caramelarr0w055 · 15 days
Catra: *Constantly abuses Adora with little to no guilt*
Spop stans: Well Adora left her!
Glimmer: *Wrongfully lashes out at Adora but immediately feels guilt afterwards and attempts to apologize*
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caramelarr0w055 · 18 days
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Happy Mermay once again!
I love and miss this AU so much 💖
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caramelarr0w055 · 19 days
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random second watcher sketches
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caramelarr0w055 · 19 days
“Was he a thief, too?”
Rapunzel, Tangled
Have you ever noticed how Eugene reacts to the question?
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When was the last time he compared his life to Flynnigan Rider’s? And all of a sudden, Rapunzel questions his life choices, and Eugene realizes that Flynnigan would probably be disappointed in the direction he took, and he’s ashamed. This book character was his hero, but where Flynnigan went about things honestly, because he had the money to spend, Eugene had to steal the money to live the life he wanted, and somewhere along the lines, he lost the goal. ‘Amass treasure’ became the prize, and he stopped trying to “do anything that he wanted to do,” or “go anywhere that he wanted to go.” He told himself that the ultimate goal was to lay on piles of money in the sun, but that wasn’t the life that Flynnigan Rider led. And that wasn’t the life that poor orphan Eugene Fitzherbert wanted. All poor orphan Eugene Fitzherbert wanted was the better option. And for the first time, he’s questioning the direction his life has taken.
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caramelarr0w055 · 21 days
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crying screaming sobbing shitting my pants throwing up
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caramelarr0w055 · 24 days
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Chaggie 🌹
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caramelarr0w055 · 24 days
You know, for some things Perfuma reminds me of Joy from Inside out.
Joy was a take on toxic positivity and she had to happy all the time, pretty much like Perfuma had to be calm and positive 24/7 because she was the hippy plant princess.
Just like Perfuma with Entrapta, Joy was annoyed by sadness, dragged her around, and she also abbandoned her at some point in the movie, because she thought Riley only needed her.
But unlike Perfuma, Joy realized that she was wrong for the way she treated Sadness and understood how important she was for their kid. At the end of the movie Joy and Sadness learned to work together, becoming better friends. Meanwhile Perfuma never felt bad for how she treated Entrapta, and the two didn't get any conclusion to their "conflict". Perfuma started a relationship with with Scorpia and the latter forgot about Entrapta pretty quickly.
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caramelarr0w055 · 26 days
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Catra out here getting ALL the outfits
All they did for Adora was change her She-Ra outfit ONCE meanwhile Catra is over here getting lots of new haircuts and clothes.
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caramelarr0w055 · 27 days
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With all due respect, f*ck off.
The one above was a Glimmadora scene and we all know it.
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The only time Catra was right in season 5 was when she said that Adora never needed her. There's 4 seasons of evidence for that.
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caramelarr0w055 · 28 days
Catra: ADORA LEFT ME! 🥺🥺🥺🥺😿😿😿😿😿
Adora: Come with me!
Catra: Ew, no, are you crazy? I don't want to come with you!
Adora, mutiple times: Now will you come with me?
Catra: No! Don't you get it!? I will NEVER COME WITH YOU!
Catra: *Leaves Adora for dead, mutiple times*
Also Catra in season 5: Of course, she's gone! That's what she does isn't it?! Just this once, stay!
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caramelarr0w055 · 28 days
Rewriting Catra and Double Trouble's scene at the end of season 4
Catra was holding Hordak's crystal in her hand. She was panting, still shocked that she able to defeat him. But something wasn't letting her feel safe. Suddently a familiar voice called her.
"Hey, Catra" .
She turned around and saw Adora at the door of the hangar. She had an amused smile on her face.
"No. . .You can't! You can't come back and take this from me now!" Catra yelled.
"Wow! I knew you were having a rough time, but I didn't think you'd react like this. You really are obsessed. Aren't you, kitten?" .
The nickname she used made Catra realize she wasn't talking to the real Adora. The girl started to laugh and turned into Double Trouble.
"You know, it took me a while, but I've finally figured out your character" They turned into Catra and walked around her "You pretend like you don't care, but deep down the lonelyness is eating you alive. Isn't it?" They asked, rubbing themselves against her back, like a cat asking for food.
"W-what?. . .Stop it!" Catra tried to scratch them but Double Trouble grabbed her wrist.
"How many people have left you already?" They asked before taking Adora's form again "Your childhood best friend. . ." Then Double Trouble turned into Lonnie "Your comrades, and your friend, who you thought was more than just a friend" When Double Trouble became Scorpia, Catra's heart sank.
She tripped down, but Double Trouble kept going.
"But did you ever stop to think they had good reasons to leave you?" .
Catra looked up and saw Entrapta.
"It's your fault. You hurted all of them, Catra" .
"Why are you doing this?" She asked with a trembling voice. Double Trouble knelt to be face to face with her.
"It's for your own good, darling. You can't keep blaming everyone else for your mistakes" They answered.
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caramelarr0w055 · 29 days
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hmm. are you, catra? are you really working on it?
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(yes, i am absolutely including the instances before she said that because she supposedly gets her big epiphany back in horde prime’s ship)
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caramelarr0w055 · 30 days
Season 4 Glimmadora is angsty and frustrating like no other season of the show. It's gutwrenching to watch because a lot of us can relate to the immense pain of having a falling-out with (or simply growing apart from) someone you love deeply.
But at the same time, in a weird way, it's also the season with the most romantic implications (if you ship it, that is).
Their whole dynamic is basically:
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"Everything I'm doing is to protect people, is to protect you."
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"I wanna be the hero she deserves and I don't know if I have been."
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caramelarr0w055 · 1 month
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I did that cursive on the wanted poster on Lord oyster.
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caramelarr0w055 · 1 month
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house scone white girl save me
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caramelarr0w055 · 1 month
It's honestly sad that "Rick and Morty" is able to make me cry over a depressed, alcoholic, abusive old man on a toilet, meanwhile, I laugh out loud at Catra and Adora's corny interactions in "Save the Cat"
"WhY dId YoU cOmE bAcK? We BoTh KnOw I DoN't MaTtEr"
"YoU mAtTeR tO mE!"
If Rick and Morty is able to make me cry over a fucking horrible person on a toilet, Spop has no excuses, especially considering that Rick is a worse person than Catra. (I still love him more than Catra though)
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caramelarr0w055 · 1 month
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What is he saying to her...? 💜❤️
I had to redraw this cuz it's sooo cutee
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