bimobuddy · 3 hours
I know I'm not super active anymore but I haven't forgotten about y'all
That's why I came back to provide enrichment for your enclosure to keep y'all entertained
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Have fun
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bimobuddy · 5 hours
|| Tiana & Naveen Tickle Headcanons ||
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A/N: guys they are so important to me I can't deal 😭
- tiana is 70% ler 30% lee
- when she and charlotte were little girls, they would tickle fight each other all the time; tiana was usually the winner
- in all aspects of life, she's become accustomed to taking charge and fighting her way to the top; this also applies to tickling
- as naveen warms her up to giving away trust, he teaches her how to let someone love and appreciate her instead of the other way around: what better way to show love than tickles?
- pretty competitive
- will not let up until you are calling for mercy
- make no mistake, she is not ruthless (in the bad way at least); she makes sure naveen is having fun before she brings out the big guns
- not afraid to play dirty to get the upper hand
- giggles cutely at naveen's lee behavior
- she thinks it's incredibly funny to watch the suave prince become incoherent with laughter
- teases with gentle sarcastic comments and playful banter; "is there a hawk outside? cause I just heard a great big screech!" "no? no what?? not here???"
- actually very ticklish
- she can tough it out fine until naveen finds her bad spots and then she starts to lose control
- has the brightest laugh in all New Orleans; the first time naveen heard it, he fell head over heels all over again
- worst spots are her hips and her neck
- naveen is a 50/50 switch
- he actually didn't know he had a lee side until he met tiana
- he's tickled the occasional girlfriend, but few ever retaliated
- needless to say, he wasn't ready for tiana's tickle-fighting spirit
- as unfamiliar as he is in the lee position at first, he immediately loves getting tickled
- not so much that he'd ask for it, but enough that when the moment comes where he realizes he's done for, the purest smile crosses his face
- if he can see he's about to get owned, he'll try to sweet-talk his way out of it
- one time, he tried to escape a tickle attack by trying to instigate a make-out; tiana played along, and just when naveen thought he was in the clear, she got him; he was "outraged" at that betrayal for a week
- he thinks his sweet-talk comes off as smooth, but it really doesn't; he looks like a nervous babbling mess
- tiana thinks it's really cute ❤️
- I'd say he's averagely ticklish
- you wouldn't know it though from the way he turns to jelly the moment he's touched
- his laugh turns breathless really fast; just airy giggles through and through
- actively tries not to call for mercy because he's having so much fun, but it's REALLY hard when your whole body is screaming at you to get away
- worst spots are his sides and back
- used to see tickling as a fun way for him to flirt with women, but after marrying tiana, it becomes about making her smile and enjoy herself
- has way too much fun teasing her
- "oh, is that where it tickles? is it? is it? because I had no idea"; "I think I see a smile~! Someone is smiling~!"
- THE teaser, okay?
- when naveen found out tiana was not only ticklish, but in fact very ticklish, he would not let her hear the end of it; she had to hold his cap captive until he agreed to let it go
My disney otp frfr ❤️
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bimobuddy · 3 days
you did it
In that case, GIMMIE THE ALAN!! Ler anyone, just. Destroy the cheese man!!
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Just look at how silly
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bimobuddy · 3 days
Guys anything that @knizmokat says about me is false and slander, I'm very good at the block game
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bimobuddy · 3 days
Guys anything that @knizmokat says about me is false and slander, I'm very good at the block game
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bimobuddy · 3 days
Guys anything that @knizmokat says about me is false and slander, I'm very good at the block game
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bimobuddy · 6 days
I found a very very old oc of mine (hence why the art isnt.. the best), who actually started out as a tickle monster, but then I later made him a demon, and developed his story a little to make him a son and younger brother (and older step brother, but that's not my character to talk about)
His name is Hugo, and I think I made him when I was 14
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I had to add 'Bimo Buddy' to it, because back when I drew this, I was going by 'Bored Doodles' on amino I think
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bimobuddy · 8 days
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Coming back from a brief quiet period with an attack on @tiklart for TAF2024! Here's Alastor enjoying some gentle back tkls from the only person he trusts - himself haha.
