bones4thecats · 1 day
Having Children With Their Fem! S/O
Characters: Aku, Father, Vilgax and Lord Garmadon Inspired By: Random Thoughts A/N: I know that a couple of these characters either don't like kids or just feel basically nothing for them, but this is just something I had to write! ⚠️ Spoilers/Trigger Warnings for: Operation Zero and the Lego Ninjago Series and mentions of abandonment and divorce ⚠️
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»»—————————————-   Aku  —————————————-««
👹 Aku prided himself on being a heartless being made of consistent darkness. But, when it came to you, his longtime wife who was created by a similar amount of energy, he was fairly fair
👹 He has always been focused on furthering his rule of the pathetic mortals in which he despised to the point where it led to him having seven girls with a woman called the High Priestess, though it was with his magic, he did not do anything disgusting in his opinion with her
👹 Despite knowing he felt nothing towards the woman and only viewed the girls as his personal soldiers, you couldn't help but feel inferior to the Priestess, she has done something that you possibly never could with Aku. Though, you did treat the girls as your own, since their mother seemingly could care less
👹 The one thing that made Aku think of having children with you was seeing you pick up a small group of baby aliens from a clan that wished to be relocated to Earth and begin to tickle them with one of your long claw-shaped fingers
👹 As the aliens left after hearing their conditions of living on his and your planet, Aku looked to you and motioned for you both to return to your personal chambers, which you did willingly and without fear
"My yang, I noticed how you looked at those young Vadaquians with a... warm and wholesome stare. That is completely unlike the lovingly evil woman I married and pledged loyalty too. So, if I may question, what is your issue?"
👹 You sighed and lowered your shoulders before shifting into a tortoise and hiding yourself inside of your shell before announcing it was dumb and he could just not bother himself with your issues
"Y/N, you're my wife of hundreds of years. I decided myself if I wanted to handle your thoughts and worries when I laid that shadow-bonding ring around your finger. Now, what is it your worried about?"
"It's just... you know the girls. I just... I want something like that."
"And that can be arranged with swift ease."
"Wait- really? You'd do that for me?"
"I would do anything for the woman who allows me to feel something other than hatred."
👹 And that he did. Just 9 months after the events of Samurai Jack's return and renewing the top-hunted foe to be the time-traveled man, you welcomed a young boy, whom Aku named Oni
👹 You smiled and lightly ran your hands against the baby's long trio set of horns that matched his fathers as his large pure-white eyes opened with tiny specks of white fire erupting from them. When it came to appearance, he took after his father, though your color scheme popped more than the Shogun of Sorrow's
"Ah, there is my little boy and woman!"
"And there is my stubborn husband."
"Hey now! Don't get me wrong, I wanted to be here for the special event, but I needed to get that Samurai fool out of my way again. He almost found the portal back to his time, and if he does..."
"Oni doesn't live..."
"Correct. This is all for him, and us, and I suppose his sisters and their mother."
👹 Chuckling as your baby began to shift his way to his father, the demonic being allow him to sit on his horns, giggling as he acted like the man he has observed for the past few weeks over the small portal that showed him and Jack's fight, but mainly him
"He will be the perfect next generational heir, don't you think?"
"Yes. I do, Aku."
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»»———————- Benedict 'Father' Wigglestein ———————-««
🔥 It was no secret that your husband was far from a child-guy. He constantly provided evidence that he hated kids beyond any kind of recognition. He even hated the children that you two were forced to adopt
🔥 When Benedict married you, he laid it out plain as day that he never planned on having children, and you wholeheartedly accepted that
🔥 But, ever since the Delightful Children from Down the Lane joined your family and therefore home, you began to crave having an actual family. One not bounded by a Delightfulization-Chamber, but by blood and the love you two shared for one another
🔥 And while it was easy to think this all without saying it out-loud, even beginning to wonder about how he would reply was enough to make you want to curl up into a ball and stay there forever
🔥 Thankfully the sound of a five-way synchronized knock allowed you to be free of your thoughts. And you merely sat up from your desk and called to the children to come on inside
"Good afternoon, Mother. Father wishes your presence in his office."
🔥 You smiled at the kids and gave them each a pat on their heads before allowing them to walk to their rooms and get ready for bed. Once each of their doors closed you grabbed your husband's notebook, suspecting that was what he needed
🔥 He has a bad habit of leaving stuff in your room. Honestly he needs a better sleep schedule (not me scolding him when I barely sleep😐)
🔥 While the door to his office opened, you took a deep breath and readied yourself, hoping that his day wasn't filled with a ton of disappointments. You may be his wife, but his anger was something not even you could escape
🔥 You noticed that there was a lack of anything on fire, so, you took the chance to make some small chit-chat while your husband worked away on some papers and beckoned with his hand for you to hand him his notes
"My dear, I've been wondering how your day's been."
"It's been decent, better than normal thankfully."
"Well... there is one thing I've been meaning to speak to you about, if you don't mind-"
"If the children have done something, I swear to-"
"No! No, no! The children have done perfectly well since the last incident. It's just... oh nevermind, it's nothing that important."
🔥 Benedict went from staring intently at his paperwork to looking at your seemingly guilt-ridden face and his yellow eyes narrowed, which was prominent from the darkness of his suit
"Y/N, everything you say is important to me. Well, as long as it has nothing to do with random cravings, because those have been getting worse and worse over the past few days."
"Yeah, about that..."
"I mean, you're acting like how Monty would call and describe his wife when she was pregnant with his boy."
🔥 Oh this was pointless. Reaching into the pocket of your black hoodie that Ben gifted you for your birthday just days prior, you pulled out a small box and laid it down in front of him
"What's this for?"
"Just- open it, please."
"Is this a... pregnancy test? Oh sweet sasperilla, you're pregnant?! But I- we..."
"I understand that you aren't fond of children, so we don't have to have them if you don't want to."
"Do... you want the child?"
"I would prefer to give them a shot at life than to not."
"Then... okay. We can have the child... if you want too. This shouldn't only be my choice, it should also be yours. I may hate children to a degree but, I cannot hate you and your choices."
"Thank you."
"Yeah, yeah. Now, if it's a boy, can we name it Benedict Wigglestein III?"
🔥 The sound of the collected family in the hospital's main room rung freely as the members of the Uno Family and the Wigglestein Family all wondered how you were doing in the delivery room. Ever since your screams stopped, Monty couldn't help but fear you were hurt to the point of possible surgery
🔥 All of a sudden, his brother walked out of the doors with a mixture of both traumatized and happiness written on his face, though it was mainly in his eyes
"Ben? How's Y/N and the baby?"
"I... I have twins..."
"Wait- twins?! Aw! A boy and a girl?"
