bohemiandeer · 2 months
Aight so, currently working on a Lifeweaver fic, for those who remember my ancient comment of me planning on using this Khmer Oc in a setting with Niran, it's related to that, and part of that fic is basically an exploration into both character's families. Meaning, I had to headcanon out Niran's, and oh my fricking lord- Here's what I got so far since I find that it's not only something that'd be pretty interesting. Mr. Pruksamansee Meticulously neat and perfectionistic in how he dresses and carries himself and is someone who continuously demands control over the situation, even his children's lives. He comes off as a sincere father who has warm moments at times and only wants them to have and ONLY have the best of the best and was under the thing of everything he does is because it's what's best for them. Even if "they don't like it now"., But is predominantly overly strict to the point of bordering on coming off as cold. Especially because he loathes losing control over almost everything, it's something he carries over from both his work and upbringing into his own parenting because not only was he raised in a strict environment reminiscent of the one he cultivates in the home. Is also typically highly revered, especially since outside the home/in public he's a highly charismatic figure, he can be charming when he wants to be. He was practically trained to use charisma as an on/off switch, because of the familial belief that intelligence, especially a top quality education, and diligence helps, but it isn't enough to make it on its own. That in order to make literally any profound impact on the world, you have to have influence. But also comes off as highly out of touch with those outside his class range to the point of being unintentionally kind of insulting/arrogant about it. Not necessarily out of any malice whatsoever, but more so in the sense that he just doesn't know any better because he was born into the sheltered, out of touch life of generational wealth. In short he is, basically one of those ignorant old money people who has never had a single normal conversation with a minimum wage worker in his entire life. Also. He royally screwed up his son to the point that Niran doesn't want to talk to him specifically. Because of Niran being a perpetual spanner in his works since birth and him having overly high expecations for Niran on a consistent basis, especially out of Niran being the eldest son. Mrs.Pruksamanee
Elegant in a overly clean, almost air polished sense with a indirectly documented tendency to be a overly perfectionistic germaphobe. Especially since she comes from a background of being this beautiful highly sought after socialite turned reverred matriarch. While the kinder of Niran’s parents,she’s detached and highly out of touch with her son and his interests. Instead expecting him to fit into the slot of the “perfect son”. Something which also stems from the fact that she was never really involved at all in the "messier" parts of child rearing and only really took up rearing Niran and his siblings in regards to their etiquette and education because the former was always handled by nannies and household staff. Considering like Mr.Pruksamanee, she's a product of her upbringing, that was how she was raised. As such, she doesn't even really know her own son as a person, in addition to as such, treating him as somewhat of an extension of her and his father. As such often was overly fussy and somewhat naggy with him, especially when he didn't fall in line with how he was expected to act. Niran was always cagey with being open about anything personal with her, because he always expected she'd nag him over it by default, in addition to Niran not knowing his mom all that well as a person either to confide in her all that much. She is more open to expressing emotion,but only in a highly curated way that is societally acceptable and worthy of reverence. One open genuine emotion that's a highly complicated one for her overall is parental affection because while she genuinely loves her children, she has no idea how to show it "appropriately" without "coddling" them past a certain age, and as such has reached the point of compensating for such by showing affection via splurging on them and overall spoiling them. Especially since she herself is highly extravagent with money. Overall, highly dictated by what is and what is not acceptable among the higher classes of society and is also overly strict on her children and what she considers to be the best for them in that regard. She wants them to be a good example for the world around them. Which- Niran eventually proceeded to screw up in her eyes by becoming a fugitive. She's more lenient/sympathetic to those below their family's station, but similarly to Mr.Pruksamanee is HIGHLY ignorant towards them and their way of life, especially their struggles and means of going about things. She finds them kind of odd. But at least was ALWAYS the one to hammer into the children and even her husband at times to treat the staff with respect nonetheless as the main one in charge of them, and always generally made sure they were well cared for. Also took on Mr.Pruksamanee's penchant for wanting everything to be under control, hence why she acts as his primary mediator, especially in the home. ALSO royally fucked up her kid, but not to the same extent as Mr.Pruksamanee. At least he still talks to her on occasion when she reaches out to him to check if he's okay and/or provide Niran financial aid. Even when it's just to let her know that he's perfectly fine and that no, he isn't in fact, dead or dying.
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bohemiandeer · 2 months
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Star Pupper
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bohemiandeer · 2 months
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Decided to break up the monotonity of some work and do some editting work for fun. Turned out great! It's for a new server of mine.
