so i’ve been told from time-to-time.”
“toji,” he holds out his hand, introducing himself. “you?”
toji’s managed to convince you to dance with him after an hour of talking. your back is pressed into his chest while his hands glide up the loose-fitted dress you’re wearing today. he bends to meet your ear, his lips grazing the shell of your ear. 
he presses himself into you more, making you feel the growing bulge of his cock as you sway your hips. his hands dig into your hips as he says, “and to say you can’t dance when i think you’re doing pretty well right now.”
you spin in his arms, turning to face him as you smirk. you inch closer to his face, feeling his breath against you. “‘pretty well’ isn't much of a compliment, is it? you’re practically saying i’m mediocre.”
“now, you’re just putting words into my mouth,” he hums, lips ghosting yours now. your chest pushed against his, you’re getting lost in his eyes once more. with a heavy breath, you sigh. “‘m not, just… uncovering the truth behind your words.”
“mmm, there’s a lot of stuff i want to uncover right now,” he says absentmindedly. “d’ya mind getting outta here with me?”
“i don’t mind one bit.”
the two of you hadn’t made it far, still in close vicinity of the bar, you’re in the front seat of toji’s car and on top of him. he pulls up your dress, revealing your bra and the shorts you have on underneath. the way your breasts protrude, nearly falling out of their confinement as toji tugs off the long material and throws it in the seat next to him. your legs straddle his waist in the tight space as he pulls the seat back. holding onto him, the dip calls for a giggle to leave your lips. 
his shirt is the next to go, the streetlamps shining from outside giving you the sight of his chiseled chest and abdomen. fingers that follow the curve of his body, your cold touch making him flex. with your legs wrapped around him and perched right on his lap, you feel the heavy and large bulge against your cunt. wet, your arousal drips through your panties as you rub against his erection. 
he groans, pulling you down against him to feel your lips against his. filled a carnal need to taste you, he swallows your lips with so much fervor and hunger that he swallows your breath. retracting, a string of saliva follows as a mewl leaves your soft lips and toji can’t restrain himself any longer. the clock reads half-past-one and he promised his babysitter that he’d be back around three, but it’s friday and tomorrow’s the weekend. he wouldn’t let the babysitter go home at such late hours anyway. 
still, he can’t deny himself what he’s been aiming for all night. how you coyly made eye contact with him before looking away once his night officially started, how you’re quiet but how you’re witty with a sense of humor. he wouldn’t mind making this a regular thing. 
maneuvering your waist to hover over him, he tugs down his pants along with his underwear. his cock, so heavy and big that it falls in between his thigh, curving to the side. holding himself in his hands, he brings it to press his tip against your underwear-clad clit. teasing you as he rubs circles over it to hear those sweet mewls fall from your lips. “you’re quiet all of a sudden. what? no more quick-witted comments?”
“you haven’t done anything worth saying,” you giggle, breathy pants falling from your lips.
“oh, is that so?” he chuckles. “well, we’ve got to change that.”
“no,” you quip once more. “you’ve got to change that.”
“you got me there, princess.” the way he calls you princess, how his voice dips a few octaves, makes you shiver and your thighs clench, which he feels. he smirks, tsking as a thumb rubs at your hips. “you like that? being called princess?”
“‘n so what if I did?” he loves that daring sparkle in your eyes, tilting your head as your lids narrow right at him. a playful smirk dancing on your lips as the bed of your fingers tickles his bare skin. your breasts poke out beautifully, a mouth-watering eyesight that only he, for the night, gets to stake a claim on. fuck, you’re a vixen that he’s getting the opportunity to claim. 
“I’ll make sure to call you that while you're cumming on my cock.”
Three fingers stuffed inside you, the squelch your pussy makes is tantalizing. Your juices seeping out of you as he fucks his digits inside. You feel so full with just his hand in between your legs, the way your translucent arousal drips and makes a mess in his lap. He's unbelievably hard, wanting to be inside you now, but knowing there's no way you'd fit all of him without prep. The way your mouth hangs open at the curl of his thick fingers deep and against your walls, how you clench hungrily around them with greed. his teeth grabs your bottom lip, holding it down with a searing pinch. 
he holds you in a vice grip with the next hand, pulling you down into him as your body squirms from the insatiable feeling. you feel short of breath, eyes shut as your nails dig into his skin. he grunts, gnawing on his bottom lip, keeping the rhythm steady. The car windows are fogged, your heavy panting and his weighted tufts of breath clouding the outside from peeking in. the way your pussy sucks him in, how it soaks his hand and drips down his wrist. how in such a short time span, he’s able to reduce your pussy to a gluttonous fiend. he truly can’t take it anymore, needing to feel how it’d reel his cock in. 
“think you’re all stretched out for me?” he hums, pulling out his fingers. through the fogged glass, the streetlamp lights shine in as toji looks you straight in at your eyes, sucking off each digit clean. you whimper at the loss of his digits, a shiver running down your spine. “think you’ll be able to handle my cock?”
“if i could handle talking to you all night?” despite how your pussy clench, you still play it off. “i think i could rule the world.”
