the thing about gender is that if i could opt out of it i would. but that's not actually an option within my own framework of gender. i know people are gonna see this post and think to themselves 'u can be agender op' but being agender is not actually the same as opting out of gender as far as i'm concerned, as long as gender categories exist as coherent classes of people in the larger cultural consciousness you don't get the luxury of not participating in it you can only choose how you participate. and how i choose to participate is whichever option requires the least amount of effort, because that's as close to opting out as things get from my perspective.
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backgroundasexual · 11 days
Like imagine if every time a lesbian made a post about being butch there was someone in the comments like "Um actually I'm a lesbian too and I'm super femme so this isn't true for all lesbians just fyi"
I'm sorry if this isn't 100% cool and inclusive or whatever but I actually don't think every single post about asexuality has to cater to every single type of asexual
Like if sex-repulsed aces want to make jokes about not liking sex and being super virgins they should be able to do that without someone commenting "not all aces"
And if sex-favorable aces want to discuss their experiences with having sex while asexual they should have space to do that without their identity being questioned
There's a lot of us here and most of society judges all of us pretty harshly so we should do our best to make space for each other and let all of us express our asexuality in whatever way is best for us
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backgroundasexual · 11 days
I'm sorry if this isn't 100% cool and inclusive or whatever but I actually don't think every single post about asexuality has to cater to every single type of asexual
Like if sex-repulsed aces want to make jokes about not liking sex and being super virgins they should be able to do that without someone commenting "not all aces"
And if sex-favorable aces want to discuss their experiences with having sex while asexual they should have space to do that without their identity being questioned
There's a lot of us here and most of society judges all of us pretty harshly so we should do our best to make space for each other and let all of us express our asexuality in whatever way is best for us
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backgroundasexual · 12 days
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Target has these listed as dog toys but what if I want them for me
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backgroundasexual · 13 days
The more often I go to events where you introduce yourself with pronouns the more meh I get about she/her but I've also tried using other pronouns and I'm pretty meh about those too. The whole concept of gendered pronouns in general is pretty meh. I would like to not be perceived in reference to any gender thank you.
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backgroundasexual · 20 days
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It is May 17, 2024. Happy 20th Anniversary to legal status for same sex marriages here in Massachusetts.
Never forget how recent some of our victories are. And how many more fights still lay ahead.
For our Trans siblings, our disabled siblings, our POC siblings, we fight on.
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backgroundasexual · 26 days
I understand why BroTP died when OTP did but sometimes it's like damn we really had a way to talk about appreciating platonic relationships at the same level as romantic relationships ten years ago and it completely disappeared
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backgroundasexual · 27 days
Are fandoms like aware that people can be friends without romantic feelings? Good friends even. Close friends.
Do y'all not have friends?
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backgroundasexual · 28 days
I'm always taken aback when someone asks me if I have a boyfriend because I've convinced myself so much that people perceive me as a sexless entity roaming the mortal world in search of something incomprehensible that I'm surprised the people around me see me as like.... a cishet
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backgroundasexual · 1 month
Happy International asexuality Day! Be ace, do crime, drink aced tea!
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backgroundasexual · 3 months
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Did I unexpectedly tear up when reading this? Yes, yes I did.
From Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow by Gabrielle Zevin
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backgroundasexual · 3 months
Being "underdressed" is a myth made up by people who don't want you to have fun and feel comfortable
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backgroundasexual · 3 months
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backgroundasexual · 3 months
I think the realization of "hot isn't just an adjective you use when someone is pretty, it actually comes from the fact you body literally rises in temperature when you look at them" is a canon event for every ace person
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backgroundasexual · 4 months
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Who else read this book and now desperately wants a discord full of Aces willing to fly across the country and pull off a heist?
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backgroundasexual · 4 months
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backgroundasexual · 4 months
Remember folks the solution to amatonormativity isn't to replace one type of expectation (romantic love) with another, slightly less restrictive but still restrictive expectation (every other form of love) but to erase the expectation altogether and let people be
It is true that (some) aros can still love but not all of them, and aros shouldn't have to make up for their lack of romantic attraction/love by feeling other types of attraction/love stronger. Love should not be a requirement to be treated as people
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