cata613 · 3 hours
I'll give you some sheep for it!
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cata613 · 16 hours
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cata613 · 21 hours
The most important thing I learned from the campaign was who shot Alexander Hamilton
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cata613 · 7 days
You know, if we DO make contact with aliens within the next hundred years-ish, enough people are going to give the Vulcan salute to the first alien they see in real life (whether out of quivering excitement, lol memeitude, or sheer awkward, panicked grasping for the one prominent alien greeting nested in the social conscious) that there's a solid chance that it becomes a thing we're known for as humans.
Live Long and Prosper, my friends.
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cata613 · 9 days
You only care about fighting antisemitism when it comes from white conservatives
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cata613 · 9 days
A very important read.
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cata613 · 10 days
Okay but what if a Betazoid and a Vulcan had a child? Itd probably be like
Child: I can feel everyone's emotions except my own.
Person: i don't think that's healthy...
Child: Most likely
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cata613 · 10 days
I keep seeing this around, especially now around Yom HaShoah, and it’s starting to really piss me off, “Never again means never again for anyone.”
it is not “never again will there we pain and suffering and people senselessly killed”, which, if it were, would be a perfectly fine thing to universalize and apply to a variety of topics. however, it is specifically in reference to the Holocaust, as in “never again will we [Jews] sit back quietly and let you slaughter us.”
we get it. you hate us and need to cast us as the villains in order to justify your hatred so you can still tell yourself you’re a good person. but stop it. stop taking our words and phrases and changing the meanings to fit your twisted narrative so you can feel like you did something.
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cata613 · 10 days
Yesterday (5/14, I know the queue is probably pretty large so I'll mark that down for reference) I found out the little old lady who runs my favorite thrift store didn't get anything for Mother's Day. No texts, no calls, no cards, nothing. So I rushed out of the store to get her some flowers, so she would have something. At first it went like I'd hoped - she was happy, she smiled - and then she noticed my Star of David necklace. The smile slipped off of her face. She asked me if I was Israeli. She asked me if I supported Israel. She asked me why I shopped at a thrift store when "your people have money". This is going to sound pathetic but I'm 16 and neurodivergent and I get overwhelmed easily. I ended up crying and apologizing. I apologized to her for getting her flowers and she told me as I rushed out that she stands with Hamas. (Not Gaza, not Palestine. Hamas, specifically.)
I cried until I threw up. Then I drove home. I sat down, and I tried to tell myself I'm okay. But I'm not. There's a hole inside me now. I feel guilty and wrong and bad. I've never lived anywhere other than this one town in Kentucky my whole life. I don't have Israeli relatives. My family has lived here since the 1890's. We should be some of the "good ones", right? We meet all the criteria for not being hated according to the "I'm not antisemitic I'm antizionist" crowd. On paper, it should have been okay.
In practice it wasn't. I was guilty of being Jewish. And instead of making her feel better, all I did was make this woman feel even worse. I just make everything worse by existing.
I keep crying. I don't really know why. I can't make sense of the world anymore.
Anon, I'm sorry this happened to you, but you did not do anything wrong. It is not your fault that this woman is hateful-🐞
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cata613 · 10 days
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#636 by @cata613
I actually thoroughly enjoy “The Enemy Within.” I find it to be a profound examination of human nature, and it contains some great acting. The idea of man’s duality is actually explored quite a bit in my religion, and it was refreshing to see that idea explored on screen. Also, the alien dog. As for the treatment of Janice Rand, I understand that it’s thoroughly inexcusable. However, I don’t find that it taints the episode for me as a whole. I also head canon that Spock actually didn’t know that his remark towards her (at the end of the episode) was offensive, and that it was a Vulcan’s failed attempt at sarcastic humor. I like to think that Kirk privately reprimanded him about it. However, #justiceforjanice.
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cata613 · 13 days
Come to think of it, I never thought about this!
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cata613 · 14 days
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@funko please make T’lyn soon.
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cata613 · 15 days
The double standards throughout this conflict have been appalling. We don't blame every Palestinian and pro-Palestinian person for the action of Hamas, but it's COMPLETELY okay to harass everyone who REMOTELY expresses their Judaism and/or sympathy for the people of Israel, because "all zionazis are evil and deserve to die."
I really can't get over Eden's treatment at Eurovision and everyone online encouraging it and acting like it was okay for whatever reason they insert, whatever hateful trope. she deserves to be bullied, threatened, and protested because of Israel! because evil zionists! because the Jews are killing children! sorry, is this twenty year old dropping bombs on anyone? is a lynch mob forming outside her hotel going to affect Netanyahu's policies or does it just terrorize her as an individual? do any of them actually care or do they feel powerful harassing young artists? it's just rancid Jew hatred and that's obvious because there would be outrage if this was done to anyone else, of any other identity or ethnicity. but because she's an Israeli Jew she deserves it and nobody cares.
imagine if 15,000+ people gathered in a crowd booing and chanting hate slogans outside Taylor Swift's hotel in Paris because America bad and she's a billionaire and they've decided to blame her for American imperialism or complicity in the war or whatever. that would be insane, right? and all her fans would be crying for her and screaming about how unfair it is. imagine if that had happened to her at 20 when she was just starting out and didn't have the same power, people would be upset. Eden is not human to them, though.
imagine if this was done to a Palestinian artist because Hamas is evil and carried out atrocities that can barely be spoken of in public due to how graphic the violence is. because they burned people alive and assaulted women until their pelvises broke and slaughtered babies on purpose and took innocent people hostage. if 15,000 "protesters" showed up at a Palestinian artist's event to scream at and threaten them because of Hamas, that would be horrible. it's not fair. it's blaming a singular person for actions out of their control. it's dehumanizing. but somehow doing this to every Jew and Israeli in existence is fine and encouraged and cheered. we are less than. we are not people. we don't deserve to sing or dance or grieve or heal. any time they're reminded we're alive, it enrages them. they want us to suffer and then to disappear, and they won't be happy until we do.
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cata613 · 16 days
Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness,
we fought for these ideals we shouldn't settle for less,
these are wise words, Enterprising men quote 'em
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cata613 · 16 days
I have a TON of Star Trek x Hamilton memes lurking in my brain, waiting to come out.
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cata613 · 19 days
Saving this for when I pull all-nighters and feel panicked/stressed.
hey ensign!! stop scrolling the triumvirate has some reminders for you. (they also want you to know that they still mean the affirmations they gave you last time-- and they hope you know that you are very important, and you deserve to be okay.)
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something something tits man ass man
anyways live long and prosper out there everyone!! You are loved and you are deserving of kindness.
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cata613 · 19 days
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I have found myself completely obsessed with the idea of the crew of the Enterprise just havin a little jaunt in Gravity Falls
I think Ford and Spock would get along well
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