bellamonde · 1 year
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bellamonde · 1 year
A building-top view of a massive crowd of people filling the streets in Zahedan, capital of Baluchistan province and home to the Baluch ethnic minority. They are chanting slogans like Death to the dictator and Death to Khamenei!
Source: Twitter/Saman Rasoulpour
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bellamonde · 1 year
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A stenciled, spray painted message in red says in both English and Farsi, “As we start moving our fear will vanish.”
Source: Twitter/Collective for Black Iranians
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bellamonde · 1 year
Iran matters. Our lives matter.
We aren't just a headline for a newspaper. We are more than that and we ask you to please treat us as such.
The fight goes on and we'll never rest until Khomeini The Killer has been overthrown.
Death to the Dictator.
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bellamonde · 1 year
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Unfortunately, Hassan has fallen in to a coma after being subjected to torture. He is still alive and there is still time to save him. Please do not give up on him! 
Call your representatives, ask them to sponsor Hassan and to speak up for him. 
Hassan is at risk of being executed. His only wish is to see his daughter one last time. Please spread his name on your social media platforms. Let’s do all we can to save his life. His daughter deserves a father and Hassan deserves to live to see his daughter grow up. 
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bellamonde · 1 year
POLL FOR IRANIANS- Crown Prince Reza Pahlavi, Coalition or Someone Else?
This is for all Iranians (inside and outside Iran). I’m curious to get your thoughts on the power of attorney (vekalat) movement that’s taking place right now. 
Who do you give your vekalat to:
1) Crown Prince Reza Pahlavi
2) A coalition - thoughts on make up of the coalition?
3) Someone else - whom? 
Reply with your answer. 
I’ll get the ball rollin. I vote for a coalition and one that MUST include at least 1 woman, and if possible, 1 religious minority and 1 ethnic minority. Crown Prince Reza Pahlavi can be a member of that coalition. 
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bellamonde · 1 year
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bellamonde · 1 year
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Hassan Firouzi has been arbitrarily detained, sentenced to death and after weeks of torture, he has fallen into a coma. His only wish was to see his little girl before his death. 
Please spread the news. Call your representatives and ask them to sponsor Hassan and be his voice. Hassan deserves to live and his daughter deserves to have a father. Be his voice.  
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bellamonde · 1 year
Protests in Zahedan take place every Friday after prayers. Protests in Iran have not died down. They may have taken different shapes in different cities but in Zahedan and Kurdish cities, people still are protesting 
Internet has been down in Zahedan for the past few days. The regime is massacring Balouchis and executing Balouchi political prisoners in silence. All eyes must be on Zahedan and we have to be their voice. 
Zahedan is Iran and brave Balouchis are fighting for all of us. 
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bellamonde · 1 year
The beautiful Jina Mahsa Amini dancing. She was murdered by the Islamic Republic on September 16, 2022. Iran and Iranians everywhere rose up in protest following her murder and the fight for Woman Life Freedom continues. 
Rest in Power Jina. 
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bellamonde · 1 year
Please read this article to better understand the sham trials taking place in Iran, to understand its cruelty and inhumanity. Mohsen Shekari, Majidreza Rahnavard, Mohammad Mehdi Karami and Mohammad Hosseini should all be alive today but for these sham trials. We will never forget, we will never forgive. 
May the rest in power.  
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bellamonde · 1 year
Arash Sadeghi Has Been Released
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Arash Sadeghi is one of the most respectable Iranian activists. He has been arrested multiple times since 2009 for his activism. He was arrested recently in October 14, 2022 and finally, after months of being tortured, he has been released.
Arash has been diagnosed with a bone tumor and while in jail, he wasn’t getting the necessary treatment. 
I can’t tell you how happy the Iranian community is that Arash has been finally released. All political prisoners must be released! 
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bellamonde · 1 year
Another FUCKED UP news of the day: Republicans in Missouri House have tightened the dress code. Women CANNOT show their bare arms in the House and have to wear a blazer or cardigan or jacket. Meanwhile, no such strict dress code was imposed on men. 
"Yep, the caucus that lost their minds over the suggestion that they should wear masks during a pandemic to respect the safety of others is now spending its time focusing on the fine details of what women have to wear (specifically how to cover their arms) to show respect here," tweeted Democratic Rep. Peter Merideth.
