beauty-funny-trippy · 4 hours
You need to hear this 🗣 🎶
[Cheetahs aren't "big cats" (under the genus panthera) so they aren't capable of roaring unlike other larger wild cats you may be familiar with]
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beauty-funny-trippy · 4 hours
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Josh E Wylie - 2023
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You shouldn't have to ask a candidate about being a dictator. And you shouldn't have to ask about political violence. Yet, when asked about the use of political violence, Trump said "it depends." The fact that someone even had to ask that question means something is probably very, VERY wrong. Trump's answer proves there really is something very, VERY wrong.
The fact that nobody had to ask Nikki Haley or Joe Biden about being a dictator or using political violence, confirms there truly is something very, VERY wrong with Donald Trump.
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the floor is lava
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We Americans need to send a loud and clear message in the upcoming election — "We've had enough of your bullshit." And we've had enough of your immoral, corrupt, traitorous, egomaniacal, wannabe dictator, and all you Republican politicians that support him.
We're tired of you Republicans sending "thoughts and prayers" to parents of murdered children, then encouraging more school shootings by blocking commonsense gun legislation. We're tired of you making laws that force women to give birth against their will, and send them to prison if they don't comply. We're tired of your corrupt Supreme Court Justices. We're tired of your attacks on voting rights. We're tired of your treatment toward people of color, military veterans, and the lgbtq community. We're tired of your tax breaks for billionaires. We're tired of your willful negligence about climate change. We're tired of your attacks on affordable healthcare. We're tired of you crying for immigration reform out of one side of your mouth, while out of the other side of your mouth you call out to block it. We're tired of your Big Lie about the election being stolen. We're tired of your blatant hypocrisy, your shameful cowardice, and your obvious lies. We're tired of it all.
Recently, Trump again refused to rule out using political violence as a means of obtaining the presidency. —Let. That. Sink. In.— It should set off alarm bells and red warning flags, but Republicans treat it with a shrug. Apparently, Trump has normalized violence. It's important to note that, questions about using political violence were not even asked of candidates prior to Trump entering politics.
Your unwavering support of a traitor who has encouraged violence, claims to be above the law, and wants to be a dictator like his idol, Vladimir Putin, can only mean one thing — you have all surely gone mad.
The only way America can move forward, away from the threat of a Republican dystopia, is when Donald J. Trump, and all his toadies, are tossed onto the ash heap of history.
For generations, Americans have given their lives to preserve democracy for us. Now it is our turn to preserve democracy for future generations.
We can do it America. WE JUST NEED TO VOTE.
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prints available! link in bio :)
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Bob Costas is not holding back!
He is absolutely correct when he states:
“There is no cult of Biden”
Let’s let Jeff sum it up:
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European Roller Bird (Film Studio Aves)
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Republicans want to use the U.S. Military for domestic law enforcement and to crush protesters' right to free speech. Fascism 101.
And think about it. Why would anybody in their right mind want to prohibit the FBI from combating misinformation and disinformation, especially when it comes from foreign governments hostile to the U.S.?
Republicans are actually trying to encourage more election interference. They know America's enemies, China and Russia, are trying to spread lies to get Trump elected. And Republicans want their help with promoting lies in future elections.
Our enemies have seen that Trump, and the Republican Party, are people they can manipulate. If our enemies can see that, why can't you?
In this election, not voting, is a dangerous choice.
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🎨 art by Matthew Custar {animated by beauty-funny-trippy}
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Kellyanne Conway explains: "alternative integrity".
Republicans attract batshit criminal legal minds. Breaking the law is their design. Not the flaw.
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the chaos. the cuteness.
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