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259 notes ยท View notes
bluwavez ยท 5 days
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DeepDive began their journey originally in 2014 under the publicly known money laundering flop company Stormedia with an original five-member lineup. The group was in the pits of nugudom, only having four releases and a consistently rotating lineup. Son Jinhwa, the former Angelico CEO, would buy the rights to the group in late 2015. Nothing is ever simple with Jinhwa. DeepDive would go under an intense rebranding, where not only all the content and music they made under Stormedia was wiped from the internet and is now considered lost media but would also put the group through a survival show where the lineup would be remade.
Many fans believe that the official start of DeepDive was in 2016, excluding the ones who have been following the group for almost 10 years. They consider the true original lineup to consist of Han, Jisung, Blue, Noah, Woojin, Kiwoo, and Finn. Unfortunately, the group faced some difficulties when Woojin left the lineup in 2019, and he was quickly replaced by Jacob Lee, a former member of Wanna One. The last lineup change occurred in 2023 when Han exited the group due to their contract being acquired by Flowerbank Entertainment.
Though the group's history is a complete mess, there is one undoubtable fact: The music goes hard.
THE SOUND OF DEEPDIVE cannot be described as one sound but as cohesive noise that is regarded as one of the best and most diverse boy group discographies in Kpop.
Debuting three months after their survival show concluded, the now seven-member piece would come out the gate with the physical single "Energy," which, despite being a banger, was overlooked by most of the general public.
While not having a strong debut like they planned to, DeepDive would come back with their first mini-album, "Happiness," promoting the title track "Get Around" relentlessly just to end up with the same disappointing results. The mini album would perform better than their debut, but that's not saying much since Energy didn't chart anywhere, and Get Around only managed to hit 103 on the Goan digital chart.
Their last release of 2016 would still stick to the sweet and fun concept, dropping the once nugu beloved hit "Daisy Dayz, " the title track from their second mini album of the same name. Daisy Dayz would manage to break into the top 100 but would only hit #89 once again not meeting expectations.
The boys stayed on a consistent release schedule shockingly enough. Ushering 2017 in with the floppiest single, "Sweat," which fans don't even remember, nor do they rarely bring up when discussions of their discography arise. It seems the hundreds of fans they did have were over their sweet concept despite most of the boys being teenagers at the time. Listening to fans, their first full album, Our Ocean, would have a more "mature" concept.
It became clear with this shift in sound and concept that the problem with DeepDive's lack of success hadn't to do with their music quality but with the fact the oldest member at this time would be barely 20 years old and the youngest, turning 16 that year. To put it bluntly, they looked silly singing these grown ass songs with their baby faces, and everyone saw it! Still, this didn't deter Angelico, and DeepDive would release another classic in their discography, "Bounce," which would gain traction amongst K-pop fans.
It's worth noting that the boys, primarily Noah and Finn, began producing the group's music during this time despite their young ages. Noah was just seventeen around the time of Bounce's release, while Finn was still 15.
Bling Bling would not receive the same amount of love Bounce did. In fact, Twitter would tear this song to shreds. Though hated at its release, it has become a beloved song in DeepDive's discography, notably being one of their most hyped songs to hear live. Fans blame Bling Bling for Angelico shipping DeepDive off to Japan the next year.
Desperate to make some money off this group, Angelico would give DeepDive a killer Japanese debut. "Ride or Die," would be a massive hit in Japan, securing DeepDive a strong and dedicated fandom in the country. This success would result in the group practically living in Japan for the rest of 2018. They were so famous in Japan, guys. Ride or Die was literally everywhere, they were on every variety show, they were performing concerts practically monthly at that point. They were finally reaching the success Angelico wanted with just one album.
So, of course, they released another banging album. "Burning Up" would be more successful than "Ride or Die," getting an English and Korean release due to its online success amongst international audiences. Becoming the face of K-pop in Japan, Sirens began to fear the boys would never come back to Korea which, honestly, a valid fear because they would release another Japanese album that year.
"Reaction" was a more controversial release but successful nonetheless. Nothing notable happened with this release.
The boys returned to Korea in December after spending 11 months in Japan. They released their second full Korean album, "Click Play," with the title track "Click." Due to their massive success in Japan, this release actually broke into the Top 50 on the Goan chart, a first for their career. Click would be a notable turning point for their career, seemingly starting their rise in Korea.
Okay, so, Click's success wasn't enough to keep them in Korea long because the boys were back in Japan with an EP within two months. "Love Fire," is a deeply beloved title track by fans but nothing notable would occur during this promotional period except that fans feared they really were staying Japan for the rest of their career.
The last Japanese release would be "Your Love," another beloved song by Sirens. The song is one of their softer and cuter ones, as well as being the last release with member Woojin before he was removed from the group.
Desperate to come back with a bang, adding newest member Jacob Lee to the line up, the boys would touch down in South Korea and release "FIRE" a single that would grab the attention of the general public. FIRE is notable due to it selling 65,000 copies, the highest amount of sales they've ever reached as a group. DeepDive was becoming known at this point, being called "up and coming" or "on the rise" despite being well into their career at this point.
