baseballbitch116 · 2 months
Coming Out To Tara
Pairing: Tara Chambler x female reader
Word Count: 1190
Warnings: None, just good old fluff/angst between two gay women
This is a prompt that I have been wanting to write for myself for a while now, given as I love Tara and I am a partially-closeted bi-sexual girl, so I feel like we can all appreciate this sort of prompt :)
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You had a huge secret that you have managed to hide from the group, for the most part. Before the world went to shit, you were just another woman in the closet, confused and scared. When it all ended, you figured that your problems with having to hide your sexuality would end as well, but that was not the case. You had to lie from time to time, such as when you would have late night talks with Maggie or Beth, asking if you liked anyone in the group or about previous lovers.
When you met Tara, you knew you were in trouble. You found her very attractive right away, and she was pretty openly gay, so you feared that she would figure you out and expose your secret. It’s not like you didn’t want everyone to know - you just wanted it to be on your own terms, when you were ready.
So when you guys got to know each other while out on the road after Terminus, you did your best to seem uninterested in any way other than a friend, and you thought that she was buying it. But once your group settled into Alexandria, you found it harder and harder to keep your feelings for her hidden.
One night you caught her sitting outside. You had come out for fresh air, only to be greeted by her sitting on the porch as well, glancing over her shoulder and smiling at you as you stepped out into the cool night. Your heart dropped at that smile. She’s so friendly, and caring, and beautiful. You couldn’t think of a single thing wrong with her. “Want some company?” You ask, standing beside her, waiting for her okay to sit. She nods, patting the stair for you to sit, so you do. You are wearing a sweater over your night clothes, since it isn’t a particularly warm night. But even with your sweater, you could tell you were going to be cold after a few minutes out here. You didn’t care though, you wanted to be alone with her.
She is wrapped in a blanket, looking cozy and adorable, so inviting. You snap out of your thoughts, realizing you’re probably staring, and turn your eyes to the dark empty streets, wondering how you ended up here.
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baseballbitch116 · 2 months
Pairing: Tara Chambler x female reader
Request: “Hi I was wondering if you could right a Tara x fem reader smut? The reader goes on a supply run with Tara and starts to ramble on about liking her and Tara kisses her to calm her down and it leads to some stuff?”
Word Count: 3288
Warnings: NSFW - pretty graphic & intimate. Dry humping, strong language, adult themes and sexual content
A/N: I based the reader off of myself for the most part since the request didn’t specify so I hope this is what you wanted :) Feel free to send me more Tara requests, I love her and I would like to start writing more female x female imagines. This ended up being way longer than I anticipated because I got so wrapped up into it lol, I think I need a cold shower after this
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You had been pretty excited to go on this run with Tara. It was just the two of you, which was very uncommon, and you were looking forward to some alone time with her. Things had taken a turn in your friendship recently, and had led to you guys sharing a kiss. However, between your responsibilities taking up all of your time and not finding a good time to discuss what happened.
The run went well and you guys actually found a few important things. You hadn’t talked too much as you guys worked, trying to remain focused on the task at hand - but now you guys were getting ready to head back. “Want some?” You ask Tara as you outstretch your water bottle to her. She shuts the backdoor of the car and nods, taking the bottle from your hand. You lean up against the car and watch her as she takes a drink, your mind racing. “So, uh, when’re we gonna… Talk about what uh, happened the other day?” You stammer over your words awkwardly, unsure of how to start this conversation.
The thing is, Tara was the first girl you ever kissed. You had always had bi-sexual tenancies but the opportunity never arose before. All of the girls you had crushed on when you were younger were either straight or already in relationships with other women. When the world ended, you almost gave up on ever having a girlfriend - until you met Tara.
You have grown to have a giant crush on her, and even though you were very new to any sort of female relationship, you wanted to try it with her - if she shared your feelings.
“You mean when I kissed you.” She clarifies with a grin.
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baseballbitch116 · 6 months
Thank you for the tag @tinkabelle19 but I think I’ll start a new post since that one was getting long!
RULES: Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, reguardlessof how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have WIP's.
I uh. I got a lot of WIPs, so I’ll try and tag ppl that I think might be interested but I know I don’t know that many writers. Also. Yes. @desceros naming conventions bit me so all my new files have one line description names
El Dorado
Darker than Dark
Pick Up The Pace
SMR (several side shots attached)
Papa Raph
Blurple Fic
Pillow Talk
Raph Really Likes Winnie On His Motorcycle
Donnie’s not possessive until he is
Karai turns Leo into a Kabob
Mikey trusts you but maybe he shouldn’t
Winnie’s Raph’s Girl but she’s also Mikey’s
Raph has a thing for body hair
EDIT: Oops I totally forgot about “anything you can do I can do better”
Tagging ppl that might be interested: @desceros @luckycharms1701 @thejudiciousneurotic @justalotoffanfiction @oozedninjas @fuckedupcleric @friggysblog @gbao3 @avery73
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baseballbitch116 · 6 months
The insane number of notes in my phone, on my laptop, and in all of my notebooks full of fanfic inspiration over YEARS is crazy.
