breakoutime · 2 hours
being OCpilled is so fucking mortifying honestly. like oh... yeah..... heres my guy. i invented him. i can't think about anything else except for him this week. but he isn't cool or anything. he actually sucks. im just ill.
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breakoutime · 2 hours
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There's Aphrodite discourse on twitter, but now I've fixed her so we can all calm down
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breakoutime · 4 hours
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watching my bf play hades 2 and kicking my feet
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breakoutime · 7 hours
Is it bad that i really want there to be a character ai bot of him??? I wanna talk to the grandpaaaaaaaa
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breakoutime · 8 hours
Chronos ticks all the boxes for being a character I simp for:
- Affably Evil
- Dilf/Gilf
- That's it
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breakoutime · 16 hours
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breakoutime · 16 hours
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Mini sketches of Broken Chronos
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breakoutime · 1 day
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the last one is chronos once again seeing mel for the 300th time in tarturus
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breakoutime · 2 days
I CANT HELP BUT THINK OF YOUR CHRONOS AND CRONUS AU- and i got this really silly idea where if you offer him the bathsalts he would nod and go with u/melinoe whatevs- but they both forgot how sand gets super heavy underwater so the moment he dips himself in he turns into a pile of sand at the bottom of the hotspring??? cue you/melinoe desperately gathering up the sand and setting it aside in a bucket or something and having to help him dry so that he can regain his form again. Poor broken old man :V
Oh my god that’s brilliant. The moment Chronos just dips right in and looks relaxed (for once after Cronus and he threw hands the first time), he fucking reduces to a pile a sand. U/Melinoe quickly trying to gather up the sand and the moment his two guards come by to check up on em, the panic and horror the moment they see u/Melinoe stressed out and quickly putting the sand in a bucket. The two joining u/Melinoe in putting the sand in the bucket and attempting to dry him off.
Once they dry him off and he regains his form, He's confused as caught off guard with what happened and concerned the moment he sees the trio just exhausted out of their minds. Bonus: If Broken Chronos's body was in a somewhat more stable state, He wouldn't reduce to a pile and sand and can actually enjoy the warmth which would feel so foreign to him as he hasn't felt it in ages. His mind finally stabilizing and the two (him and u/Melinoe) are able to talk normally without his mind wandering off as much and his words actually make sense.
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breakoutime · 2 days
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The Golden Age
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breakoutime · 2 days
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breakoutime · 2 days
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breakoutime · 2 days
can you draw hades as the autism creature I think it will suit him xD
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breakoutime · 3 days
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the unseen ones has me like this
disclaimer: please do not use a sword as a guitar. your life is not as expendable as zagreus’s
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breakoutime · 3 days
Whaddup! I'm glad to see that you enjoy the drawings I've done so far! Chronos has been a major brainrot for me lately so lmao glad to see that I'm not the only one who is just brain rotting over that stupid time gilf! If it isn't much, May I request Chronos getting grabbed and fucked senseless by a bunch of tentacles? (I want this smug old timer being humiliated and fucked so badly)
Anyway! this is like, set after chronos took over the house of hades and before the events of Hades II. Wanted to do something special for the tentacles other than the seamonster, so I had to get creative haha!
It's been a while since I wrote some smut, but I hope this is good enough :3
(I really enjoyed writing this, thanks for the wonderfully dirty request)
Being at the wrong place, at the wrong time.
Chronos x Erebus/Tentacles
Warnings: Non-con, Dub-con, Tetatrofilia, Humiliation, Pleasure torture.
Other Tags: Groping, Overstimulation, Bondage, An old man getting fucked?
Chronos basqued in the victory of his dominion over the house of Hades. A deep sense of satisfaction coursed through him as he watched with pride the renovations of the soon to be called “House of Chronos”. His bratty son, Hades, was put in his place by chains, helpless to stop him as he regained his rightful place… Chronos felt great pride in the fact that his plan was going smoothly. 