No Pressure would be released to much fanfare, finally fully catching the attention of international audiences, specifically those in America and Brazil. They say that once you're famous in Brazil, you're famous for life, and DeepDive was famous in Brazil! Still, they were just under the mark of making it in Korea, but just barely.
NUGUDOM IS FINALLY OVER! THE BOYS MADE IT! RUN would be the song to break the glass ceiling, truly. Topped every chart, won them their first music show award, and won them a MAMA awardโ€“โ€“Baby, they were everywhere and the standard. DeepDive became the poster child of "Rags to Riches" and was soaking up every second of fame they could.
Refusing to be one-hit wonders, the boys came back swinging. "New Things" would become a viral hit as well, with every idol and their mother doing the choreography, which was created by Jisung. Another point that made DeepDive so unique is that they created everything they ever put out. Music, album designs, choreography, they used to edit their vlogsโ€“โ€“They are those boys! Always have been! They were working their asses off for this type of success.
Call Out My Name was a moment. Everyone was talking about it. It was on the radio, it was on your timeline, it was winning awards, and covers of it were everywhere. You could not escape this song, but it's not like you wanted to because it's a banger through and through. It was clear these boys were going no where.
2021 โ€” DAMN...THAT'S LOUD AS FUโ€”
So, this era is interesting! Finn and Noah would take a break as the producers of DeepDive, leaving Jacob in charge for the first time.
Then...Sticker was born.
Sticker, as you can imagine, was highly controversial and is still being discussed to this day by K-pop stans. Due to it's controversy, yet success it was literally super successful, Finn would return as DeepDive's producer.
Still, the music from this time would be notably noisy and divisive, but they were from at a point in their career where it didn't matter what kind of music they released; they were topping the charts.
You'd brag, too, if you were in DeepDive! There's not much to say here except they were still topping charts, selling out arenas, hit over 50 million albums sold overall. They, again, could've released Finn banging spoons together and it would've been a hit but they weren't! At least not this year! They released hot girl music and went on their first worldwide tour with 120 dates! Great year for DeepDive!
Then the storm hit! Flowerbank Entertainment scooped these boys up and basically tried to ruin their careers! They only had two releases this year and barely any promotions because Flowerbank sucks at their job and was sabotaging them.
Notably, Han would leave the group this year, and Woojin rejoined the group. Which is literally the only good thing to come out of this year.
2024 โ€” OKAY, BACK ON TRACK !
And we're at the current day and they're killing it again!
14 notes ยท View notes
bluwavez ยท 24 days
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THE DEEPDIVE EXPERIENCE is a simulation game where you will experience the members' lives up until now. Currently playing as KIWOO, the story will contain themes and situations of GRIEF, DEATH, SUICIDE, DEPRESSION, NEGLECTFUL PARENTS, and MANIPULATION. Please click off now if these themes and situations will be too much for you.
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โ€” ๐‹๐„๐•๐„๐‹ ๐Ÿ ; ๐‚๐‡๐ˆ๐‹๐ƒ๐‡๐Ž๐Ž๐ƒ.
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Your favorite teddy bear named Lucy. A copy of "Weathered Blossom" by Park Wang-Suh. A cup of tea you'll share with your mother. A bandaid for your scraped knee. Your love for your big sister, Namjoo. Stickers you stole from Namjoo's room. Strawberries for later. Your favorite treat, gummy worms. A collection of CDS your father gave you.
The house you grew up in is dusty and small. Your parents work typical office jobs that you don't know much about. You just know they're tired and don't have much time to clean the house. You wish it was cleaner here, but that's only when you think about it for too long. You have an older sister, Namjoo, who loves to sing and dance like your father did, but only on the weekends. It's been a long time since you've seen your father smile.
You're the apple of your sister's eye. She cares for you like a mother should. She brushes your hair before school, helps you with homework, and even makes dinner for you when mom is working too late. You love your sister very much. She's your best friend. You smile every time you see her even when she makes you learn silly girl group dances.
Namjoo says, "I have dreams of being a dancer. You can be the singer. You're a good singer, you know?"
You didn't know, but now you do.
โ€” ๐‹๐„๐•๐„๐‹ ๐Ÿ ; ๐“๐„๐„๐๐€๐†๐„ ๐˜๐„๐€๐‘๐’.
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A camera you bought at a thrift store. Depression and Anxiety, a blossoming friendship. An invitation to train at Angelico Entertainment. A journal your mother gave you. Your love for your big sister, Namjoo. Books, lots of books. Tea you drink by yourself.
At fourteen, you realize you're gay. It wasn't a shock to anyone else but yourself. Your mom was more understanding than you thought she would be, but deep down, you know it's because she doesn't really care about your life, just getting you out of the house. Your father didn't react, just saying, "Tell me something new." He went back to eating his dinner with nothing in his eyes. Namjoo was supportive but told you to keep it to yourself. She says, "People are mean to gay people. I don't want them being mean to you for something you can't change." So you didn't tell anyone else.
