bitchy---witch · 3 years
Tips For Witches On A Budget
All you need for magic is yourself and your intention. You don't need any fancy tools or any tools at all for that matter. But if you want them, here's a list of tools you can get on a budget.
Use herbs you have on hand. Bay leaves, cinnamon, salt, etc. can be found in some kitchens. For a list of correspondences of common household herbs and spices click here.
Broom closet tip: You can use these herbs in kitchen magic. To others it looks like you're cooking a normal meal, but you know it's a magically infused meal.
For candle magic, you can use tea lights or birthday candles. You can find these candles, as well as bigger ones, at the dollar store or your local grocery store. For tips on candle magic, you can find a post I made here.
Pen and paper. Make sigils, poppets, sachets with herbs and tape, etc. Get creative! I have a post about sigils that you can find here.
Broom closet tip: If making sigils, design them to look like little doodles in the corners of notebooks. If you can use fire, you can also burn the paper slips and then there would be no evidence of a spell.
Color magic in absolutely everything: clothing, candles, pens that you write with, etc.
Mirrors for reflection spells or scrying.
Bowls of water to represent water on your altar. Or, make moon water with a jar of water to be used in spells.
Broom closet tip: Put a bottle of water that is safe to drink by your window to charge it if you can't leave it outside.
Get a journal from the dollar tree for a book of shadows (bos) or grimoire.
Broom closet tip: get a diary with a lock from the dollar store and use that to keep out prying eyes.
Use fabric from old tee shirts or scrap fabric from old sewing projects. Sew, hot glue or use fabric glue to make poppets or sachets.
Dirt, sticks, flowers can be found in nature. Make a besom or poppet from sticks. Use dirt to cleanse things. Use flowers with specific correspondences in spells or as offerings. Just don't ingest them because they've been sprayed with pesticides and are probably not safe for ingestion.
Broom closet tip: Make bouquets from flowers found in the wild. Place them by the door to protect your home, put them in your bathroom to promote self love, put them on your bedside table to protect you from nightmares, etc.
Buy glass gems from the dollar store or a local craft store, or you can use rocks you find in nature, to create runes.
For tarot cards, there are digital sets, youtube readings, ways to use playing cards for readings, or you could print them out. If you don't have a printer at home, you can head to the library and print some there.
Broom closet tip: Playing cards are easily disguised. You can download an app and keep it in a hidden folder if people check your phone.
String for knot magic. You can make friendship bracelets and wear them for all kinds of spells. Or tie your shoes or a tie using knot magic. You can find a post on knot magic here.
Beverages. If you live in the Northern Hemisphere, stir in a clockwise direction to bring in something and counterclockwise to banish something. And vice versa, if you live in the Southern Hemisphere. You can use herbs and spices like cinnamon or sugar to amplify your spells. Drink to activate.
If you are collecting your own materials and can't find any information or correspondences for them, make your own! You can find information on that topic here.
The Witch Of Wonderlust (youtube)
The Oak Witch (youtube)
Budget Friendly Tips (tumblr)
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bitchy---witch · 3 years
Spell to Compel Truthfulness
Think someone might be acting evasive? Brew up a bit of truth oil, and use it to compel this individual to be honest with you. If you regularly encounter people who are less than truthful, you can blend this in advance and keep it on hand for just the right occasion. If you do prepare it ahead of time, be sure to store it in a dark colored glass bottle.
You will need:
4 oz grape seed or jojoba oil
1 oz sandalwood oil
1 oz pure vanilla extract
Blend the oils and extract together by pouring them into a bottle and swirling it gently in a clockwise motion. As you do, say:
Truth be told, no more lies
Now it's time for honesty
Telling the truth will set you free
To use this oil on someone you think may be lying to you, add a small amount to your fingertips, then shake their hand or touch their clothing.
Found in Daily Spellbook for the Good Witch by Patti Wigington
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bitchy---witch · 3 years
When you think of a crystal something pretty, colorful, smooth, shows up right? Something like amethyst, rose quarts, selenite.
Don't forget, that rock in your driveway is magickal too. It may not be the sparkliest or most colorful but it are full of  Earth's energies.