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bohemiandeer · 3 months
Link to my previous post below listing the first part of the Charity list These are for those who want to donate to Palestine as well as for those who want to share around if they can't donate. https://www.tumblr.com/bohemiandeer/746107949927350272/list-of-charity-pages-for-palestinegaza?source=share
#free palestine#gaza#charity#charities#charities for palestine#donation#donations#help#current events#free gaza#palestine#rafah#free rafah#humanitarian crisis#humanitarian aid#humanitarian assistance#all eyes on palestine#all eyes on rafah#all eyes on gaza#all hands on deck#charity list#fundraising#share#this is important
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bohemiandeer · 3 months
Aight so, over the past couple of weeks, I've been dedicating my spare time to making and gathering content to raise awareness for Palestine, especially since the #freepalestine tag has been plateauing from the trending list, unfortunately due to deaths among our Palestinian brothers and sisters among others. SO, I'm starting this off with a list of Charities that support Palestine and Gaza and are actively gathering donations for them for essentials. Not just for those who can donate to donate to, but also for those who can't donate to share. Every little bit helps. More are to be added in subsequent posts in the next few days. Of course this goes without saying. DON'T FORGET TO DO YOUR CLICKS FIRST. All rumours that this site isn't helping has been debunked entirely. Just a click per day every morning and hell, every afternoon or evening as soon as you get home can help. It produces ad money which is then used to aid Palestine. Not to mention Clicks are free. Whether you have money or not to donate, you can still contribute. Aight so, over the past couple of weeks, I've been dedicating my spare time to making and gathering content to raise awareness for Palestine, especially since the #freepalestine tag has been plateauing from the trending list, unfortunately due to deaths among our Palestinian brothers and sisters among others. SO, I'm starting this off with a list of Charities that support Palestine and Gaza and are actively gathering donations for them for essentials. Not just for those who can donate to donate to, but also for those who can't donate to share. Of course this goes without saying. DON'T FORGET TO DO YOUR CLICKS FIRST. All rumours that this site isn't helping has been debunked entirely. Just a click per day every morning and hell, every afternoon or evening as soon as you get home can help. It produces ad money which is then used to aid Palestine. Not to mention Clicks are free. Whether you have money or not to donate, you can still contribute. They have Donation and NGO pages dedicated towards Palestine relief too.
Link to Part 2 of this post https://www.tumblr.com/bohemiandeer/746109206817587200/list-of-charities-for-palestinegaza-a?source=share
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bohemiandeer · 3 months
125,055 signatures so far! We're more than halfway from from the Target of 250,000! If you haven't had a chance to sign this petition for a cease fire from the US's end, this is your chance! I already signed up. In addition to this I'll be gathering additional sources such as petitions, fund raising campaigns and charities among others in the upcoming days. I feel like I've gathered enough to give people some cohesive lists on where to go and what to do if want to provide any additional help.
In addition to that, for those who haven't written letters and petitions to their representatives already, DO SO NOW AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. WE HAVE TO KEEP TALKING, WE HAVE TO KEEP LAYING ON THE PRESSURE. https://ceasefiretoday.com/
Here's another site to go to if you want to write letters and petitions to Congress and Representatives, in addition to providing other means you can help in the US, Canada AND Internationally.
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bohemiandeer · 3 months
Spread the word, lend them your support, donate to our brothers and sisters in Palestine if you can. We gotta help where we can. We got this.