At fourteen, Namjoo drags you to an Angelico Entertainment audition. You didn't really care about K-pop or being an idol--In fact, you want to be a librarian, but Namjoo can't do anything without you, just like you can't do anything without her. You two sing "Give Love" by AKMU without missing a beat, and doing the choreography Namjoo flawlessly made you practice for weeks. You're good at dancing, even if it hurts your ankles.
The table of judges loves you two. They adore your sister, but they favor you more. You're younger and a boy, but you can hit high notes like a girl. The man who sits at the center of the table, Son Jinhwa, his nameplate says, tells you that you have the potential to be a star. You've never thought about being a star before.
You start training the next week and move out of the house at just fourteen. You think it's normal.
Training is hardโ€”really hard. You get called ugly by the managers, a pig by the dance instructors, and useless by your vocal coach, but you pass your evaluations with flying colors every time. In fact, you're one of the top trainees in the company. Even being in the top ten trainees, you feel useless and tired. You're so tired.
When Namjoo fails her third vocal evaluation, she's cut from the trainee program. You see this as your way out, and without question, you begin packing your bags with her.
"No," She tells you firmly. You knit your brows.
"I'm going with you. I always go with you."
"Not this time. This is a big company, Kiwoo. You heard Jinhwa. You're going to be a star."
"I don't want to be a star."
"Sometimes we don't have a say in what we become." You had never seen Namjoo this serious before. You hate it. You start to cry because the thought of doing this without her sounds even worse than hell. You experience your first panic attack right there on the spot. Crying, gasping for air, feeling like your heart is going to explode, you can't breathe even with Namjoo counting down from ten to calm you down.
Despite this, you keep training and Namjoo goes to a different company. A smaller one. She's sure to debut there.
You're fifteen when you get put on the survival show. The New Wave. It's awful.
Most of the boys are mean and don't want to be friends. Everyone but you is desperate to debut; you're only desperate to get to your phone to talk to your best friend and sister. Namjoo's debut is coming up soon, and if you want to be there for her debut stage, not competing on a survival show, you have no chance of winning.
Or so you thought.
The people like youโ€”they like you a lot. Your rank only gets higher every week, and by the finale, you're in sixth place. You barely made it, but you made it. You're debuting with six other boys you either don't like or don't know the name of. Either way, you're excited. You cry when Jinhwa announces your name because you just can't believe it. The worst is over, you think as you stand on that bright blue stage.
You were so naive.
โ€” ๐‹๐„๐•๐„๐‹ ๐Ÿ‘ ; ๐“๐‡๐„ ๐–๐Ž๐‘๐Š๐ˆ๐๐† ๐˜๐„๐€๐‘๐’.
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The keys to your parents' house, you rarely use them. Tea bags for you and Noah. Matches because you hate using lighters. Hunger. The grief it's weighing you down significantly.
You never told anyone, but when you were 17 and Namjoo was 21, you two began planning how you two were going to kill yourselves. After only two years of activity, she brought it up first after her group disbanded. You were initially indifferent to the idea, but the more you two talked about it, the more serious it became. Truthfully, what did you have to live for?
DeepDive wasn't doing well. They weren't doing horrible, but they were underperforming to the point that Jinhwa often shipped you guys off to Japan. The group did well in Japanโ€”nothing crazy, but better than they've ever done in Korea. You two texted about the plan daily since you couldn't see Namjoo in person. Every day, every hour, paragraphs about how and when you both will die and how freeing it will be to be dead, to feel nothing, to sleep forever.
Aside from the endless Japanese promotions, you found great success in singing OSTs for dramas you've never watched. Your songs perform well; they chart more than your group's songs, but you can't even bring yourself to care. The impending thought of your own demise sucks every bit of energy from you. Your success means nothing because it's fleeting. Death is forever.
Then you're eighteen, and Namjoo jumps off the bridge over the Han River. The detective told you she most likely died on impact when you went in with Jisung to identify her body. Your parents weren't in the country, but for once, you were.
It's an awful experience. It alters your perception of life, death, and everything in between. Seeing your best friend's dead body, feeling how cold and stiff her hands were, it changes everythingโ€”Her death changes everything. After the funeral, you go on a hiatus. You can tell by the looks in your groupmates eyes they don't think you'll come back and you truthfully don't know either. This failing group of boys you can barely bring yourself to care about is the last thing on your mind.
After a week of not getting out of bed, Jisung calls your mom because he's worried. She tells you to move back home, saying, "We should all be together right now."
You throw a fitโ€”a massive fit. You shout at your mother the loudest you ever had, screaming at her to leave you alone, spewing the unspoken truths at her, and laying your family's business out for the entire dorm to see. There's not much business to air out, and that's the problem. Your parents weren't there. Namjoo was. She was the only family you ever had, and now she's dead, completing a plan that was supposed to include you without you. Your mother had no right to mourn, and neither did your father.
After that, you stay in the dorm, mainly in your room, rotting in your bed to the point your sheets fuse to your skin.