I have so much inspiration right now!!! Writing so many notes and planning plots for the next one shots. Lord I love and hate when my brain gets like this.
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baseballbitch116 · 6 months
I have never related to something more!
i go by she/they pronouns on here. and by that i mean i still think of myself as a she and think it’s totally normal when anyone else refers to me w she/her pronouns, but if you use they/them to refer to me i will literally be giddy kicking my feet
like you think of me as existing outside the gender binary? fr? i love you so much will you marry me? like that’s so sweet not even i do that
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baseballbitch116 · 6 months
Damn okay! Jealous/possessive Daryl x reader coming right up! ;)
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baseballbitch116 · 6 months
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baseballbitch116 · 6 months
Content/Requests Update
Hi lovelies! So I have made the decision to try to start over in a sense with my account. I have made the choice to delete all of my old requests given that they have been sitting there for literally years with me going inactive. HOWEVER -- I am still accepting requests! Please feel free to inbox me any requests you have! I will also be creating new tag lists, as well as updating the fandoms that I write for. All the updates are below!
Thank you everyone for all of your love and support over the last four years. You have no idea how much it means to me to be able to share my love for writing and for these fandoms, and that you guys enjoy reading it! <3
Taglist Update:
Please comment or inbox me if you would like to be added to one or all of my taglists. The taglists and fandoms that I write about are as follows:
General taglist for all content
2. Walking Dead
3. Avengers
4. Vampire Diairies
Others may come, but these are the MAIN fandoms that I write for.
Please keep in mind that this is predominantly a Walking Dead page! Thank you!! I will be posting some content today! (12/15)
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baseballbitch116 · 7 months
Guys I’m mourning my cat and I don’t know how to cope. I’ve never lost a pet before. I had him for 13 years. He would sleep on my chest and my face and always be by my side and cuddling me. He was the sweetest, smartest bestest boy. He was my best friend and he got cancer so suddenly. It’s been less than 2 weeks and we got his ashes back today and it’s just killing me. I feel responsible even tho logically I know im not and Im reminded of him every time im in my home. Especially because I have other cats so whenever I see them all eating together I always know there’s one missing. And I have another cat that is black and white and my baby was black so whenever I see my black and white kitty from the back I always think I see him in the corner of my eye at first and it just breaks my heart all over again.
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baseballbitch116 · 10 months
The Walking Dead Masterlist
Links to every imagine I have written for TWD    |     18+
I am also on Wattpad - baseballbitch116 - most of this content can be found there as well
When They’re Jealous
How They React To You Being Touchy*
When They’re Possessive*
You Die
You Run To Them During An Attack
Someone Else Kisses You
Someone Else Flirts With You
Your Child Calls Them Daddy
Tattoos - Daryl
Someone Checks You Out
Negan x Reader x Daryl:
Bad Guy | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 | part 5 | part 6(coming soon)
Merle x Reader x Daryl:
The Dixon’s Next Door | pt 2 | pt 3 | pt 4
Daryl Dixon:
Sweetheart | pt 2 | pt 3 | pt 4 | pt 5 | pt 6
Do Better | pt 2
Daddy Daryl | pt 2 | pt 3 
Pillowtalk | pt 2
Interactive Daryl Love Story Series Masterlist
Daryl’s Girls | pt 2
The Poncho | The Vest
You’re Staring
Can’t Sleep
You Know You Like Me
Dating Daryl Would Include…
Drunken Fight
Wasn’t Jealous
Daryl’s Girl
Hit On, Literally
Little Things
Sing For Us
Everything You Want
Don’t Give Up
Welcoming Party
Meet Jesus
Admit It
Horny Daryl*
His Shirt
Night Shift
Welcome To Alexandria
Fun In The Mud
Can’t Lose Ya Too
Another Hot Day
I Can’t Help That I Love You!
