basilssunflow3rs · 2 months
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sunflower sketch page commission! 🌷🌻
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basilssunflow3rs · 3 months
"No one wants to work anymore." Damn right brother. If I could sit in a beautiful field for 40 hours every week of my singular precious life I would
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basilssunflow3rs · 3 months
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smile for the camera 📸
(a LM AU bday gift for @zipsunz!)
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basilssunflow3rs · 3 months
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🌼 Happy B-day Basil!
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basilssunflow3rs · 4 months
Some grown up Sunny and Basil
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basilssunflow3rs · 4 months
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sweet boy with a sweet tooth 🍰
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basilssunflow3rs · 4 months
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basil sketch commission! 🐇🌿
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basilssunflow3rs · 4 months
"would you please say something?" Bitch no I'm fighting the manifestation of my trauma lmao
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basilssunflow3rs · 4 months
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MARCH 13, 1999
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basilssunflow3rs · 7 months
happy halloween!! 🎃🎉
just wanted to do something silly and play around with retro effects (thats why basil is holding a camcorder)
anyways i hope u like it :]
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basilssunflow3rs · 8 months
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sushi set 🍣
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basilssunflow3rs · 8 months
He identifies as a demiboy with pronouns they/he
He is a vegetarian
He is gay and demisexual
Basil isn't his birth name, he chose it when he realised he was ftm
He has freckles over his cheeks and nose becuse of how much time he spends in the garden. In the winter they fade a little bit
After the good ending he dyes his hair blue
He has dyslexia and adhd (this is literaly just me projecting)
He prefers cats over dogs and ends up adopting a ginger cat. He calls it tomo
Has a Nintendo switch that he saved up for, his favorite games are stardew Valley, coffee talk, deltarune, and botw
His Polaroid camera broke so he gets a new digital one
He has a bit of an obsession with scented candles and owns too many. Most of them are some kind of forest scent
He drinks peppermint tea religiously
Is actually a really good cook (not as good as hero but still close)
Has really cold hands so he wears gloves/hand warmers in the winter
After the good ending he becomes really close with sunny again.
Loves studio ghibli, his favourite film is 'when marnie was there'
Sometimes writes letters to sunny instead of texting him. These letters will have photographs in and pressed flowers etc.
He has his ears peirced. Aubrey went with him to get them done.
Wears gold jewellery instead of silver.
Has really old friendship bracelets he never takes off
Tried to learn how to crochet but couldn't focus on it long enough
He listens to cavetown and mitski (and taylor swift but that's his secret)
Carries around crystals for luck
He only ever wears converse and has had the same pair for years. He can't let go of them.
Still sleeps with stuffed animals
Hums to songs when doing jobs
Always forgets to do homework so he ends up doing it last minute, on the bus.
Can't go anywhere without headphones, like is never seen without them
Sometimes when he needs advice he will call hero. (His older brother fr)
He visits maris grave often to place flowers for her. He still feels guilty for what happened but knows she would have forgiven him and sunny so he tries to not give himself a hard time. He often tells her about how sunny is doing.
Plays genshin and mains venti
He has blonde eyelashes and eyebrows that match his hair naturally
Had to have braces at one point
Watches horror films alone for fun. (Everyone finds this a bit disturbing but it's harmless)
Will cry when he finds anything overwhelming, positive or negative.
Wears cardigans all the time, some of them are from his grandma
Really loves sweet food and doesn't like sour things at all
Has a surprisingly high spice tolerance and will eat spicy food without any problems
Has a photography account on Instagram
His lockscreen is a picture of pot plants in his garden. The one in the centre is a white tulip.
Has a small collection of CD's in his room and prefers to play them instead of listen to music online.
Has an annotated copy of 'the picture of dorian grey'. Hero bought it for him becuse of the character basil in it. He loved it and has read it multiple times.
Sunburns easily so he wears sunscreen constantly
He's a little bit afraid of dogs but gets over it when he gets to know them
Gets car sick on long journeys so he sleeps to avoid it
Mint chocolate chip is his favourite ice cream flavor
Shows up early to everything so he can't be late and miss out on something.
Had a pokemon phase as a kid
Loves bugs, especially moths. he takes pictures on his phone whenever they land on him.
Spends most of his time at school in the library as he doesn't have many friends there. (Aubery doesn't bully him anymore after the good ending but has a new friend group, kel also has a new group)
Goes to therapy now !!!
Relationships with the main cast after the good ending :
Aubery - doesn't bully him anymore and talks to him outside of school (Took him to get his ears peirced and helped him with dying his hair)
Kel - not close anymore, they don't speak often but he will always say hi when seeing him.
Hero - becuse he is at college they don't see each other often but they have exchanged phone numbers and basil calls him often.
Sunny - similar to hero becuse he moved away but still extremely close with him. Basil considers him still to be his best friend. They call often and meet whenever they can. (Honestly he still has a small crush on him)
Mari - he goes to her grave quite a bit to talk to her. Despite everything he still tells her about everyone, what they are up to and how they are getting on. He finds it peaceful talking to her like he used to before the incident.
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basilssunflow3rs · 8 months
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okokokokok (lalalalala)
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basilssunflow3rs · 8 months
daisy in the garden
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basilssunflow3rs · 9 months
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it's always raining in faraway town ☔️
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