goodnight everyone (:
do your daily click
spreadsheet of families in Gaza you can help today
donate to:
Buy an e-sim
Help diabetics in Gaza
Help Gaza Children
Sudan Tarada Initiative
Help a Sudanese family escape conflict
Darfur Women Action
Ramadan for Sudan
Period products in Sudan
Sudan Emergency Appeal
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bohemiandeer · 3 months
You know what hits me hard? When 5 to 6 year old children, all the way in Southeast Asia, knows about what's happening in Palestine right now. That children their age is getting bombed, that they're starving to death, that they're getting shot at, and sniped in the head. Because, just this past 2 or so months, I heard some of the little ones in the Kindergarten classes I'm TAing in as an Intern talk about it. Hell, one of the little boys downright said he didn't like Israel, because Israel is bad, because they do scary things. Another was questioning whether Palestine was bad too, because, "why else would they shooting at them?". A little girl in one of my classes doesn't want to finish her food at all, because she wants to save at least half her meat and rice for kids in Palestine, because she heard that, they don't have food. And that's just the ones I remember. Namely the inciting cases before their classmates slowly follow suit. The littles are fricking SCARED. We had to sit these kids down, and tell them that the topic is too mature for them at the moment, that they shouldn't even be concerned because they're KINDERGARTNERS, they're not even old enough to properly understand. The one teacher I was TAing for had to make a class announcement saying that. What gets me is, these are 5 to 6 year olds, the youngest I've worked with in this specific age group is 4. 5 years old on average, and they've already been exposed to the worst horrors genocide has to offer through the news and snippets of conversation among adults and hell, considering how many of them say they like to play games on Mama's phone, or their IPad, even from fricking social media. And the fact that, these literal babies, from all the way in Cambodia, has more empathy in their entire body and soul, than full grown fricking adults have in the nail of their pinky finger, gets me. FFS we as adults could LEARN from them I feel sometimes. I honestly don't know what to feel about it anymore. On the one hand, this is the next generation I'm working with. And if the next generation's default response to a tragedy such as Palestine, is what I've seen come up on occasion so far? Perhaps there's some bloody hope for this world after all. At least in this country. Especially since a majority of them already come from families who survived a genocide. These are the 3rd - 4th generation descendants of those who survived the Khmer Rouge. They've got grandparents at home, who no doubt are more than intimately familiar with what Palestine is going through right now. And it shows.
But on the other, it makes my heart sink because these are CHILDREN, these are LITTLE KIDS, they should be playing with their toys and watching cartoons and talking to their friends about everything from Spiderman to Speakerman to Kuromi and her friends, and be worried about whether or not they can go to playground that day, guranteed they're well behaved, or if Mama remembered to pack in their costume for swimming lessons that week. NOT JUST MY KIDS. But the little ones in Palestine too. They deserve better. They all deserve, so much better. Hell, it's come to the point that whenever I look at my kiddos right now, whether they'd be working in class, playing, doing something as mundane as eating lunch or getting ready for their nap. I think of the children their age in Palestine that didn't even get the chance to survive. I think of the ones whose memories from this age, is nothing but absolute horror and pain, rather than what has slowly become my normal, who never got to experience what my littles do on a daily basis right now.
Children shouldn't even be concerned about "War", about a Genocide. The last thing that should be on a 5 year old's mind, is pain, and suffering, and the worst horrors imaginable ever to be inflicted on a human being. ESPECIALLY WHEN IT'S INFLICTED, ON OTHER CHILDREN THEIR AGE. And for that alone, the world has failed them. Especially the kids in Palestine who didn't ask for any of this. They just wanted to carry on with life as kids do, the same way as my littles do on a daily basis no doubt, learning, playing, chatting with friends over their favourite cartoons and characters, worrying about whether they'd get to go to the playground or not that day.
I apologize for talking about this on this blog. I know my blog tends to be lighter in feel, a lot more unhinged and light hearted typically. I mean, I'm just a fricking nerd who likes to draw and write, and lurk about her favourite fandoms to consume and support what is shared among other nerds who also like to draw and write. But I couldn't stop thinking about it. About contemplating it, especially since I'll be back on a roll tomorrow, working with my kiddos again after not seeing them for 5 days straight because of Holidays. And, I just had to talk about it. This is something I felt I couldn't keep to myself this time, I don't think my soul'd be able to carry it. I had to talk about it.
FREE PALESTINE. Our children deserve better.
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bohemiandeer · 3 months
It shouldn't even be a question. Trans rights are human rights, regardless of what the hell some douchebags got to say about it. And if you disagree with that, and can't manage up enough energy to treat a fellow human being with basic human respect and decency, just because they're different from you, then get off my page. You don't have a place here.
Just because some fems are born different, and have a different journey towards their femininity than others, doesn't automatically make them any less of a femme presenting individual. Just because they weren't given what's societally considered the "default" path and had to take a different journey to get there, doesn't automatically mean that their stories and their journeys are invalid. Or that they're any less of a femme presenting individual than their peers. Because they're still FEMME. Trans women are WOMEN. Trans men are MEN. Transfems are still just as femme as any other femme presenting person and vice versa. No ifs, no buts, no arguments. They're living, breathing, free thinking human beings, just like everyone else on this site, and deserve to respectfully be treated as such, regardless of gender and how they choose to express it. And if you disagree with that very simple viewpoint? With that very easy request, to just, respect someone as a human being, even if they're different from you? Get off my page. There's no room for you here in this space. This space is not meant for you.
