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Just to bros chilling holding hands in a field of flowers and indirectly talking about self worth.
As you do.
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Stages of Decomposition, Embroidery by calicoranger
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Lmk season four was great haha
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I love doing a mix of overly intense and charming. How fantasy would you like to go?
I was listening to this song and it brought up some ideas.
I imagined a lightning bug picking up others. in some grand world of insect nobility or something?
like the old hollow out tree they lived in finally crashed to the ground after a storm.
the second voice would be a stories teller bug spreading stories of the days events. Spreading the stories to other hives or burrows? (Dose that term apply to insects?) The stories become legions and grow in scale as they spread from word of mouth.
Our unsuspecting friend gets placed at the center of a rapidly changing world.
It's a ruff concept, but what do you think?
Some more of the ant siblings.
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And this centipede
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I think their would be a lot of different ways that the bugs view their kid. Some would probably be bitter that they ever left. Others where convinced they would return some day; with an apology loaf of bread.
This could keep becoming more and more in depth. Maybe even at some point after the kid left their was a fight in town or something?
10/10 ants and centipede, love the use of different shades especially on the last pic.
Story wise, there’s so many routes to go like everything falls apart after the kid left like Narnia or everyone is chill like that movie Epic.
I guess it depends on how we feel the bug world should run. If you think we should have some antagonist/big plot point then yeah some big fight would work. That way it would be a story of the bugs have a upturned world that the protagonist could come in and try to fix.
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I'd like their to be some sort of on going conflict. If that's alright with you. Weather conflicts be between the bugs, with the kid, or against their environment? I don't have a real strong preference.
Is thar anything that you want to have or do?
weather that be tonal -ly, or at some point I want to see a daddy long leg spider in a room full of ants. I want to hear some of your ideas!
Some more of the ant siblings.
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And this centipede
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I think their would be a lot of different ways that the bugs view their kid. Some would probably be bitter that they ever left. Others where convinced they would return some day; with an apology loaf of bread.
This could keep becoming more and more in depth. Maybe even at some point after the kid left their was a fight in town or something?
10/10 ants and centipede, love the use of different shades especially on the last pic.
Story wise, there’s so many routes to go like everything falls apart after the kid left like Narnia or everyone is chill like that movie Epic.
I guess it depends on how we feel the bug world should run. If you think we should have some antagonist/big plot point then yeah some big fight would work. That way it would be a story of the bugs have a upturned world that the protagonist could come in and try to fix.
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You're probably right, and it was just the itemized association that made me think of you.
But saying: "this book I like got sorted into the same serotonin filled box, where many of my memories reside. I hope you like it too." Felt to wordy.
In case it isn't clear I'm joking. I just wanted to make you smile with silly small guys. Despite the fact that I have no energy right now.
I don't know how to explain it, but this book reminds me of you.
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If you get the chance to please read it. It's really good but In a reliable kind of way.
Then I did a style redraw-
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I hope you had a good day <3
I think it’s because the book is about Two Little Guys having Adventures and Supporting One Another. It’s like our relationship was boiled down to its bare bone. Also the art style itself kinda fits considering we like to imagine ourselves as anthropomorphic garden guys
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It's our TA's last day at our school. so I made her a pin of zuko doing fortnight emotes to say thank you.
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She preceded to run around the room giddy showing off the tiny teen, and saying it was now her favorite thing she owned.
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I feel like I've achieved something today.
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I finally got the time to dwar this.
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"holy crap the king has returned!"
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Ok. bug world horror thing- I have a concept that is coherent enough to share.
I've been playing around with the idea of escapism. Are the bugs real? Can they actually talk? Or is this just the readers imagination?
I liked the idea of bug world being like toy story but everyone's in on the seacret. An imaginary safe space, but you're imagination keeps living even when you're away.
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What happens when you return to that safe space after years past? And what would cause you to return their? Why did you ever leave?
That's what where trying to figure out.
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Do the bugs have pure in intentions to help? Does anyone?
i don't know- I'm still trying to figure everything out, but what do you think so far?
Can’t lie, I’ve also pondered the bug world. Are they talking critters or is it some kid playing in the dirt with on overactive imagination. I do like the stories of someone returning to a place from childhood, especially the fantasy ones where they think they made it up.
Imagine going back to your family summer home and you’re like “remember when I pretend I could turn into a bee?” Only for an ant to greet like “holy crap the king has returned”
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Gosh ness i'm so excited about this! After you mentioned the thing about returning to a summer home I can only think of this as what remains of Edith finish-with bugs. That concept alone makes me so absurdly happy.
I'm imagining a weird cryptic mash up of imagination, interpretation, memories and false ones to.
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Ok. bug world horror thing- I have a concept that is coherent enough to share.
I've been playing around with the idea of escapism. Are the bugs real? Can they actually talk? Or is this just the readers imagination?
I liked the idea of bug world being like toy story but everyone's in on the seacret. An imaginary safe space, but you're imagination keeps living even when you're away.
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What happens when you return to that safe space after years past? And what would cause you to return their? Why did you ever leave?
That's what where trying to figure out.
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Do the bugs have pure in intentions to help? Does anyone?
i don't know- I'm still trying to figure everything out, but what do you think so far?
Can’t lie, I’ve also pondered the bug world. Are they talking critters or is it some kid playing in the dirt with on overactive imagination. I do like the stories of someone returning to a place from childhood, especially the fantasy ones where they think they made it up.
Imagine going back to your family summer home and you’re like “remember when I pretend I could turn into a bee?” Only for an ant to greet like “holy crap the king has returned”
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Hitting your forehead like a cat looking for rubs
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Close ups of panels, and typed out versions of the text below the line.
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a lot of the time I think theirs to much of me. To Manny choices and to many thoughts. You compress your self.
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who you choose to be it matters just as much as who you choose not to be
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you're never ending and always changing.
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BCL 2024 your allowed to take up space
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☘️ return home
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Bit of an unfinished thingy but I'm happy with how it came out! I love the new Snufkin game and am gonna be insufferable about the moomins again for a while now....
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my sun wukong and macaque lego monkie kid plushies i made a year or two ago
literally my prized possessions <3
also they squeak which makes me very happy
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Big fish
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Recreated the fish ship from @somerandomdudelmao comic.
Original below
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✨ The twins ✨
I read this today and had to draw them:
The constellation Gemini is named after the twin brothers Pollux and Castor. According to legend, Pollux was immortal as he was the son of Zeus, the father of the gods, while Castor had a human father and was therefore a mortal. The two brothers were great heroes and never parted ways. When Castor was killed in a battle, his brother Pollux was inconsolable. He was particularly distressed that Castor had to descend into the dark, subterranean realm of the dead. Pollux asked his father to let him die too, so that he could follow his mortal brother.
Zeus was so touched by Pollux's brotherly love that he suggested that instead of always living with the gods in Olympus, he and Castor should alternate between spending one day in the realm of the dead and one day in Olympus. Without thinking twice, Pollux decided on this option so that he would never have to be separated from Castor again. Later, Zeus is said to have turned the two brothers into stars as a reward for their loyal bond. Since then, they have stood as a constellation in the winter sky, reminding people of brotherly love.
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... I just wanted to draw some grass growing out of the floor boards.
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