Jisung and Noah take care of you. Jisung helps you shower no matter how humiliating that is; Noah brings you food and sits with you even when you don't say anything for hours; Jisung sometimes sleeps in your room on the floor to wake you from the nightmares that become a nightly occurrence. Despite their kindness, you wish you were dead. You fantasize what it would be like to overdose in your bed and have one of them find you, altering their life forever.
You don't know why you think this way. You just do.
It takes you six months to rejoin the group and step outside again. The small group of fans DeepDive has collected rejoice when you step on stage again, screaming and clapping for you despite not even opening your mouth. For a brief moment, you have a purpose.
Suddenly, you're nineteen, and Jisung looks at you differently. At that point, you've never had a boyfriend, never even kissed a boy, and you're too busy. You've always been working. He calls you cute, and it makes your heart flutter. He puts his hand on your waist during promotions and when you two are in the kitchen, and he needs to get by. He watches your lips when you talk instead of your eyes. It's love, you think every time you look at him.
It took a lot of convincing, pestering even, for you to agree to have sex with Jisung for the first time. You're nervous and don't know what you're doing, but it's fine because it's love, and by the end of the discomfort, you'll be his boyfriend.
You never end up being Jisung's boyfriend. When you ask about it, he looks at you with so much pity you'd think he was looking at a wounded animal, not you. You feel stupid and used. You hate that feeling, so you end up hating him.
After that, men become easy. You go through them like tissues. It's low risk because no one knows who you are. DeepDive is slowly gaining traction, but it is not enough to make your face notable.
2020 hits like a brick. DeepDive has topped every chart and won every award you're nominated for. You're unstoppable, quickly becoming the global face of K-pop. It's very jarring, but idol life seems to be that way. One day, you're living off cup ramen that tastes like plastic, and the next, you're on Jimmy Fallon telling him about how much you love Arthea Franklin.
You're so busy you forget you're depressed. For once, you really feel like you're living your life. You're not happy, but you're not depressed.
You're finally just living.
โ€” ๐‹๐„๐•๐„๐‹ ๐Ÿ’ ; ๐“๐‡๐„ ๐‚๐”๐‘๐‘๐„๐๐“ ๐‚๐‹๐ˆ๐Œ๐€๐“๐„.
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Books, you still love to read. Sweet treats you baked yourself; baking puts you at ease. Your journal. The anger, you don't know where to put it. The grief, you just can't let it go. It's too comforting.
You're twenty-three now.
You're wildly successful career-wise. You have a ton of money because of your golden voice. You're adored by your group's massive fanbase. Life worked out pretty well for you all things considered.
But the depression made you mean, and the grief made you bitter. You belittle your friends' decisions, and you shoot daggers with your words at the man you say you love. You're not sure you can love anyone at this point. You haven't spoken to your mother in years, and your father hasn't spoken to you even longer. You have no plans to speak to your father ever again, but sometimes you long for your mother's hand through your hair when you're upset.
You live a good life, you suppose.
30 notes ยท View notes
bluwavez ยท 26 days
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THE DEEPDIVE EXPERIENCE is a simulation game where you will experience the members' lives up until now. Currently playing as KIWOO, the story will contain themes and situations of GRIEF, DEATH, SUICIDE, DEPRESSION, NEGLECTFUL PARENTS, and MANIPULATION. Please click off now if these themes and situations will be too much for you.
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โ€” ๐‹๐„๐•๐„๐‹ ๐Ÿ ; ๐‚๐‡๐ˆ๐‹๐ƒ๐‡๐Ž๐Ž๐ƒ.
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Your favorite teddy bear named Lucy. A copy of "Weathered Blossom" by Park Wang-Suh. A cup of tea you'll share with your mother. A bandaid for your scraped knee. Your love for your big sister, Namjoo. Stickers you stole from Namjoo's room. Strawberries for later. Your favorite treat, gummy worms. A collection of CDS your father gave you.
The house you grew up in is dusty and small. Your parents work typical office jobs that you don't know much about. You just know they're tired and don't have much time to clean the house. You wish it was cleaner here, but that's only when you think about it for too long. You have an older sister, Namjoo, who loves to sing and dance like your father did, but only on the weekends. It's been a long time since you've seen your father smile.
You're the apple of your sister's eye. She cares for you like a mother should. She brushes your hair before school, helps you with homework, and even makes dinner for you when mom is working too late. You love your sister very much. She's your best friend. You smile every time you see her even when she makes you learn silly girl group dances.
Namjoo says, "I have dreams of being a dancer. You can be the singer. You're a good singer, you know?"
You didn't know, but now you do.
โ€” ๐‹๐„๐•๐„๐‹ ๐Ÿ ; ๐“๐„๐„๐๐€๐†๐„ ๐˜๐„๐€๐‘๐’.
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A camera you bought at a thrift store. Depression and Anxiety, a blossoming friendship. An invitation to train at Angelico Entertainment. A journal your mother gave you. Your love for your big sister, Namjoo. Books, lots of books. Tea you drink by yourself.
