brakingpoint · 13 hours
booing, hissing, screaming out the window BRING BACK THE RB19 YOU SLAGSSSS
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train stopping in milton keynes… home of the albon pets 😍 and nothing else f1 related of note as far as i’m aware
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brakingpoint · 13 hours
train stopping in milton keynes… home of the albon pets 😍 and nothing else f1 related of note as far as i’m aware
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brakingpoint · 13 hours
also i'm glad you pointed out the misogyny which i think is one side of the obsession with worrying about these people (as you also said it's literally not our problem), the other being a weird infantilisation of the drivers? I keep seeing insta comments about how X's gf is golddigger which have this weird tone of warning the driver or concerned he might not know. like... he's an attractive wealthy athlete in a sport famed, largely, for money and glamour. he's also an adult surrounded by experienced industry experts, coaches and PR professionals. do we really think it didn't occur to him that someone might be into him for his money? maybe he needs you, a random fucker on IG, to warn him
no fr!! like come on, i am not going to suggest that being famous or an adult makes you completely immune to being in a financially coercive/controlling/abusive relationship, that would be incorrect and a really unhelpful belief to perpetuate. but if (and that is a load bearing if) that *IS* happening in max or any other driver’s life what the fuck makes some rando with a self-awarded pHD in analysing instagram comments the right person to speculate and act upon that as opposed to, yknow, his loved ones who actually know him and whatever is or isn’t going on
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brakingpoint · 13 hours
its hard to even come up with cogent arguments against these people because who gives a shit. like what else was max supposed to say. that is the most anodyne comment ever. what would you rather he have said answer quickly. who literally gives a shit about the state of these peoples relationships to the point where you're actively worried about them based on scraps of evidence?
no literally like, you can see from twitter that kelly’s statement didn’t just go in one ear and out the other it made people actively double down! there is literally fuck all that anything can say to make these obsessive weirdos even consider the possibility that their behaviour is deeply inappropriate because they’re so completely set in their beliefs that to them whatever anyone says on the matter is only further proof that they’re right.
but no yeah literally, yes max’s comment doesn’t necessarily read in his voice but i also doubt he (as a formula one megastar with years of PR training and a shitload of marketing obligations) or kelly (as an influencer with social media & marketing experience) are going to write something about a serious topic completely off the cuff. i don’t doubt that they both had some form of help with their respective statements but that doesn’t necessarily mean kelly herself is logging into his phone cackling evilly and that as she uses him as her own personal sockpuppet. be real
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brakingpoint · 21 hours
okay i'm sure this discourse all died down while i was asleep but the thing is i've been thinking about it and also have terminal "and another thing"-itis so i have one more thing to add. which is when i say stuff like ^ the above i am not saying "oh i think kelly is perfect and every single criticism of her is completely unwarranted and i have absolute concrete proof that her & max's relationship is completely happy and healthy with zero PR interference whatsoever." like actually where i personally stand on any of these things is completely irrelevant. what i find fucking weird is that half of the things people have picked up on to criticise about kelly and/or her relationship with max are things they've only noticed or decided to care about because they are devoting ludicrous amounts of time, energy, and effort into analysing every post, comment, timestamp, you name it with the express goal of finding things to critique to prove this woman isn't "worthy" of dating max. and it's not just a kelly problem, it just so happens that she's actually spoken up about it, but i've seen this happen with charlotte, rebecca, alex, luisa, magui, you name it, every time a new woman pops up in certain drivers' lives regardless of who she is or her history the amateur detectives and behavioural analysts come out of the woodwork to prove that she's a problematic gold digger who's only in it for the fame, and i'm sorry but i don't see any way to spin that where you don't ultimately come down to it originating from a deeply misogynistic impulse.
