bringthekaos · 15 hours
I got a theory that's a bit of a stretch BUT-What if Viktor will use the hexcore to power Blitzcrank in arcane? Blitz does end up having a mind of their own, but mabey it's because of the hexcore? It's the only hextech technology that does think in a way, Jayce ends up building weapons, Viktor wouldn’t trust Jayce with it. So Viktor will put it to some other use than intented, because he can’t destroy it himself. Like helping people or as a powersource, like for a robot golem.
Plus Blitz's purple magic glow is similar to the core's glow too.
+ follow up
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No no, I don’t think this is a stretch at all. I think in those few frames we got of Viktor, he’s using some kind of magic which very much resembles the Hexcore magic (though notably we don’t see the Hexcore). So I’m wondering if Viktor now has the power in his augmented limbs? And perhaps the Hexcore is installed elsewhere? Saaaaaay the golem he invented to assist him in his surgeries.
Although that seems to be Viktor’s left arm reaching out to whoever is standing in front of him (some have said Huck), and so far only Viktor’s right hand has been augmented by the Hexcore. Maybe he ends up augmenting more, and the more he does, the more of a connection he has to the Hexcore… which in turn gives him magic abilities in those limbs. Almost like a true mage.
But in regards to Blitz… I think this is a likely theory. Cuz unless Viktor steals more Hextech gemstones, then that will be the only thing in his possession that could bring Blitzcrank to life.
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bringthekaos · 19 hours
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bringthekaos · 20 hours
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Listen I KNOW this very few seconds are right after the missile hit and this is someone´s POV (look at the camera movement) and that someone is either Jayce, Viktor or Mel and whoever it is ITS GOING TO MAKE ME CRY
Alright bear with me here, I’m about to get delulu as feck. But assuming that this circular looking object is the decoration embedded in the floor at the center of the council table…
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And assuming this is a piece of the table and not roof/wall debris…
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Then by perspective, it has to be someone who was in this general area…
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bringthekaos · 23 hours
I can´t do this . i am going TO DIE
SAME SAME SAME SAEM. I cannot focus. I have to make money so I can pay my bills BUT HOW CAN I DO THAT WHEN MY BRAIN HAS TURNED TO HEXTECH FLAVORED MUSH.
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bringthekaos · 23 hours
Ahsjjdjafajdsk I kinda want it and at the same time I really don’t. Like I don’t think it should be skipped over. The things he’s going to do to himself, the things he’s going to have to do in order to survive… there’s too much weight to them to be skipped over. You can’t just tell me he turned himself into a seven foot tall cyborg without explaining a little bit of it. His reasons, his mindset, his mental state. The man basically lobotomizes himself, and you can’t just put that in a summary.
That said, I will perish. I’m not sure how much I can handle of Viktor’s transformation. Like I’ll watch it, don’t get me wrong. But they gave us such a sweet, empathetic, emotionally invested character, and… to watch it all get destroyed??
But I also think that Vi/Cait/Jinx is the main storyline, and we all know it. Which means that in an hour-long episode, they can only spare so much time for this. So we’ll probably see pieces-parts of his transformation… just enough to traumatize us into oblivion… and then the rest will be implied, probably through a time skip.
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bringthekaos · 24 hours
Theories? 👀
GOD I have so many and I don’t even know where to start. But I’m starting to formulate a big one regarding Viktor.
So we have this shot of what looks to be Viktor down in that camp where all of the Shimmer addicts were.
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I think this is going to replace the story from his League lore of all of those people he was trying to save, and Jayce wiped them out. I think Viktor will end up down there, and he will take it upon himself to try to save them. He will augment them, whether with machinery or the Hexcore idk. These people will be the birth of the Glorious Evolved, and they will probably worship him as a savior.
And that’s where Cait’s voice line from the trailer will come in: “I will lead a strike team into Zaun with three objectives—locate Jinx, dismantle Shimmer…”
I think Jayce will be part of this strike team, and they will mistake these recovering addicts as part of the Shimmer trade, and they will kill all of them. And to add insult to injury, they will do it with Hextech weapons, and Viktor will likely see it all happen. And that’ll be it for any hope there was for Jayce and Viktor. 😭
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bringthekaos · 1 day
alright chat how we feeling
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bringthekaos · 1 day
Honestly, I don’t think Singed would hurt Viktor, at least not any kind of hurt Viktor didn’t ask him to do. Like… yeah, the dude is textbook mad scientist trope, but… I do think he cares about Viktor, on some level. This scene? Look at his face, the way he softens, the way his brows pinch with sympathy. It says “I know you do, I knew you would, and I wish you didn’t have to.”