At fourteen, you realize you're gay. It wasn't a shock to anyone else but yourself. Your mom was more understanding than you thought she would be, but deep down, you know it's because she doesn't really care about your life, just getting you out of the house. Your father didn't react, just saying, "Tell me something new." He went back to eating his dinner with nothing in his eyes. Namjoo was supportive but told you to keep it to yourself. She says, "People are mean to gay people. I don't want them being mean to you for something you can't change." So you didn't tell anyone else.
At fourteen, Namjoo drags you to an Angelico Entertainment audition. You didn't really care about K-pop or being an idol--In fact, you want to be a librarian, but Namjoo can't do anything without you, just like you can't do anything without her. You two sing "Give Love" by AKMU without missing a beat, and doing the choreography Namjoo flawlessly made you practice for weeks. You're good at dancing, even if it hurts your ankles.
The table of judges loves you two. They adore your sister, but they favor you more. You're younger and a boy, but you can hit high notes like a girl. The man who sits at the center of the table, Son Jinhwa, his nameplate says, tells you that you have the potential to be a star. You've never thought about being a star before.
You start training the next week and move out of the house at just fourteen. You think it's normal.
Training is hardโ€”really hard. You get called ugly by the managers, a pig by the dance instructors, and useless by your vocal coach, but you pass your evaluations with flying colors every time. In fact, you're one of the top trainees in the company. Even being in the top ten trainees, you feel useless and tired. You're so tired.
When Namjoo fails her third vocal evaluation, she's cut from the trainee program. You see this as your way out, and without question, you begin packing your bags with her.
"No," She tells you firmly. You knit your brows.
"I'm going with you. I always go with you."
"Not this time. This is a big company, Kiwoo. You heard Jinhwa. You're going to be a star."
"I don't want to be a star."
"Sometimes we don't have a say in what we become." You had never seen Namjoo this serious before. You hate it. You start to cry because the thought of doing this without her sounds even worse than hell. You experience your first panic attack right there on the spot. Crying, gasping for air, feeling like your heart is going to explode, you can't breathe even with Namjoo counting down from ten to calm you down.
Despite this, you keep training and Namjoo goes to a different company. A smaller one. She's sure to debut there.
You're fifteen when you get put on the survival show. The New Wave. It's awful.
Most of the boys are mean and don't want to be friends. Everyone but you is desperate to debut; you're only desperate to get to your phone to talk to your best friend and sister. Namjoo's debut is coming up soon, and if you want to be there for her debut stage, not competing on a survival show, you have no chance of winning.
Or so you thought.
The people like youโ€”they like you a lot. Your rank only gets higher every week, and by the finale, you're in sixth place. You barely made it, but you made it. You're debuting with six other boys you either don't like or don't know the name of. Either way, you're excited. You cry when Jinhwa announces your name because you just can't believe it. The worst is over, you think as you stand on that bright blue stage.
You were so naive.
โ€” ๐‹๐„๐•๐„๐‹ ๐Ÿ‘ ; ๐“๐‡๐„ ๐–๐Ž๐‘๐Š๐ˆ๐๐† ๐˜๐„๐€๐‘๐’.
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The keys to your parents' house, you rarely use them. Tea bags for you and Noah. Matches because you hate using lighters. Hunger. The grief it's weighing you down significantly.
You never told anyone, but when you were 17 and Namjoo was 21, you two began planning how you two were going to kill yourselves. After only two years of activity, she brought it up first after her group disbanded. You were initially indifferent to the idea, but the more you two talked about it, the more serious it became. Truthfully, what did you have to live for?
DeepDive wasn't doing well. They weren't doing horrible, but they were underperforming to the point that Jinhwa often shipped you guys off to Japan. The group did well in Japanโ€”nothing crazy, but better than they've ever done in Korea. You two texted about the plan daily since you couldn't see Namjoo in person. Every day, every hour, paragraphs about how and when you both will die and how freeing it will be to be dead, to feel nothing, to sleep forever.
Aside from the endless Japanese promotions, you found great success in singing OSTs for dramas you've never watched. Your songs perform well; they chart more than your group's songs, but you can't even bring yourself to care. The impending thought of your own demise sucks every bit of energy from you. Your success means nothing because it's fleeting. Death is forever.
Then you're eighteen, and Namjoo jumps off the bridge over the Han River. The detective told you she most likely died on impact when you went in with Jisung to identify her body. Your parents weren't in the country, but for once, you were.
It's an awful experience. It alters your perception of life, death, and everything in between. Seeing your best friend's dead body, feeling how cold and stiff her hands were, it changes everythingโ€”Her death changes everything. After the funeral, you go on a hiatus. You can tell by the looks in your groupmates eyes they don't think you'll come back and you truthfully don't know either. This failing group of boys you can barely bring yourself to care about is the last thing on your mind.
After a week of not getting out of bed, Jisung calls your mom because he's worried. She tells you to move back home, saying, "We should all be together right now."