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bimobuddy · 10 days
Thunderstorm Game
A game for the next time you get a storm. Your Ler can only tickle one spot until the next clap of thunder. As soon as you hear that crash, they move to a new spot. Jump in fear at the noise? Now your Ler is tickling your worst spot and you’re just waiting for that next thunderclap so that you’ll receive some mercy. Play enough times and soon enough you’ll be giggling at every storm just thinking about the tickles
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bimobuddy · 10 days
bird update
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This is Mitski
Mitski is a young female robin that keeps coming down for water and mud
And she's apparently very territorial because anytime another robin comes down for mud, she chases them off
That is Mitski's mud
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She also found a worm and eated it
Good job Mitski 👍
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bimobuddy · 10 days
Can we all just appreciate the birds in my backyard, look at them go
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This sopping little lady keeps coming down into my yard to take off with my mud, she's building a nest
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And the sparrows are really enjoying the bowl of water I set out for them
These are Bimo's Birds
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bimobuddy · 12 days
Guys I finally have an idea for a Doctor Who tk fic with Eleven and Clara
Now I just need to get the motivation, wish me luck
*sips scalding hot coffee I accidentally put in the microwave for 3 minutes instead of 30 seconds*
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bimobuddy · 15 days
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For Doctor Who, there is a catastrophic lack of tk content and I want to correct this situation
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bimobuddy · 15 days
y'all that picture I posted a while back, it was of this scene
Do you SEE it, do you see WHY I headcanoned him as a lee
So last night I was watching a Doctor Who episode, it was the eleventh doctor (Matt Smith) and the episode was called 'The Lodger'. When the doctor was playing football, he kept winning and he did this...
Like hello??? The teammate that straight up tiggled his ribs?? We might have a lee!eleventh doctor on our hands 👀
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bimobuddy · 15 days
tickle defibrillators.
the perfect tool to wake up sleepy lees.
just rub your hands together, make big claws, and WHAM! give em a shock.
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bimobuddy · 15 days
Nothing To Prove || Gravity Falls Tickle Fic ||
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A/N: there's a lot of buildup at the start but THIS IS A TICKLE FIC I SWEAR! more than anything though, I'm writing this for the sake of developing characters. This is familial love so if I see any i*cest, I am blocking you on sight
Summary: When Ford comes to realize how much Dipper looks up to him, he seeks out a way to show his young nephew that there's no need to be intimidated by him.
Word count: 2,454
Life just got a whole galaxy bigger.
Dipper thought he knew what his life would become when he found that old dusty book in the forest; he'd pursue adventure, get into danger, fight monsters.
But meeting his number one hero? And then finding out that he's related?
Not a chance.
It'd been a year since Dipper and his sister left Gravity Falls. They had lots of time that school year to ruminate on everything they had been through together. In the span of three months, their whole universe had turned inside out.
They had another uncle. Someone else to look out for and protect them. Mabel, as she is with all news of this sort, was over the moon. Dipper, however, wasn't as content. It wasn't that he didn't like Great Uncle Ford. Far from it. He loved him unconditionally. He worshipped the ground he walked on. He would fight a thousand beasts to earn his mentor's pride. And that was the problem.
Dipper had spent so long dreaming of the author as this distant hero; an intellectual mastermind that surpassed all around him. He dreamt of meeting him, yes. Bombarding him with questions, absolutely. But now the man was part of his family. The same family that he cracked stupid fart jokes and goofed around with.
Dipper wasn't prepared to have someone so important to him in his life on a permanent basis. He couldn't help but feel a little small around Ford, like every move he made was a chance to embarrass himself in front of his idol.