🔥 Monty smiled at his wife before ushering his brother back into your room and patting his shoulder in assurance. And he couldn't help but chuckle as his brother walked into the room where you and your children no doubt were
🔥 He couldn't be anymore proud of him
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»»—————————————- Vilgax —————————————-««
🐙 While living for many years as a Warlord was something that many only viewed your husband as being, it was his closest allies and people that saw who he was outside of his work; a loyal and caring husband
🐙 As a member of the Chimera Sui Generis species, training for battle was a big part of your childhood. And when you first met your future spouse by training to be top-servers of your planet, he was smitten
🐙 Overtime you witnessed the destruction and new colonization of planets. And since you serves as his right-hand, Vilgax and you would see many types of families, the most common being fathers, mothers and their children
🐙 And seeing the male and female members of the army grow and expand with their families adding more members, you couldn't help but wonder; would this ever happen for you and Vilgax?
🐙 Normally he was busy with his work, so getting a decent time to speak one-on-one with your husband was hard. Nonetheless trying to talk about something so important to both you and your lives together
🐙 You were beginning to lose faith in actually talking to him, but when one of Vilgax's best men came inside of the control room you turned around and recognized him to be the one who always guarded the emergency medic and doctor's zone of the ship
"What is it you need, Soldier Axiomar?"
"Doctor Xiliv has requested her for a quick check-up, since she has been complaining of some stomach issues as of late."
"Alright. Would you like me to accompany you, Y/N?"
"I think I'll be alright... really."
🐙 Giving you a kiss on the forehead, Vilgax focused back on the coordinates of their way to Earth. You just nodded to Axiomar as he lead you to the medical room where Xiliv was waiting
🐙 Deep inside as you sat on the frequently cleaned chair, you knew what the Doctor and Medic were going to say
"Your highness, it appears that you- well."
"I know."
"Do you want us to tell Lord Vilgax or not?"
"He'll find out either way, but I'll tell him, it just makes it easier for me."
🐙 As the large alien walked through the halls to his and your shared quarters, he wondered why you had been acting far more nervous and weary throughout the rest of the day. Maybe you had some kind of illness?
🐙 The sound of the doors opening and closing behind your form made you spin around quick. And Vilgax merely chuckled, from calm and composed to having their guard-up in no time. You really were a soldier by heart
"Y/N. What is it you needed to speak about? It better not be something I cannot fix. Because that would be near impossible. I would destroy the galaxy for you."
"It's no illness. Unless you consider a child an illness."
"Pardon, a what?"
🐙 Despite his initial hesitation in being a father and raising a young Chimera Sui Generis, but after gaining advice from some of his closest allies, some would say friends, he gained the extra bravery to face the next step in life with you
🐙 He stood beside your bed as you chuckled at the sight of your baby girl. Long tentacles in the shape of elongated human hair, a small, pink wrap being around her as her tiny red eyes blinked while giggles rang through the room
"She's beautiful."
"Just like you, love."
"What should we name her?" Doctor Xiliv asked.
"How about Shaviv? It means ray of life."
"It's perfect."
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»»——————————-  Lord Garmadon  ——————————-««
🌋 This guy has never seen himself as an ideal parent. I mean, he literally was bitten by a serpent that made him an evil tyrant in the end and he didn't take a part in his son growing up due to his unfortunate incident
🌋 And while he praises himself on not being the man he once was before, there was always a lingering bit in his heart that stayed away from being corrupted. A piece of the old Garmadon in there. Hidden away
🌋 Over time he switched from evil to good, and that was how he met you
🌋 You were the sister of Ray, the previous Master of Fire before Kai took up the mantle. Growing up with Ray meant you were also trained in the art of being a ninja, though it was with the element of light that you controlled and not fire
🌋 Over the time of them being missing, you raised your niece, Nya, and nephew, Kai, and helped Garmadon's brother, Wu, train them and their friends. And as the serpent-bitten male grew into darker habits, you remained a beckon that he couldn't help but admire
🌋 Once he redeemed himself and helped fight against many enemies alongside you and the kids, he began to get close to both you and your old friend/next-door neighbor, Vinny Folson. And let's just say that the closeness evolved beyond simple friendship
🌋 While Misako was reluctant to accept Garmadon had another lover, she noticed just how caring you were and she began to bond with you with her ex-husband and son. In fact, she was the one to ask if you two were planning on taking the next step from just marriage to having children, much to you and his fluster
🌋 After the incident of the question with Misako. Garmadon told Vinny that you two would be out for a few days and that if he needed something, he could call. And as you two began to travel to a remote and well-taken-care-of cabin just outside of Ninjago, he began to let out a small amount of chit-chat
"Hey, Y/N... I have a question."
"What is it?"
"With what Misako said yesterday... at dinner. I was wondering if- you know."
"If I wanted kids?"
"Yeah... and I understand if you wouldn't! I'm not the best guy to have children with, just ask my ex-wife."
🌋 Spinning his head to look at you, Garmadon watched you with observant eyes as you smiled gently and held his hand with one of yours and his face with the other. And he smiled as you nodded, small tears pricking his eyes as you laid your forehead upon one another's
🌋 The sound of cries erupting from a woman's hands made the people sitting in the waiting room look up in surprise and slight glee. Seven of the large group looked at the nurse and she took them all back, warning them that you would probably need some space
"Is that..."
"It is. Everyone, meet Nisshoku."
"Aw! I have a nephew now! Let's go!"
"Shut it, Ray."
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bones4thecats · 2 days
Requests are closed
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bones4thecats · 2 days
Requests close at 12:00pm (Central Time) today, so if you want to send something in, do it now!
Fandoms available for requesting (look at character list for characters)
Twisted Wonderland
Helluva Boss
Hazbin Hotel
Dragon Ball
Cartoon Villains
Transformers: Prime
Transformers: Animated
Transformers: Robots in Disguise (2015)
Remeber that you guys also have access to send in stuff from the Emoji-Coded Prompt List.
By the way, you can go to my Request Form, which is pinned on my profile, to help you with requesting!
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bones4thecats · 3 days
Vil Schoenheit
Always fashion-coordinated \ Beauty is cultivated \ High standards \ Heeled shoes \ Skincare is self-care / Gender norms are so last season \ Health nut \ Strict mom vibes \ Rich-scented perfume \ Fruit smoothies \ Unabashedly proud \ Competitive \ Makeup on point \ Film enthusiast \ Perfectly photogenic \ Popular kid at school \ An eye for design \ Drama kid \ Yoga \ Dad’s biggest fan \
Rook Hunt
Francais \ Sees beauty in everything \ Hype man \ Detailed-orientated \ "Everything is an adventure worth having" \ Passion for life \ Keeps hundreds of photos \ Quiet footsteps \ Mad scientist vibes \ Theater appreciation kid \ There's always a bright side \ Words of appreciation \ Tamed wild child \ Simp \ Fancy hats \ Private about self \ Curious green eyes \ Handwritten poetry \ Archery \ Hands-on artist \
Epel Felmier
Green thumb \ Only kid in an elderly neighborhood \ Thick accent when emotional \ Apple-flavored treats \ Adrenaline chaser \ Physically underestimated \ Carving art \ Snowy mountains \ no-touchy rule \ Only child \ Feral child \ Baby face \ Don’t mind getting dirty \ Chunky boots \ “Don’t call me cute!" \ Getting into fights as a kid \ Hand-knitted sweaters \ Snow sledding \ Shortest in any group \ Big blue eyes \
✧ Who’s your vibe: Pomefiore edition ✧
How to play: out of the 20 traits I think of about the TWST guys, bold or highlight the traits you associate or vibe with. No competition, no challenge, just fun.