I'm going to share 4 of my local rocks and I encourage you to research your local geology and how you can incorporate it into your craft.
Element: air • water
Chakra: sacral
creativity • focus • relationships • truth • clarity • strength • balance • movement • solidarity 
Element: earth
Chakra: root
purification • assistance • healing • innocence • grounding • positivity • wellness • balance
Element: earth
Chakra: root
soothing • stress relief • negativity relief • release • letting go • positivity • clarity • opening • productivity
Element: fire
Chakra: root
energy • passion • vitality • wealth • strength • innovation • positivity • perseverance • action • improvement
Notes: finding information about these rocks and minerals can be difficult especially compared to very popular crystals like amethyst. If you look hard enough I'm sure you can find some information on your local geology. Don't forget to also use your intuition when looking at associations, correspondences, and properties.
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bitchy---witch · 3 years
I thought I'd take some time to address something I found on TikTok.
I'm not going to post the video, however, if you're on witchtok you've probably already run across it. There was a video of a beginner witch (for the love fuck stop calling them babies) using minimal ingredients in a spell jar, and sealing it with a bead and Elmer's glue. Of course, the better than thou beginner witches with their $300+ wax sets, ingredients, etc. had something to say. And it wasn't very nice.
"You can't seal a spell jar with glue"
"Ummmm what lmao"
"Give it up while you still can"
You. Can. Do. Whatever. The. Fuck. You. Want. However. The. Fuck. You. Want.
I don't give a damn if you put nothing but glitter in a bottle and put a lid on it and call it a day. Whoever bullied this witch clearly doesn't know the first thing about intention, and is making up "rules" as they go. Any crone, or witch with even the slightest amount of experience for that matter, is ashamed of the witches that were in those comments. Of course those comments are gone now but... the damage is still done.
Do better. Please do better.
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bitchy---witch · 3 years
This couldn't be any more accurate.
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bitchy---witch · 3 years
This would be so cool
I’m honestly thinking about making a poor witch’s guide. Like, I wanna write a whole ass book n make it a free ebook. And like, make it a c t u a l l y poor friendly and not like, “here’s what you can buy with ONLY $20!!!!” bc not everyone can afford to spend even $5 on witchy stuff and it just pisses me off that there’s not enough actual cheap witch guides n stuff. Idk I’m just rambling now but I’m really thinking abt this. Also wtf is up with stonks rn
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bitchy---witch · 3 years
I still want to experiment with the kind of spells that are meant to be “cooked” and then broken in half to activate them.
That was a tumblr thing I found, and I still REALLY enjoy the idea.
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bitchy---witch · 3 years
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bitchy---witch · 3 years
my ultimate witch aesthetic
(eclectic witch or whatever, I kinda just do my own thing)
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bitchy---witch · 3 years
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Funny way to find out which plant you might like to buy.
Source: apartmenttherapy.com
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bitchy---witch · 3 years
Places For Digital Altars
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We’ve kind of collected these for a few years now, so I decided “hey first information post, let’s go digital altars”. 
For those who don’t know, digital altars are a type of altar that is created and maintained digitally. In general, it works the same as a physical altar, and there are multiple different kinds that can be made. 
People may use digital altars for a number of reasons. It can be great for people who are closeted, but people who are open may still use them because they’re a technopagan or because it’s easier. Digital altars can still be just as intimate and as good a tool as a physical altar. Digital altars can be used for any practice or purpose. 
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Games, Need To Pay For 
Minecraft. A classic way to make digital altars in games is to use Minecraft. Because of the unlimited build availability of Minecraft, you can really do whatever you want with it. I’ve seen people make entire buildings, statues, simple shrines, etc. 
Animal Crossing. A lot of people have been doing this lately, and it is a great idea! I have seen people devote rooms, a section of their house, or a secret place on their island for an altar. 
Don’t Starve. With Don’t Starve, the focus is more on survival and your world can get destroyed if you die, but it can still be nice to incorporate an area or section of your base or world. 
Pokemon [RSE, DPPT, ORAS]. The secret base (RSE/ORAS) and underground base (DPPT) feature in certain games can be used to incorporate an altar. For the secret bases. 