You throw a fitโ€”a massive fit. You shout at your mother the loudest you ever had, screaming at her to leave you alone, spewing the unspoken truths at her, and laying your family's business out for the entire dorm to see. There's not much business to air out, and that's the problem. Your parents weren't there. Namjoo was. She was the only family you ever had, and now she's dead, completing a plan that was supposed to include you without you. Your mother had no right to mourn, and neither did your father.
After that, you stay in the dorm, mainly in your room, rotting in your bed to the point your sheets fuse to your skin.
Jisung and Noah take care of you. Jisung helps you shower no matter how humiliating that is; Noah brings you food and sits with you even when you don't say anything for hours; Jisung sometimes sleeps in your room on the floor to wake you from the nightmares that become a nightly occurrence. Despite their kindness, you wish you were dead. You fantasize what it would be like to overdose in your bed and have one of them find you, altering their life forever.
You don't know why you think this way. You just do.
It takes you six months to rejoin the group and step outside again. The small group of fans DeepDive has collected rejoice when you step on stage again, screaming and clapping for you despite not even opening your mouth. For a brief moment, you have a purpose.
Suddenly, you're nineteen, and Jisung looks at you differently. At that point, you've never had a boyfriend, never even kissed a boy, and you're too busy. You've always been working. He calls you cute, and it makes your heart flutter. He puts his hand on your waist during promotions and when you two are in the kitchen, and he needs to get by. He watches your lips when you talk instead of your eyes. It's love, you think every time you look at him.
It took a lot of convincing, pestering even, for you to agree to have sex with Jisung for the first time. You're nervous and don't know what you're doing, but it's fine because it's love, and by the end of the discomfort, you'll be his boyfriend.
You never end up being Jisung's boyfriend. When you ask about it, he looks at you with so much pity you'd think he was looking at a wounded animal, not you. You feel stupid and used. You hate that feeling, so you end up hating him.
After that, men become easy. You go through them like tissues. It's low risk because no one knows who you are. DeepDive is slowly gaining traction, but it is not enough to make your face notable.
2020 hits like a brick. DeepDive has topped every chart and won every award you're nominated for. You're unstoppable, quickly becoming the global face of K-pop. It's very jarring, but idol life seems to be that way. One day, you're living off cup ramen that tastes like plastic, and the next, you're on Jimmy Fallon telling him about how much you love Arthea Franklin.
You're so busy you forget you're depressed. For once, you really feel like you're living your life. You're not happy, but you're not depressed.
You're finally just living.
โ€” ๐‹๐„๐•๐„๐‹ ๐Ÿ’ ; ๐“๐‡๐„ ๐‚๐”๐‘๐‘๐„๐๐“ ๐‚๐‹๐ˆ๐Œ๐€๐“๐„.
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Books, you still love to read. Sweet treats you baked yourself; baking puts you at ease. Your journal. The anger, you don't know where to put it. The grief, you just can't let it go. It's too comforting.
You're twenty-three now.
You're wildly successful career-wise. You have a ton of money because of your golden voice. You're adored by your group's massive fanbase. Life worked out pretty well for you all things considered.
But the depression made you mean, and the grief made you bitter. You belittle your friends' decisions, and you shoot daggers with your words at the man you say you love. You're not sure you can love anyone at this point. You haven't spoken to your mother in years, and your father hasn't spoken to you even longer. You have no plans to speak to your father ever again, but sometimes you long for your mother's hand through your hair when you're upset.
You live a good life, you suppose.
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bluwavez ยท 29 days
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bluwavez ยท 29 days
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bluwavez ยท 1 month
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bluwavez ยท 1 month
hi !! first of all iโ€™d js like to say i adore this account, iโ€™m not rly involved with oc kpop groups but there is smth i absolutely adore about deep dive โ˜น๏ธ in your post for their fifth mini album, tax write off, i js wanted to know what font you used for the picture on the top right? i think it looked so cool, and ur graphics look incredible as always <3
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hiiii! omg thank you so much, that means so much to me! love these guys so thank u again <33 i believe it that one is Aero Font One Swash which can be found on dafont.com! ill be honest i go on there and download a lot of fonts at once so I'm not sure 100% if it's the right one but I'm fairly certain! thank u again! ๐Ÿ’™
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bluwavez ยท 2 months
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bluwavez ยท 2 months
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AGENT 201 from NEOCITY for @sunghanbin
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bluwavez ยท 2 months
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Gray Shelter Episode 1 ''Wear my shoes. - Crappy shoes'' ''Hey. I'm wearing your shoes. - Didn't you say they are crappy? Mine are too. Happy?''
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bluwavez ยท 2 months
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bluwavez ยท 2 months
bestie im humbly requesting an updated fc list so i can match faces to names
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ofc beloved!
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bluwavez ยท 2 months
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ห— ห‹ ๐ŸŒŠย  ย  ย (์‹ฌํ•ด ์ž ์ˆ˜) ย  ย  โ•ฑ ย  ย  TAKE A SCREENSHOT FOR YOUR โ€œTAX WRITE-OFF: ALL VERSIONS" PHOTOCARDS !