A Quick Run
On Watch
Don’t Leave Me
Beat Yer Ass
Scars & Stretch Marks
Hurts So Good
Hot Encounters
Daryl NSFW Alphabet*
Dating Negan Would Include…
I Love You
Anxiety Attack
That Ass
Everything You Want
The Blizzard
It’s Happening
You’re Religious
Negan NSFW Alphabet*
Shane Walsh:
Dating Shane Would Include…
His Family | pt 2
At All Costs | pt 2 | pt 3(coming soon)
Rick Grimes:
Dating Rick Would Include…
He Saves You
Rick NSFW Alphabet*
Maggie Greene:
Maggie NSFW Alphabet*
Tara Chambler:
Coming Out To Tara
Paul Rovia: 
Meet Jesus
I’ve Missed You*
Abraham Ford:
Dating Abraham Would Include…
Glenn Rhee:
Dating Glenn Would Include…
Carl Grimes:
Dating Carl Would Include…
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baseballbitch116 · 10 months
His Shirt
Request: “Can I request a fluff prompt? The “Are you wearing my shirt” one with Daryl please. Like it’s an accidental thing and the reader was in a hurry and just grabbed a shirt and went to do stuff and people give her weird looks/teases her and she doesn’t realize until Daryl says that when she returns. Please and thank you ❤❤”
This is such a cute request! I hope you like it!
Word Count: 630
Warnings: none, solely fluff
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This morning when you woke up, you had a splitting headache. It was awful, any light or noise was killing your head. But you had chores to do and unfortunately, could not lay in bed all day hiding under your pillow. Therefore, you trudged out of the warm comfort of your rock-hard prison bed, threw on a random shirt and pair of pants without really paying attention to what you grabbed, not caring in the slightest about what you looked like, and headed outside to start your day.
The day drug on, every little thing bothering you. You figured that all of the strange looks you were getting were because of how miserable and awful you seemed. When Glenn smirked at you, one eye squeezed shut to block out the sun, asking “Rough night?” you thought nothing of it, assuming it was because of your bad mood, and nod at him exhaustedly.
“You have no idea.” You respond, not seeing the shocked face he makes as you continue with the crops. He meant because you are wearing Daryl’s faded grey T-shirt, and you looked horrible, thinking that you guys were up getting it on all night, and you basically just unknowingly confirmed his incorrect thoughts. He chuckles to himself and starts heading back to the fence to continue clearing away piles of walkers.
As the day goes on, you still have not spoken to Daryl, since he and some of the other men were busy taking out the walkers pushing against the fence. You happened to glance up when he was finishing, looking in your direction. He nods at you, and you nod back, a small smile on your face. “So… Have a good night?” Michonne asks, startling you.
“Huh?” You respond, standing up straight and wiping the dirt from your hands onto your pants. “Why does everyone keep asking about my night?” You continue, wondering what you are missing. Michonne starts laughing, and low and behold, Daryl has just made his way over. He stares at you oddly for a moment, and you throw your hands up in the air. “What?! Is there dirt on my face or something? What is up with all the weird questions today?!” You exclaim, exasperated with everyone’s weirdness. Michonne only laughs harder and Daryl even smirks, chuckling to himself.
“Don’t think it has anythin t’ do with ya announcin t’ everyone bout us?” He jokes, squinting at you sideways in the sunlight. Your jaw drops a little - Daryl just let Michonne know you guys are together!
“What? I didn’t! But you just did!” You exclaim, utterly confused about this entire situation. “What is so funny?!” You turn to Michonne, raising your voice and eyebrows, utterly confused. She can’t stop laughing, holding her chest, and Daryl laughs himself. “Don’t think wearin my shirt is announcin t’ everyone?” He asks. Your eyes go wide as you slowly look down, and sure enough, you are wearing one of the shirts Daryl constantly wears.
You stare at it for a moment, then at Michonne, and finally shyly make eye contact with Daryl.
“Oops…” You mutter. Michonne catches her breath, patting you on the shoulder and walking away smiling, shaking her head. You just made her day. “Sorry.. I had a really bad migraine, so I didn’t even pay attention to what I put on! I’ll go change!” You ramble, afraid that you could have just accidentally pushed your boundaries with Daryl and scared him off. He only shakes his head, taking a few large strides over to you and wiping a little dirt off of your cheek.
“Nah. It looks better on ya.” He smirks, emitting a deep blush out of you as you nod and try to go back to your crop-work under his intense gaze.