Though he made it all look so easy, it had not been easy at all. Even with the sacrifices and the worship of his cult, despite regaining his form and rebuilding himself, his energy and power still needed some time before coming completely back to him. He had gathered just the right amount of energy to capture the chthonic gods and subjugate his son, and so he had been admittedly drained for the first months of his victory.
But as time passed and all kept going exactly how he had planned, Chronos was growing arrogant. Tartarus was already turning into a beautiful machine, all golden gears and ticking sounds around him, the gold he so loved adorning everything he deemed worthy. But what about the other layers of the underworld? Chronos wanted to make sure that all of the layers knew and recognized him as their new ruler. After all, wasn't his own cult on the entrance of the underworld what brought Hades’ downfall? He couldn't allow a similar cult to form under his new rule. So, he set his eyes on the rest of the underworld, one particular area catching his attention the most. 
Since he gained control of the underworld, Erebus became unruly. As if it was a living organism, the chambers that his son had once established were coming apart, slowly growing its own nature and taking their own shape. He couldn't have that, of course. After all, wasn't Erebus a place where shades arrived to wait? He was the new ruler of the underworld and time himself. This place should bend to his will, and despite still recovering from his revival, Chronos felt very confident he could tame the beast that Erebus was becoming. 
Perhaps now, he might have regretted that decision. For he was now lost, no matter what he did in this realm, he found himself wandering unable to bend this place to his will, and worse, unable to find his way *out*. Angrily he swung his scythe to whatever he could, breaking the columns that were in the process of being reclaimed by vines or cutting short the lives of trees that were just beginning to sprout between the floor slabs and exposing the soil underneath. It might look petty, but everything here was born of darkness, the very essence of Erebus. He knew that soon enough he would provoke a reaction from the realm, knowing that at some point a manifestation of Erebus itself would come and confront him. That's when he would dominate and control this place. 
A smug smirk appeared on his lips when after all his wandering, he was sure he found something that showed progress. As he passed through the forming cracks of the old walls of Erebus, breaking and cutting down what he needed to make a dignified trail, he encountered something. 
It looked like a pit. A pit so dark that it seemed endless, the light practically swallowed by its mere presence. 
“Ah. There it is.” He said as he floated towards it. He didn't once set foot down on this dirty place, deeming it unworthy yet of his touch. “So Erebus is finally making a real appearance, hm? Good. It's time I showed you who is in charge now.” With a wave of his hand, he tried to freeze this manifestation of Erebus in time, but it didn't work. “Hmmm…” Perhaps since Erebus was something both of a place and a living thing, it was not as simple as freezing it in time like the other chthonic beings. Besides, he was seeing what he assumed to be a hole- a dark void on the ground, maybe it was a gateway?
He tested first by dipping his cane into it. And before he could react, something took hold of it, janking it and himself inside this void. The next moment all Chronos could see was darkness. He couldn't even see his hands in front of him. Snarling, he transformed his cane into his scythe again- but this time that something had grabbed him, squeezing first the wrist of his hand holding the scythe, another unseen appendage janking it away from his hold, leaving him unarmed. “How dare you-!” another appendage wrapped around his other hand, and despite being unable to see it, he could feel it. It was some sort of tentacle, cold and smooth. He trashed and attempted to get away, but the darkness around him was powerful. It refused to let go. One tentacle wrapped around both his legs, leaving him inmobile, his wings attempting to move and even flap to attack the offending appendages fruitlessly. 
It was now that he realized he should have waited to regain his full power before attempting such a thing. And now, he was worried that he would pay the price. He cursed at himself, his own hubris bringing him low, being captured like a fly on a web. As he tried to look around himself, all he could see was the darkness around him. No escape routes. No matter, he was time himself. He couldn't be killed, and he couldn't be captured forever like this. But he squirmed and growled as he felt another tentacle touch him, tracing the line of his spine, as if it was looking for the place where his wings connected to it. He shuddered, which encouraged the tentacle. “W-what are you…?” She said through gritted teeth as more joined, a couple running through his hair, another experimentally wrapping around his neck, and a couple exploring his chest and arms. A new feeling flared for Chronos. 