What is even more fucked up, Ann Kelley, a Republican and a woman is the one who proposed this law. 
Women of Iran are fighting stupid dress codes and control by men, meanwhile Missouri House is going the opposite way!
Women of America, unite against patriarchy. 
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bellamonde · 1 year
By way of an update, the United Nations is now recruiting staff members to support the investigation, who will work at the UN human rights office in Geneva, Switzerland.
Below is the list of positions available. Applications are now open through January 22, 2023. It would be a shame if only NIAC or ICC or MEK were to apply. If you know any good candidates, preferably farsi-speaking people, please pass along the information. 
Available Staff Positions for the UN Fact-Finding Mission on the Islamic Republic of Iran:
Senior Human Rights Officer, Coordinator of the Fact-Finding Mission (P5) – Supervises the development of investigation plans, methodology, and tools to collect and process all data; supports the human rights experts of the fact-finding mission on substantive, operational, and administrative procedures, and ensures their implementation. Knowledge of Persian is desirable.
Human Rights Officer, Investigation Team Leader (P4) – Manages the day-to-day operations of the Secretariat’s investigations team; participates in and organizes missions to sites of violations or other places as required; serves as first reporting officer of the team of Human Rights Officers/Investigators and other experts in the Secretariat; develops investigations, information gathering, and operational plans in accordance with standard OHCHR methodology, including on the integration of gender perspective. Knowledge of Persian is desirable.
Human Rights Investigator 1 (P3) – Researches, collects, and analyses information and documentation pertaining to human rights, and criminal law matters as relevant to the mandate, and, under the guidance of the Investigation Team Leader, proposes investigative methods and tools; conducts investigations, including through interviews with victims and witnesses, to gather information and corroborate allegations of violations of international human rights law, and international criminal law as relevant to the fact-finding mission’s mandate; conducts timely monitoring of trends and patterns of violations. Fluency in Persian is desirable. 
Human Rights Investigator 2 (P3) – Researches, collects, and analyses information and documentation pertaining to human rights, and criminal law matters as relevant to the mandate, and, under the guidance of the Investigation Team Leader, proposes investigative methods and tools; conducts investigations, including through interviews with victims and witnesses, to gather information and corroborate allegations of violations of international human rights law, and international criminal law as relevant to the fact-finding mission’s mandate; conducts timely monitoring of trends and patterns of violations. Fluency in Persian is desirable. 
Human Rights Investigator 3 – Child Rights Advisor (P3) – Collects, researches, and documents information pertaining to violations and abuses of child rights related to the mandate of the Fact-Finding Mission; conducts prompt, thorough, independent and impartial investigations of alleged violations of international human rights law affecting children; conducts field missions and interviews with children victims and witnesses employing child and gender-sensitive interviewing techniques; analyses information and evidence collected with a view to identifying evidentiary gaps, and informing the development of investigative strategies to fill these gaps. Fluency in Persian is desirable. 
Human Rights Investigator 4 – Sexual and Gender Based Violence Investigator (P3) – Takes the lead in researching, collecting, and analyzing information and documentation related to sexual and gender-based violence, as required by the mandate; provides advice on the drafting of the information gathering plan with respect to sexual-based violence-related issues; and, under the guidance of the Investigation Team Leader and the Gender Advisor proposes information gathering methods and tools to conduct investigations into sexual gender-based violence, including interviews with victims and witnesses. Fluency in Persian is desirable. 
Political Affairs Officer, Political Advisor (P4) – Researches and analyses the political system and security and military structures in the Islamic Republic of Iran, and provides regular and up-to-date mapping of those structures and their impact in response to developments on the ground; provides an assessment of the operating environment for law enforcement and other security forces in the Islamic Republic of Iran. Knowledge of Persian is desirable.
Information and Evidence Officer (P3) – Manages the Fact-Finding Mission’s electronic information and evidence repository and leads information and evidence review and analysis tasks as an eDiscovery project manager by: a) Translating the objectives of investigations into technical activities to assist teams in their examination of electronic content; b) Populating evidence selection systems in a manner that enables teams to select relevant information and evidence; c) Analyzing structures and purposes of collected data in order to advise staff on appropriate measures to extract relevant information while maintaining the forensic integrity of the evidence. Knowledge of Persian is desirable.
