bananahkim · 6 hours
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the video
the account
gofundme link
as per her request, we will be linking this post to our profile so that the first thing people will see when they click on our account is this post. we will also be sharing some of her posts to coincide with our usual schedule of quotesposting. hopefully then, more people will see and feel inclined to donate or at the very least, spread the word of her story and what we can do to help.
other important links to campaigns
click for palestine
verified ways to donate to gaza directly
please read
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bananahkim · 10 hours
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bananahkim · 11 hours
Just two pages left….. finish drawing just two more pages and I can post the entire thing…
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bananahkim · 13 hours
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Happy post-relationship Sunset.
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bananahkim · 14 hours
If you have Spotify reblog this and tag what your number one song on your “on repeat” playlist is.
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bananahkim · 14 hours
Azula Respected Mai The Most
I just saw another Reddit comment saying Azula wasn’t friends with Mai and mostly only cared about Ty Lee. And I just gotta say…
I respectfully disagree.
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The Boiling Rock proves Mai meant a lot to Azula.
First, Mai publicly commits treason and betrays the Fire Nation and Azula.
What does Azula do? Order the guards away and gives Mai a chance to explain herself. She even says “I never expected this from you” and “you of all people know the consequences”. Put a pin in that for a moment.
Giving a traitor who just publicly and flagrantly betrayed you and your nation to help an even worse traitor to your nation (Zuko, who on a personal level hurt both Mai and Azula by doing so) a chance to explain themselves is already significant. But even moreso is the fact that Azula doesn’t make a single move to harm Mai until Mai purposely and effectively hits Azula’s trauma weak point like the master marksman she is.
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When Mai says “I guess you don’t know people as well as you think you do” this is already an insult. She’s putting down Azula’s intelligence and manipulation skills, things Azula clearly takes pride in. And yet despite how insulting that is, Azula still waits for Mai to explain herself. Even as Mai throws that barb at her, Azula wants to hear her out. Until Mai throws the even worse insult right at Azula’s weak point.
“I love Zuko more than I fear you” isn’t a statement of Mai being afraid really. It’s Mai throwing a powerful dig at Azula’s biggest fear and trauma, the one Azula tried to dismiss during The Beach with a joke to avoid showing her own vulnerability: Azula fears that Ursa hated and feared her but loved Zuko. It’s why during the mirror scene, a grief stricken and emotionally volatile Azula bitterly says to the hallucination of Ursa “even you fear me”.
Only then does Azula get triggered enough to lash out in return. Mai was only capable of hurting her so much precisely because Azula loves and trusts Mai so much, and precisely because Mai knew what to say to hurt her.
Even so, Azula does the forms for fire, not lightning. And after she is chi-blocked, Azula orders both Ty Lee and Mai jailed, not executed or banished despite having every right to do so since they just publicly committed treason against the Fire Nation.
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See the quick strike? It’s more like when she attacks Iroh in The Chase with blue fire:
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Lightning, by comparison, always has a wind up for her. Even when comet-boosted or otherwise.
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Remember Azula’s line we put a pin in? Let’s go back to it now. Why does Azula say “I never expected this from you” and “you of all people”. What is the significance here?
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We know Azula is a perfectionist. She can’t stand a single hair out of place. This informs her frustration with Zuko and Ty Lee, both whom she adores, but whom are constantly failing to stay in their place and play their role. Zuko messes up, gets himself banished. Ty Lee runs away and joins the circus. What does Azula do? Endeavor to use any means necessary to bring them back into the fold. It sounds crazy, but from her perspective, she’s helping them shape up.
But Mai? She’s different. Mai knows her place. She knows what’s expected of her. She says herself that she learned to be quiet and still so as not to risk her dad’s political career. She hates it and searches for any excuse to leave her stifling expectations at home, but she only does this in an acceptable way: when ordered by the princess to join her on a mission for the Fire Nation.
This is why Azula is especially shocked. Because of all people, Azula thought Mai was the only one of her friends who understood their duty to the nation and wasn’t a colossal fuck up.
Azula may be more affectionate with Ty Lee, but she definitely respected Mai more.
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And I think the fandom doesn’t give their fascinating relationship or how it breaks down enough credit.