Heartslabyul Savanaclaw Octavinelle Scarabia Pomefiore Ignihyde Diasomnia
Always fashion-coordinated \ Beauty is cultivated \ High standards \ Heeled shoes \ Skincare is self-care / Gender norms are so last season \ Health nut \ Strict mom vibes \ Rich-scented perfume \ Fruit smoothies \ Unabashedly proud \ Competitive \ Makeup on point \ Film enthusiast \ Perfectly photogenic \ Popular kid at school \ An eye for design \ Drama kid \ Yoga \ Dad’s biggest fan \
Francais \ Sees beauty in everything \ Hype man \ Detailed-orientated \ "Everything is an adventure worth having" \ Passion for life \ Keeps hundreds of photos \ Quiet footsteps \ Mad scientist vibes \ Theater appreciation kid \ There's always a bright side \ Words of appreciation \ Tamed wild child \ Simp \ Fancy hats \ Private about self \ Curious green eyes \ Handwritten poetry \ Archery \ Hands-on artist \
Green thumb \ Only kid in an elderly neighborhood \ Thick accent when emotional \ Apple-flavored treats \ Adrenaline chaser \ Physically underestimated \ Carving art \ Snowy mountains \ no-touchy rule \ Only child \ Feral child \ Baby face \ Don’t mind getting dirty \ Chunky boots \ “Don’t call me cute!" \ Getting into fights as a kid \ Hand-knitted sweaters \ Snow sledding \ Shortest in any group \ Big blue eyes \
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bones4thecats · 3 days
Wassup my followers!
I'm pretty sure you guys have been waiting for this for quite a while!
Requests are now open until around 12:00 pm (central time) tomorrow! And the fandoms for this is down below!
Twisted Wonderland
Helluva Boss
Hazbin Hotel
Dragon Ball
Cartoon Villains
Transformers: Prime
Transformers: Animated
Transformers: Robots in Disguise (2015)
Anyways, I hope ya'll have a fun time sending in your ideas for me to write. You also have free access to send in prompts from the Emoji-Coded Prompt List!
Also, do not forget about my rules on my Request Form, which is pinned on my profile!
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bones4thecats · 5 days
Hello! Can I make a request of a platonic angst (fluff if you think suits it better) with Diasomnia with a male reader who is actually Malleus' brother?
The story being that Meleanor had given birth to two eggs, those being Malleus and the reader, with the Silver Owls stealing the egg that had the reader, which ended with the egg to be sent to Earth, therefore making the reader live for many years, raised by the humans without any idea of who he is, only for the Dark Mirror to bring him to Night Raven College, shocking everyone with the appearance of a Fae that was raised by humans.
Thank you!
M! Reader Being Malleus' Missing Twin
Characters: Lilia Vanrouge and Malleus Draconia Requester: @beawesome04 A/N: I'm gonna do only Lilia and Malleus for this. I couldn't think of anything for the younger Diasomnia boys. Sorry about that! Anyways, enjoy!! By the way, this may not fully follow the canon storyline for Book 7. But, there is a piece on the top explaining the backstory of the Missing-Draconia! Reader's world. ⚠️ Spoilers/Trigger Warnings for: Book 7 and mentions of baby-napping and war ⚠️
A decades old tale of the Fae and Human war was one that everyone was familiar with. Schools began to teach the young men and women of the future of the causes and what was used to fix everything and establish the peaceful world that they now lived in.
But, there was always a part that teachers had to withhold many key details on. The attempted abduction of the Draconia Eggs.
Many years into the war, a group of human-affiliated knights had infiltrated the Draconia Castle. And since the previous Queen of the land just had her two babies still in their eggs, a few of the men had made a plan to take them in order to prompt the royals into surrendering.
Fortunately and unfortunately, they had gotten to the eggs and almost got away with both. An at-the-time young General, Lilia Vanrouge, charged in with his men and prompted them into surrendering themselves. Though, in common human-fashion, they tricked their ways out of being held.
And when one guard went to check on the eggs, he announced with loud-blaring fear that one was missing from the nursery. This made all that heard begin to panic. The humans wouldn't be so weak as to take a not-even-hatched baby away from its home... would they?
Barking out the order of finding the missing egg was all that the Fae could do at the moment. But when they all came up empty, he couldn't believe his ears... the humans were exactly what Baul deemed them to be. Disgusting excuses of beings.
After the fall of Meleanor and her husband, Revan, and the re-crowing of the female's mother, Maleficia, Lilia began to care for not only the young heir but for his own adoptive-human son, whom he named Silver.
Despite the firm and carefree smile that was practically plastered onto his youthful-face, he couldn't help but remember the loss of that precious black and purple egg... but maybe he could locate the now-growing child overtime!
As the male floated around the new students of Night Raven College, he smiled at Malleus, who was now one year away from graduating and inheriting the throne of Briar Valley. All of a sudden, the sound of the Dark Mirror opening causes Lilia to look up in shock and ready himself with his magic.
Everybody then froze once the sight came clear. There stood a tall, maybe around 6'3, male with a very clean-and-formal black and green outfit laid wrapped around his form. With a lovely mixture of down and held-up hair black hair, the apparent Fae stood out like a sore thumb.
Especially with a duet set of horns, which folded around a green gem, which glowed brighter with each step you took closer to the members of Diasomnia.
And while your gem caught the attention of many first, only Lilia and Malleus could truly understand who he was...
"It is a pleasure to finally meet you, little brother."
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»»——————————-   Lilia Vanrouge  ——————————-««
🦇 When he looked at the horns you had, the previous General immediately understood who you were and what you wanted
🦇 Lilia allowed his feet to hit the ground as his mouth laid open as you stepped closer to him and his small family. And while Sebek yelled for you to stay away from Malleus, you merely ignored him and looked into the slightly-younger male's eyes
"It is a pleasure to finally meet you, little brother." You said.
🦇 This claim was one that caused many to gasp. The story of the previous Queen of Briar Valley having two eggs was true! And here the brothers were- reuniting!
