bxileys-blog · 9 years
[to: some roommate] i dont wanna
[ txt: ? ] I know you’re in the kitchen. [ txt: ? ] Make me a sandwich.
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bxileys-blog · 9 years
People say, Absence makes the heart grow fonder, and Taejoon – surprisingly – could not agree with that statement more. After Bailey’s scandal had broken out, and after the two of them had used it as a springboard to discuss the circumstances surrounding it, Taejoon had barely seen the other in an effort to allow his boyfriend time to recuperate on his own. Besides, cameras were everywhere in the Roommate house, and he had to be careful not to be caught doing anything the general South Korean public would disapprove of seeing on their public networks.
Thus, when Bailey had gained a little more color in his cheeks and a little more of a skip to his step, Taejoon happily accepted the other male’s invitation to visit the Alone dormitories. Besides, there was no way he’d turn down alone time with the Alone member either. “I’m pretty excited,” he commented before quickly looking around. Once certain that the coast was clear, he quickly pressed a peck to the other male’s temple before watching him unlock the door to the dormitory. “It isn’t every day I get invited to visit the dorms of an idol star. This is definitely a first.”
He let out a whistle once they were able to step through the front door. As he shuffled forward, he realized that being able to come here meant he was going to learn yet another part of Bailey that he’d never seen before. It made a feeling of content wash over him, and he smiled at the other male without comment before reaching over to hold his hand. “So… What’s there to see in your home, love?”
Bailey smiled at the feeling of lips pressed to his temple, “it’s not much to get excited over, really. Unless you find a bunch of beds and clothes exciting. Then, maybe it is something to get excited over.” He rambled, shrugging his shoulders. “I’d hope you didn’t get invited to other idol’s dorms... You belong to this idol.” He grinned, shaking his head. He was never one to be possessive, but it seemed Taejoon changed most aspects of his personality. For better rather than worse, he thought. 
“Let me show you.” Bailey chuckled, letting Taejoon walk inside before shutting the door. Immediately they were greeted with the group’s living room. “Here’s the living room, mostly we all gather in here. For team bonding and things like that.” He explained, opening an arm out to the room. “We’ll get to the room I stay in last. I share a room with Felix - of course.” He grinned, tugging on Taejoon’s hand to take him to the first of four rooms. Opening the door, he turned to face Taejoon. “This is Daehyun hyung and Inseong hyung’s room. Inseong’s my favorite hyung, but - don’t tell anyone else that.” Bailey confessed, guiding his boyfriend out of the room. Next was Wonpil and Jeonggook’s room, “Wonpil and Jeonggook share this room, but. I swear - they’re barely ever in here. Felix’s always got Wonpil doing stupid shit. Either girl group dances with him, or something like that. I don’t know how I got dragged into all of that but...” He ended his sentence with a sigh, shaking his head. “Then second-to-last, we have Jin hyung’s room! He didn’t want to room alone, but. It ended up that he did. But he doesn’t seem to mind it anymore.” 
Bailey took his time in shutting the door to Jin’s room and making his way to his own room, shared with the youngest member of ALONE. “Finally, this brings us to the room I stay in! Originally I was meant to stay with Daehyun, but. Felix has his way of persuading the hyungs and we got to share.” He provided some backstory to how his room arrangements came to be. Opening the door to his room he instantly moved to lie down on his bed. The room was fairly simple, two beds and a shared bedside table. Along with this Felix had plastered photos of Big Bang on side of the room, whilst Bailey’s hadd photos of his grandparents and various other family members. Reaching out for Taejoon, he sat the boy in his lap, pointing at one of the photos. “Those are my grandparents,” He explained, resting his chin on the other’s shoulder. 