Analyst / Reporting Officer (P4) – Reviews and analyses information collected and advises Secretariat staff on addressing gaps and following leads; in coordination with the Investigation Team Leader, identifies gaps and orients the investigation accordingly; coordinates closely with the Legal Adviser to ensure information collected corresponds to the required legal elements. Knowledge of Persian is desirable.
Associate Interpreter / Translator (Persian) 1 (P2) – Assists in providing accurate translation and simultaneous interpretation, as required, from English to Persian and vice versa, while integrating a gender perspective, especially in relation to age and gender-sensitive use of language and documentation of sexual and gender-based violence. Fluency in English and Persian is required.
Associate Interpreter / Translator (Persian) 2 (P2) – Assists in providing accurate translation and simultaneous interpretation, as required, from English to Persian and vice versa, while integrating a gender perspective, especially in relation to age and gender-sensitive use of language and documentation of sexual and gender-based violence. Fluency in English and Persian is required.
Administrative Assistant (G6) – Initiates, processes, monitors, reviews and follows-up on actions related to the administration of the unit’s human resource activities, e.g., recruitment, placement, relocation, promotion, performance appraisal, job classification reviews, separation, training etc., ensuring consistency in the application of regulations and procedures.
In addition, it has been reported that three more job openings are expected to be made available, although they have not yet been advertised:Legal Advisor (P4),Gender Advisor (P4), Open Source Investigator (P3).
At its 35th special session, the UN Human Rights Council voted to create a new fact-finding mission to investigate human rights violations in the Islamic Republic of Iran related to the protests that began on 16 September 2022.
Proof that our activism has worked. Let’s keep the pressure on and hold the Islamic Republic accountable for crimes against humanity. 
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bellamonde · 1 year
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This is heartbreaking! Another blow to women in Afghanistan. 
Mursal Nabizada, a former lawmaker in the Afghan parliament before the Taliban's takeover, was shot dead in her home, police said on Sunday. One of her bodyguards was also killed in the attack, which took place overnight. A second security guard was injured, along with her brother. Police did not give details of any assailants.
Mursal was 29-years-old; she was elected in 2019 to represent the city of Kabul. She had served as a member of the parliamentary defense commission as well as working for a private NGO, the Institute for Human Resources Development and Research. She also condemned the Taliban's increasing restrictions on Afghan women's freedoms.
After the return of the Taliban in the summer of 2021, she continued doing NGO work, which she discussed around four months ago during an appearance on local TV. Mursal was one of the few former lawmakers who stayed in Afghanistan after Taliban militants took complete control of the country following the departure of the US and its military allies.
Her death marks the first time that a politician from the previous political establishment has been killed under Taliban control. Reason for the murder is unclear. While there is no evidence backing this, it’s not inconceivable that it was the doing of the Taliban. 
Rest in Power Mursal Nabizada. 💔🖤💔
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bellamonde · 1 year
Based on the news that came out early morning, Manouchehr was not executed. But he is still in solitary confinement and his life is at risk. 
Another protestor at risk of execution
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Manouchehr Mehman Navaz is at risk of execution. He was set to be executed on 25 Dey (Persian calendar). 25 Dey has arrived, call for prayer was made and no news as to whether he has been executed. 
Manouchehr, a middle aged man, was arrested on his way to meet up with a friend with the accusation that he had set fire to a community parking lot during the protests over the death of Mahsa Amini. Like many others, he had a sham trial with no access to a lawyer of his choosing. 
Manouchehr has vehemently denied the charges and even though there is no evidence that he committed the crime, he was still charged with waging war against God. 
If anyone has any updates, please share. 
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bellamonde · 1 year
Another protestor at risk of execution
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Manouchehr Mehman Navaz is at risk of execution. He was set to be executed on 25 Dey (Persian calendar). 25 Dey has arrived, call for prayer was made and no news as to whether he has been executed. 
Manouchehr, a middle aged man, was arrested on his way to meet up with a friend with the accusation that he had set fire to a community parking lot during the protests over the death of Mahsa Amini. Like many others, he had a sham trial with no access to a lawyer of his choosing. 
Manouchehr has vehemently denied the charges and even though there is no evidence that he committed the crime, he was still charged with waging war against God. 
If anyone has any updates, please share. 
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