Right, considering the current state of corporate politics on this site, and that it seems that only those affected seem to be actively speaking on the matter, this needs to be dragged out to a wider audience.
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We need to show these higher ups how much we truly value them.
Edit: Changed the wording of the post and decided to put in a reminder that this extends to refusing to believe in bogus call-out posts for frankly minuscule thinks such as being horny or kinky, especially if the target is presenting in an ‘unconventional’ manner, (therians, etc.) this double standard where it is seen as ‘degenerate’ for transfemmes to merely exist in certain spaces, yet everyone else is fine to do so is disgusting and part of the reason for the backlash.
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bohemiandeer · 5 months
Nobody: Me as Zagreus in the House of Hades whenever I respawn and I see Cerebus.
The roommate is, pretty much anyone else in the house whenever they ask if they can pet Cerebus too. This is a running joke between me and my bf over how within my first hour of gameplay, playing Hades for the very first time, I wound up getting the achievement of petting Cerebus 10 times the monent I discovered I could pet the dog.
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bohemiandeer · 8 months
My prevailing headcanon is that he smells like lotuses and frangipani incense over the faint scent of petichor. Aka, the fresh rain smell, from regularly working with wet plant soil/being out in nature.
My friend and I have been discussing about some overwatch character's smells.
And while I said that Niran would smell like some sweet floral perfumes, she said that he would use vegan soap during show and just smell like himself
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bohemiandeer · 8 months
Headcanon that Niran used to love making paper flowers as a kid. Whether it be origaming them out of coloured paper or notebook paper or cutting them up after cutting the pieces in all these different ways and folding them and gluing them into place. Sometimes, when he'd make them as gifts for people, he'd hide little notes in them, written among the petals. He often got in trouble for it in class whenever he was bored/understimulated or already done with his work. As such his dad wasn't fond of this. And he often kept it to himself and if he were to gift them, he always used to gift them to the gardeners or his siblings. He used to be a lot more liberal with gifting them, to his parents, his teachers(often in apology), other kids in an attempt to make friends, but the other kids always used to discard them when he was out of sight/earshot and his parents likewise so. His mom however, kept a lot of the paper flowers he used to gift her while his dad was the one who discarded them, finding them kind of frivilous. He stopped making them though, largely out of his dad's continuous discouragement since he always got in trouble for making them in class or when he was supposed to be working, and because once he was sent to Vishkar, that habit was beat out of him(metaphorically) VERY quickly. To where he even stopped making them in his free time or for himself, at least for a time. He did and still does occasionally dabble in them, when he particularly likes someone and feels close enough to them, he'd make them as gifts and often used to do so for Satya, sometimes at random. She always used to get them just, laid on her desk and while she'd fuss to him about it while he'd be making them when they were once again, supposed to be studying, she loved them and kept them nonetheless and still has them in her desk drawer to this day. Especially since he always used to origami them for her, and sometimes hid notes and inside jokes within them. He even left her one on her desk before he dropped out with hidden goodbye notes hidden among the petals for her to find later. She kicked it up a little but not to where he'd make them at the same extent he used to growing up. And he carried on making them as gifts to mentor figures and friends at the Atlantic Arcology such as the Martins. Usually as a form of saying thank you and just showing appreciation. It's also why he loves making flowers out of biolight and hardlight, it gives him the same feel as it did when he used to make those flowers and he's since sublimented to making them out of biolight nowadays when he feels bored/understimulated while waiting for things or just, as a means of distraction.
