causalitylinked · 28 days
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and some ng bc i finally finished ch2
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causalitylinked · 28 days
    Hearing her say that makes him blink, because in all honesty, Mokou never struck him as some kind Samaritan who would do anything for free. ...Then again, he supposes now that they grown a little closer, she was starting to warm up to him a little. Still, given how prickly Mokou can be, Kakeru couldn't help being at a momentary loss for words. "Eh? You really would do all this without any sort of compensation? Man, Mokou-chan, I gotta hand it to ya... you sure are one hell of a woman!" he then finally exclaims.
    Honestly, he wasn't flattering her either because Kakeru truly did believe that. Why, if nothing else, he considers himself fortunate enough to even have actually earned her favour... despite his tendency to tease and fool around. "And wow, you don't say! Still, now that you mention it, I can easily picture you handling those tykes of yours with great care; in fact, you were probably a natural... someone who had been both stern yet gentle," he then idly remarks, allowing his gaze to soften. Honestly, imagining Mokou raising a family with someone proved quite heartwarming somehow; after all, it was a side to her he never got to see.
    Regardless, he's quick to nod at her next words. "Alright, leave it to me. I'll teach you whatever you need to know!" Kakeru states. The moment she insists on ensuring he also takes care of himself, however, a pained grimace would soon plummet over his features.
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    "Ahahaha... guess I can't be working around the clock anymore, huh?" he chuckles weakly. "But fine, since you're so worried about me, I promise I'll get some more rest; otherwise, you might go and knock me out for real!" Kakeru finally proceeds to reassure her. Of course, he might not have admitted it or anything, but he does secretly appreciate the fact she actually looks out for him in her own way.
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She keeps a rather well played smile as she hears him recall her fondness over him. Mokou could tell he was avoiding something in the conversation, but understood and chose to not pry on the subject unless he was ever comfortable with it. Playing along, she nods in turn. "Is that so? It's like imagining a smaller version of you in a Shin Mikado uniform? What a funny thought." She makes light of things. "You really are a big softie, huh? Look at you dote on him like this. He's lucky to have such a caring sibling like you, Kakeru." Mokou's words come from a sincere place, perhaps as an attempt to make him feel better. "Maybe when this is all over, we can all hang out too."
"A paycheck? Kakeru...I'm not doing this for money, it's alright." The thought of taking in a situation like this did not feel right, even that was probably the norm. She's really just trying to get him to take more breaks and lessen the load on everyone. Besides, who knew if she would even be in this world long enough to really start thinking of a stable income? "I mean, I can dress wounds and give medicine. I've had kids before and they all got into a lot of silly little accidents. Plus, providing some sort of first aid for humans where I'm from is kinda mandatory since they could get hurt if I'm not there to help them out. If it's anything more advance, I might need you to teach me." If it wasn't for the fact she had been a mother before, she might not have learned to truly care for others.
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She's watched him provide aid to the students for a while now, so it maybe more so on getting some hands on experience instead. "However...While I am offering help, that means I'm going to make extra sure you're taking care of yourself as well. Got it?" And she would refuse to budge on her terms, or she'd really force him to take a nap on one of the nearby beds. How? That's not something Kakeru would want to find out once she gets into the swing of things.
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causalitylinked · 28 days
    Of course, with Kobato being such a simpleton, there was no true rhyme or reason to him approaching her besides the fact he found her cute. Why, it didn't even matter if he hardly knew Yuko. The moment he sees a pretty girl, Kobato will pretty much zone in on her like a moth to a flame; however, rather than admit he was just craving a connection with someone who'd finally 'complete' him, he'll continue playing the part of a smitten man. To that end, he'll soon tilt his head.
    "'Strong'?" Kobato then parrots, allowing his voice to adapt a more quizzical tone. "I dunno, Yu-chan. I had people calling me 'cool', 'the absolute man', 'player in the hood', and 'Chad' before, but that is honestly the first time anybody has ever said that about me." Granted, she was probably not referring to his physical capabilities, but Kobato was... well, rather stupid, so his first thought was that she was referring to his strength instead of his overall assertiveness.
    Also, nobody actually called him either of those things, except for maybe Gin regarding the first one, yet at the same time, Yuko didn't need to know that, hence why he continues clinging onto the delusion he's some smooth casanova. Regardless, he's quick to shoot her a puzzled look after registering her rationale.
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    "Uh... yeah? I mean, that's pretty much the whole reason I decided to shoot my shot with you, isn't it?" Kobato reasons. "After all, it's not like true love would come to you if you just stood around, twiddlin' your thumbs. And me, well, I'm a man of action! So anytime I see a mega hottie, I'll immediately go for it, no holds barred!" And upon saying that, he would subsequently pump a single fist through the air. ...Needless to say, it's clear this guy definitely doesn't use his brain as much as he should.
