beingamommeans · 10 months
...What I won't do
Surprise! Baby on board! Yeah, I know…This was revealed months ago but it was still quite the shock for me. But we are all happy to welcome a new little one into the world. I was secretly and affectionately naming him/her “Lil Alien” (Yes, I know no one would have approved…but I’m beyond that these days Lol!) Like my last pregnancy, I really didn’t want to do all the gender revealing or…
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beingamommeans · 10 months
...lonely kid
“Mommy can you play with me?”  “Mommy can you watch me play?” Listen…this is going to make me sound like a big jerk, but I find playing with my kid absolutely boring. Almost unbearable to do. Between reading the Bible or playing with her, I’m sure I will fall asleep in record time. But hear me out before you hand me The Worst Mom of the Year Award… She wants to play with dolls and act out…
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beingamommeans · 10 months
Another school shooting. More innocent lives lost. And amongst them, babies. Three 9 year olds lost their lives at the hands of another disturbed, trash of an individual’s gun. And once again, the trash of an individuals mental health is highlighted as the main issue. I thought about Ky. She’s 7. Three adults lost their lives as well. I thought about my teacher friends. I truly hate it…
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beingamommeans · 10 months
...Ky's tears
So Ky has been really upset lately and I’m not sure where it stems from or why. Her thoughts have been really irrational at times. Like the other day she began crying out of nowhere about Helen Keller and how she didn’t want to be like her. She was learning about Helen Keller in school. Another night, I heard her just weeping in the bathroom and asked her what was wrong. She said she didn’t…
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beingamommeans · 10 months
...and we're back ish
Well by back I mean in the classroom…teaching…again. But at a different school. It’s been…interesting to say the least. I think I’m in this weird space that I’m still learning how to navigate without being a complete asshole with my response….Like I know what to do but I don’t know what to do in this space…if that makes sense… I’m almost there. Being in a new environment is nice but I think…
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beingamommeans · 10 months
...Catchin up
First off, Life was life-ing. So please excuse all the random posts I’ve had in ques since like…2021. And yes, I’m aware we’re half way through 2023. I just thought it would be sad to just delete these posts because they’re not AS relevant anymore. But at least you’ll be back in my little world again, right? You’re welcome! -Ash
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beingamommeans · 1 year
...acknowledging Black Maternal Health
Shalon Irving. Kira Johnson. Dr. Chaniece Wallace. Black Maternal Health. Let’s talk about it. ***Now this is my disclaimer that I am no way a professional on this topic. However I have done a bit of research for my Social Work classes and want to rant a little about it with you. Cool? Cool. If you haven’t heard, it is Black Maternal Health Week (or the end of it). And if you have never…
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beingamommeans · 2 years
....choosing sanity
….choosing sanity
Long time, no write folks! So let’s hop right into it… I’ve left the school system in my district. Technically I’m a teacher in the sense of the new position I’m in, but I no longer have to stress myself with the daily struggles of fighting for what’s right in the Early Childhood & Public School world. When I went to my beloved alma mater and declared that this was what I wanted to do, I…
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beingamommeans · 3 years
...Whose Daddy?!
…Whose Daddy?!
Hey folks! Long time, No chat-about-my-woes-to-random-strangers… So today I want to dwell a bit on what happened at the carnival. So I was with my special friend… …we’ll discuss later…. And we were out together with Ky and some friends, just playing and riding rides…you know, carnival-ly things. Well at one of the games, the guy referred to my special friend–we’ll just call him “Dude”- as Ky’s…
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beingamommeans · 3 years
...Love letter to my 6year old
…Love letter to my 6year old
Dear Ky, Wow…You’re really 6 today! We’ve been in this thang for 6 years! And what a rollercoaster it has been. I never knew how exhausting I was, until I had my own Cancer drama queen twin. [HA!] Aside from our dramatics, you have truly been a blessing to my life. You’re sweet, affectionate, smart, independent, courageous, creative…all the things I hoped to be– even now. I love that you want…
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beingamommeans · 3 years
....what makes motherhood rewarding?
….what makes motherhood rewarding?
Mother’s Day is tomorrow and what better way to celebrate than to ask a few of my mommy friends what makes motherhood rewarding to them–that and you don’t have to read my parenting complaint of the week…Ha! Enjoy. (***s= son, d= daughter***) Motherhood means the world to me. I never knew that there was an unconditional love that could be returned from someone other than Jesus. Your children…
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beingamommeans · 3 years
...Eva's continued motherhood story
…Eva’s continued motherhood story
Because there’s so much more to Eva’s motherhood journey, I thought I’d share it in a separate post. Enjoy. I always wanted to be a Mama.   It all started when I became an aunt at the young age of 9, when my oldest sister (16 years older than me…exactly!) had her first baby in 1970.  Fast forward to 1990 to when my last nephew was born making me the FAVORITE Aunt to a total of 5 nieces and 3…
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beingamommeans · 3 years
....stopping yourself
….stopping yourself
….It’s like a jungle sometimes…it makes me wonder how I keep from going under… [and then ignore all lyrics after] Hey folks! Has anyone else felt like they’re failing miserably? In parenting? In caring for yourself? In life? I truly have felt like I’m sinking most days and I’ve felt awful about it because Ky gets the brunt of it. She gets less and less of me it seems…even though we’ve…
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beingamommeans · 3 years
...raising a black child in america
…raising a black child in america
I started writing part of this after George Floyd’s death and feeling very helpless with what was happening during this time… …it took me a while to write this because I was drained from all the discussion around what was going on in the world…I guess I’m ready now… By now you’ve seen the outpour of cries and frustrations amongst the Black/African American community with the recent deaths.…
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beingamommeans · 3 years
...9 ways I love my Ky
…9 ways I love my Ky
Some days, Ky works my nerves only because 5 year olds have entirely too much energy and I feel like a 80 year old woman who naps all day. But most days, she brings me a lot of joy with her antics. Hugs and Kisses: Usually this annoys me, but Ky loves to give me hugs randomly. Like I will be cooking and randomly turn around and *POOF* I run into her [because she’s creepy like that]. Right after…
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beingamommeans · 3 years
….Your worth/value as a woman did not decrease because you became a single mom. If anything, it has increased… Maaaaaan… This has been ringing in my mind as of late ever since Kim (@singleblackmotherhood) posted it. I always thought that I was “damaged goods” because I am a single mother [ESPECIALLY being a BLACK single mother]. I automatically had this picture of how others probably viewed me:…
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beingamommeans · 3 years
...Bringing in 2021
…Bringing in 2021
We made it to another year! Don’t come in here acting up, now 2021! Like most [smart, sensible] folks, I stayed home with my little person because I didn’t have another [safe] means to escape her. And being that we are on Winter Break from school, I wanted to do something with her to bring in the year. For the past 2 weeks, I have been actively avoiding Ky and hiding. Don’t feel too badly for…
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