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bluwavez ยท 2 months
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ห— ห‹ ๐ŸŒŠ ย  ย TAX WRITEOFF ย  ย ๏น• ย  THE FIFTH FULL ALBUM ย  ย !
TAX WRITE OFF is the FIFTH full album by the fictional South Korean boy group DeepDive. The album was released on March 29th, 2024. Before the album's release, the group would release a pre-release single, "MY EGO," which would get a two-week promotional period before Tax Write Off's release. With a total of ten tracks, DeepDive would promote VENOM, EAZY, and CALL 2229 for a total of three months. Due to the success of the b-side "Smarter" they would add on another month of promotions for the song.
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"We kept a lot of the producing and writing in-house," DeepDive's leader, Hwang Jisung, would explain at their release showcase. With an impressive ten-song track list, every track is primarily produced and written by the members of DeepDive with the help of notable friends and colleagues of theirs.
With the typical features of SNS members on the credits, Mika and Yuki worked on the songs Venom, Kick It With You, and Locked In. "It's always great to work with them, especially Mika. She knows our sound very well. She's like the eighth member of DeepDive at this point." Noah would joke. SNS and DeepDive have worked extensively with each other over the years, typically being seen together in person and on the credits of their albums.
A new face would be seen on the album's credits. Oliver Song of Plastic Flowers and Starzie would help write and produce the song "This Feeling" alongside Finn, which came as no shock to fans. The pair first met on the survival show "Shooting Stars" and have been inseparable since their debut in the subsequent group Starzie. "Oliver is very fun to work with. It didn't feel like we were working. We were just messing around." Finn explained through laughs. It's noted that This Feeling was the second to last song to be finished, and the pair barely made the cutoff date due to the pair taking so long to finish the lyrics.
Another new face but not new to Mydol's catalog was the feature of Closure, AKA Zion of Arm Candy, on the final and fan-favorite track, Broken Trials. When asked how working with Closure went, Finn just shrugged, saying: "It was cool. He was cool. Very talented." leaving fans questioning what went down in the studio that day.
A shock to many was the featuring of VENUS members on the tracklist. Chloe Lee, Jacob's little sister, and Klara Blix would be seen several times on the album as writers and producers, only fueling rumors that Mydol is in the works of reacquiring the girl group's contract, though the boys did not comment on that matter. "If we release an album, we're going to work with a Venus member. That's just tradition at this point." Jacob would go on to say when questions about the girl's involvement in the album.
The most shocking producing credit would go to Son Jinhwa, controversial CEO of Mydol and father of member Noah. Call 2229 would mark the first song the father-son duo would work on together. "He came up to me and said: "We're going to work on a song together. It's been long enough." and we went in the studio and made 2229. It was really fun to work with him like that and I hope we can do it again soon."
WRITERS & PRODUCERS CREDITED ... @snspice + @plasticflwrs + @venusvity + @pinkscaped + @r0mcoms
TRACK OO6. 1, 2, 3
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TAX WRITE-OFF sold 2,050,106 copies on Hanteo on its first day, setting an insane first-day record for the first release under Mydol. Within the first week of its release, Tax Write-Off sold 3,004,823 copies. Within a month of its release, it sold 3,653,291 copies, resulting in total sales in South Korea of 3,813,271 copies, according to Circle.
TAX WRITE-OFF received positive reviews from music critics. According to Metacritic, the album has an average score of 80 out of 100, based on 58 reviews. This score indicates that the album received "generally favorable reviews" from the critics.
VENOM would win SEVEN music show awards, EAZY would win EIGHT music show awards, and CALL 2229 would win FOURTEEN music show awards. SMARTER would also win THREE music show awards despite not being a part of the original promotional schedule.
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bluwavez ยท 2 months
im kinda curious about the boys' opinion on jinhwa, mydol, being transferred to a new company for the third (!!!) time (stormedia -> angelico -> flowerbank -> mydol) and also what is their relationship with han since he is part of the directors of their new company.
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"As the single Stormedia survivor, I'm very grateful to be at Mydol, and I'm grateful for Jinhwa even if he was trying to rig me out during The New Wave," Jisung chuckles. "It seems the only guy who knows how to manage us is Jinhwa, so..." He shrugs, looking off to the side with a small grunt. "It is what it is, you know? I'm just glad to not be a nobody anymore. That really sucked. God, that was so awful. Yeah, I really appreciate Jinhwa never giving up on us."
"Han is half-managing us at this point. I think he gets a bit power-hungry sometimes, but he's still my best friend. We went through a lot together, so his agitation doesn't get aimed at me," Jisung laughs, a beaming smile on his full lips. We go out every Friday for drinks. I love that guy."
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Jacob sucks air between his teeth at the question, smacking his hands against his thighs with a sigh as he squints ahead of him, clearly deep in thought. "None of us wanted to go to Flowerbank. Like, none of us were for that. I was happy to still be with the same company as my sister, but...I really thought that was it for us," Jacob admits with a soft chuckle, "I thought we were gonna disband under Flowerbank, which none of us wanted. These guys piss me off almost every day, but the thought of being an idol without them? Horrible. I have to be grateful for Jinhwa."
