look, i dont have any problem with the idea of minorities in media as villains. i think it can be interesting, and its not always inherently a microaggression. but the use of minorities as villains in the heathers reboot is so… nonsensical. i can guarantee that there is no highschool literally anywhere where the popular bullies are a fat girl, a poc, and a genderqueer person. and on top of that, having both veronica and jd be white (and presumably straight) trying to actively KILL these minorities is just a really unsettling idea bordering on malicious honestly
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god i just found this again while folder cleaning
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one of the few crossdressing ducks that didn’t make me break out in hives, on account of not having been forced to do it for emasculating reasons or anything, it’s just a practical solution to daisy having too many obligations since they look exactly, and i mean exactly the same
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one of those obligations was manning a kissing booth for charity and donald punching a catcaller in the face escalates into guys just fucking lining up to get decked by a cute little duck
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i wonder how many historic trans men we’ve lost to “this WOMAN went by a man’s name, wore men’s clothes, took the job of a man, lived as a man… GIRL POWER!”
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LUP S2 E13
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If Beast were to date one of The Rowdy 3, who would it be?
Please explain your answer.
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Amanda starts to hang out in the tattoo shop a lot, sitting on the edge of the front desk with Gripps or sitting by the other Rowdies as they work. Martin teaches her how to use a tattoo pen. She also goes across the street to talk to Dirk a lot, Todd asks her to check on him and maybe she does a little match making in the process because her idiot brother won't admit he has a crush for the florist. (2/2) ~K
Omg yes. After some mutual flirting, (Amanda keeps making eyes at him while she’s sitting on the desk and Martin decides that that means it’s okay to push back a little too,) Amanda and Martin finally start going out. Todd is not enthralled. Amanda stops by the flower shop most afternoons to chat with Dirk. Everybody loves Panto and Silas, the power couple who own the flower shop, bc honestly what’s not to love about them!!! They all love when Amanda stops by to visit bc she’s a sweetheart! They probably all gossip together too!
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I would die for Mona Wilder
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Me trying to figure out what’s going on in Dirk Gently
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So I decided to watch dghda again
I wanted to watch it so I remember stuff for when I jump into season 2
Well anyway I was watching and I hear ’ do they date ’ turns out it was my sister and she was referring to dirk and Todd
Anyway I tell her that they do not date she just looks at me slightly disappointed the only words that come out of her mouth is ‘oh’ then she goes back to typing on her phone
Also when she saw dirk during the scene when he broke into todds house she asked me if he was gay
My sister really wants dirk gently to be gay she hasn’t even seen a full episode it must be the power of the jackets
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Flower shop au where: Dirk, Silas and Panto are a new flower shop on the block and across the street Amanda and the Rowdies own a tattoo shop. Todd runs the bar next door which he co-owns with Farah. Tina works as a bartender. ~K
Ooooooo I love flower shop AUs!!!! May I suggest Amanda also works at the bar with her brother? The Rowdies stop by for drinks at the end of the day, but it’s a long time before Amanda goes into the tattoo parlor. She wants to get a small tattoo, before this she’s only spoken to the guys in passing. (They’re all super nice from what little she knows, she can’t help but stare at Martin when he stops by.) while getting her tattoo she gets to know the guys more, she rlly enjoys talking with them and their banter and everything. They end up spending more time together, she stops by on her breaks, they stop by sometimes on theirs. Meanwhile, something sad happens in Dirk’s life and he ends up at the bar one night, all sad and drunk. Todd ends up keeping an eye on him bc Tina has other customers she has to serve. They get to talking and Todd finds out that Dirk works at the flower shop across the street, the one he’s never set foot in. By the end of the evening Dirk is super drunk and Todd asks him who to call, Dirk hands him his phone and says Silas. Todd finds the contact named Silas and calls him, Silas comes and picks dirk up and gets him home safely. Todd can’t stop thinking about it, he stops in the flower shop a day or two later to check up on Dirk.
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But just imagine Todd teaching Dirk to play the guitar
“Now just put your ring finger on the third string, fourth fret”
“But it hurts, Todd!”
And Dirk still being a smug asshole:
“Todd. Todd.”
“What, Dirk?”
“Don’t you think that-“
Todd electrocutes himself for the 47th time.
“You better not be smiling.”
And when Dirk finally learns a song:
“Todd, give me my gun back”
“Farah, I don’t think that would be a wise choice right now.”
“Todd, he has been playing that stupid song for three hours! Three! You did this, Todd! Fix it!”
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I can imagine Dirk doing yoga for the first time, watching a video on youtube. And ends up with his leg stuck behind his head.
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Minor DGHDA Character: *demonstrates mild competence at job they've trained for their wholes lives*
Me: OMG holistic bodyguard, holistic hacker, holistic bisexual, holistic secretary, holistic bellhop
Actual Holistics: steal your pets, burn your house down, eat shampoo
Me: my children are doing their best karen
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0Me: wow i love dirk gentlys, such a fun and creative show. Cant wait to see m..
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Case for Dirk being asexual: Dirk had several months in which to make a move on Todd, and didn’t. He is certainly not shy, given that he broke into Todd’s apartment to make his acquaintance. I mean, that’s how they met. (Elijah Wood voice, Comic Con). Dirk doesn’t hit on anyone else either, unlike Todd ( who meets Farah and almost immediately informs her “his clothes look good on her”. Jesus Christ). Dirk does his best to escape from Rainbow Monster ( I love Vogel’s name for the Beast), though I suppose that wouldn’t be surprising even if he were straight, given the circumstances in which they met.
Case against Dirk being in love with Todd: Dirk betrayed no obvious feelings of jealousy, on discovering that Todd and Farah had made out a few times, during the months they spent looking for him. On the other hand, it’s quite possible that Dirk himself isn’t aware that he is in love with Todd, given that he had never had any friends before, by his own admission and he might, understandably, be a bit fuzzy on love vs friendship. Also, even if he is aware, as we all know, he has low self esteem and he might have assumed that Todd will never “see him” that way. Even if he is aware of the nature of his feelings towards Todd, Dirk can be surprisingly sneaky when he chooses to be (as evidenced in season 1) and might have successfully masked his feelings for Todd, unwilling to jeopardize their friendship.
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I need season three so I can see more of Farah accepting her status as a freak and her family as:
-a (not)psychic British detective,
-a college dropout with three bucks to his name and no other prospects,
-a woman who’s a chair most of the time,
-a sick (in both ways) medium leading four punk vampires with baseball bats and a child’s rainbow beast
-a quirky unpaid assassin who’s just trying her best
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Dirk Gently challenge day 6
Totally messed up this one oh my god how did I do this it’s absolutly horrible. But anyway ! The question was “Favorite ship” and, oh what a surprise, BROTZLY but it’s so cute gosh I cant
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