🦇 Once everyone was calmed down and told to go somewhere else for the afternoon, Lilia led you and the boys back to the dorm. Specifically the lounge
🦇 When you finished speaking to Malleus and explaining everything to him, you began to look towards Lilia. And he had to admit, the way your cold eyes stared into his soul caused him alarm
🦇 You motioned for him to sit down in the seat next to you. And stated that he could ask you any question
"Where have you been all of this time? Last I knew your egg was taken by the... Silver Owls."
"Fortunately for me, Emilia, who was young maid from the castle, picked me out from the pack of one guard. She then took me home that night and took care of me until I hatched. Her and her husband raised me until they passed away of old age, maybe around 79 and 85. I now live with their oldest son, Zekial, and his wife, Pristy, who are now 59 and 58 respectively. Their great-grand-children, Madyson and Parker, assisted me in getting here. They both attend Royal Sword Academy as third-years." You replied. It was a mouthful, but it seemed to allow the man to confide in his own thoughts to piece the whole thing together.
🦇 Lilia looked at you and asked if you were raised by humans. In which you said yes and admitted that you have seen and met many humans and Fae that have either berated you or your found-family, in which you defended both species, saying they had both flaws and pros
🦇 Hearing how wise you were for a mere 178-year-old Fae made Lilia smile and laugh, prompting a questioning of the action from you
"You may be a youthful-Fae, but you show signs of growth that not even I have gotten the pleasure of having. And I've raised a human for a son!"
"Oh... I see. Is that a compliment?"
"Yes. It is, elder Draconia."
"Please, just call me Y/N. It is what Emilia named me."
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»»——————————-  Malleus Draconia ——————————-««
🐉 In the last 178 years, Malleus has always believed himself to be alone in this world. In both his social and familial life
🐉 But, seeing someone look so similar to him step out from the Dark Mirror, and dawning a fairly formal outfit with an almost-matching set of horns made that loneliness disappear for a minute
🐉 The sound of your heeled-boots echoing against the hard floor was all that Malleus could hear against his own thoughts of wonder at that moment
"It is a pleasure to finally meet you, little brother."
"Little... brother?"
🐉 You nodded and smiled gently at the young man. And when you held your hand out and summoned a small ball of green fire, which formed a dual set of eggs
🐉 Lilia ushered for the boys to leave the room, saying you both needed some privacy. And privacy you did need
"Do you know who and what these are, Malleus?"
"By what I am observing, that is what I was before hatching into a small newborn. Am I correct?"
"That you are. And do you know who and what this egg is?"
🐉 Malleus looked back down at your hand's magic and he shook his head slightly. In every photograph he was shown by his grandmother, Maleficia, all he saw was his egg in the nursery and that was all, no extra egg or anything
"That was me before hatching. The same as you. That makes us not only brothers, but twins, despite the fact we appear slightly different." You said as your magic began to shift into a castle, the Draconian Castle to be specific.
"Born to the same mother and father, we both resided inside of the nursery before an invasion was taken by a group of Fae-hating humans called the Silver Owls. They had came inside in order to steal us to use us as an advantage against our family, but, as the Royal Army came in, they put your egg back, but took mine in an attempt to take a more psychological approach to one-upping our mother and father."
"If you were taken by these Silver Owls, where did you go and who raised you if not our family?"
"I was taken from a guards bag by a maid named Emilia, who then brought me home to raise with her husband, Mustove. They have long since passed from old age, an unfortunate thing humans have. I was then taken in by their children, who are both now reaching elder-hood in human terms, and I was assisted in reaching you from their great-grandchildren, who attend Royal Sword Academy as current third-years. It is thanks to them, to those humans, that I finally can reconnect with you, my brother."
🐉 Malleus stared at you with widened eyes. And while your magical shape-shifting fire burns out along with the glow of your forehead-jewel, your brother began to sniffle and hold his fists tightly against his sides
"I understand that you have felt alone for the many past years, Malleus. But understand that I am here now, and I do not plan on returning to complete isolation away from our family, away from you. Okay?"
"It's just so... nice to have you here with me."
🐉 You held your arms open and allowed the prince to jump into your arms, hugging you tightly as he buried his face into your chest, tears falling form his eyes as he sniffed and smiled with comforted joy and sadness... he finally had his other half with him again. And they wouldn't leave him on their own accord
"May I call you 'big brother'?"
"Yes. Yes you may, little brother."
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bones4thecats · 7 days
hello! I love to read your writing and I hope you don't mind me requesting something for the amazing digital circus. 😊
Could I request Gangle and Jax either with a crush on the reader or in a relationship with them, where the reader is somewhat stoic and shows affection in quiet ways (such as sitting with them when they think they need company, or giving them gifts) and doesn't speak all too much?
I hope you have a nice day!
Them Having A Crush on Stoic! Reader
Characters: Gangle and Jax Requester: 😊Anon A/N: I’ll call you 😊Anon, since you added the emoji. By the way, people if you are doing an Anonymous request, please add an emoji onto it so I know who you are! Thanks! ⚠️ Spoilers/Trigger Warnings for: None ⚠️
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»»————————————-  Gangle  ————————————-««
🎭 Gangle was scared when she first met you. She assumed from the get-go that you were a fairly cold and uncaring individual, kinda like how Jax was. But, thankfully, you were far from like him
🎭 Whenever she got her comedy mask broken, you would come up to her and hold the object in your hand before repairing the decorative things
🎭 Let’s just say that when you handed her the mask and gently smiled as you walked away to speak to your other friend, Zooble, her face flushed as she covered it up with her ribbon-made hands
🎭 Gangle also likes it when you get protective of her. Like when you found out that Jax had broken her comedy mask on purpose and resulted in her crying, you found him and held him up by the neck and forced him to apologize
🎭 Hearing you declare that nobody should come in that amount of pain, especially someone as kind as her, she realized just how much she cared for you
🎭 She likes it whenever you pick her up on adventures and defend her with a classic glare that would kill if it was possible
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»»—————————————-  Jax  —————————————-««
🐇 Talk about two different people coming together
🐇 Jax is fairly expressive with himself, not bothering to hold back his bad emotions, though he seemingly holds his more happy-go-lucky side back in favor of letting others shine in that department
🐇 When he had first met you, he was annoyed
🐇 How were you resisting the urge to smack him so easily?! And why were you so gorgeous when you would look at the surroundings on each adventure that Caine would send them on
🐇 He obviously keeps himself from actually showing how much he cares about you. But, whenever you come up randomly missing on adventures, the few, that being Ragatha and Pomni, can tell that he is worried inside
🐇 Your silence is actually something that Jax appreciates. You're far more observant than the others, so you can tell when he is hiding something, such as after a small event that was held to tell Pomni about the other abstracted that the others could remember
🐇 He was hunkered down in a small area and he tried to tie himself together when he heard footsteps approach his hiding spot
🐇 When he saw you, Jax smirked and began to ask you why you were here in an annoyed tone. But, before he could try listing reasons to keep you off his case, you stood in front of him and opened your arms in a gesture of a hug
🐇 He began to sniffle before lunging and hugging you, tears falling down from his eyes as you held him closer with each passing second. By-far, this was one of his most valued memories left in his head of you
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bones4thecats · 8 days
Hi hi! I saw a post of yours saying requests were open so I hope it's alright for me to request something with platonic Twisted Wonderland x Reader (^w^)
Could I request Epel, Ace, and Deuce (separately) with a gender neutral reader who's a few years older than them and perceives them as a younger sibling? (Like, they have his back when he needs it, may tease him if he does something silly, and helps with homework etc.)