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"No not exactly..." What a weird assumption to make about someone. But then again, it's not like she wasn't suspicious looking as anyone could point out--there's cat ears and a tail on a seemingly looking 'human'. It was easy to pass it off as some sort of cosplay and none would be the wiser. " Wait, the reason isn't important anyway. It's not like I'm gonna tell you anything, 'specially to someone I just met or...got confessed to...!" Even saying that out loud was embarrassing. Just what kind of day was she heading into?
"Whoever this cupid is, I'm gonna eat them for lunch for causing...whatever this is!" Of course this is her trying to threaten something that doesn't exist, but if she could literally do so, she would. Poor thing. Yuko sighs, putting her hands to her hips, now seemingly getting a better look at Kobato. She squinting of course, looking at him a bit sternly. Wondering if he's just some weirdo who just flirts and hits on anything with a pulse.
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Her face reflexively softens up though, a bit of a sucker for this unwanted attention. "Y-You're already giving me a nickname too? You're way too forward about all of this! You don't even know the first thing about me..." Was this already becoming too much for her? Maybe it's for the fact he wasn't really paying attention to what's going on and he's focusing more on this delusional tail of romance between the two.
"Kobato that's uh...that's kinda strong, don't you think?" She's at least trying to get him to question his rationale here. "If you only hit on girls because you think they'll be your soulmate...does that mean you haven't found the one yet? Otherwise you wouldn't have approach me, you know?" Yuko is trying to talk her way down back to her calm and collected self as she hopes there's no further onslaught of serenading going on.
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causalitylinked · 1 month
    Though aware her question emerged out of innocent curiosity, a melancholic smile still manages to grace his lips.
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    "Ah, no, he doesn't attend classes here anymore! He used to, though. Would even walk him to and from school if you can actually believe it," Kakeru chuckles upon recalling the instances where Mitsuru would jostle him awake so he would get up in the mornings. Granted, he was nowhere near as lazy back then as he was now, but it was true that he had never been a morning person.
    When Mokou asks about his little brother, though, his smile would soon turn into a fond one. "My little brother? Man, where to start... he's cute as a button and smart as a whip. Thoughtful and considerate too. Honestly, I could talk for hours about how great he was. Couldn't have been any more prouder of him, really!" Kakeru sighs rather wistfully. Rather than elaborate further on what exactly happened to him, though, he merely keeps it at that, using the word 'was' to imply something must have happened to his little brother yet never going into further detail about what that might be.
    "Anyways, you said you wanted to work here as a nurse, Mokou-chan? That'd be great, actually! I'll have to talk to the school dean about getting you a pay check, of course, but having you around would be a big help to me and Shironeko-sensei," he goes on to grin, making it quite apparent he was pleased he would have more potential opportunities to slack off. Honestly, knowing Sora, he doesn't doubt that regardless of her being an interloper from another world, she would be more than happy to offer Mokou payment if it meant having more hands on deck.
    "Though, I guess with you being an amateur, I'd have to show you the ropes, huh? Unless, that is, you happen to know some first aid?" Sure enough, Kakeru proceeds to fold both arms across his chest in pensive contemplation. Honestly, things like changing dressings and cleaning wounds would be universally of great value, but attending to the needs of the students would be helpful as well, which could vary from helping them get to the restroom if they happen to have trouble walking or even getting them some water to drink.
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An audible grumble in response to his words, Mokou found herself struggling with the idea of trying to have Kakeru take care of himself, versus the idea of simply letting him be as is. If only there could be some sort of compromise to make both doctors lives a little easier in these conditions. Curse her for warming up to him like this. "...This maybe a bit out of left field but...would it help more if I was able to...uh, I guess help you when it comes caring for the students?" The words coming out of her mouth felt rough and almost insecure, but it was better than not offering some sort of help. "Maybe I can work as a nurse as well? That...is the right term for a doctor's aide, isn't it?"
Regardless, Mokou respected him and his dedication to his line of work. It takes a lot of mental fortitude to deal with the horrors going on within the mist, and the students it constantly claims. Yet here he is, still being able to laugh and smile at her. "Of course, I see you everyday, We spend the majority of the time here together, how could I not see how wrecked you are?" Perhaps a bit to on the nose their, but concern seeped through as she spoke. "Still...I'm sure they're also happy to see you too. You do a lot for them and the school, Kakeru. Maybe more than either of us know."
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The phoenix leans back in her seat, arms crossed. Seemingly relaxed, she can't help but chuckle a bit. "I'd argue if the word 'soft' in the dictionary didn't have a picture of your face in it." Mokou watched him for a moment, her attention piqued. "...You're younger brother? Is he like the rest of students here?" She asks, curious but carefully. "...What is he like?"