After his first summer in Gravity Falls ended, Dipper hoped that his overwhelming sense of awe would pass with the time, and he would grow more comfortable around this new addition to the family. But the moment he stepped off of that bus and saw his great-uncle there to greet him, he knew it wouldn't be quite that easy.
He volunteered for as many of Ford's experiments as he could. He offered as much help as he could provide. When faced with an obstacle, Dipper made sure to prove to his uncle that he was smart and tough beyond his years. This, as one might expect, is a difficult and exhausting image to maintain. Being "the perfect, mature man of science" was hard when you were a young, hormonal teenage boy. But that wasn't going to stop Dipper.
When Ford had asked if him if he wanted to help engineer a stronger form of glass that could withstand abnormally high temperatures, he nearly fell over with excitement. He was going to be the best lab assistant Ford could ask for.
It seemed, however, that he couldn't get that right after all, because when bringing over the regular glass jar for experimentation, it slipped through his fingers and shattered.
Dipper was mortified. Not only had he broken the constant variable in their experiment, but possibly also the trust Ford placed in him to be a responsible assistant. How could he have been so careless? Was their experiment ruined now? Did Ford think he wasn't taking this seriously?
"Oh my gosh! Oh my- I- I'm so sorry, Great Uncle Ford! I don't know what happened. I thought I had it" Dipper rambled, throat tightening.
"Aw shoot," Ford cursed under his breath, "It's okay, Dipper, it happens. Here, why don't you go fetch me a new jar from the back shelves while I sweep up this mess?"
"Act- Actually you know what, I think you might actually have an easier time doing this if I wasn't here. I- I don't want to get in your way. " Dipper shuffled back towards the door.
"But I thought you wanted to-" Ford turned to his nephew only to find that he was already gone.
It was unusual, and not the kind that Ford enjoyed. The puzzling kind of unusual.
The conclusion did not follow the variables. Variable one: Ford was conducting an experiment. Variable two: Ford asked Dipper for assistance. Variable three: Dipper was eager to help. Conclusion: Dipper had panicked and ran off. It just wasn't right. Something was off balance.
Now, in a technical situation, Ford could figure out the root cause himself. He had well over thirty years of practice doing so. But this was a human being. Moreso, this was his great nephew, and he wasn't so skilled in the people area. He needed to outsource this predicament with someone who knew Dipper longer than he had. Someone he could trust to tell him what he was doing wrong.
That someone in particular was tucking away a large medieval flail in the cupboards of the sitting room when Ford found him. What it was for, Ford thought it better not to ask.
"Stanley, can I talk to you about something?" He said.
"I didn't know it was a bear, honest!" Stan yelled.
"Uhh, nothing. What's on your mind?"
"I have the strangest feeling that Dipper is more anxious than normal. He ran out of my lab this morning looking like he'd seen a ghost, which I have ruled out as a possibility because the air did not smell at all of sulfur. Anyway, the point is, I think something's wrong with him. You've known him far longer than I have. I thought maybe you would have better insight into these things" Ford explained.
Stan stood silently for a moment.
"Oh sorry I was just enjoying the moment you finally came to me for advice"
His brother quirked an eyebrow at him. "You don't gotta be a genius to figure this one out, Poindexter. The kid's afraid of looking bad in front of ya."
Ford was stunned into silence. This was a new feeling. An new, terribly odd feeling.
"Come on, you've got to have noticed by now. He looks to you like you're a god. He practically worships the ground you walk on. You were like his hero before you'd even met him. You think he's not gonna feel some pressure to live up to your standard? He just wants you to be proud of him."
"I love him! He's my brother's grandson! And of course I'm proud of him. He's very remarkable for his age" Ford said.
"Then why don't you tell him that once in a while."
Ford lost himself in thought.
"Well, time to get back to restocking my weapons. Good luck with your family tension. I'll call you for dinner," Stan sauntered away, seemingly unbothered by the problem, "Prepping for battle, do do do..."