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Games, Free 
Virtual Pet Sites With Galleries. Because this was on Neopets which was hugely influential for most petsites, many feature a gallery or something like it. Items can be placed in the gallery and if you’d like can be used for devotion purposes. Petsites with this includes Neopets, Marapets, Goatlings, Aywas, Furvilla, etc. 
(It’s also not too hard to find and run a rom of RSE and DPPT) 
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Tumblr. Yep, the website you’re on! A lot of people make sideblogs to reblog or post media for their deity. 
Pinterest. A lot of people make boards for images for their deity. 
Google Drive. Can also be used as a digital altar to collect images and other media. Great if you’d like to keep it more private. 
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Any collage website/app/etc. One of the more common and easy ways of making a digital altar is to just take a collage maker and lay images on top of it. There are a lot of really creative things you can do here. 
Any art website/app/etc. Another one people do is just draw out an altar, which is a really creative way to go about it if you’re willing. 
Playlists. Who says altars need to be visual? If you have songs you associate with your deity (and otherwise), creating a playlist and playing it can work for an altar! 
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I’m not including apps so much because I usually prefer to use my desktop, so as a result I don’t know too many apps, sorry! I may edit this later though, so if anyone has any suggestions feel free to add on. 
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bitchy---witch · 3 years
I would love to start a digital altar, and I was wondering what I could include in it? I would make it on this site as a side blog.
General altar: 
Pictures or gifs that make you feel witchy, connected to your craft, connected to nature, or just feel right!
Music links
Text posts that have content you like
Basically anything!
Devotional altar:
Pictures or gifs that remind you of them
Poetry (that reminds you of them)
Prayers to them
Text posts that are relevant to them
Information about them
Again, basically anything that feels right to you!
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bitchy---witch · 3 years
I've recently started dabbling in witchcraft, and I've been wondering if I need a space that is only used as an altar. I'm a bit of a hoarder, so the only space in my room is my desk. Can I use my desk, or do I need to dedicate an entire space? Thanks!
Hello! This is a great question, and you absolutely don’t need a conventional altar. Any space will do. Here are a few tips!
The Witch’s Altar
In all technicality, you don’t even really need an altar, but it can be a helpful space in spell work and overall witchery. That being said, your altar doesn’t even need to be stationary!
Traveling Altar - This is a pretty recent concept in the witch community. Most witches will carry basic craft items with them in their purse or in some other way on their person, but a travel altar is just that - an altar that you can pull out of a box at any time, anywhere. Don’t have room on any of your shelves or counter spaces? That’s fine! Find a nice small box and put some altar items into it, then when you’re ready to use it you can take it out and set up the altar anywhere on your floor or counter spaces. This form of altar also works great in the car for on the go in case you find a nice spot in nature along a drive or hike that calls to you and you want to stop and set up a little somethin’ somethin’.
Grimoire Altar - As the name suggests, this form of altar is drawn into your grimoire. The perks? It takes up no space at all and can be pulled out literally anywhere - at the library, at a cafe, at night under your covers when you’re reenacting Harry’s Lumos scene from HP with your collector’s item authentic wand (that lights up of course), etc. Another great thing about this altar is that it is perfect for the secret witch! Chances are, if you’ve got a grimoire, you’ve already found a way to hide it from disapproving eyes, so it’s the perfect place to squeeze in one more aspect of your craft. Not to mention, you aren’t limited by money when it comes to the items you put on your altar. You could have literally anything. Juuuust think about that. The down sides? For us perfectionists out there, drawing an altar can be really tedious and disappointing if we don’t like how the drawings came out. This can be avoided though by using magazine cutouts or print outs of the items you want glued onto the page. A traveling altar works really well in correspondence with this type of altar; think placing candles and crystals on a drawn grid, that sort of thing.
Digital Altar - This can be done in a few ways. If you don’t have any coding experience, the process for making this altar is similar to slapping together a bunch of stuff in paint or photoshop (you could even use Canva if you can find object pictures with transparent backgrounds). To use this altar all you’d need to do is pull up the picture and full screen it et voila! The same concept can be used to create gifs for some added realism of flickering candles and such. If you do have coding experience, all you have to do is create an HTML document, code it however you’d like your alter to look, and open it in your browser. I started one like this a while ago (sadly it was lost as it was on my old work computer) and guys, it turned out really cool. You can get so creative with this, creating buttons and different pages, create a game-like concept where you can combine different ingredients from your digital “cupboard” to create a spell, etc. The list goes on and on.
