Also like...just stop being a fucking weenie? I don't shovel regularly because I don't own property. So it's not like I have muscle built up for that. The few time I've had to do it kind of sucked, sure, and I needed breaks and a power meal. But not where I'd say, oh my god, I need a man! Like, fucking woman up and do it. This is learned helplessness. Nothing more. Men being able to lift more than women on average does not mean you as a woman are somehow incapable of doing fairly basic physical tasks.
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We gotta start describing patriarchy as a system of male supremacy again bc if I have to hear one more person droning on about how men are actually not benefited by patriarchy im honestly gonna lose my shit
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define female and woman without excluding any cis women and without including any non-cis women
Define that term you just used, "cis women."
Demonstrate how it’s possible that you know what a cis woman is, but not what a female is. And then demonstrate what point—if you even had one to begin with—you hoped to prove by pretending to not know the meaning of the core concepts which your ideology was built upon.
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It’s gotten to the point where people on the internet bitching about “misandry” are just funny to me like….it’s almost two years to the day they overturned Roe in America folks.
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So I have uterine cancer that had originally had been claimed as pregnancy by doctors not seeing the mass was tumors and not a baby. If I am able to pay tomorrow they can fit me in, if not it may be possible to do put me down for Saturday. Due to me not having insurance, I'm required to pay upfront, as it is bad but hasnt been determined to be 'life threatening' yet. I'm tired and in constant pain and have been having to go to the hospital just about every other dayfor complications. I am offering tarot and tea readings and @scarsofbeauty is offering art comissions. pls help a queer afro-indigenous person during pride month and share!
$177 left for hysterectomy by tomorrow afternoon as I missed the one today. please keep sharing! if i have to pay back, I will (updated 06/07/2024)
ca: $kendyhoney
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& men should at least be honest because we know and they know that they aren't lonely and they aren't looking for connection and understanding and closeness the way actually lonely people are. they're looking for a woman so she's avaiable for sex anytime, so she cooks and cleans after them, so she hangs onto their arm so they can show their conquest off to their male friends, so she lets them dominate her and feel like The Man and take their frustrations of being a fucking loser in the outer world on her. do they expect us to believe that once they get a girlfriend they will take any interest in her, try to connect with her? because we know they don't do it and they never were doing it. not in the past when men were pretty much guaranteed to have a wife, either. when people cry about lonely men being pushed to insanity because of how unloved they are i think of incels' god elliot rodger talking about nothing else but how he wants a hot skinny supermodel blonde girl to just. stand next to him, i guess. extreme case, yes, but there's nothing extreme about this particular view because most men like this share it. you're not a poor tortured soul looking for love and you know it. at least be honest about it.
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the obsolescence of brb and gtg and afk is like…. highly depressing as a concept. in 2007 you could literally walk away from the internet. and i know we can all just put our phones down whenever we want to but i have not felt truly away from keyboard in like a decade
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this narrative has no place in radical feminism or in the fight against gender ideology btw
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If you don't want to catch heat for being racist, don't be a blatant fucking racist in public, it's pretty simple. Picking apart someone's personal life, as if two things (someone's parents able to afford a cleaner and also having a traumatic childhood???) can't be true at the same time, is a far cry from giving a racist deserved pushback. Like. Enough. At worst you can say maybe some people word things poorly and should be given grace, but most of these people (redberryterf 100%) just double-down and triple-down. They want to be racist, they like being racist, but don't want the consequences for it.
Kinda fascinating that you always gleefully host "drama" on your blog about other women on radblr, but the second someone points out that your hard luck backstory is bullshit you act like talking about other people is petty and ridiculous lmao. Pick one sweetheart
what hard luck backstory? aspects of my reality that i talk about bc they were traumatic to me? do u want me to talk constantly about being middle class from a rich country instead of my whole reality? just bc u have black & white thinking does not mean that my life is black & white.
i have never sat there inventing rumours about anyone on here’s life, i have specifically criticised opinions & statements ppl publicly make. like u all do to people u disagree with. and in return u make up stories about my life.
but it’s ok, maybe ur next story can be about my family owning bapco and how we swim in oil and wipe our asses with money or sth. or no wait maybe the slaves u invented could be the ones wiping for us? really shows how much y’all care about people facing worker exploitation in bahrain when u invent weird ass rumours about me instead of actually criticising it
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everyone’s debating posts of the decade, best and worst, and i have yet to see anyone mention moon moon
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Summer Tanager
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some pictures i took of the aurora borealis tonight!!
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rb to give the previous person a fucking break because life aint life-ing the way its supposed to life and it fucking sucks.
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The sun had set, but a faint pastel haze lingered in the mid-summer sky.
- R. J. Lawrence
by dag.ole.nordhaug
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no hope for women
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