Once again, Ford was left alone to think.
This wasn't the first time that Ford had heard someone tell him that he had a standoff-ish impression on people, but he never thought it would impact his kin. Someone he treasured so greatly. Now that he knew how Dipper was feeling, he couldn't waltz around and act like he didn't know. Something had to be done. The only issue was, he didn't know what.
Ford waited a couple days before asking Dipper to rejoin his experiments, knowing that the boy probably wouldn't be willing to assist him just yet after what happened. To his relief, Dipper agreed.
It was still painful to know that his nephew was intimidated by him, but it felt nice just to have him by his side again being his seemingly normal self.
The day went without a hitch this time. In fact, things went quicker than expected and they finished early. It was as they were readying themselves to leave when Ford spoke.
"Thank you for your help today, Dipper. I've been having trouble operating all of this machinery by myself lately. Must have thrown out my back or something."
"I wouldn't worry about it," Dipper replied, "Muscles get tighter with age, so I'm sure it's normal."
Ford turned to look down at his nephew. "Are you calling me old?"
The boy paled. "Wh- I- Uh- I- I wasn't-"
"I'm afraid I have no choice but to punish you for your disrespect" the scientist said darkly.
Before Dipper could have time to overthink that threat, Ford pulled the boy into his arms, sat himself on the ground and started tickling his belly.
The first few seconds were filled with frantic babbling; jumbled syllables trying to make themselves into a coherent sentence. Ford wasn't hearing a "stop", so he didn't.
Dipper giggled hysterically. His face had instantly screwed itself up tight and was looking for a way to bury itself into some hiding place. "GREATUNCLEFORHOHORD! WHAT ARE YOU DOHOHOHOING?!"
"Tickling you, of course! I thought that was obvious," Ford answered with cheer, all pretend-seriousness gone. He chuckled. "I guess you inherited more from me than I thought."
Dipper couldn't seem to figure out what to do with his hands, until he settled on hiding his face with them.
"Aw, don't be shy, son. I'm not the author today. Today, I'm just your uncle," Ford then added with a growl, "Your uncle: the tickle monster!"
The boy's arms fell from his face, settling down on his lap like little t-rex arms. He seemed to have surrendered to the silliness of it and didn't bother to fight.
Wonderful, Ford thought, that means he trusts me!
As Ford moved from belly to sides to ribs, Dipper's laughter went up and down like a rollercoaster, his child-like smile never leaving his face. "IHIHIHI'M SORRYHIHIHI!"
"Nuh uh, kid. "Sorry"'s not gonna cut it," Ford said playfully. He was surprised how good he was at this. He didn't have much experience with playing with children, and he had thought his decades of interdimensional travel would've hardened him to such silliness. Thank the gods that it hadn't.
As Ford's hand started to travel up to the boy's underarm, the boy shrieked and suddenly found the will to fight.
Ford couldn't help himself laughing at his adorable little ward. "Ticklish there, huh?"
"YEHEHES" Dipper cried.
"Okay, okay, I'll make you a deal. You take back what you said about me being old, and I'll stop tickling you."
Ford had expected the kid to be worn out by now. He thought it was only fair to offer him an out. To his surprise, he didn't take it.
Dipper seemed to think it over for a second, then shook his head with an extra giggle, one that was not from the tickling.
This kid is going to be the death of me, Ford thought, not a hint of regret in his mind.
"Okay, if you say so," the man said playfully, and dug all six fingers into the boy's hollows.
A shriek, and then more rambling, and then loud laughter.
Dipper, despite being tickled within an inch of his life, looked happier than Ford had ever seen him. If this was a dream, Ford did not want to wake up.
"I've got some questions for you, Dipper. Smile for yes and laugh for no, ya got it?"
All he could do was laugh.
"Okay, are you smart?"
Dipper sunk his chin in to his chest.
"Dipper, this won't work if you say yes and no" Ford remarked with fake incredulousness, "Okay, hmmmm... are you brave?"