If you would like to be added to one of my taglists, let me know :)
@lokilover2000-blog @tv-show-shit@mtngirlforever@tehfabbooty@jodiereedus22 @momc95@cole-winchester@fuzzy-panda@loudlydarkcollective @sourwolf-sterek32@mwesterfeld1985@namelesslosers@badluckgirl@zzeacat@twdeadfanfic @elamy17 @my-current-fandom-is@gryffindorshadowhunter@fangirlsarah16@justaclosetedgay @a-little-piece-of-heaven-xox@hello-valerie@spaghettirogers@blueboolu @fangirl-juchan@pleasepleasepleaseme@fearlessxlaurin @jdhdbfki837 @dotslabyrinth@isayweallgetdrunk @bts-suga-2013 @bvbwestfall@vibhati123@ask-kakashihatake @clumsy-writing-rdb@07chenzo03@daryldixonandfrogs@franzixlovesxsomeone@ivars-snowflake@duchessdeeer @mazerunnerrose@gruffle1@harry-titss@coffeebooksandfandom@marisacooper@neeadinghugs@theserpentsqueen @firelonewolf @habelm @abilostinlight@isilmiel @itsmysticalmystery @misscamptl@walkingdeadfan25 @qrangr @mblaqgi @daryldixon83@negansviolentdelights @multiefandamn @fandom-trash99@bvbwestfall @sugoichenzo @daryldixonswifey @thoughtsmeander2tumblingblindly @esdlaliniadedurin @jasminetherandomweirdo
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baseballbitch116 · 10 months
Flirting part 5
Part 1 | Part 2
Part 3 | Part 4
Warnings: None
Word Count: 539
Warnings: None
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After your little talk with Donnie, you had left the lair and went home to sulk. You missed the red clad turtle, you wanted nothing more than to be in his arms. It all got awkward, maybe your flirting pushed him away. You should have just left things the way they were, it’s all your fault…
Eventually, sleep overcame you and you fell asleep, still in your clothes from earlier, in a fetal position in your bed. Little were you aware, Raph had come by when the night fell, and stood on your balcony, watching you. He needed to know you were okay.
You are sleeping sound in bed, and he realizes how unaware of he had been of his affect on you. He quietly steps into your apartment, careful not to awaken you. He slowly approaches your sleepin form on the bed, the moonlight illuminating the room and yourself. As he gets closer, he admires how beautiful you really look. He can look at you as long as he pleases, really taking in all of your features, without worrying about you seeing him staring.
He towers over your form, gently lifting the blanket to rest over your body, causing you to stir lightly in your sleep. His hand trails over the blanket up to your face, hovering over your lips, studying their shape and plumpness and taking notice at how soft they look. He desperately wants to know how they would feel on his own. His hand lightly strokes against your cheek, which makes you subconsciously lean your face into his hand in your sleep. He smiles sadly at you, feeling his heart pounding uncontrollably in his chest, finally accepting just how head over shell he is for you.
He knows what he heard you tell Donnie, but he knows what’s best for you. He’d never be able to give you what you deserve, what you need. He doesn’t deserve you, he would only hold you back. So he slowly begins backing away as he notices you stirring more in your sleep, heading back to the window. He takes one last glance at you, just as you start to wake.
You swore you saw the outline of one of the turtles by your window in the dark, the faint red color catching your eye. You jump up in the dark and reach to switch on your bedside lamp, and as your eyes return to the window, the shadow is gone. You slump, realizing your subconscious is playing tricks on you. You miss him, and now you’re seeing things. A soft, disappointed sigh escapes your lips as you switch the lamp back off and collapse back into your pillows, frustrated.
Raph stands on the roof of the apartment complex, breathing heavily, angry and upset. You almost saw him. He needs to stay away from you. It’ll only make it harder for both of you if he can’t keep his distance. So he takes off, heading back for the lair, hopping onto the neighboring roof, stopping on it and returning his gaze back to your building, a churning feeling in his gut. He shakes his head and continues running, insisting to himself that he is doing what’s best for you.
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baseballbitch116 · 10 months
me, a supposed writer, when i can’t find the very specific scenario i made up in my head in any fanfic: am i- am i supposed to write it myself??
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baseballbitch116 · 10 months
My brain has unthawed. The ideas and creativity are back. How many more stories will I drop before I disappear into the abyss? Who knows (trick question. Its 2) Send me requests, I'll work through them in the next uh century or so. Toodles
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baseballbitch116 · 10 months
Don't Leave Me - Daryl - Part 2
Prompt: You are trying to earn Daryl's trust back after being broken up for 2 months and having a fling
Word Count: 3455
Warnings: Language, mild sexual content
Don't Leave Me Part 1
Masterlist // Fandoms
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Getting back together with Daryl was the easy part, but earning his trust back was a whole other battle. Given that Ayden had just left from spending the night as Daryl stood in the doorway, there were definitely some things that needed to be resolved. You didn't want to spoil the mood, so you didn't bring him up until later that evening.
Daryl had been helping out with some repairs on the fence throughout the day after he left your house, so you hadn't really seen him since your little fight and makeup. The sun was setting now and you were bringing some wood from the stockpile in the garage with Rosita to start the evening fire. You spotted Daryl as you passed by the spot where he was working with Aaron. He met your eye as he held up a large piece of siding for the fence. His biceps were flexed as he held it up, and you could see the sweat glistening on his arms. Your heart skipped in your chest as you thought of how the evening could possibly play out. You wanted to make up with Daryl in the best way possible, but doubted it would happen, especially given that he knew you had just recently been with another man. Daryl didn't let it show much, but he was definitely the possessive type. You knew that he was not going to forget that fact any time soon.