I hope this wasn't too long/an odd request lol. I hope you have a lovely day! Remember to stay hydrated and avoid shrimp posture when you spend time at a table/desk! (⁠ノ⁠◕⁠ヮ⁠◕⁠)⁠ノ⁠*⁠.⁠✧
Having An Older Sibling Figure! Reader
Characters: Epel Felmier, Ace Trappola and Deuce Spade Requester: 👪Anon A/N: I’ll name you 👪Anon and I hope you enjoy this. And I think it’s a little late on the shrimp posture thing, pretty sure it’s my body’s default position now lmao🤣 P.S: Each version of the Reader is based on a different Disney character; Epel - The Raven, Ace - Mad Hatter, and Deuce - The Caterpillar ⚠️ Trigger Warning for: Mentions of substance abuse ⚠️
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»»———————————-  Epel Felmier  ———————————-««
🍎 As a high-ranking member in Pomefiore, you were seen as perfect. From your hair to your voice and the way you walk, many believed you to be the embodiment of what the Fairest one of All was
🍎 The only person you knew who didn’t believe that was a first-year, Epel Felmier
🍎 You were used to taking care of others because of your younger siblings, but Epel was a whole other case. Not that his stubbornness could deter your devoted spirit
🍎 Whenever he would need a break, not want but need, you would tell your housewarden that you would handle him while your large-black wings would flutter and flap to motivate the vice-houswarden to keep his hands to himself. Feathers are sensitive after all
🍎 He began to accept you when you kept getting him out of some situations with Vil, and since your record was squeaky clean with your fellow third-year, it was very easy to loosen Epel’s metaphorical leash
🍎 While he does not appreciate the teasing words you give him whenever he gets caught messing around by Vil, he would be lying if he said it wasn’t nice to know that despite his personality obviously not matching with the Pomefiore-stereotype, you were always by his side
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»»———————————-  Ace Trappola  ———————————-««
🪅 As the most chaotic member inside of the Heartslabyul dorm, you were always seen making your current housewarden's upset. Ever since you first joined the school two years prior, you annoyed Riddle to no end
🪅 Though, when your older friend's classmate's younger brother decided to attend and got sorted into your dorm, you had to admit you wondered how much chaos you could cause with the younger Trappola boy
🪅 When you first met him, you tipped your hat off and laughed without an sense of sanity, which made Ace both nervous and interested in you
🪅 He has never seen someone as care-free as you before, especially in a dorm that was always fearful of their leader
🪅 You adore teasing him with your classic: "Why is a raven like a writing desk?" question. And whenever he answers and you admit your personal cluelessness, he gets upset, which makes you laugh
🪅 He may never admit to it, but he sees you like another older sibling. Though, he bonds with you in more chaotic ways than he could his actual biological brother, since he was far more mature than a duo of teenage college students
🪅 You had definitely saved him from Riddle's rage by pointing out an affect of your unique magic which has 'accidentally' made the housewarden's crown go running for it's money
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»»———————————-  Deuce Spade ———————————-««
♠️ As his childhood was full of mishaps and trouble being caused by his oblivious-self, Deuce believed himself to be unworthy of devotion of a sibling, or anyone fairly close to him that wasn't his mother or grandmother
♠️ So, when you, a high-placing member of the Heartslabyul dorm came into his life by being found hanging around a larger-than-life mushroom, which was surrounded by many tall pieces of grass and whatnot, he was surprised at how sibling-like you treated him
♠️ When you explained why you seemed to look out for him, it made him realize he wasn't the only person with regrets...
"If I may ask, Mr/Miss. L/N. Why is it that you seem to not give up on me like others? I'm struggling to understand it myself." Deuce asked you as you laid with your back against the mushroom's cap.
"Young man, I do not tell my truth often. But, when I was a young newborn, my family ran a business that, let us say, was quite different. I began to abuse some types of material that I shouldn't have. And when I met my dear friend, Cater Diamond, I understood just how much harm it was causing me. From that day forward I pledged myself to leave my faults behind me. Now, when I see a soul as damaged as yours aiming for a good future, I cannot help but see a younger me in you. Do you understand?"
♠️ Deuce looked up at you in shock, he understood that unique magic could be hard to unlock, but hearing that you had to smoke and do all kinds of things just to gain it was horrendous to hear! But, when you compared yourself to him, his heart pounded in even more shock!
♠️ You, who is one of the strongest magic-users in the Heartslabyul dorm, and by-far one of the strongest members of the Spelldrive team, seeing yourself in him made him appreciate you being around even more. If that was even possible
♠️ Whenever you notice he needs a break, you would spell out a short quiz of riddles to wind his mind down. For someone who many describe as a smokeaholic, you really were a smart and kind person when needing to be
♠️ By the way, whenever you get angry, he most likely does. You are far less expressive with emotions than the first-year, but when someone sees you and Deuce angry, they get scared
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bones4thecats · 9 days
Transformers Robots in Disguise (2015) Characters
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This is the Transformers Robots in Disguise (2015) Character List. If you wish to find another, go to my Request Form and you may find other parts of my blog!
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᯽ Bumblebee ~ 🐝 ᯽ Strongarm ~ 🚔 ᯽ Sideswipe ~ 🏎️ ᯽ Grimlock ~ 🦖 ᯽ Drift ~ 🏯 ᯽ Slipstream ~ 🎋 ᯽ Jetstorm ~ 🎍 ᯽ Fixit ~ 🔌
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᯽ Optimus Prime ~ ⚔️ ᯽ Windblade ~ 🎐 ᯽ Ratchet ~ ⚕️ ᯽ Bulkhead ~ 💥 ᯽ Jazz ~ 🎷
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᯽ Steeljaw ~ 🐺 ᯽ Thunderhoof ~ 🦌 ᯽ Underbite ~ 🍴 ᯽ Fracture ~ 🔮 ᯽ Airazor ~ 🎉 ᯽ Divebomb ~ 🎊 ᯽ Clampdown ~ 🦀
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᯽ Vertebreak ~ 🐍 ᯽ Saberhorn ~ 🪲 ᯽ Shadow Raker ~ 🗡️ ᯽ Polarclaw ~ 🐻‍❄️ ᯽ Scorponok ~ 🦂 ᯽ Kickback ~ 🦗 ᯽ Starscream ~ 💫 ᯽ Nightstrike ~ 🦇 ᯽ Cyclonus ~ 💡 ᯽ Chop Shop ~ 🕷️ ᯽ Soundwave ~ 🔊 ᯽ Megatronus ~ 🎭
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bones4thecats · 9 days
Transformers Animated Characters
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This is the Transformers Animated Character List. If you wish to find another, go to my Request Form and you may find other parts of my blog!
