brother-bon3s · 21 hours
Could yo draw more William and Paulina? 🗣🗣💯💯
No idk who that is sorry :(
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To clear up any possible confusion: Paulina isn’t in my William&Pip au so sadly there’s no willina/pauliam content planned for it and William will not be getting with Willow because

 I don’t think Hunter would like that very much
I’m going on a trip to the woods (camping) so I won’t be posting or online for a short bit :3 so I wanted to draw something quick before I go
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brother-bon3s · 2 days
Nlt entirely sure if you've talked about this before since I only found this account recently but what exactly was William's family like? Ya know before the whole time incident stuff.
I haven’t talked at all about William’s family, mostly because William has no recollection of them nor are they alive anymore, but just for you I decided to draw out his sibling’s designs as they are the only relatives in his life that had any influence on him. William’s mother died shortly after giving birth to him and William’s father died when he was 8, his father died due to a harsh work environment and his body could no longer handle the stress and labor he put himself through. William grew up in an extremely poor household too to add salt to the wound.
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This is Stefani, she is William’s older sister and was much like a mother figure to him. She was kind, gentle and soft spoken, the two told each other secrets that they promised to keep with themselves to the grave. She was a quiet and shy girl who showed little to no interest in finding a husband much to the disappointment and frustration of her parents and soon her older brother. She shared her woes with William and he comforted her as much as a 13 yr old boy who was taught to treat women like property could. They had a strong bond and often times William would take blame for mistakes she would make in order to prevent her from being publicly shamed and humiliated or even beaten. Stefani was able to be herself around her little brother and she was even able to act like a kid like she was never allowed to do when she was his age as she was constantly being taught how to do her “womanly” duties. She taught William to not judge others, be open minded, and not to question but accept others for their flaws or eccentric behavior. All of these qualities were looked down upon where they lived as public image meant everything and inevitably William would forget all these lessons his dear sister taught him when he ended up in the demon realm and set under a sleeping spell. Stefani took William’s disappearance the hardest as she felt she had just lost her best friend and her mental health only continued to decline as her older brother simply handed her off to marry some man he owed in order to abandon the last bit of his family. Stefani was a crafty and creative woman, she often stitched together or made adjustments to her siblings clothing. She was responsible for creating William’s iconic “witch-hunting uniform” that was more like an old fashioned costume for William to play in and it would be the last outfit he was ever seen in again.
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THIS is Hedley he is the eldest of the three. He would be the only money maker in the house after the passing of their father at only age 15, but even then at that age he was already considered an adult. He was responsible for keeping William and Stefani out of trouble, thankfully Stefani was already well behaved but William was seen as a problem child. Hedley’s punishments were never as harsh as other’s as he got no enjoyment from whipping his brother and sister with sticks in order to get them to behave. As a young boy he held a lot of hatred for William, constantly telling him he was a murderer and that he had killed their mother and he would soon kill their father, but as he got older and once their father really did die he tried to mend his relationship with his younger brother. Unfortunately, he made little progress as William seemed to only tolerate his brother out of fear of being beaten. He envied the closeness that Stefani and William had with each other and often complained this to Stefani and she never had the right words to please his frustrations so the conversations would often end in yelling. Once William had disappeared he swore to find him but he did not want to leave his sister homeless and defenseless as truthfully if he left her she would have nothing. So, Hedley had done what he believed to be the responsible thing and married his sister off to a man he owed a favor to. The man was wealthy and kind so he knew she was in good hands, but it was not what Stefani wanted. She argued, fought and pleaded with Hedley not to leave and that this would not make her happy and she did not want to lose her older brother as well, but Hedley was positive this was the right thing to do. Hedley never did find William, but, he did find a woman who soon became his wife. He had only two children and those children would go on to have children of their own. The story of William’s disappearance would reach each generation as a cautionary tale to not disobey your parents and run off without telling anyone. Hedley would become Caleb and Philip’s great great grandfather.
Of course, all of these stories are work in progresses! Things may change and things may stay the same. I hope you enjoyed my rambles, too bad William remembers nothing of his family BAHAHA
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brother-bon3s · 3 days
So... does william like chocolate?
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Maybe not milk chocolate, it’s too sweet for his renaissance taste buds. I think that he would like dark chocolate though (I am just projecting the fact that dark chocolate is the best chocolate
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brother-bon3s · 4 days
Philip Aroace PRIIIDEE
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Philip from my William/Philip au
He’s aroace but obviously he doesn’t actually know what that is yet because he’s nine so for now he just has a cute colorful deer plushie
Can you tell I was barely able to stay awake while I drew this
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brother-bon3s · 5 days
will discovers he's bi
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Hes getting there... Slowly..... Very slowly
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brother-bon3s · 5 days
Do you think Palismen require grooming like regular pets do?
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Or is it different because they're made of wood
Anyway, TOH sona/oc moment
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brother-bon3s · 5 days
Possibly gonna make something with William for pride month
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No promises tho, my posts have slowed down for a reason
Trying not to burn myself out lololol
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brother-bon3s · 9 days
William ended up in a different world, fell asleep for centuries and only got waken up by complete accident, found out that centuries passed all his friends and family are long dead and he can’t go back home, made a treehouse in the woods, reluctantly befriended the human girl that woke him up, adopted the physical embodiment of the sense of guilt of a guy that might be his descendant, became enemies of a clone of another of his own descendants and got bullied by the human girl and her witch gf.
I can’t wait to see how badly things will go for him. Pretty sure he’s going to be ran over by a car once he arrives in the human world.
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He’s gonna go through some wacky hijinks that’s for sure
I think about William in the human realm constantly and I can confirm he did nearly get hit by a car. Learning traffic laws was tough.