The teen began to snicker.
"I don't think you understand the rules of this game," Ford said, which only made Dipper laugh harder.
"Alright, alright, last one. Are you ticklish?"
Dipper let out a snort at that infernal question.
"I'll take that as a yes," Ford smiled smugly.
After several more minutes of goofing around, Dipper finally had enough.
"Good lad." And with that, Ford released his victim.
Dipper wrapped his arms around himself and giggled till there were no more laughs left in him.
"You okay, son? I didn't go too crazy, did I?"
"No no, I'm fihihine. Mabel's put me through much worhorse."
"I can believe that. She got that from your uncle Stanley, you know."
After having regained his breath, Dipper got up from his uncle's lap. "So... are you really not mad about the jar I broke the other day?"
"Oh, Dipper, of course I'm not. You should see the things I've broken down here. You'd be shocked."
"But when you make a mistake, it's different." Dipper recoiled. Apparently, he didn't mean to let that slip.
"What do you mean?"
Dipper's timidness was returning, and Ford almost regretted even asking.
"It's just... you've done so many great things and are so perfect the rest of the time that the mistakes you make don't count as much."
That was some seriously flawed logic, but Ford chose not to point it out.
Dipper continued. "I make too many mistakes."
"Dipper, you're supposed to make mistakes. You're twelve. Do you think I was able to do all the things I do now at your age? Not even remotely.
"And more to the point, you don't have to embarrassed about those mistakes. Especially not with me."
"But you're different! You're the author! The author I'd been searching for all summer. You're a dimension-hopping scientist! And surprise, surprise, you're even cooler in person! And I'm just... so... small.
"I keep trying to make myself useful, to be someone you can be proud of, but-"
Ford kneeled down and placed both hands on the kid's shoulders. "Dipper, listen very close to me. I'm going to tell you something, and I need you to really hear me, understand?"
Dipper hesitantly nodded.
"I am so proud of you. You're my great nephew. I'm proud of you every minute of every day. That's not something that can change. You've got nothing to prove to me. You make me proud simply by being who you are. Never question that. Can you do that for me, son?"
The boy looked near to tears.
Oh gods, Ford thought, did he say something wrong? He thought this would make him feel better, not worse! Should he-
Little arms suddenly hugged his neck tight. "Yeah... yeah I can."
Ford could not get his arms around him fast enough.
"Now, don't you ever go comparing yourself to me. What a disservice to your incredible self."
Dipper hugged tighter.
Ford himself could feel little pin pricks in his own eyes. He released his hug and cleared his throat.
"Well, I think we've had enough excitement down here for one day. What do you say we head back upstairs for dinner."
Dipper wiped his eyes with a happy smile. "Sounds good to me."
The two walked back towards the door, a new kind of bond formed between them. It felt like something had been accomplished today, and that was all either of them could ask for.
"You are old, though."
"Oh, I'll show you old. Get back here!"
This has been an idea of mine for quite some time. Rewatching the show was just the straw that broke this writer's back apparently. So happy to have finally written this ❤️
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bimobuddy · 18 days
Video Killed The Radio Star (with tickles.)
Dedicated to @aleestor !! (enjoy :> ) Vox notices Alastor seems a bit off and decides to help out in rather unconventional ways.
TW/CW: Tickles (a lil intense,) restraints, a bit of angst at the beginning, fluffy! Somewhat RadioStatic?
Word count: 1.3K!
A certain TV demon was walking down the street. Vox looks around, unimpressed with the flocks of demons murdering each other. He walks up to a meat shop, a certain deer sitting outside it. The demon’s ears pin in mock irritation. ‘Go away,’ Alastor hisses, his grin tightening in annoyance. ‘Hmm, I’d rather not,’ Vox hums, leaning on the table. Alastor leans back, growling. ‘Y’know, I run a rich company. Ya should join me.’ 
