beeindaclouds · 6 months
Last Blog from Azrael Bee
Hallo everyone. As you can see from the title this will be my last blog here.
Honestly I have loved every moment passed on this account, but recently I've just been distancing myself more and more from the fandom.
Between all the drama, serious issues and just a lack of interest in the fandom since the death of Technoblade, I just haven't been following it like before. Except for Lovejoy, cause they'll be one of my fav bands for life<3
So, I thank you all for being and staying here for so long, but it's time I abandoned this account. If you still want to talk, follow me or just here news about me I have a new profile @star-lxver-azzy
Hope you all enjoyed this profile, and again thank you all for this amazing opportunity
Bye byeee ❤️‍🩹
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beeindaclouds · 6 months
Brother Beeeeeee
I finished high school! :D
Also I'm turning 18 in less than a month- scary-
OMG YAAAY!!! 18 is a big number too, omg, you all grow up so fast 😭
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beeindaclouds · 6 months
Hey bee I was wondering how you are today because to be honest I don't feel to good about life and if anything we're to happen that you see this comment and reply, it would honestly probably make me have a change in life because I would actually feel seen and heard for once.
Hi, I'm sorry if I'm answering this pretty late, but remember that you are always seen and heard even if you don't feel like it.
Life's hard, and I know that VERY well, but just hang on there ❤️‍🩹
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beeindaclouds · 6 months
It's not fair that all pretty people are in Tumblr or TikTok
(I'm taken but facts are facts)
Facts are facts haha
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beeindaclouds · 6 months
Hi mama Bee, how's it going? It's me 🥀 anon, long time no see! Life update: I'm currently in my final year of middle school and I've started reading as a leisure activity. I hope you're doing well💖
-🥀 anon
Omg hiii! I've been doing well and I'm happy you're too ^^
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beeindaclouds · 8 months
Mama how are you doing? I'm not doing so well, I had to put my cat to sleep today but it's fine because I'm gonna get a glass painting of him for my ma for Christmas
On a happy note, i got something that I've got a laptop for myself and school work so that's something!
Hii, I'm so sorry to hear that, I hope your cat is resting well now <3
I've been doing good, just living ig 🥲
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beeindaclouds · 8 months
long time no see huh? (i know anon is off brw) -🐏
Omg 🐏 anon, hii!!
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beeindaclouds · 8 months
Imma spam artwork >:3
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
Ta-da :D
*happy lil sibling stims*
Wooh! They're all so amazing, good job <3
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beeindaclouds · 8 months
hi bee!! i noticed in your new post that you said you got a job, so i was wondering what job did you get? (only if you’re comfortable answering this ofc!)
Oh, yeah, I'm comfortable talking about it, thanks for asking ^^
I actually worked at a beach resort this summer and it was pretty challenging but pretty fun! Rn I'm already in search of a new job, cause it's getting cold, but probably next summer I might go back
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beeindaclouds · 8 months
Hihi missed you!!
Hii, I missed you too !! 💕
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beeindaclouds · 8 months
Seeing you in my notifications brought a huge smile to my face. Hope you're doing well <3
That's so sweet, I hope you're doing well too!
Have a good day/afternoon/night ^^💕
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beeindaclouds · 8 months
Mama bee I miss you :( if you ever see this ask, i might have a game suggestion for you, it's a web game called Voidpet. It has a discord server, and it's really nice!
Ooh, I've never heard about this game but I'll give it a look! Thanks for the suggestion <3
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beeindaclouds · 8 months
I made song
Wait, omg, you sound so good !!
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beeindaclouds · 8 months
Mama it's not fair how most other kids/people my age get to live through highschool/middle school, and get to make friends on the way:( I'm never gonna get to experience that because I'm forced to drop out of school of year 5 (10-11) because my family is that poor. I'll never get to complete my childhood mama and it hurts. I know highschool isn't good sometimes but I've been stripped from ever getting that teenage experience
Awe bub, I'm really sorry to hear that :(
I hope life's been treating you a bit better and I hoep that you're ok 💕
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beeindaclouds · 8 months
lmao i have not visited your blog is soo long but i’m 🌱 anon ! i’ve gotten new interests and i hope you find a good job <3
Hallooo! I've been finding new interests too and I did end up finding a good job, so I'm pretty happy u.u
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beeindaclouds · 8 months
Mama bee I miss you:( how are you going? I hope your feeling good^^
Hallo! I'm alive and good and healthy!
Actually I've been losinf weight and feeling better, so that's a positive u.u
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beeindaclouds · 8 months
Hi Bee, it's been awhile and I hope everything is going well for you. I would often go back on a lot of your works and reread them. I miss you so much, I kinda took a break from the dsmp fandom because of classes but now, I'm returning with lots of good vibes🥰🥰🥰🥰
Hii, my life's been pretty...chaotic, to say the least, but I've been doing well! I've just been adulting u.u
I hope you're doing well too ❤️‍🩹
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