cattnipt · 18 hours
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I literally don't know what possessed me to make an 11 page comic over these sad old men! bon appetit <3
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cattnipt · 6 days
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me and bestie after being the narrative that dooms ourselves
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cattnipt · 10 days
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wahh reupload because I wanted to add confetti so sorry to everyone who already saww this... but mesmerizer!!! what a good song
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cattnipt · 15 days
Will you pretty please show your painting process (if you wanna) 👉👈 (I understand if not! Your art is so pretty I just wanna study it under a microscope <3)
First of all woah I'm so honoured what!!!
Second of all, showing my painting process is a bit of a vague ask so I in fact have two processes to show! One that I made just now showing more specifically how I render at the moment (I guess??)
(Super sorry about the text being so small for both posts!!)
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and then this beast of a full guide I made for someone like months ago that I completely forgot existed that covers more about my process from the very beginning
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Though again, this one is quite a few months old and somewhere between then and now I stopped cleaning up my sketches and making proper lineart so whoops
I don't know if this helps at all, feel free to ask if anything is unclear haha (I assume this might look like a mess to anyone that isn't me)
(edit: I immediately forgot the brush link but here's a download for the csp file for it)
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cattnipt · 19 days
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Oh look where I ended up today! It's
mahajapit. ❌
majahapit. ❌
mapajahit. ❌
mahapajit. ❌
mapajahit. ❌
ma-ja-pa-hit? ✅
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cattnipt · 21 days
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once upon a time, there was a man who died.
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cattnipt · 21 days
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Loving the dungeon meshi anime so far! The manga is one of my favorite of all time and I encourage everyone to read it
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cattnipt · 21 days
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guhhh these two
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cattnipt · 24 days
falin again haha
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cattnipt · 25 days
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sharpshooter for mermay
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cattnipt · 27 days
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Red Dragon Falin Art Print // stoopiddog
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cattnipt · 27 days
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cattnipt · 1 month
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My first prompt by kaitofan666 for SVSSSAction: Shen Qingqiu and a xianxia Hatsune Miku hanging out! They're gossiping~
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cattnipt · 1 month
I don’t think you realize how your art makes me feel /pos
Wahh I'm glad to hear, I saw your reblog as well! Thank you so much, it makes me feel so happy (and flattered) to hear my art is able to make people feel things... highest form compliment ueue thank you
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cattnipt · 1 month
Idk if you already answered that but how do you want tbhk to end?
I think Kou and Yashiro should stay away from Mitsuba and Hanako for good. I mean... it should have been like that from the beginning, right? Supernaturals don't have a future afterall...
Tbhk's ending is something I keep turning in my mind cooonstantly!! And as much as I want them to have a happy ending I can't imagine them getting one without pulling a deus ex machina... but let's talk about it!
Because I don't think Aidairo would revive established dead characters like Hanako, Mitsuba or even Tsukasa (and our Mitsuba wasn't alive in a human sense to begin with) with how much weight death has a topic in tbhk, but I don't think they'd kill off Kou or Nene either. That would make for a really dark ending for a story that's in a lot of ways rooted in hope. (and. you know. a comedy in its genre HAHA) Especially with someone like Nene who's major obstacle is to AVOID her death. It would make for a pretty miserable ending, but then again tbhk is very tragic in it's setup from the very beginning
But honestly I can only imagine a bittersweet ending where the supernaturals and humans get to have a peaceful time for the rest of school after main conflicts get solved but depart ways by graduation, but keep each others' memories alive. I don't think they'll ever grow old together past school, you know? Treasure the time you have, nothing lasts forever and all that.
Though I'm really curious about what they end up doing with the whole humans turning into a supernatural topic since especially Kou is playing around with it (also that whole theory of Nene turning into the 8th school wonder haha, remember that thing?) I don't think anyone would say that turning into one is a good thing but... I don't know, I'd be really curious to see if Kou ends up going through with it. I have a feeling that if anything like it happens it would still end up being temporary, and that ultimately the characters won't be able to stay together
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But regardless of how it ends I'll be super excited to find out!!
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cattnipt · 1 month
Yeah i have a dark past (being 13). Just an absolutely horrible backstory (being 13). It would keep you up at night if i told you about it (i was 13 one time)
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cattnipt · 1 month
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kou don't look but there's chapter 74 cover art forbidden fruit symbolism behind you
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