whether or not any of these women are problematic, controlling, clout chasers, etc is not the point. either fucking way i think 1) only really giving a shit about it bc they're attached to drivers you like and 2) going out of your way to speculate and search for crumbs of evidence that they are the above things is deeply deranged and a fucking bizarre use of your limited time on this planet. and frankly even if these women ARE as evil as you think, that is a problem for the drivers and their friends and family to deal with, you don't know them or have any say in their lives and i promise your fave isn't just going to dump his girlfriend because he saw your callout post on wag_gossip_xo on tiktok. just a sad little use of your time imo
isn’t it sad that kelly and max speaking out against deranged wag gossip accounts will probably do nothing bc the people obsessive enough to spread rumours and hate on anything kelly (or whatever other wag) does are far beyond using their brains and will somehow find a way to turn this into another fucking problem with a woman they’d frankly have zero beef with if it weren’t for her dating an f1 driver they like
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brakingpoint · 1 day
I’m so glad you mentioned the larry baby theory cause it’s all I can think when I read some tweets saying Max’s comment is PR LMAOAOOAO why would max fake comment on his longterm girlfriend’s instagram post for PR I’m cryingggg
These people are not real
❌ focusing on trying to win your fourth consecutive WDC because you are an elite athlete at the top of your game
✅ handing over your instagram password so your girlfriend can comment in your name to protect her adequate but not especially remarkable influencer career
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brakingpoint · 1 day
it's gotta be brain rot, because there's not a single argument towards max and kelly being a PR relationship that makes sense. Like in what planet would putting a 25 yo male athlete in a relationship would be a priority in terms of PR??? And harassing her or him over this? brain rot
like everything we know about max points towards him being an extremely friends and family oriented person who also does not really give a shit about PR so why on earthhhh do people think he would agree to spend years of his life in some kind of loveless PR relationship
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brakingpoint · 1 day
this is a really great story can you do the one about louis tomlinson’s fake baby next
isn’t it sad that kelly and max speaking out against deranged wag gossip accounts will probably do nothing bc the people obsessive enough to spread rumours and hate on anything kelly (or whatever other wag) does are far beyond using their brains and will somehow find a way to turn this into another fucking problem with a woman they’d frankly have zero beef with if it weren’t for her dating an f1 driver they like
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brakingpoint · 1 day
if you could go to any race for free no questions asked, which would you wanna attend?
i’d do f1 monaco if “for free” also included afterparty entrance (and a dress code compliant fit) just bc i love monaco (the place) and i am also a child of the club. otherwise i would love to do australia bc i’m claiming it as a home race oscarstyle
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brakingpoint · 1 day
isn’t it sad that kelly and max speaking out against deranged wag gossip accounts will probably do nothing bc the people obsessive enough to spread rumours and hate on anything kelly (or whatever other wag) does are far beyond using their brains and will somehow find a way to turn this into another fucking problem with a woman they’d frankly have zero beef with if it weren’t for her dating an f1 driver they like
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brakingpoint · 2 days
i don't "ship" valewis but i support it fondly from afar. you guys look like you are always having a lot of fun and i endorse that
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brakingpoint · 2 days
Valentino Rossi/Marc Marquez for the ship opinions?:)
i ship rossquez in the same way that somebody may get lost wandering through the city and stumble into a cathedral midway through a beautiful service of choral evensong and feel completely transfixed and transformed by it despite not actually being religious in any way but the vibes and music and ceremony are just so effectively done as to provide a little moment of utter serenity. and then you leave and think hey what the fuck was that all about, weird, but you accidentally do the exact same thing the very next week
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brakingpoint · 2 days
is it mean to say. idk. anyways landoscar has always reminded me of those minecraft youtubers. like when they add logan into the mix too? i just don’t get it
no there sort of is something "smashing together the least threatening twinky young lads on the grid" about it tbf......
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brakingpoint · 2 days
i tell you what it was fully in the "ughhh just relax and let some people be teammates without searching for vibes that aren't there" camp for me UNTIL australia 2024. that whole car stealing debacle was precisely the sprinkle of drama & seasoning i needed to get me invested in the principle of logalex
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brakingpoint · 2 days
i would not strictly say i "ship" dantteri but i think it is a combination that has out of this world background ship potential. like in a shakespeare comedy or golden age musical they would be the comedy B plot providing contrast and light relief from the trials and tribulations of the primary couple
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brakingpoint · 2 days
intrigues me but i feel like i do NOT see enough content for it. of course this may be a Me problem due to the number of lewis blogs that have me blocked (mv1 tax) but nonetheless
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brakingpoint · 2 days
max x gp 👀
SOOOOOO good. they’re married. they’re divorced. they’re fucking. they’re hatefucking but in a very exasperated way and max apologises for being a dick afterwards. they’re drift compatible but they’d be bickering non stop the whole time. 10/10 no notes
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