My personal opinion? Viktor is not going to be in good shape after the explosion. He’s not going to be capable of starting his MH transformation by himself. He will need help. And I think he’ll go to Singed.
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bringthekaos · 1 day
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JKJKJKJK THERE HE IS THE BOIIIIIIII. That’s his staff and a modified arm ahanfjjsavavshsnahags I’m THROWING UP
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bringthekaos · 1 day
Welp… we were all wrong, well predicted anon! I’ve scrubbed through the trailer so much looking for any hint of any of them, and I couldn’t find it.
tbh I wouldn´t hold my hopes up for seeing anything related to Jayce, Viktor or Mel during the Annecy festival, they will probably try to keep us in the dark about who survived the attack. Remember that the people who doesn´t interact with LoL don´t know who the "playable characters" are
I tend to agree (despite wanting a glimpse of my boys so fuckin bad), but then again… I would have thought they’d keep Viktor’s identity under wraps before season 1 came out, and they didn’t. And I do think certain low level spoilers usually make it into any trailer—after all, the point of a trailer is to create presence and entice as many people to watch the show as possible. And a show with an ensemble cast of characters knows that to do that, they have to appeal to fans of the individual characters. And yeah, Jinx is far and away a crowd favorite, but she’s not enough to carry every trailer from now until November. Nor is Cait, or Vi, or even new baddy(?) Warwick.
On that note, I think the chances of them keeping Viktor and Mel more hush-hush are pretty high. They could conceivably get away with not showing those two. But I really do think we’ll see Jayce, in some capacity. Cuz him being alive after the attack—relatively low level spoiler compared to whatever else they have planned for the season. And it tells the audience that hey, some of the people in that room survived. Wouldn’t you like to know who? Guess you gotta watch to find out. Which is exactly the kind of hype they’re looking to create with the trailer.
Idk tho, place your bets:
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bringthekaos · 3 days
This fic is just a delight!! It’s got everything! Thank you so much for this gift 💖
New fic!
Divorce era Jayce is kidnapped by Jhin and is rescued by...
...Viktor's left arm? 🤔
Thank you @bringthekaos for your amazing prompt and donation to @arcanefans4gaza! This was such a fun thing to write.
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bringthekaos · 3 days
Aggressively sings “Shake It” by Metro Station.
made some viktor gifs from this tiktok
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bringthekaos · 3 days
Happy pride month :))
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Orig meme ⤵️
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bringthekaos · 4 days
This is how Jayce was looking at Cait after giving her the riffle hoping that she would like it
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And this was Jayce inner turmoil at the same time
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THIS IS CANON TO ME NOW. Idc what the show does, if it’s not this, it’s Wrong™️
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bringthekaos · 4 days
This is how Jayce was looking at Cait after giving her the riffle hoping that she would like it
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And this was Jayce inner turmoil at the same time
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THIS IS CANON TO ME NOW. Idc what the show does, if it’s not this, it’s Wrong™️
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bringthekaos · 4 days
So, we have the first image of Cait's ~ iconic ~ hextech rifle. In the original lore, the rifle was a gift from their parents (her dad was an artíficer); however given the rework in the story regarding hextech, I think it's safe to assume that Jayce had some involvement in making it.
In which case he really put his whole pussy into it, that thing looks gorgeous
Yeah, I always say that Jayce has a knack for form where Viktor leans more toward function, but… Jayce is incredibly skilled at both. Like, the hammer is gorgeous, that rifle is gorgeous, but they’re also functional and reliable (or I’m assuming the rifle is/will be, based on League). Jayce has grown up in a world where everything has to be pretty to be accepted, so it’s just ingrained in his work without him even having to try. But I like to think he gives a little extra special touch when he’s creating things for the people he loves, and none more than Caitlyn. She’s family to him, she never gave up on him even when the rest of her family did.
But at the same time, that rifle is exactly what Viktor feared Hextech becoming—a deadly weapon. And I know Jayce agreed, but is clearly going to have his opinion swayed, so it’s gunna be interesting to see; Jayce creating this weapon for his oldest friend, hoping it’s enough to protect her while simultaneously grieving that he had to create it in the first place. Makes you wonder if the engineer’s regret will play a role in how the rifle’s Hextech power behaves.
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bringthekaos · 4 days
some things change, some stay the same
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