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bxileys-blog · 9 years
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hashibailey: the blue shirt (neighbourhood) 
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bxileys-blog · 9 years
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[BTS Twitter Update] [23.11.2015] HwaYangYeonHwa Pt.2 Concept Photo - Je Ne Regrette Rien
cr: bts.bighit.com
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bxileys-blog · 9 years
Bailey liked being near Taejoon as much as he could be, but because of scandals and obvious reasons, he couldn’t publicly see him as much as he wanted to. The closest he could get to being alone with him at the moment was taking him to his dorms. Bailey hadn’t been back at his dorms since he had been on hiatus, and now his members were visiting home or things similar now promotions were over, he had the dorms basically to himself.  Meaning he could relax in a quiet setting with Taejoon, and that was all he wanted at the moment. To just be alone and enjoy the others company.
“You now get to see where I've spent most of this year.” Bailey smiled, excited to show the other around his dorms. It was nothing fancy, as they were only a rookie group, but it was home. Or as close to home Bailey could get since most of his family were in Japan and his grandparents lived too far away for an occasional trip. Perhaps one day he'd take Taejoon to visit his grandparents, or even to Japan. But for now the closest he could get was inviting the other to see his dorms. He'd specifically requested that his members find a way to leave the dorms so that he could enjoy his time alone with Taejoon. Since his scandal, he'd been alone (no pun intended) more than usual. A lot of time was also put into a recovery so that Bailey would be able to participate in the next comeback. He wasn't sure if he could do it in the beginning, but he'd managed almost to get back to his previous weight and was much stronger, meaning he'd got the a-okay to partake in their next comeback.
"I do hope you like it; it's not much. But, it's home." Bailey spoke, lacing his fingers with the others as he unlocked the door to the dorms. "Here we have it, the place I've spent much too much time in." He breathed, glad to see his dorms once more. He'd missed them, the Roommate house was great, but it wasn't his dorms. The dorms to him felt much more homely and comfortable, for that reason he loved them much more than the Roommate house.
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bxileys-blog · 9 years
“that’s what i thought.” bailey smiled, he liked being more at ease with felix. he didn’t like it when they were nervous around each other. it was never a feeling he liked, and he didn’t think felix liked it either. “jaehoon and haru are dating.” he spoke, not exactly thinking about what he had said. “wait - i. i wasn’t meant to tell you that. please, don’t tell anyone! i don’t even know if haru knows i know, jaehoon told me. that’s why i think they’d do it... jaehoon needs to return to a small acting part to get over his fear of acing.” he shrugged. “hey, fuck off. you can never get enough of me.” he smiled, extending his leg in an attempt to hit his younger friend. 
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felix felt himself ease up as bailey took his hand, “yeah, yeah we’re best friends. you dork.” he replied, grinning at the other. “jaehoon and haru?” he cautiously questioned. “i know they’re close and all but - we can’t ask two guys to do something like this. you do know that not all best friends are comfortable with making out, right?” he sighed, confused as to why bailey would suggest that in the first place. “like - there’s no way i’d make out with you.” he slyly added, grinning. “i’ve bonded with you enough, you idiot.” he laughed, shaking his head as he rested his hands on top of bailey’s legs. it was strange how they could get into fights, only to return to being best friends as they saw each other.
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bxileys-blog · 9 years
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@hashibailey: update on my life = i still do not feel like a rapper.... ;c;
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bxileys-blog · 9 years
bailey would be honest, the fact that felix seemed so anxious around him didn’t please him in the slightest. he let out a soft sigh, reaching out for felix’s hand. “stop being so nervous, yeah? we’re best friends, aren’t we?” he smiled, nudging the other with his foot. “yeah! the music video, following on from our discussion last time. i was thinking that perhaps we could get jaehoon and haru to be in it?” he suggested, knowing jaehoon was working towards a recovery and perhaps a return to acting could help him.his stomach dropped as felix mentioned eating, “i-i’m fine felix. but, we could go get food? bond again?” he replied, lifting his legs up to rest them on felix’s lap.