Pure, humiliating and unwanted *arousal*.
It was now that he realized that he was not only vulnerable and at the mercy of Erebus, but also, ever since his reforming he had not been even touched by anyone. He had no idea his body was this sensitive after being remade. A new panic set in, as he began to writhe with more desperation as the tentacles began to get more mischievous. One of the tentacles exploring his chest brushed against a nipple, making him buck and writhe as a strained groan escaped him, a blush forming in his face. Experimentally the tentacle continued, now one tracing the form of his buttocks, and one tentacle poking gently the inside of his ear. 
His legs squeezed together, trying to hide the growing arousal and limit the tentacles wandering. “S-stop! Stop this instant! I'm your master, you can’t-” His words were caught short as a tentacle entered his mouth. The void of tentacles did not speak, but Chronos could sense its intentions. It didn't care for his demands nor his complaints. He could sense as if it was curious, and even delighted to have a plaything in its clutches. He tried to bite down on it, but the tentacles did not even react, exploring his mouth deeper and deeper. It seemed to relish on his temperature, he was warm compared to its own cold darkness. The only thing that could be felt in this dark endless void was both their touch and the sounds he made. Erebus liked it. He wanted to hear more, to feel more. To have him at his mercy. To show him he was no master of Erebus. 
With horror Chronos realized that a couple of tentacles began to explore his legs, wrapping around his thighs and caressing them, making him shiver and swallow up a moan. A couple of tentacles decided to focus on his nipples as he tried for dear life to keep his legs squeezed together. Another tentacle found his belly button and attempted to enter it, making him convulse for a second out of the strange ticklish sensation that jolted through him. Sweat formed in his brow as he realized the tentacles were looking for more holes to explore, not satisfied with gagging him alone. “Hmmm! Hmm- mmmn!” He furtively complained as one tentacle managed to undo his loincloth, now exposing him completely. There was a pause, despite the darkness Chronos knew that he was erect despite how much he tried to escape and deny this, the pause stretching as if Erebus was taking a moment to appreciate his naked form and drink up his humiliation. An undignified whimper escaped him when a single tentacle wrapped around the base of his cock, a deep shame taking over him as he realized how his body was betraying him, making him enjoy this violation. He thrashed, his energy waning as he was beginning to tire himself out. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't get a hand or a leg free. Slowly, oh so slowly, the tentacle on his cock began to stroke it, from the base up to the tip and again down. Slowly, as if taunting him, the tentacle makes sure to swirl on his tip before continuing its ministrations, forcing a low moan to leave Chronos. 
Chronos could not even begin to pull himself together before the rest of the tentacles joined in again. He could do nothing but cry into the darkness as he was being both stroked and teased. To his horror a couple of tentacles wrapped around each knee, the one holding his legs together releasing him so that the others could pull his legs apart. He shook his head violently, the muffled sounds of pleas and whimpers heard as his legs parted despite his protests. 
He felt tears swell in the corners of his eyes, he never before felt this shame, especially since his cock was dripping precum, which was now passing around his balls, down his taint, and reaching his clenched asshole. Trying to find even a modicum of a good thing, he found himself glad that he couldn't see himself in this pathetic position, the darkness at the very least keeping this private. But it also meant that he couldn't see anything else the being was planning. The tentacle on his mouth slowly pulled out, making him cough as spit saliva as his mouth was free. He struggled too tall for a moment. 