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᯽ Optimus Prime ~ ⚔️ ᯽ Bumblebee ~ 🐝 ᯽ Ratchet ~ ⚕️ ᯽ Bulkhead ~ 💥 ᯽ Prowl ~ 🎭
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᯽ Ultra Magnus ~ 🎖️ ᯽ Sentinel Prime ~ 🪖 ᯽ Jazz ~ 🎷 ᯽ Blurr ~ 💨 ᯽ Jetfire ~ 🔥 ᯽ Jetstorm ~ ⛈️
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᯽ Wreck-Gar ~ 🎊 ᯽ Yoketron ~ ❤️‍🩹
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᯽ Grimlock ~ 🦖 ᯽ Swoop ~ ☁️ ᯽ Snarl ~ 🌴
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᯽ Megatron ~ 👑 ᯽ Starscream ~ 💫 ᯽ Lugnut ~ 🔩 ᯽ Blitzwing ~ 🛩️ ᯽ Blackarachnia ~ 🕸️ ᯽ Shockwave ~ 🧪 ᯽ Soundwave ~ 🔊 ᯽ Swindle ~ 💸 ᯽ Waspinator ~ 🕯️
STARSCREAM CLONES ᯽ Slipstream ~ 💐 ᯽ Ramjet ~ 🪶 ᯽ Skywarp ~ 😱 ᯽ Thundercracker ~ 🌩️ ᯽ Sunstorm ~ 🌦️
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᯽ Sari Sumdac ~ 🔑 ᯽ Isaac Sumdac ~ 🥼
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bones4thecats · 9 days
Transformers Prime Characters
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This is the Transformers Prime Character List. If you wish to find another, go to my Request Form and you may find other parts of my blog!
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᯽ Optimus Prime ~ ⚔️ ᯽ Bumblebee ~ 🐝 ᯽ Bulkhead ~ 💥 ᯽ Arcee ~ 🏍️ ᯽ Ratchet ~ ⚕️ ᯽ Cliffjumper ~ 🐂 ᯽ Wheeljack ~ 🧨 ᯽ Smokescreen ~ 🏁 ᯽ Ultra Magnus ~ 🎖️
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᯽ Megatron ~ 👑 ᯽ Starscream ~ 💫 ᯽ Soundwave ~ 🔊 ᯽ Knockout ~ 🪚 ᯽ Breakdown ~ 🥊 ᯽ Airachnid ~ 🕷️ ᯽ Shockwave ~ 🧪 ᯽ Vehicons / S.T.E.V.E. ~ 🐚 ᯽ Dreadwing ~ 💙 ᯽ Skyquake ~ 💚 ᯽ Makeshift ~ ✒️
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᯽ Predaking ~ 🐉 ᯽ Darksteel ~ 🐻 ᯽ Skylynx ~ 🕊️
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᯽ Hardshell ~ 🪲
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᯽ Jack Darby ~ 🗝️ ᯽ Miko Nakadai ~ 🎸 ᯽ Rafael ‘Raf’ Esquivel ~ 💿
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bones4thecats · 9 days
Transformers Franchise Post Tags
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This is the Transformers (all series') Post Tags List. If you wish to find another, go to my Request Form and you may find other parts of my blog!
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᯽ Transformers ᯽ Transformers Prime ᯽ Transformers Animated ᯽ Transformers RiD2015 ᯽ TFP ᯽ TFA ᯽ RiD2015 ᯽ TFP Autobots ᯽ TFP Team Prime ᯽ TFP Decepticons ᯽ TFP Predacons ᯽ TFP Insecticons ᯽ TFP Humans ᯽ TFA Autobots ᯽ TFA Team Prime ᯽ TFA Elite Guard ᯽ TFA Decepticons ᯽ TFA Dinobots ᯽ TFA Humans ᯽ RiD2015 Autobots ᯽ RiD2015 Bee Team ᯽ RiD2015 All-Stars ᯽ RiD2015 Steeljaw’s Pack ᯽ RiD2015 Decepticons
᯽ Transformers x Reader ᯽ Transformers Prime x Reader ᯽ Transformers Animated x Reader ᯽ Transformers RiD2015 x Reader ᯽ TFP x Reader ᯽ TFA x Reader ᯽ RiD2015 x Reader ᯽ TFP Autobots x Reader ᯽ TFP Team Prime x Reader ᯽ TFP Decepticons x Reader ᯽ TFP Predacons x Reader ᯽ TFP Insecticons x Reader ᯽ TFP Humans x Reader ᯽ TFA Autobots x Reader ᯽ TFA Team Prime x Reader ᯽ TFA Elite Guard x Reader ᯽ TFA Decepticons x Reader ᯽ TFA Dinobots x Reader ᯽ TFA Humans x Reader ᯽ RiD2015 Autobots x Reader ᯽ RiD2015 Bee Team x Reader ᯽ RiD2015 All-Stars x Reader ᯽ RiD2015 Steeljaw’s Pack x Reader ᯽ RiD2015 Decepticons x Reader
᯽ ___! Reader ᯽ S/O! Reader ᯽ GN! Reader ᯽ F! Reader ᯽ M! Reader ᯽ Cybertronian! Reader ᯽ Human! Reader ᯽ Minicon! Reader ᯽ Sparkling! Reader ᯽ Child! Reader ᯽ Decepticon! Reader ᯽ Autobot! Reader
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bones4thecats · 9 days
Why is no other Transformers: Prime account writing about this guy?
Spoilers for: Transformers Prime; Predacons Rising
As everyone should know if they understand the basics of the Transformers franchise, they know the two main characters for both sides of the war.
As the series progressed, the main antagonist, that being Megatron, was shown to be a very despicable and horrendous. But, while he was far more shown, there was another antagonist hiding behind the scenes and actions of the warlord.
That being Unicron, the embodiment of everything evil in Cybertronian mythology (I guess...?)
In One Shall Rise; Part 3, which is season 1's 26th episode, it is highlighted that while the dark energon was just previously laid within his spark, he could reanimate hundreds of fallen soldiers inside of the Earth from the years past.