Jacob crosses his legs, clearing his throat. "He's very flawed, but he's done a lot for my family. He took care of my sister and my siblings when I couldn't. I have a lot of respect for Jinhwa despite his...flaws." His words contain a lot of caution, his dark eyes flicking from the ground to the camera as he talks.
He scoffs when Han is mentioned, his eyes widening with a dismissive grunt and wave of his hand. "That fuckin' guyyy...He's alright. 'Cool, he's back around, I guess. I don't talk to him much when he's on set."
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"I kinda see this contract buying as us going home," Noah explains with a warm smile. "I know my dad isn't perfect. He's done some things that aren't..." The man uses his hands to finish his sentence since he can't find the words to describe his father, "But he's a good man deep down. He's always cared about DeepDive and our success. That's all we can ask for, right? Plus, I like working with my dad. He's my dad," Noah shrugs, leaning back in the chair. "I love Mydol staff, love the company, love the freedom...Can't be mad."
"Han is cool now that he's a business guy. He seems to be more...laid back? Kind of? I don't know. He seems happier to be behind the scenes and bossing us around. He's worked a lot with the creative direction and our management. He was in the studio with us a lot. I think he a bit of a perfectionist, though," Noah explains with a small laugh before putting his hands up in faux surrender, "I'm not the one he bitches at, though. He likes my work."
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Kiwoo shrugs, unenthused to be answering the question. "As long as I get paid, I don't care. I don't care where we are--Ah...I would hate to be under JYP. I would leave the group if we were under JYP," Kiwoo rambles, looking up as he messes with a ring on his finger. "It's genuinely whatever to me. I'm just happy we're still together and still have public appeal after being locked in a basement for nearly a year. I don't really have positive thoughts on Jinhwa. He sucks as a person but I'm not here to be his friend, so-" Kiwoo shrugs with a clear of his throat, looking off to the side.
"Han can get fucked. I don't like him," Kiwoo answers bluntly, giving an agitated smile at the mention of the man. "He's a controlling piece of shit that is still mad I got more lines than him because I'm better singer...Yeah. 'Super happy to be working with him again. I'm living my absolute best life under Mydol if you can't tell."
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"Well, I was never under Stormedia. My mom would've pitched a fit if I went to that garbage hole. I know Mydol is different from Angelico but," Blue gives a look at the camera, a knowing smile on his lips before laughing with a shrug like we should know the answer. "It's Jinhwa. In my eyes, we're under Angelico 2.0, so not much has changed. We're currently the best-performing act under the label, which I'm scared won't last if Jinhwa, you know, does what we all think he's going to do. Whatever. He's cool when he's managing us properly. I don't care about what he does in his spare time."
Blue makes a face when Han is mentioned, grunting in disinterest with a dramatic sigh. "He needs to loosen the fuck up. He suddenly acts so big and mighty because he's on the board of Mydol, as if he didn't suck Jinhwa's dick to get there. Be fucking serious. Ugh! He yelled at me when we were filming My Ego because--Oh! Oh! I needed to "look nicer" What the fuck are you even talking about? Are we listening to the same song? He's just getting his revenge on me for beating his ass on The New Wave. Such a loser."
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Woojin looks a bit defeated before putting his hands out as if to say "What can I say?" forcing himself to smile before forcing a laugh. "I mean...I'm not that excited to be under Jinhwa again. How could I be? Look at his company roster. Hyerim is there and, like, that's just..." Woojin sighs, looking up at the ceiling before chuckling bitterly and shrugging again. "That sucks! But I don't want to leave these guys again. I didn't want to leave the first time. I'll just suck it up. She's not our manager this time around, so I guess it's not that bad. It could be worse."
"Han is cool! He's very helpful!" Woojin says excitedly, nodding at the mention of the man. "He's kind of like my mentor at the moment. He's really helpful, and, yeah, I'm glad he's around again. He picked me to take his place, so it's really cool to be able to work with him in this kind of dynamic. I appreciate him a lot."
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Finn looks around before shrugging. "I really don't give a fuck. I'm not even trying to be different or edgy when I say that, like, I serious just don't give a fuck. I think Donald Duck could've bought our contract from Flowerbank, and I would've done the splits. They were so ass. Do you how ass you have to be for me to be happy to see Jinhwa, Son Jinhwa, again? Holy shit, dude. Go back to business schoolโ€“No, actually, just retire. No. Just quit. You're that bad." Finn rants, talking with his hands animatedly, shifting in his seat as he does so, sniffling before shaking his head. "I'm not a Jinhwa stan though. He sucks, yeah, I know. He should've be fucking people half his age. That's gross. He's gross. I just work with him," Finn explains to the best of his ability.
"Han is whatever. He touches my waist too much, and his creative direction irks me a bit, but he's easy to talk to. I'm glad he's nepotismed his way into a high position, though. Good for him. Hope he doesn't, like, use that power for evil or something," Finn says offhandedly, puckering his lips at the thought before chuckling softly, "That'd be crazy."
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