Unconventional Altar - This has a wide range of meanings. From an altar made of things that hang from the wall to an altar created in the plants of your garden; there is no one set way to set up an altar. Make it unique! Make it you! What’s most important is that the space works for you and helps you in your craft.
Long story short: you can use whatever the heck you want. :) Good luck in setting up your altar! I hope you find a space that works for you! Love and light xoxo
- Mod K Hart
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bitchy---witch · 3 years
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Here’s a little sneak peek into BuildAnAltar!
Still have a lot of work to do before it’s ready to be put out there oof some more figures, candles, crystals and plants will be added and general witchy decoration stuff
What’s something you’d want me to include?
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bitchy---witch · 3 years
The Witchy Apps I Use:
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Seen a few of these posts so I figured I'd share as well! I use these for reference mostly, and personally prefer to do my practice irl. All are free!
Labyrinthos- this is a tarot app mostly, though it also has some astronomy info. I wouldn't recommend it if you're just starting with tarot, because the descriptions are over simplified and lacking. It does have a "learn" feature that can help you memorize/learn the basics though and for that it's pretty good! I use this to save tarot spread layouts that I use with my cards irl. It let's you create your own custom spreads and save them.
Co-Star- an astronomy/horoscope app. I love it because it does your birth chart for you in an easy to understand format and you can go back and reference it quick if you need it! But the descriptions of what everything in the chart means is also lacking and waay oversimplified here too, and none of the "aspects" are included. It'll do "daily horoscopes" but it won't have info on why/how it concluded that information based on your birth chart.
Moon phase calendar- a must for me! Always gotta know what the moon is doin. It has a lot of detail, including the percentage of visibility and rise/set times.
Make it rain- rain/thunderstorm sounds for meditation and practice
PictureThis- this is my favorite free plant identification app, and I'm pretty picky lol
Herbs dictionary- this is purely scientific information on an insane number of herbs, with medical uses as well. No magical uses listed. Again, this is for quick reference!!. If I'M personally using an herb for medicinal purposes it's because I'm familiar with it and know which are safe for me, don't just use whatever random herb some phone app says may help... Be safe.
Herbalist Grimoire- I think this one has about 70 herbs? And their magical correspondences. I love it for quick reference! It also explains how to use herbs (like making tinctures, oils, satchets, etc), a glossary of medical terms related to herbs, basics on how to grow herbs, and a brief history of herbs in witchcraft.
LunaDiary- a password protected night-mode diary with adjustable font and formatting and calming music. I use it for note taking, spells, ideas, some of which later goes into my grimoire. It has a back-up feature that uploads it to my Google drive. Plus the more notes you make, the more lunar phases and stars you get in the home page, so that's cute.
The occult library- exactly what it sounds like, it's got different witchcraft related books you can read for free.
Play Books- the basic Google play book app, I go to the android play store and download free books of interest related to my craft and philosophies I follow and read them here.
Improve intuition (called "intuition test" in the playstore for some reason tho)- this one has several choice-related activities that challenge your intuition skills! Big recommend.
Respire- a meditation app with different breathing exercises. I'm not a fan of hearing someone talk me through a guided meditation, so following a breathing exercise works much better for me. You can close your eyes and it'll make a ding sound to let you know when to breathe in, hold, and breathe out.
Down dog- an AMAZING free yoga app! It has restorative yoga, hatha, quick flow, and sun salutations in the free version. With different music genre to choose from that plays what seems like a genre radio. You can adjust the difficulty level, speed, and length. The instructors are great at guiding and the video to follow is aesthetically nice and it's all very easy to understand. Truly can't recommend this one enough.
I'm hoping to find an app that has a sheet to fill out for saving spells, like it would be great if it has the day/time, lunar phase, title, intent, tools, instructions, and outcomes to fill out. If you know of one, please let me know!
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bitchy---witch · 3 years
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bitchy---witch · 3 years
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