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felix entered the studio, a feeling of anxiety high in his system. he hadn’t talked face-to-face with bailey for a while, and he wasn’t sure if it was good to see him now. he sat down next to the boy, staring down at his feet. “so. the uh-the music video.” he stuttered, looking away as he coughed. he chewed down nervously on his lip, he hadn’t seen bailey in what felt like years. he hadn’t fully grasped what had happened to the other. he always thought that bailey had staged the fainting, but looking at his hyung now. he doubted that. “a-are you okay hyung? d-do you want to go get food after this?” he questioned nervously.
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bxileys-blog · 9 years
bailey sighed, all anyone seemed to be commenting on was his weight. he frowned, “hyung will be okay jaehoon. he just got through a tough time okay?” he smiled. he sighed once more, “no-no he doesn’t. i’ll be fine though jaehoon, i promised.” he knew his words weren’t very reassuring. but he just wanted to say something to make the other feel okay. “i-i know. i know. it’s too risky to do things like this when we have really important people  counting on us to be strong.” he sighed loudly, lying down on jaehoon’s bed and pulling the other on top of him. “i want my relationship to go well, and i want yours to go well too. and i guess- it’s either them or being skinny.” he frowned, staring up at the ceiling. “i think they’re worth it, don’t you? i like being skinny, it makes me feel good about myself but... i think i like my boyfriend more than this.”
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bxileys-blog · 9 years
bailey wasn’t sure if he was ready to see felix. he had been avoiding his members as well as he could, but duties as an idol called. he recently learnt that, despite the scandals, he would be continuing on as a member of alone and felix and bailey’s solo project would go ahead. meaning the two of them would have to communicate once more, bailey sat in the studio, sitting with his legs crossed on top of a chair. last time the two sat in the studio they threw around ideas for a music video, a triology of videos was finally schemed. and when felix came to the studio, they would finalize details.
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bxileys-blog · 9 years
bailey wasn’t sure what to do in this situation, if he was thinking straight he would take the other straight to haru’s room. but he had no idea where that was, or if jaehoon could pull himself together long  enough to walk to him. considering all factors, he thought it best to try and calm the boy himself. “i know, jaehoonie, i know. but you’re going to have to be a big boy and try get through this without him, okay?” he questioned, reaching a hand up to wipe the other’s tears away with his thumb. “i know you can do it.”
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jaehoon shook his head, “i don’t want to make it through without him hyung, i want him now.” he nudged the other, he really wasn’t sure if he could spoke without the other with him. bailey was nice, and good to him, but he was in no way, shape, or form his boyfriend. “i know hyung will be with me but - but i don’t want hyung right now. jaehoonie wants his boyfriend.” he was more than aware he was not at all sounding like an almost 20-year-old. but bailey seemed to be encouraging this, and that meant he would let go and let the other baby him.
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bxileys-blog · 9 years
bailey was confused when jaehoon sat in his lap, but his confusion soon melted as he understood why he sat there. “jaehoon-ah, i’m sorry. i don’t know where he is.” he sighed, reaching a hand up to run his fingers through the other’s hair. to him, jaehoon was almost a son to him. even though they were basically the same age, he felt protective over the other in a parental way more than anything else. “i know you want him jaehoonie, but hyung can’t get him for you right now, okay? jaehoonie’s going to have to try and make it through this without his boyfriend, but hyung will be with you, okay?” bailey never really spoke like this with anybody, he was never the type to baby someone. but jaehoon gave him a vibe that made him want to treat the other as a child. 
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there was another blackout, and jaehoon was not coping. last time this happened he had the comfort of his best friendn, but this time he was all alone. so he did what felt natural, he cried. hearing a voice, he looked up hoping to find his boyfriend. but instead it was bailey, he frowned, moving to place himself in the other’s lap. “i want my boyfriend, bailey. where is he?” he whined. he was happy bailey had found him, as he felt comfortable with the elder. he buried his head into the other’s neck, “please get me my boyfriend, i want him, hyung.” he continued to whine, looking up at the other.
