bblauuuuu · 2 months
I learnt Abt hidden meaning in communication and I think I seriously struggle with it
I'm really insecure so I usually want validation or a second opinion
But it doesn't really work out when others are immediately action orientated and just automatically assume that I am speaking because I want to divert plans.
I'm like ... I didn't intentionally want to make it this way (in fact perhaps I actively did not), my Ne (INFP MBTI) just loves to talk Abt all the alternatives. Or I didn't intentionally want to make things difficult but some people are so QUICK bro I am usually on sleep mode wtf.
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bblauuuuu · 3 months
I recently found out that Dan Povenmire does YouTube shorts and it's honestly amazing.
Its so wild to think that 15 years ago, my house had cable tv and I was able to watch P&F casually.
Then 10 years ago I got really into watching every episode of P&F online. And also I watched every comic con panel and behind the scene rap. And got insight into how they make the show and also the personalities of Dan and Swampy as the creators, via the Disney channel official channels. (They made the process of animation so cool btw).
And now I can semi-interact with the creators of this show I love parasocially on YouTube. Outside of the lens of Disney channel and broadcast TV. Wild.
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bblauuuuu · 7 months
When we’re new to adulthood, it doesn’t immediately occur to all of us that you’re almost always allowed to leave a situation, because growing up we’re forced to stay in situations until someone dismisses us and/or takes us home, or if we do leave on our own accord there’s someone waiting at home to say “we don’t quit in this family!” Boring party? You can leave. You don’t like the lecture? You can walk out. New doctor not working out? You can end the appointment, you don’t need to wait for them to dismiss you. Bad date? You can just go home. Leaving a situation prematurely might have consequences, but unless you’re under arrest or serving prison time, it’s pretty much always allowed.
–commenter Allison @ askamanager
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bblauuuuu · 10 months
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bblauuuuu · 11 months
I'm so mad because I was scouting the steam summer sale and I couldn't log in to buy my games because they kept locking me out of my account. And the error message didnt explain enuf to help troubleshoot the issue
And now I missed the sale by one day which okay it's my fault for not being on top of it but I HV other priorities :((
I had a list of games I wanted to get which I already scouted beforehand which was literally going to be cheaper than the price of one of them now :(( guess I won't be playing any games for the next 3 months (which is good for self improvement anyways :(( )
I guess now my project instead of hollow knight will be to clean my room 😉
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bblauuuuu · 1 year
Do you feel like you are constantly doubting yourself and your senses?
Someone in my life asked if I was a neurotypical. And about how neurotypical people can never empathize with how it feels to be neurodivergent.
Well, I don't know if I'm either. There's a part of me which screams yea my whole life I feel like I've missed a train somewhere and just missed out all these milestones. People look at me like I'm crazy. I don't fit in. Another part of me thinks...well everyone is a bit weird, stop trying to be special for no reason.
But let's say there is neurodivergence and I'm neurodivergent.
I feel like the hardest thing is when people say "try ur gut" if you are feeling uncomfortable speak up. Your body is signaling to you something's wrong. Then I look at them like they are growing aliens out of their heads because I'm uncomfortable all the damn time. Rarely am I just am I'm always constantly uncomfortable and not enough and on edge. My gut is signalling alarm bells 24/7 and if I speak up I will never shut up. You neurotypical people will then start to stare at me like I've got two alien head raining questions down at them.
Questions that are irrelevant. That they've never considered and don't need to be considered. Or are just worded so wrongly that silence just follows.
It's damn hard to be assertive when everything is a reason to pick a fight, and nothing is. I just felt like my doctor didn't listen to me... But every question I asked just maybe me look more and more crazy. And perhaps I was being unreasonable and hypochondriac.
I dunno, does anyone else also feel this way when u hear such advise?
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bblauuuuu · 2 years
When I was nine, my mum forced me to cut my hair short. I was a people pleaser and didnt know how to express my emotions. I cant remember why, but i didnt like something abt my hair and would use water to fix it. It didnt work. Eventually i would hate my reflection so much i wouldnt look into a mirror for 14 years.
Today i feel like crying, and ive been crying for a long ass time internally
Cant seem to resolve that tendency to hide and squirm and do all my worst tendencies
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bblauuuuu · 2 years
…you can’t “call someone out” for beliefs they no longer hold. that is called digging up irrelevant dirt as an excuse to harass and ostracize someone. i can think of literally nothing more transparently malicious
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bblauuuuu · 2 years
Watching videos is a completely different exercise to reading, often i run out of patience for both LOL
Genuinely can’t stand the new favouritism towards video format. You want me to spend a whole two minutes listening to someone say out loud a paragraph I could read in 20 seconds?
(This is about tiktok. I hate tiktok.)
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bblauuuuu · 2 years
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bblauuuuu · 2 years
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my one skill is expertly manipulating the shape of the eggs I’m cooking so that they fit perfectly onto my toast every time
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bblauuuuu · 2 years
so I got into grad school today with my shitty 2.8 gpa and the moral of the story is reblog those good luck posts for the love of god
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bblauuuuu · 2 years
Grr people coordination is a complete skill which doesnt come naturally to me
U gotta be clear of ur objectives and then word it in a clear way and then discuss the issue
For example my brain rn is thinking abt this thing which needs to be discussed but its 630am so i need to bottle this up for like 2hrs and bring it to office D:
Also gotta be careful not to place too much blame
I have a headache but that is the only way to make bandwidth
Shld hv just called on Tuesday
Gotta rmb that calls are cheap
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bblauuuuu · 2 years
a scientist will see a mouse and say put that beast in a situation
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bblauuuuu · 2 years
Reading amazing fanfiction, then forgetting to bookmark it
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bblauuuuu · 2 years
mama didn't raise a quitter she raised a burnt out perfectionist who settles for mediocrity
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bblauuuuu · 2 years
How to have a conversation about a topic you’re not interested in or don’t know anything about:
Listen to what the other person has to say about the topic.
Ask a question about what they said. Asking them to clarify or explain something you don’t understand is great, but any question will do. All else fails, ask them to explain what they like about some part of the topic.
Listen to their responses and go back to step 2.
Do this until 5-15 minutes has passed, then change the subject to a topic of your interest, unless you are actually interested in learning more on this subject, in which case, go on for as long as you like.
Sometimes, they will say something like “I’m sorry to blather on about [topic].” This is an attempt at a conversational dismount. You can either say “no, it was fascinating, thanks” and then bring up your own topic, or you can say “no, it’s fascinating, please keep going” if you want to keep hearing about their topic. Note the tense difference (past -> moving on, present -> keep going).
I just thought I’d write a script for this, because someone who can’t / won’t do this came up in a Captain Awkward column, and listening about topics you have no interest in is a really useful skill to have and not often explicitly taught, particularly to boys and men.
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