You shoot him a shy grin as you walk by, which he acknowledges with a small grin of his own.
"What's that all about?" Rosita nudges you with her shoulder, smirking at you. You blush and shrug, embarrassed to have been caught. "You guys make up?" She presses.
"Yeah, earlier. Thank God. He said he was gonna go stay at the Hilltop and we got into this big fight." You explain quietly.
"That's making up?" She asks, clearly confused. You laugh, realizing you left out the actually making up part of the story.
"Well we made up after the fight."
"Ah," She shakes her head playfully. "So is he gonna move back in?" She asks, dropping her logs on top of the growing pile of wood where Eugene is arranging it to create an ideal shape for the fire.
"I dunno, I hope so. We haven't really talked since earlier. He should be done the fence once its dark. I don't wanna push him though, cuz of what I've been doing lately..." You trail off, taking in your surroundings briefly to see if Ayden was around. Rosita nods.
"Does he know?" You nod too.
"Well if he didn't before, he definitely did after this morning. He left the house as he showed up." You roll your eyes and shudder at the memory, embarrassed.
"Ooh, he definitely didn't like that."
"Yeah, I'm dreading having to elaborate on that topic to him. But I know him." You sigh, following Rosita back for one more pile of wood, passing by Daryl and Aaron again. They're well over ten yards away, so they can't hear your conversation, but you still spoke lower.
"Have you even talked to Ayden yet?" She asks, lowering her voice too. You shake your head, your gaze dropping from Daryl's back to your feet, feeling ashamed. You know that you shouldn't -- you were broken up for two months, you didn't cheat.
"I have to though. He's probably expecting to see me tonight. I don't know how to though." You start, holding your arms out for Rosita to fill with logs. "I don't know if I should tell Daryl first before I go talk to him, or if that'll cause a fight. But I know damn well if I go talk to him and he doesn't know, especially if he sees and I didn't tell him... He's gonna get mad all over again." Rosita nods.
"You should tell him first, I guess. So he doesn't think you're going behind his back." You guys start heading back. The sun has almost fully set and it is nearly dark out now. You see Daryl packing up with the other men and your hopes raise that he will come over to sit with you at the fire. You aren't entirely sure that he will, given it has been two months since you guys have been together in any way at all, other than fighting walkers or saviors. Your heart flutters as you remember how he subtly watched your back all those times too, even while you were fighting. Daryl always had your back, it didn't matter how angry he may be with you.
Speak of the devil, you saw Ayden off in the distance walking from his house that he shared with another Hilltop member. "Shit," You mutter, glancing back toward Daryl, who also locked eyes with you. "Shitttt."
"Oh boy, you got a problem." Rosita chuckles sympathetically as she drops her pile beside Eugene. Ayden starts approaching you guys and you panic.
"What do I do?!" You whisper yell, trying to drop your wood faster in hopes to get away without looking like you are running from him.
"What is the matter?" Eugene asks from where he is crouched, lighting the fire.
"Hey, guys." Ayden smiles as he stops on the other side of the unlit fire.
"Oh hey Ayden." Rosita smiles, catching your eye. You can practically feel Daryl's eyes on you, but you don't dare turn around.
"Hey," You respond, forcing a smile.
"Can we talk, Y/N?" He asks. You are a little caught off guard but figure now is as good a time as any.
"Uh yeah, of course." He starts walking over toward the side of the street, where of course it is less lit, probably for privacy. You look back toward Rosita but she shrugs and gives you a thumbs up. "What's up?" You ask, standing a few steps away from him, crossing your arms awkwardly. You know that if Daryl saw you, he's definitely watching.
"So what was up with Daryl this morning?" He asks, getting right to the point. You are caught off guard again, surprised by his forwardness.
"Oh uh, he needed to talk to me." You respond, unsure of where this was going.
"Is he trying to get you back or something?" He asks. You furrow your brows and shift your weight uncomfortably, not appreciating the way he was addressing you. "Because I gotta say I'm not super comfortable with your ex coming by the house unannounced like that. You weren't even wearing any pants." You bite your lip to keep from laughing at that point.
"So? He's seen me naked." You know that may have been a little uncalled for, but you couldn't help it. His face hardens and he exhales deeply.
"Yeah that's why I didn't like it." He reiterates.
"Yeah I got that. Look Ayden, Daryl and I are gonna try to work things out after all, so this... We can't be doing any more." You try to be nice, but to the point.