This is also shown to partially happen far ahead in the series, specifically in the film (Transformers: Prime ; Beast Hunters - Predacons Rising), that while Unicron possessed his body, his optics (or eyes) would begin to emit a fog-like substance which was colored the same kind of purple as dark energon.
Now, after the whole battling Unicron and wondering of Megatron is possibly existing inside of his body, Team Prime eventually gets the Destroyer of World's anti-spark stuck inside of the machine that once held the spark of Primus' inside throughout the war.
It is shown from Starscream assisting the once-again-revived mech up from the ground that Megatron once again has been revived. Most likely from the extreme amount of dark energon, which is known to revive beings from death.
And when Starscream tried to convince Megatron that they could now conquer Cybertron with little resistance against their opponents, the Autobots, you could tell that he was tried and kinda wore out, since earlier it was shown that he was being tortured by Unicron while trapped inside of his own mind-scape.
The next verse, which is straightly quoted from the film, it shows the main meaning of this post;
" Your new battle armor will take things to the next level, my Liege. Together we will reunite all Decepticons and once again grind Cybertron under your mighty heel- " -> Starscream " No! " -> Megatron " What? Why? " -> Starscream " Because I now know the true meaning of oppression and have thus lost my taste for inflicting it. " -> Megatron " You've clearly been traumatized, Master. A good power-down and a stroll around the smelting pit will put you back in touch with your inner warlord. " -> Starscream " Enough! The Decepticons are no more and that is final. " -> Megatron
When I first watching this just the other day, I was shell-shocked. I knew that at some point that he had disbanded the Decepticons, but not in this way.
Honestly, when he was exiled by his own mind ordering him to do so was something that made me go: Is he really that bad of a character here?
I believe that instead of focusing on him while he was possessed, we need some pieces of the Reader approaching him after his exile and just trying to be very helpful with his obvious trauma. It just sounds amazing to me. If you write something like that, do please tag me in it so I can read it!
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bones4thecats · 10 days
Can you please do Loona x Male Reader headcanons for sharing a bed? Like cuddling, hanging out, etc. Thanks for your time!
Living With Loona and Blitzo Buckzo
Characters: Loona Buckzo Requester: 🐺Anon A/N: Imma name you 🐺Anon, idk it just makes sense to me. Anyways, next time you anonymous people request, please put down an emoji or emojis for me to identify you with, it makes it easier for me to know who I’m writing for! Have a great time reading this though! P.S: This is fairly short, just noting!! ⚠️ Spoilers/Trigger Warnings for: S2 Ep2 and mentions of being kicked out ⚠️
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»»———————————- Loona Buckzo ———————————-««
🐺 When your adoptive parents kicked you out of the house after you had gone out on a mission with I.M.P. and in their words, ‘ruined their family image’ by being seen with imps, Blitzo had offered you some shelter at his place with him and his daughter, who just so happened to be your girlfriend, Loona
🐺 Loona was shocked to see you at their door with your things while your childhood friend, Vortex, helped load your things inside of the apartment. Despite being slightly out of place at first, Loona and Blitzo made sure you felt more comfortable quickly
🐺 Since their space was- well- limited in the best term, Blitzo had you and Loona begin to share a room. It would be ‘way too awkward’ in his opinion if either of you moved into his room. Besides, you were dating after all!
🐺 You were shocked when Loona offered to share a bed, you two have done that before when you snuck the hellhound inside of your old estate and just hung out, but not to this level of commitment. This was something that couples or people who have done it do. Well, you guys are a couple, but still!
🐺 Loona watched and laughed as you nervously shifted to allow her to have a side of the bed. Now, she’s a hellhound, meaning she has some pieces in her thought process that make her think like an animal. This means when she felt how warm you were on the other side of the bed, she curled up behind you and held you close
🐺 This normally happens on colder nights so she can keep body heat levels up. But on hotter ones, like in the not-surprisingly humid summer nights in Hell, she sometimes stays on her side, unless your naturally cold
🐺 But, because of how fluffy she is in both her fur and how she cares for people close to her, she is an excellent cuddler!
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bones4thecats · 11 days
Hello, I would like to make a request for the scarabia duo with a reader Jasmine please (they are lovers)
Their S/O Being Twisted From Jasmine
Characters: Kalim Al-Asim and Jamil Viper Requester: @marinahavik A/N: Alright. I have like no words except enjoy this soooo, enjoy I guess? Spoilers/Trigger Warnings for: Book 4 and mentions of hypnotism
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»»——————————-  Kalim Al-Asim   ——————————-««
☀️ You two first met because of your positions in society. Kalim was the first-born to a wealthy merchant family, while you were born into a very esteemed entertainment-centered family. Basically you guys worked in the entertainment industry
☀️ Ever since you were born, being around hoity-toity rich people was what you were used to. That was, until you had met the Al-Asim family, who were by far one of the sweetest and most normal rich-folk you'd ever seen
☀️ Especially when it came to their oldest child, Kalim
☀️ Kalim was ecstatic when he first met you, he practically dragged you around his home while throwing toys back and forth with his multiple younger siblings
☀️ One thing you two bonded over was the fact that he had such a larger family at the time, with even more on the way, as shown by his mother's pregnant belly, while you were left as an only child in your home
☀️ As you two grew together, he remained in contact ever since he was enrolled to transfer to Night Raven College from your once shared college of Royal Sword Academy. He would call you weekly to invite you to last-minute parties
☀️ You swore you could hear Jamil just groaning in the background as he cooked
☀️ Speaking of Jamil, you guys are on okay-ish terms. Growing up with Kalim meant you also grew up with Jamil, since his family serves the Al-Asims. And because you are excellent at seeing through others, you could tell as the years passed that he was getting more and more fed-up with his role in life, not that you could blame him. You hated yours just as much
☀️ Anyways. Kalim and you are definitely confused to be just friends at first by many, since you hold him back from doing stupid things like Jamil, but, when they notice just how doting the white-haired boy is for you, they can tell you guys are far beyond friends
☀️ His family absolutely adore you and your amazingly independent and courageous nature. Whenever someone tries to threaten any one of them, normally they would just flee back to try and calm their antagonist down with words, but you just get up in their face and get them to realize their mistakes
What do you think of Jasmine! Reader, Kalim?
" What is there not to like? They're so awesome! Their free-spirited personality is so much fun to mess with, especially when they blush! I remember the first time they did that! Oh, they were so gosh-darn pink, it was insane! I thought they would stay the same shade forever! Boy was I wrong! "
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»»———————————-  Jamil Viper  ———————————-««
🐍 Oh boy is this guy tripping over his own feet!
🐍 When you guys had first met one-another, it was... interesting to say the least...