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bohemiandeer · 8 months
For me it's likewise the same, Niran's been through too much not to have some wounds hidden beneath the surface. Though I always interpreted him being less, angry and more so just, very, very troubled beneath the surface, where he's lost, angry and mildly depressed, still figuring himself out, even after years of being taken out of his toxic environment and away from the people who initially cultivated it, and gaining a better support system in a sense through the Atlantic Arcology. To where while his kinder,creative and more peaceful side is a part of his genuine personality by default. Despite it being pulled this way and that over the years out of his father being just, a naturally cold and harsh man in comparison to where he is now, and expecting Niran as the eldest son to handle himself in a similar emotionally detached and overly perfectionistic and organized way to maintain the family image. In addition to Vishkar also being thrown into the equation in an attempt to straighten him up into what his father wanted him to be like as the "next patriach" of the family as the eldest son. His softer image still doubles as a front a good majority of the time to hide his issues. Where he'd concentrate his energy primarily into maintaining that, almost tirelessly even if he does exhaust him. Even if he's too damaged to truly embrace it half of the time and feels like it's a fake front manufactured out of how he once was and what he desperately wants to be like. Even if it means denying help for himself in favour of playing the role of the benevolent caretaker for everyone else's sake and putting everyone else before himself. Thinking that, by speaking of it, he'd be burdening others with his negative emotions and giving them an entirely different light through which to see him through and losing even more people as a result through in his mind, making them believe that the Niran they always knew and loved is a lie. But sometimes the mask slips and there's a situation where the bottled up aggression comes out anyways. And it's only a question of if it's just a passive aggressive outburst or an amalgamated outburst of negative emotions towards himself and the world around him. Or if he has to concentrate that energy into the darker half of himself that has no qualms against hurting people and taking a life out of nothing but pure full blown necessisity in a situation of "kill or get killed". Sometimes even takes some thrill or satisfaction out of it. Especially with how screwed up the world actually is and the amount of times he had to resort to that part of himself just to survive and make it out with his freedom. And every single time he dips into that, he always ends up coming back eternally haunted by it, and regretting even if it was the life of an enemy and a life taken for a reason. And his only way of really coping with it is "making up for it" by throwing the same amount of energy it took him to take a life into helping/protecting another instead to even the scale. Even if it does very little to ease his guilt over it. The guilt never goes away, it can't go away. It's permanently a part of himself now.
Most depictions of Lifeweaver I see he’s very sweet and passive but in my interpretation he is always toeing the line. He’s filled with a tremendous amount of anger, and he tries to channel it as righteously as possible, but he doesn’t flinch when he has to kill someone who was sent after him. It haunts him afterward, though. And he struggles terribly with his anger, because it reminds him of his father, and of all the toxic masculinity that was shoved down his throat in his youth.
He wants so badly to be sweet and peaceful, but he is so damaged, and the world is so fucked up that he finds himself indulging in violence far more often than he wishes he had to. And he carries every incident with him forever afterward.
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bohemiandeer · 10 months
Headcanon that back when Niran was at the Academy. When he was around, 16 or so, when he was REALLY getting into his rebellious phase after getting a confidence boost and taking matters into his own hands. One of his many, many things he attempted to get himself suspended and (hopefully) sent home was putting a test on the Architech Academy's dress code. Where he basically made a game out of it of sorts of going through the entire dresscode and breaking at least one per day and adding onto them over the days just to see if the teachers would notice and get him suspended for it.
Increasingly finding a way to lower the neckline on his uniform? Check. Gradually adding more and more colour and flamboyant accessories? Check. Doing more stuff within the dress code that is strictly allowed on the girls but not on the boys, just to screw with the Academy's perception of gender roles? Also check. He drove Satya nuts during this time. She tried to warn him not to play this game but the more she tried to stave him off of it, the more he dug in his heels and decided to do it anyways. He didn't last until the next week on a Tuesday until his teachers did indeed, notice and send him to the office. Parents were called, punishments were dished out. Sadly for Niran, he did not indeed, get suspended and/or sent home. On the bright side though, he did end up getting a rough boundary line on just how far he can express himself without getting in trouble for it. Hence why he started growing out his hair around this time, keeping the lotus decals within his uniform,etc. But other than that hated the limitations that was placed on him and his self expression regardless. But yep, to this day he is the one solely responsible for the Architech Academy having to rewrite their dress code entirely in some areas by an extra 2 to 3 pages. And a lot of his fashion sense as an adult these days was shaped out of this very moment out of one, him finally figuring out his self expression and how he sees himself. And two, out of his pure full blown vendetta against Vishkar and the Academy to where he decided "Screw you, now that I'm dropped out, I get to wear whatever I want out of pure full blown spite, and there's nothing you can do to stop me now." Because his prevailing philosophy is, if you're gonna spend a good amount of time getting under Vishkar's skin, it's best done in a neckline so low that it'd give even the most lenient of puritans among them a brain aneursym. The bigger the cleavage canyon. The better.
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bohemiandeer · 10 months
Drop out of College and become wanted in 17 countries.
What Would Lifeweaver Do?
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bohemiandeer · 10 months
Hymn of The Weekend(Lifeweaver Edit)
Song: Hymn of The Weekend(Editted) Artist: Coldplay ft. Beyonce
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bohemiandeer · 10 months
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Decided to do some practice with dynamic posing. But make it Lifeweaver. I think I nailed it. But man is he both a pain and insanely therapuetic to draw.
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