"Seriously?" He seems pissed. He probably deserves to be a little.
"I mean, yeah. This was always casual." You respond, shuffling again, anxious to finish the conversation.
"And you really wanna end this to go back to him? You think that's worth it?" Now you're getting angry.
"Hey, watch it. You don't need to start getting angry. We agreed this was just sex. That's all it was to me." You can clearly see him growing more frustrated, but you don't really care at this point.
"Yeah but I figured that was changing. Does he even kiss you? I mean that guy is serious and angry all the time-"
"Okay ima stop you there. This is none of your business and he's not angry all the time. He's the best guy I know and I am one hundred percent sure I want to be with him over any other guy left on this planet." You exclaim. "Goodnight, Ayden. I'll see ya around." You turn around on your heel and sure enough, Daryl is watching you from where he leaned against the side of the house beside the growing fire. His one leg is kicked back against the side and his large arms are crossed over his chest, an intense look on his serious face. You gulp and head over in his direction.
His eyes are on you the whole walk over to him, making you more and more anxious. He definitely read into that conversation wrong. You are expecting him to be mad. You haven't spoken since you made up this morning and the next opportunity you get to, you are talking to the guy you have been sleeping with. You'd be mad too.
"Hey," You force an anxious smile on your face, standing a few steps away from him. He takes a moment to look behind you, probably at Ayden, and then return his hard eyes to yours.
"What was that about?" He asks.
"He was asking about you. Why you came over this morning." You respond quietly, taking a step to the left to be further from the fire, trying to keep the conversation private.
"Mm." He responds, standing up from the side of the house and facing you, his back to everyone beginning to gather by the fire. "And?"
"I told him. I ended things with him. He's pissed but that's not my problem." You shrug, trying to be casual. You are really worried about saying the wrong thing and impacting his trust even worse. He looks at you for another long moment and chews his thumb nail.
"Ended what, exactly? What was that?" So he wants clarification. Okay. That's either good or bad, you can't tell yet. You drop your eyes and shuffle awkwardly, stuffing your hands in your pockets.
"Uhh, casual?" You respond.
"That a question?" He presses.
"Daryl. Come on. Don't make me say it. I ended it. As soon as I could. I don't care about him." You mutter the last part quieter, afraid he may hear - you don't want to be mean for no reason.
"So you fucked him." He says blatantly. You sigh and figure this is leading to another fight. You turn around and walk over to the porch stairs a few paces, looking back to signal him to follow you. He huffs and does so.
"Yes Daryl, I was sleeping with him. I was trying to keep my mind off you. It was casual and it didn't even work. Okay?" You mutter sternly. He stares at you again and looks at your body for a moment, then sighs.
"How many times?" He asks.
"How many times did that asshole touch you?" He growls, stepping in closer to you. You gulp anxiously and your stomach drops.
"I don't know, why does it matter? He's never going to again." You reach out and touch Daryl's bicep lightly for just a moment, then shoving your hand back in your pocket.
"Damn right." He grumbles after a long moment. Your stomach flips again and you sigh in relief. You take a step closer to Daryl and smile up at him softly.
"You're the only one I want to be with, Daryl." You reassure him. He nods and chews his thumb again, calming down.
"I'ont want ya round him anymore." He mutters, dropping his gaze. You know he doesn't normally tell you what to do, and you're actually pretty surprised he set a boundary with you. You nod without hesitation, touching his arm again.
"Not a problem, love." You respond. He meets your eye and nods, chewing his bottom lip.
"C'mere." He pulls you in and wraps his large arms around your smaller frame, enveloping you in a comforting hug.
"I missed you so much," You sigh into his chest. When you pull away, you take his hand and guide him back over to the fully lit fire. You take a seat off to the end of the fire more and let him sit beside Rick. You scoot closer to him on the log and lean forward, resting your elbows on your knees. You look up and notice Ayden looking at you from where he sat across and down to the left. Daryl sees him too, but doesn't react. You press your knee into his and look across from you to Ezekiel.
"All good?" You hear Rick ask Daryl, and look over at him. He smirks at his friend who nods at him, and Rick smiles at you. "I'm glad. You're good for each other." He shoves Daryl playfully and turns his attention back to Michonne. You smile up at Daryl and he rolls his eyes, but rests his weight on his hand that he places on the log behind your butt. You get goosebumps at his close proximity and lean into his side, happy to be near him again.
You guys didn't stay long at the fire, Daryl said he was calling it a night and asked you if you were joining him. You said yes of course, but you were unsure of what this meant. Was he coming back to your place - your formerly shared house. Was he dropping you off? You followed his lead and he started walking toward your house, but you tried not to get your hopes up.