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bananahkim · 14 hours
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I'm sorry I keep posting my tiktok comments but please. What does this mean. What do people THINK shipping is for anymore???
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bananahkim · 23 hours
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catty doodles. ^_^ found her finally at Walmart yesterday and was legit shaking
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bananahkim · 23 hours
When sorrow and difficulties strike hard, hope becomes the lone star in the dark sky. This is the story of Amira, a 23-year-old girl who found herself bearing the burden of her family after her father's death three years ago due to the coronavirus.
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After my father's passing, I found myself taking care of my family, consisting of my mother, sister Noor, and brother Abdulrahman. My mother, suffering from high blood pressure and diabetes, faces health problems that further complicate their situation. But courage and determination drive Amira forward.
I worked as a teaching assistant at the university while pursuing a master's degree in data science, and also worked as a programmer in a company. My life was going smoothly until war came and destroyed everything.
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My university, workplace, and home were completely destroyed, forcing them to flee south in search of a safe haven. Now, I and my family live in tents for displaced people in Deir al-Balah, where they suffer from water shortages and the spread of diseases, posing an additional challenge, especially for my immunocompromised mother.
This is a brief about our daily suffering.
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Please help me, my mother, my sister and my brother to go out to treat my mother because she suffers from widespread diseases because her immunity is weak and help us to complete our educational journey, me and my brother
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bananahkim · 1 day
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bananahkim · 1 day
What if this pride month you all stop telling intersex people that you've always heard how we don't want to be included in the queer community, how you're too afraid to include us because terfs have told you that we're not queer (a rare time yall love to listen to and obey terfs lmao), how you won't stand in our defense because terfs will attack you if you do, and how you've never heard anything about us ever in your life
Stop telling us to our faces that you've never heard of us when as much as 7% of the population could be intersex. Do you know how devastating that is? To know we are THAT oppressed and silenced that even the 1% people say is out there barely exists in community due to intentional oppression and violence? Stop parroting that bullshit redheads and intersex people statistic, there are so much more of us than that. People say this so proudly and excitedly to me like they're the first and I'm not even a real fucking redhead
Stop participating in breaking our community by obeying terfs
Would y'all think it's reasonable and excusable if a cis person said they didn't include or speak about trans people in their activism because terfs have attacked them? Why is it fine that its such a normal thing for perisex queer people, including trans people, to say this shit to me? Why is this so common? Why are yall cowards when it comes to us?
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bananahkim · 1 day
i can't believe Macaque and Pearl totally hung out at some point and he recorded the material for this music video guys
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bananahkim · 1 day
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round and round, let the city turn
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bananahkim · 1 day
Canon Hunter is absolutely perfect and I wouldn't trade him for anything. But feral sexist child from the Elizabethan period who yells slurs and lives in a tree is so unbelievably funny, I can't get over it. I'm happy that when it comes to Willow, they decided to make her a bit more of a shy nervous wreck with uncontrollable power. It opens up a lot more opportunities to explore character. But I DO mourn the fact that she was initially a little more delightfully morbid. Obsessed with carnivorous plants. Keeps dead rats in her pockets. Adorably cheerful. Willow really could have been the most girl of all time.
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bananahkim · 1 day
They keep deleting palestinians blogs holy shit
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bananahkim · 1 day
animatic for the dance battle i did in the “plaza prom” ep of ok ko!
storyboarded by me/animatic by nick veith/revisions by @jpolgar1,@maxcollins, and @killapede 
(this animatic has temp music because it was made way before the episode was scored, but the music you hear in the show was composed by jake kaufman!)
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bananahkim · 1 day
i love when characters get angry when they're frightened. shelter dog characters. i love when they bite, not able to tell the difference between a hand that feeds and a hand that strikes. there is no difference. a hand is a hand is a fist. i love characters that are deemed unadoptable. unlovable.
and i love when someone loves them. i love when someone sits with them, patient. they don't flinch at the snarling and snapping. they're not trying to fix it—there's nothing to be fixed. this is you, all of you, and ill wait. because one day, one day you'll take the treat. go on, draw my blood. spit and curse and rage. you're safe with me. one day, you'll feel safe with me.
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