🐍 You were a very long-distant relative of Kalim's, but, because the young man's family is already so large, distant relatives are treated just like immediate family. And you were just like a sibling to him!
🐍 Jamil was very iffy around you at first, since most of his encounters with outside families was bad. They would almost always look at him or his parents and just snobbishly downcast themselves onto them. He almost attacked one because they called his mother and at the time toddler-aged sister two of the 'ugliest things in existence'
🐍 One day you just walked through the Al-Asim estate until you came across one of your father's co-workers belittling the young boy, and in a fit of anger at the audacity of him, you stomped up and yelled at him to apologize for treating him to horribly
🐍 That was the first thing that made you catch the servant's eye; your bravery and hatred of injustice. You would never stand on the sidelines and watch someone get mistreated because of their background. No, you stepped up when nobody else would and defend them with your honor
🐍 And while you served as the housewarden of your dorm in Royal Sword Academy, you would keep in close contact with not only your distant cousin Kalim, but his best friend Jamil
🐍 When you visited and saw Jamil overblot, you were scared for not only the other's life, but his. If someone found out he had done this, who knows what would happen? What if he was taken by S.T.Y.X.?
🐍 Jamil had eventually snapped out of his fit of anger for a moment when you stared into his horrifyingly-cold eyes and cried... he... he made you cry those tears...?
🐍 He came back to his senses and you were the one to drag him to the nurse's ward for a checkup. Who knows what could've happened to his body, nonetheless his mind while under the control of such evil magic! And as his S/O, it was your duty to help him
🐍 With your spirit of kindness to those you cared for and his, albeit hidden most of the time, stubbornness, his true self shown through the walls that he always kept up around others. You were his one and only diamond in the rough, and he was never going to let you fall through his fingers
What do you think of Jasmine! Reader, Jamil?
" Well, ha, where do I begin? Their just... perfect. The way they smile, or yell at someone for being rude to others, or even when they just take care of Kalim and allow me to get some things done in the meantime. Everything they say or do to me is just the most spectacular sight that anybody could experience. And I'm lucky to be the one they have chosen. "
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bones4thecats · 13 days
I am getting rid of one fandom: Record of Ragnarok.
I apologize to anyone who enjoyed me writing for this fandom, I have just fallen so out of rhythm with it, but don't worry it is being replaced by another one that has three iterations of it.
And, just in case you couldn't tell by my new profile photo, it's transformers!
I literally loved Animated, Prime, and Robots in Disguise (2015) so much that I have decided to write for it now.
Also, I am starting to post more of my small doodle boards from throughout my days of writing and whatnot, as well as small playlists that I find of Youtube or Spotify that I listen to when working for you guys to enjoy!
Have a great rest of your nights guys and stay safe out there!
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bones4thecats · 13 days
hello, I would like to make a request to Ignihyde with a reader like Magara from Hercules (note, magara! reader being Idia's boyfriend(girlfriend) please
The Reader Being Twisted From Megara
Characters: Idia and Ortho Shroud Requester: @marinahavik A/N: Heyo there, Marina! I know this has taken a while to get out there, but I've been busy with some extra side-hassles with the blog. Note; there will be an announcement after this comes out! Anyways, I do hope you enjoy this pieces despite coming out a while after requested😅 Spoilers/Trigger Warnings for: Book 6 and mentions of Death
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»»———————————-   Idia Shroud  ———————————-««
🎮 Wow, talk about opposites attract
🎮 This guy is literally known around Night Raven College for being a shut-it, meanwhile you are known for being a fairly obvious and cynical person. One that is hailed at being worse than Professor Trein when upset
🎮 Now, for the many years you and Idia have known one another, he by far believes that he deserves to have a friend as cool and chilled out as you around him. He’s a 'weird otaku' for crying out loud
🎮 When you guys first met, you were settling down from fight with another classmate. Apparently, he had tried to hit your younger sister, and in a fit of rage, you grabbed his hair and began to beat him senseless. And while you were fairly cynical when replying to the principal’s questions, Idia was more timid
🎮 You and him were released from the office, and when you introduced yourself and found out he got in trouble for messaging his parents because it was the date of his younger brother’s death, you swore to stand by his side. No take backs
🎮 Ever since then, Idia has been hooked onto you, which led to your relationship blossoming into what it is today
🎮 Idia is definitely nervous of being in a relationship with you, as you had a bad experience with your past boyfriend who was known by many names, Donovan or Don, or even Adonis! Talk about a spoiled narcissist
🎮 But, every time you notice that he is burying himself into these awful thoughts, you would jump in and begin to help him by reassuring him that he is far better than Donovan ever was to you. As he actually listens and talks to you instead of ignoring you and belittling you in front of his friends like Donovan
🎮 Speaking of Donovan, when he came by and tried to offer to rekindle your relationship, Idia showed a whole other side of him that scared all that witnessed the event
🎮 As the golden-haired man held your hand while bent down on one knee, your boyfriend literally blew up in flames, but, instead of blue ones, they were a hellfire-red and orange. And once he saw just how pissed the dormhead was, Donovan lunged out of there, but not before he praised on how you would regret rejecting him and for 'embarrassing' him
🎮 Please, he's an embarrassment on his own.
🎮 But, despite your cynical and disgusted-appearing nature, you really were a sweetheart inside. This was shown to Idia when you first interacted with Ortho, or, the robot-him that is...
🎮 You held his hand as he walked to practice, you'd allow him to recharge in your lap, hell, you would even allow him to do whatever he wanted with your extremely long and thick hair- sometimes the tiny mech would even match both you and his brother's hair
🎮 Don't mind Idia, he's just rebooting in the background- something about losing to much XP or whatever
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»»———————————-  Ortho Shroud ———————————-««
🤖 Ortho is absolutely the biggest sweetheart you have ever met in your life!
🤖 When he first came back to life after Idia's overblot, he had no idea what happened or who you were. But, once you explained everything about you and Idia's bond, leaving out his death date and such, since he was no doubt overwhelmed with the fact his brother had an S/O
🤖 Ortho hugged your tightly as you just chuckled and gave him pats on his tiny robotic back
🤖 Idia awoke from his small nap in the nurse-ward to see you and Ortho curled up on a nearby sofa, the younger male being propped up in your arms like a toddler would with his mother
🤖 The younger Shroud would be lying if he said that he didn't love teasing you and his brother! He's the younger sibling, and as the younger sibling in a family, it is our job to make the oldest regret wishing for us. I can guarantee that, I have two older brothers
🤖 Like I mentioned earlier, you allow Ortho to hold your hand whenever he walked, have him recharge/rest in your lap, and let him style your hair
🤖 Speaking of your hair, whenever he does both you and his brother's to match, he just chuckles mischievously in the background as you hold Idia up and try getting a bottle of water in his mouth to cool him down from his embarrassment
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