"So uh, are you gonna stay with Carol tonight or.. Do you wanna come back with me?" You ask awkwardly after he stops by the stairs of the porch. He shuffles his weight and glances around awkwardly.
"Do ya want me here?" He asks, meeting your eye.
"Yes. Of course I do. I just don't wanna push you, I know I gotta earn back your trust." You respond honestly. He shrugs and takes a step closer to you, making you holding your breath, anxious to be near him still.
"I'll stay here, then." He brushes a loose strand of hair out of your face, letting his hand linger against your cheek for a moment.
"Good," You mutter, just above a whisper. You start heading up the porch stairs after he drops his hand and look back to him, waiting for him to follow you. You leave the door open, and he comes through and closes it a moment later. The air is thicker now, there is an intensity in it. You feel the desire in you growing, but try to keep your cool. You can't tell what Daryl is really thinking. "I was gonna shower before I go to bed... I'm all sweaty." You chuckle, meeting his eye as you take your boots off. He's biting his lip as he watches you.
"Mmkay," He drawls. You head up the stairs and he follows close behind. Suddenly though, you feel awkward as you step into your formerly shared room - where you'd had another man in your bed just this morning. You look back at Daryl, who is staring at the bed, and you can tell he's thinking the same thing. Without a word, you decide to start stripping the sheets off of it. You hope that there is nothing in the room of Ayden's as you do so, making haste to get it over with.
You can feel his jealousy and anger radiating off of him, but he doesn't say or do anything other than lean on the wall and watch you. "Ya sure this is what ya want?" He finally speaks up as you finish putting new sheets on. You furrow your brows at him. "Me. Us. I'm not forcin ya. If ya wanna be with someone else..." He trails off. Your heart breaks a little and you walk over to him, taking both of his hands in yours.
"Daryl. You are the only person that I want to be with. I love you. I have always loved you and I will always love you. I don't want anyone other than you. I promise." You kiss his bruised knuckles and he nods, shrugging his hair out of his eyes.
"I love ya, too." He mumbles, kissing your forehead. You look up into his eyes and then at his lips. He catches on and lowers his head a little, leaning in. You close the space between the two of you in a slow, sweet kiss. You reach up and twist your fingers into his hair, pulling his body against yours. His hands trail down your back to your hips and he holds you close, deepening the kiss. He suddenly turns the two of you around and presses you against the wall, gently, but with need. You drag your nails down his biceps and groan into his mouth before pulling away. "I should really shower. I feel gross." He leans his forehead against yours and chuckles.
"Ain't shower out on the road." He reminds you, trailing his fingers over your arms, sending shivers down your spine.
"Yes and I hated it." You giggle. "I'll be five minutes." You smile.
"Fine. I'll get one too, then." He grumbles, knowing how you liked to be clean. He didn't care, but he knew he was sweaty and covered in dirt from working on the fence all day - so he would clean up for you.
You took a quick shower like you promised and actually beat him back to the room. You dimmed the lights and put on one of his shirts that he had left here and panties, knowing how he loved you like this. You bit your lip unintentionally when Daryl stepped into the doorway shirtless, his black cargo pants hanging relatively low on his torso, showing off his defined body and v-line. He shook his hair like a dog playfully and you laughed. "That my shirt?" He asks, a smirk on his lips. You nod your head and slowly walk over to him. He grabs your hips and just when you lean up to kiss him... You hear a loud knock at the door downstairs.
You guys look at one another in confusion, and then Daryl's face hardens. "Better not be.." He mutters and lets go of you, turning around and heading down the stairs, still shirtless. You gulp and follow after him anxiously. Sure enough, it is Ayden on the other side of the door. Daryl throws the door open, chucking the towel in his hand off to the side aggressively.
"Oh, how nice." Ayden rolls his eyes, looking around Daryl at you. You feel exposed once again, standing there in Daryl's shirt and no pants, in front of both of these men who have seen you naked. "I'm here for my shit." He grumbles. Daryl looks back at you and then back at Ayden.
"Couldn'ta just asked for it back tomorrow? Hm?" You touch Daryl's shoulder.
"What stuff?" You ask, confused what he is even talking about. Is this just a ploy to start a fight?
"My clothes and my hat." He grumbles, avoiding your eye.
"Fine." Daryl practically growls, moving back and taking you with him, behind his back a bit. You tug at his shirt on your body, but it won't cover you anymore. Daryl glances down at your legs and as Ayden heads up the stairs, he grabs your jacket that is hung on the wall hook and hands it to you, giving you a possessive look. You quickly pull the jacket on over your body and close it over your chest, trying to cover up more. You both head up the stairs and Daryl watches Ayden gather his stuff in the corner of the room that you hadn't even known was there. He walks out of the bedroom past Daryl, barely missing shoving his shoulder, and glares at you. "Nice outfit." He spits, looking down at your legs. Daryl takes a step at him and balls his fists.