‘I am perfectly fine with my radio, Vox,’ Alastor mutters, jumping back as Vox gets closer. ‘Trust us,’ Vox says in a mockingly happy tone. Alastor rolls his eyes, standing up. ‘At least I don’t spend my days in front of a screen. Oh wait, you are the screen.’ 
Vox snorts, ‘oh, the buck finally has a sense of humor!’
Alastor growls back, ‘I’ll show you humor when I devour you in front of your colleagues!’
‘I have a multimillion dollar company with some of the best employees imaginable!’ Vox scoffs back. He had noticed Alastor hadn’t gone for a full on physical fight yet. ‘At least I have a ton of fans and followers who do what I say, as well,’ Vox smirks, leaning close to Alastor who scowls at him. ‘At least I have some creativity when it comes to showing off,’ Alastor sneers, his ears pinning in displeasure. ‘You’re only jealous because people prefer a modern overlord rather than an old timey radio host! Just remember, radio is dying out! And people prefer the modern path nowadays!’ Vox snaps back. Alastor stands up, backing away. As he stalked off, ignoring the television, his smile fades, if only for a minute. Vox stops, staring at him with a confused look.  ‘Al, wait, I didn't mean–are you okay?’ Vox asks, starting towards him. Alastor simply dissipates into the shadows without a response. Vox’s only thought running through his mind?…was Alastor okay?
Alastor’s ears flick at the sound of a small zap and a thud. He turns around, his coat off and slung on a chair. His smile wasn’t even there. The deer looks for the source of the sound, casting an unamused look at the heap on the floor. 
‘Vox, why?’ he growls. ‘You–you seemed upset!’ Vox says as he stands up, brushing himself off. Alastor’s smile comes back, though not nearly as genuine as Vox would’ve liked. ‘I am fine,’ Alastor replies simply, walking across his radio tower and sitting down on the floor, staring blankly out one of the tinted windows.
Vox comes up behind him, holding Alastor’s coat. Alastor goes to grab it, but Vox quickly grabs his wrists and ties them together with the sleeves of the coat. ‘What in the hell are you doing?’ Alastor growls, feeling oddly vulnerable with his arms restrained like this…pride be damned, he wasn't letting this prick gain full control. 
Vox ties his restrained arms to a nearby post on the wall. Alastor growls. ‘I can summon–’ ‘You haven't,’ Vox cuts him off with a smug grin. He walks up to Alastor, gently pushing his shirt up to expose Alastor’s belly, his whole body covered in this downy deer-like fur. Vox curiously traces a claw on the deer fur, earning a screech of microphone feedback from the Radio Demon. ‘No fucking way! You’re ticklish! Oh, this just got a whole lot better.’ 
Alastor struggles and pulls on the ties of his coat, clearly trying to escape. Although, he would have melted into the shadows if he hated it that bad… Vox starts to scritch quicker over Alastor’s belly, and he could see the demon shaking. ‘Oh, come on, let it out. You know you need to. Just let me tickle you silly. You clearly need it, otherwise you would’ve melted into your shadows by now. Yeah?’ Vox inquires, fingers sliding near Alastor’s navel, earning a snort. ‘Oh, so this is a bad spot? Hmm? Is it?’ Vox teases, fingers teasing the tickly fur near Alastor’s navel.
Alastor arches his back, head shaking in an odd mix of defiance and giddiness. ‘And remember, Alastor...this is just the beginning. I'll have you begging for mercy each time I touch your ticklish belly. And if you're a good sport about it, I might just find other spots that make you squirm,’ Vox chuckles darkly, switching to the demon’s ribs, earning a muffled whiny giggle. ‘st..st-ahap–!’ Alastor gasps out, shaking his head again, ears flicking. Vox slowly massages his fingers into the skin, over the ribcage underneath. The deer cackles loudly, unable to hold back his mirth. Alastor kicks his feet and shrieks. 