“Enough of this. Release me now and I will be merciful when I punish you for this transgression.” He tried to say as evenly as possible, trying to regain control and his dignity. The only answer he got from Erebus was feeling a cold- this time slimy- tentacle touching his taint, making him flinch and gasp. “N-no! I said no! Hnnnnnghh-'' He couldn't help but moan as the tentacle began to tease his puckered entrance, making him convulse in place and make sounds he was definitely not proud of. The tentacle began to prod inside, forcing the tight sphincter to open up, its slimy nature making this a lot easier, but it's cold temperature made him shiver and even whine. “H-how d-d-d-dare you….” He managed to say, his voice trembling as he realized this creature had released his month only to hear him moan as he got penetrated. He never thought something from the underworld could be this depraved. He tried to quiet himself and not give Erebus the satisfaction of hearing his grunts and moans, but the tentacle was going deeper and deeper, the stretch beginning to hurt slightly. “Mmmmmmngh- AH∿!” A surprised moan escaped him, when the tentacle found his prostate. He began to writhe again, unable to accept that this was happening. But he quickly went still when it rubbed against that spot again…
And again and again.
He lowered his head- was he even floating face up or face down? he couldn't tell up from down in here- closing his eyes tightly as he gritted his teeth. It was a sign of submission. Chronos never thought that being defiled this way would feel so good. He loved it- he hated it. Again he became aware of the tentacles on the rest of his body, making him sob. It was beginning to be too much. “Hnnnnn! Too much- It's too much-!” Again a tentacle invaded his mouth, making it impossible to even plead. How cruel. The tentacles in his mouth, cock and rectum were now moving in sync. He could feel his eyes crossing as his orgasm was close- oh so close. A part of himself told him that orgasming would be disgraceful- the other couldn't care less. 
Two tentacles were on each nipple, swirling and massaging the little peaks, a couple would run up and down his chest and back, simulating a lover's caress. One gently applied pressure on his neck, and some more were squeezing and caressing his thighs. If this had been consensual he would have called it worship, but he knew better. Erebus had the control, and Chronos had clearly been reduced to little more than a plaything. He was being humiliated and forced to enjoy it. The tentacles began to stroke him faster, rubbing more insistently his prostate as the one in his mouth moved deeper. Chronos was a mess of whimpers, moans and cries, his body beginning to spasms as he became overwhelmed by all the stimulation. He desperately tried to buck his hips- anything to release the tension that was building, but he barely wiggled as finally, he got over the edge. 
“HNNNN∿! MMMH∿! MMMGHNNN∿!” He uselessly babbled as his orgasm washed over him, the tentacles not stopping for a second, making him ride it as hard as possible. His body spasmed useless as his eyes rolled slightly to the back of his head, he was sure he felt the tentacle in his mouth twitch too, but he could barely register the fact that it was actually cumming too, depositing something deep into his stomach. The tentacle continued its assault until his cries became high pitched. Now he truly felt overstimulated. Not pulling away, all of the tentacles stopped, leaving chronos still and breathing heavily through his nose. He felt so drained, but at least this was over, he needed to get back into tartarus and- “Hmmm!!??” The break was over, and the tentacles resumed their assault, not giving him really enough time to recover himself. If his mouth was free he would be openly crying and pleading for mercy, the pleasure being too intense in his overstimulated post orgasmic state. For a bit, time himself lost track of time. Erebus forced orgasm after orgasm out of him until he passed out. 
… He later would wake up miraculously at the edge of Erebus, his body cast out like a used toy. His body was sore but with a shameful satisfied buzz going through it. As he tried to stand he could see his legs shaking, his entrance was definitely leaking something and he felt his stomach oddly heavy- As he got into full height he couldn't help but barf. Darkness. Erebus had ejaculated darkness into him. He groaned.  “Blood and darkness.” Rarely the Titan of time would curse, but this time he allowed himself the simple act. One thing was clear. He wouldn't be delving into Erebus again anytime soon.
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breakoutime · 3 days
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Tfw brainrotted over au idea so much (making dialogues, concepts and such), resulted in me jokingly saying 'hahah toxic old af men yaoi' and ended up drawing this.
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breakoutime · 4 days
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Another to the Chronos drawing pile (I weep i unintentionally gave him a big chest. Pillows even) ft ig a closeup idk
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