"Keep walkin." He growls.
"Enjoy, man! I sure did." He hollers without turning around as he heads out the door, slamming it behind him. You wince and feel embarrassed and angry.
"Daryl," You repeat, worried about his reaction. He looks down at you for a long moment, making you more anxious, before he grabs you by your bare thighs and picks you up with ease. You let out a yelp and grab onto his shoulders as he carries you into the bedroom, where he places you on the bed and looks down at you, his legs between both of yours.
"Ya okay?" He asks, pausing for a moment to take in your reaction. You grin and nod, which makes him grin. He pulls you up to sit and starts taking the jacket off of you... And the rest of the night was perfect, with no more interruptions.
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baseballbitch116 · 10 months
Currently writing a part two!
Don’t Leave Me
Pairing: Daryl Dixon x reader
Prompt: Reader and Daryl broke up and she began hooking up with a new guy casually. Daryl comes by the morning after with news, what happens next…?
Warnings: A lot of angst, angry Daryl, mentions of violence, adult language & themes
Word Count: 3093
*not entirely accurate to plot of the show
Masterlist // Fandoms
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Daryl had some sort of effect on you that just drove you crazy. Every little thing about him drew you into him. So when he ended things between the two of you - you were crushed, to say the least. It had taken you since the farm to earn his trust, and only a few moments to destroy it.
It was no secret that Daryl was not one to trust easily, and it only made you feel worse that you managed to completely push him away. You hadn’t realized that your actions would have such a serious affect, but they had.
You and Daryl had taken your relationship to the next level shortly before arriving in Alexandria, although it had been in the works since the prison. It was a very slow process of getting him to let his walls down enough to let you in in any romantic way. It felt like you had accomplished mission impossible - and you had never been happier with anyone in your whole life. Your relationship was simple - you had his back, he had yours. You were his and he was yours.
It wasn’t a PDA filled, childish mess - just a simple understanding. Your emotions were deep enough to understand he relent to showing any sort of PDA, and even in private he wasn’t overly affectionate. You had only slept together two times in the year that you had been together, but it made each time that much better. It was good between the two of you, something you’d never intentionally sacrifice in a million years.
So when you and Daryl got into a very heated argument, you knew that you had fucked up. It all started because of the Saviors. Obviously things were tense with the war going on. Carl had just passed, Alexandria was partially burnt down, Hilltop was starving, everyone was feeling beat. Your relationship had been strained since Daryl was taken prisoner - he was affected by it more than he let on. He was distant for a few weeks after escaping, but eventually he let you back in. He needed you - you helped him get through it.
But with Rick and Maggie growing so desperate to end the war, to kill Negan - and the Saviors attacks becoming worse, things were looking bad. You had no time to worry about your relationship because everyone was always so busy planning for their next attack, scavenging or being on guard. The only time you saw Daryl was out on a run, or occasionally late at night after you had both finished watch. It had taken a toll, but you leaned on each other to get through it.
One day, Rosita was sneaking out on her own, planning on taking out Negan herself, like she had tried before with Sasha. You caught her, and when you couldn’t stop her, decided to tag along. You only had a few minutes to gather a handful of supplies for the trip, and Daryl was nowhere to be found. Truth be told, it was probably better that way. He’d never let you go.
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baseballbitch116 · 1 year
Headcanons: Being under the mistletoe with Mr Darcy
Requested by anon - I’m not sure if you wanted a single headcanon for being under the mistletoe with all the characters you sent in, or separate headcanons for each, but I am doing the second one - I hope that’s okay :)
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-It would have been a complete accident that you found yourself under the mistletoe with Mr Darcy
-You were at a Christmas party held by a family friend
-You would have been walking through the doorway at the same time and stopped to say hello to each other
-Another person you were both friends with would bashfully tell you just what you were standing under
-You would both look up and then meet each others eyes
-It would be difficult to read Mr Darcys emotions
-Mr Darcy would then make a quick remark about how stupid the tradition was
-You were not surprised that that would have been his response but you still felt the awkwardness of the situation
-Just as you were about to remark that you felt the same about it to help diffuse the tension you froze when you saw Mr Darcy move closer to you
-He leaned forward and pressed a kiss on your cheek
-The kiss was much closer to your lips than you thought it would have been
-And it was not a quick kiss, he seemed to linger for a moment
-When he pulled away, you were speechless
-Darcy, without responding bowed lightly to you before walking away 
-Leaving both you and your friend mildly shocked about the situation
-You were left to wonder what would happen the next time you and Mr Darcy would be alone
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