‘Vohohox, stahahap! Stahahap! Thihihis isn’t–snrk!--neheheccasary!’ He snorts as Vox’s claws slide close to his underarms. ‘Oh, perhaps here? Are you a ticklish little buck? C’mon, laugh it out. All of it. I’ll have you–’ Vox pauses in his ministrations as Alastor bleats like a fawn from Vox’s underarm tickling. 
They both stare at each other for a second or two, gaze unwavering. ‘Did you–’ “No!’ Alastor cuts him off quickly, face starting to flush with embarrassment. Out of all the people who were allowed to tickle him–Vox not even on that list, although, he would admit, Vox wasn’t too bad at it–he had to hear that?
‘Do that again,’ Vox chuckles, resuming the rib tickles. Alastor bleats multiple times–pride be damned, he wasn’t admitting to that!--helplessly and giddily. He had craved this for so long, his–
‘Nohohohahaha, DOHOHOHON’T!’ Alastor’s laughter increased in volume, jumping up on octave as Vox traced fingers up and down his ears. ‘I’m barely touching you,’ Vox muses, scritching behind his ears, making Alastor’s laughter wheeze as he drags in a breath and digs his hooves into the floor, arching his back and shaking his head. 
Vox moves back down to Alastor’s belly, playing with the soft fur. ‘You know, I never took you to be the sofie kinda type. You always act so stuck up and shit, y’know?’ ‘ShuhuhuHUHUT uhuhuHUP!’ he shrieks, snorting and bleating as Vox’s claws dig into his hips. ‘Aw, who’s a pretty tickle baby? Hmm? Is it you? I mean, look at you! Your tail is wagging, you haven’t tried to murder me, and you haven’t melted into the shadows yet! Perhaps you…enjoy this?’
‘If I dihihid–snrk!--wohohuld you shuhut uhup and lehehet me enjohohoy it?!’ Alastor shrieks, static invading his voice fully before he breaks out into true, genuine laughter. No radio filter at all. Vox smiled, teasing, ‘Oh, there’s that voice! Ticklish little fawn, just a helpless deer in the headlights!’ 
‘Stahahap beheheeing an ahahass–eeeeeahaaha!’ he squeals as Vox sits on his shins, facing his hooves. ‘No. Nohoho, plehehease–!’ His laughter goes silent almost instantly as Vox emits small shocks from his claws – not enough to hurt the deer, oh no. Just enough to make Alastor practically scream with pure ticklishness as the claws drag up and down his hooves.
Alastor drags in a breath and bleats loudly through laughter, much to his embarrassment. Vox stands up after a moment, moving back to Alastor’s head, scratching his ears. ‘Okahahha–EEEEAHA! I’m hahaha–hahahappy! Ehehehaha stahhahap!’ Vox slows down the tickles, making Alastor giggle frantically as he tugs on the restraints desperately. Vox reaches down and scratches claws up and down Alastor’s ribcage, the other teasing at his underarm. Alastor gives in fully, slumping as he lets the laughter consume him, filling the room with ease. 
Vox backs off after a couple more minutes, untying him. Alastor rubs his wrists a little, and Vox watches with a fond smile. ‘Are you alright now?’ he asks, coming close to pat Alastor’s shoulder. Alastor’s smile was genuine and happy as he nodded. Surprisingly not shoving Vox away. ‘Thank you…for that. I needed it.’ 
‘What was wrong anyway?’ Vox asks, grabbing Alastor’s coat for him. ‘Oh, nothing important. Just…lost in thoughts, I suppose,’ Alastor hums as he throws his coat back on, pretending his deer tail isn't wagging still. He sighs, looking up at Vox. ‘You should go, before someone wonders where you are.’ 
‘Oh, Right,’ Vox says, and smiles at Alastor before he teleports out of the room with a small zap! 
Alastor sits in his broadcasting chair, looking out the window. Perhaps I should antagonize Vox more often.
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