I think about William constantly
I’m thinking about making a series of fun random facts about William in my au
He’s my SON!!!
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brother-bon3s · 11 days
A Brief introductory to Salem (A Grimwalker OC)
Note: Salem is part of an au that is separate from the William au and he is one of my many sons who I love dearly.. also these drawings are nearly a month old my goodness.
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These are the first three drawings made of a grimwalker oc, Salem, he's kind of co-owned with me and one of my friends ( @try02line ). We made an au together where he, another grimwalker oc (Hansel), Hunter and Pip (Philip) are all brothers. Pip is basically adopted into their family (same way he was in the William au, Luz and Hunter pulled him out of the mindscape and had no real clue who he was) while Salem, Hansel and Hunter are raised to believe they are all brothers and not just clones of the same man. The reason there are three of them at once is because Belos had harvested the three of them at the same time as he accidentally made three of them at once! (Oops, silly old man) Out of the three Salem is the eldest. While on the character chart it says he is 25 in the au he is only 20, he is extremely optimistic, always looking for the bright side on things. He cares deeply for his brothers and almost mothers over them. Unlike his brothers, he is mildly aware of the revolution Darius, Raine and a few other coven heads have been planning against Belos. He doesn't tell his uncle of it because he himself believes that Belos is growing too old and delirious to stay emperor and that his health is heavily declining from the curse.. however when Salem brought this up with his uncle he suffered a nearly ripped off jaw. Salem is nearly tempted into joining this revolution, but it is much too risky for him as a Golden Guard and as an older brother. Despite the abuse he endures from his uncle, Salem stays positive and is a great role model for the citizens of the boiling isles. Citizens often see him as incredibly friendly and approachable, he set the standard of what a Golden Guard should be. He's always eager to help others even if their problems seem unimportant, he will never turn anyone down.
That is only some of the basic info on Salem, there is a lot more I could yap about but I am very very sleepy. I will post other drawings soon and those drawings will also be accompanied with a wall of text, then you can meet Hansel.
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brother-bon3s · 11 days
Can william spitith bars?
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I think the answer is no
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brother-bon3s · 12 days
Luz for fun makes William see some memes in order to see his reaction.
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His reaction is never positive, he hates her phone.
also sorry for dying for a bit I was neglecting my irl friends and they abducted me BAHAHA
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brother-bon3s · 15 days
You know what would be terrible?
If kid Philip and Belos were still connected in some way!
Imagine the poor kid having flashes of memories of the atrocities committed by Belos or suddenly feeling in pain so badly that he can’t move when the curses flares

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You are actually partially correct! While Philip is no longer connected to Belos’s mind he still retains all of the horrible memories from when he was a part of him. He’s essentially got PTSD from the mindscape, anything and anyone could set him off. Sometimes he will hallucinate and get confused and scared, Hunter and Luz aren’t quite sure why this happens as they aren’t aware the place they found the child was Belos’s mind.
Though, anything Belos does now is lost to Philip, he has no idea what goes on in that wicked man’s mind.
As for the connection thing, while I considered the idea for a while when I initially read this I decided maybe not because if their pain is connected then Philip would surely die once Belos is killed
 though still it is tempting to add because I can just imagine everyone in the owl house crowded around poor Philip as he lays in pure agony and none have any clue what has happened or if he’ll be okay
(Also, if I have not answered your ask yet, don’t worry!!! I am getting to them :3 very slowly but still <3
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brother-bon3s · 15 days
The bravest Gnome protecting the witch’s garden
(He just wants to impress a beautiful lady)
William and Pauline my beloveds💞💞
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brother-bon3s · 15 days
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brother-bon3s · 15 days
*Creates a TOH self insert to heal my inner child*
NOTE: I USED EDRIC AS A BASE but I did draw the staff and hair myself
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Sorry wasn’t 2 active today I was busy XP I still wanted to post something so I decided to finally make a self insert purely to heal my inner child
This design is based off of my old persona I had when I was 15 (which also looked like me when I was 15) the palisman is just my old pet Guinea pig Daniel
I did this because as a child (esp when I was 15) I wanted to run away to a fantasy land and that’s where I get most of my comfort from watching TOH. Plus 15 yr old me desperately needed a friend as kind, caring and supportive as Luz because I was making some bad choices.
I probably won’t post much art of him since most of it would just be comfort art but I still wanted to share him
Also here’s a version with glasses
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brother-bon3s · 17 days
One thing that no one has mentioned once is that Philip, being a fragment of Belos’s mind, really hates witches and so he might be very hostile towards Luz and the others.
Like he would try to steal William’s giant ass sword and try to kill Eda only to fail to even lift it due to its weight or trying to set her house on fire but be thwarted by Hooty.
SORRY TO REPLY SO FAST but I saw this as an opportunity to yap about Philip in my au before I leave for work
Philip is absolutely terrified of everyone once he is initially pulled out of the mindscape, he’s surrounded by witches and demons and he’s under the impression that if they find out just exactly who he is they will waste no time in killing him. In his mind he is at the mercy of these witches and if he so dares as to show discomfort to them they may kill him. This is why he finds comfort in William because William seems to share these thoughts and feelings, so much so that the two inadvertently feed off of each other’s fear and anxiety.
A lot of these submissive and timid behaviors come from the fact that he is a manifestation of Belos’s guilt, all of Belos’s wrong doings are on his mind constantly, especially when he sees Hunter. Philip is also a tiny child, if he were to try and run away he could be killed or eaten
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Edit: forgot tags
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brother-bon3s · 17 days
Rumpelstiltskin posting
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And William is there too
You guys aren’t ready for the insane Rumpelstiltskin lore, she holds many secrets and the knowledge of the world
She is also immune to rabies
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