“getting too snarky now, are we?” toji says, tugging you closer to him and making you hover over his cock. his length, inhumanly thick and long, the tip touches your clit and presses against it. you let out a choked moan, bracing yourself as it glides down to your entrance. “last time i checked, you agreed to come with me.”
he doesn’t give you a chance to respond, simply pressing the head of his cock inside of you and slowly bringing your hips down. the intrusion has you crying out, eyes shutting as nothing could prepare yourself for the size of this man. your nails dig into his chest as your head falls forward. eyes squinting shut as you bite down on your lower lip, letting out a choked out sob. “mmmfuck!”
the pain soon mixes with pleasure, a gratifying stretch of your sweet cunt as toji holds you down still. his tip kisses your cervix adding to the ache, but gets diluted by the overall ecstasy. your chest falls and rises, pulsating around his length as finally you adjust, your hips rising at the slightest to only nuzzle back down as a queue for toji to know you’re ready. “s-shit, you’re so big.”
and as much as he’d like to tease and mock you, he doesn’t. those beautiful green hues of his staring directly into your eyes, searching for all the consent he needs. “tell me to stop if you can’t handle it.”
“no,” you shake your head, grinding down and eliciting a soft grunt from his lips. “i—i’m a big girl. i can handle it.”
you’re pretty sure your moans and cries can be heard from the outside. you’re sure the car rocks with the heavy thrust of toji’s hips, but fuck, you can’t it within yourself to actually care. he fucks into you with such vigor, each thrust hitting at your cervix that has tears streaming from your eyes. and as he drills into you, a thumb presses into your clit, rubbing circles that has you clenching around him harder. you feel as though it’s hard to catch a breath, and all that you can hear is the slap of your hips as your breasts jump with each thrust in.
he enjoys this sight of you, sweat beading from your forehead as you’re teetering on the edge. there’re are marks in his skin from your nails digging into him, scratching at his chest and clavicle. it’s all too much and the churn of your stomach has you gasping out. “toji, ‘m g’nna… m’nna— fuck!”
“fuckin’ come for me, princess.” your legs tremble as you let out a shriek, nails embedded in his skin, he hisses out in pain as he holds you tightly. your cunt violently pulsates around him, and he can’t help but to bully your pussy some more, desperately wanting to spill his seed inside of you. he’s far too close as well. 
and soon, he feels spurts and splashes against your bare skin. eyes dragging away from your face and in between your legs, you’ve made a complete mess of yourself and him, soaking his leather seats in your juices. the translucent mess gets everywhere, even splashing onto his steering wheel before your body calms. the tension within you dissipates, your cunt still clenching around toji as he groans heavily, spilling his seed within you. he bites on his bottom lip, cursing out a low fuck before his grip on your hips lighten. 
you grind your hips, alleviating the last bit of ache before completely falling to his chest. eyes shutting as you feel the drip of his and your cum leak out of your cunt. white ring forming around the base of his cock, it drips down into the seat and trickling between the cracks. both of you pant heavily while you’re finally starting to feel the ache in your legs and complete exhaustion. and looking at the clock, it’s a quarter-to-three. 
reaching to the side of the car, he pulls the seat up in a sitting position and startles you from dozing off. when you flinch, toji looks down at you. “i’ll take you home.”
“Okay,” you yawn, exhausted to think about your car in the parking lot. 
the drive back is silent for the most part, where you’ve managed to pull your dress back over your head and have kept yourself awake to give toji directions back to your place. toji makes constant glances your way when he has the chance, his mind rattling around. “would you like to do this again sometime? on an actual date.”
despite the exhaustion written all over your face, the moment you fully process what he’s said, you snort. “you want to go out on actual date just to fuck me?”
“we don’t have to fuck, though that’d be a bonus,” he chuckles. “but i’d like to get to know you better.”
your lips extend into an endearing smile, sleepy eyes lighting up. noticing that he’s about to miss his turn, you redirect him safely to your home. when he finally pulls into your driveway, putting the car in park, you hold your hand out, “give me your phone.”
“hm?” he hums, reaching in his back pocket, yet hesitating to pull it out.
“give me your phone,” you repeat before he finally hands it over to you. smiling as you type in your phone number, making a contact for yourself and saving it. you slip it back in your hand before slipping on your shoes, reaching for your bra and finally opening the door. “i’d love to get to know you better as well. thank you for the ride home.”
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bachibabe · 4 months
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𝐛𝐲𝐢 !! ˙ᵕ˙
𝐝𝐨 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭 𝐢𝐟 :
- you are under 18 or a blank blog
- you fit basic dni criteria
- you are not okay with aging up characters
- you are not okay with dark content
- you support shotacon / lolicon in any capacity
- you support aging down characters in any way
𝐛𝐞𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭 :
- this blog is 18+
- blog contains and interacts with dark content
- i do not write male reader
- i do take thirsts and occasional requests
- all characters are aged up to be over 18
- this blog is multi fandom
- this blog is not spoiler free
- do no repost any of my work on other platforms
- please read the rules
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bachibabe · 4 months
coming back on here to say can y’all stop defending that person by saying it’s fiction and drawings aren’t cp or that people are just being performative by saying it’s weird. that guy aged down an adult for his fantasies. it’s not performative activism to be like hey, that’s a lil fucked up and we don’t like that!
you bitches always say to curate your own tumblr experience by blocking tags but when people say to block someone bcs of shit like this you get your panties in a twist. it’s so triggering hearing abt people trying to defend that guy just bcs the characters weren’t real, and most people don’t like that.
if you don’t care whatever, but a lot of people do and don’t want to associate themselves with people like them for very obvious reasons, and to say people are bandwagonning for the sake of activism you should really think what you say over again.
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bachibabe · 4 months
don’t be embarrassed that little joys take up a lot of space in your heart. sometimes they’re the most important things there are in your life, and deserve your attention
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bachibabe · 4 months
Hey in a cool way that makes you excited way
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