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bxileys-blog · 9 years
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@hashibailey: have a spoookkkyyy~ halloween!!
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bxileys-blog · 9 years
bailey was more annoyed than anything about the blackout. they weren’t something he really enjoyed at all. roaming around the halls with his phone in hand as a makeshift light, he was surprised to hear somebody crying. he wasn’t sure who it was, or why they were crying, but he wasn’t the type of person to leave anyone crying on their own. entering the room, he shined his light on the person. “hoon?” he questioned, moving to sit next to the boy. “why are you crying?” he questioned cautiously.
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bxileys-blog · 9 years
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© SHINE BRIGHT | Do not edit.
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bxileys-blog · 9 years
bailey shrugged, “i don’t know- when i’m with you i just feel... complete?” he wasn’t sure how to word his thoughts. he just knew taejoon made him feel like everything was okay. when he was with taejoon nothing else mattered to him but the other, and how happy he made him. “i don’t know if i’m using my words right- but you can’t blame me this is my third language okay. i just- you mean so much to me. and when i’m with you, you make me feel important. you make me want to make you feel important. and- making other people feel important makes me feel generally better about myself. so. if you think about it, you make me feel better about myself.”
bailey smiled, pressing a quick kiss to the other’s blushing cheek. “you don’t need to hear it all the time, but you deserve to hear it all the time” he commented, pressing another kiss to the opposite cheek. “i love you.” he commented once more, this time pressing a kiss to the other’s lips. “no one could ever be too good for you. you haven’t seen anything yet, taejoon. i promise i will treat you to the best relationship. it will be full of gross romance, cheesy serenades, and surprisingly good orgasms.” 
bailey smiled, placing a hand on taejoon’s cheek as he deepened the kiss, his other hand moving to rest on the other’s hip. bailey frowned as taejoon pulled away, “less talking, more you kissing me.” he whined, pressing his lips to taejoon’s once more. they’d been through a lot of sad things today, and kissing was something bailey guessed the both of them could enjoy equally. 
“i like how things are with us right now. i’m happy with you.” bailey shrugged, squeezing taejoon’s hand. “i’m glad this is a mutual feeling then.” he smiled, running the back of his hand down the side of taejoon’s face. “it is true, very true. i love you more than anything else, or anyone else.” he meant everything he said, taejoon was honestly the one bailey cared for the most. maybe excluding his grandparents, but he was an extremely close second. “i like you being mine, do you think you’d mind being mine forever?”
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bxileys-blog · 9 years
bailey nodded, “thank you. it means a lot to me that i have you, as long as i have you i think i’ll be okay.” he smiled, pressing a soft kiss to the other’s lips. he felt more at ease, knowing he had taejoon’s support. it was honestly all he needed. though it terrified him, the other could calm him without even trying.. even now he was feeling at ease thanks to the other being with him.
bailey’s smile widened as he listened to taejoon, “i love you. even if you don’t need me to say it a lot, i’m still gonna. just because you’re worth it. i love you, i love you, i, jong jinseong, love you, kang taejoon.”
bailey laced his pinky finger with taejoon’s, “i pinky swear.” he smiled at the sound of taejoon’s laughter, it was honestly the one sound he could never get enough of. “i’m happy too.” he commented, “well- as happy as i possibly can be.” he shrugged. “oh, and we all know how much you seem to love the taste of me.” he giggled, leaning forward to attach his lips with taejoon’s. 
bailey nodded, “i think i’m fine with this.” he replied, “well. there’s no way i couldn’t be fine with this.. i’ve got a cute boyfriend who’s still supporting me even though i’m an idiot. that’s all i need to be fine.” he smiled lightly, bringing his head back up. he moved to sit up on taejoon’s lower stomach, reaching a hand down to run his fingers through the other’s hair. “i like being your boyfriend. lover sounds so fancy, i’m your lover.” 
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