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causalitylinked · 1 month
    The moment she drags him away, an abrupt yelp would issue it's way past his throat as he stumbles after her. Honestly, he had experienced Kiriko putting him in a choke-hold before and Ryuto's maid kicking him in the nose, but a woman leading him farther off from a crowd of on-lookers was definitely a first for him. Why, it was usually him initiating bold gestures like holding hands, so he found himself momentarily stunned. Was he going to be attacked in that sort of manner, he wonders? Either way, Kobato's frankly more turned on than he ever remembers being, that he had to inwardly go, 'Down, boy!', in order to to make his length stay flaccid the whole entire time they hurried off together.
    After she finally lets go and starts speaking, however, Kobato would stare confusedly back at her while massaging his wrist.
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    "Did I for real? And whaddaya mean by 'cover'? You a spy or something?" he then questions. As far as he could tell, however, she genuinely looked Japanese despite sporting cat ears, to the point where he would have never guessed she came from a foreign country. "But well, what can I say? Cupid do be hitting me with those arrows of his more and more lately," Kobato goes on to shrug. His explanation, though, was quite laughable at best, that at the end of the day, it's best she didn't take his response too seriously.
    Regardless, it doesn't take long for him to flash a toothy grin her way once she compliments his name. "I know, right? Doesn't it have such a sexy ring to it~? It'd make me happier if you just called me Kobato, though," came his eventual cheeky admittance. "Oh, so that's the name of the cutie-pie that stole my heart! It's nice to meet'cha, Yu-chan," he then adds before shaking his head and giving Yuko a little wink.
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    "Nope, I only hit on girls that might later end up being my soulmate... which includes you, of course~ You, baby, reignite the flames of love and passion within me!"
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"W-What?!" Her whisper grew a higher pitch and the truth. Mouth agape and eyes widened, she couldn't believe what he was actually trying to do. And at that moment she felt her cheeks flush a warm color, realization striking at the worst time. It was a known fact that she was dense when it came to actual romance and flirting. Even though she is known to flirt from time to time, but to have it done to her? Welcome to the tsundere archetype.
Before the conversation could go any further, a hand reached over to grab the man's wrist and drag him away from the prying eyes of the crowd-- seemingly eager to see how this 'romantic' interaction; for better lack of word, turn out. Once the two were out of sight, she sighed a heavy sigh of relief. "Honestly, how do you even fall for someone just from one look? Listen here cassanova, I'm trying to blend in and you almost blew my cover!" Yuko seemed frantic in her response, but a part of her should at least here him out, right?
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"Kazamatsuri Kobato? That's quite the name, I'll give you that." So her echoes border on the compliment side. If it were any other day, she'd have ran from the whole situation, but at least he was being polite, so it wouldn't hurt to play along. " Yuko. Yuko Tsujimiya. Charmed, I'm very sure." She says in a pleasant manner, flipping her incredibly long hair behind her. "So tell me, do you always hit on people just to get to know them or something?
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causalitylinked · 1 month
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plz play caligula 2 it’s so good
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causalitylinked · 1 month
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V.E. Schwab, The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue
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causalitylinked · 1 month
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    "Good girl~ I've gotchu all covered!" Kobato obnoxiously croons in response to her compliance before proceeding to rub the cotton swab along her forehead. Of course, he does so gently, implementing such delicate care, it somehow manages to contrast greatly with the eagerness he showed earlier. Honestly, if nothing else, Kobato seemed to be taking this a lot more seriously than he initially lets on, which at least implies he cares about not hurting her too much.
    "Nah, I only did this sorta thing once..." he eventually admits, shaking his head. "And that was with some maid from twerpling's hoity toity mansion who hurt her knee, but even then, she ended up guiding me through it, step by step. Wasn't all that bad, though, 'cause having a chick telling me what to do was honestly very hot; in fact, it made up for the fact she kicked me in the nose later." Upon concluding his rather... questionable anecdote, Kobato would soon set aside the cotton swab and begin tearing off a piece of the bandage roll.
    Then once he finishes doing so, he'll go on to carefully apply it against the fresh dressing before casting a quick glance at the adhesive tape lurking within the first aid kit. "Yo, Himarin - can ya hold onto the ends of the bandage for me real quick?" came his subsequent query. "I wanna go grab the tape, so I can seal it for ya, lickity split."
    The moment Himari jolted upwards and proclaimed she was going to fetch the first aid kit herself, Kobato would blink back at her in surprise, for right from the very get go, he had intended on doing so to begin with. "Wait, Himarin, why don't cha just let me take care of it?" he'll then questions with palms raised, only to stare dumbfoundedly after her as she rushed off to grab the first aid kit.
    Well, if nothing else, there was at least no denying the fact Himari could be awfully stubborn, to the point where he imagines it would frustrate Ryuto... especially given the fact he liked to do everything himself. Fortunately, though, he wasn't his younger charge, so rather than chide her for physically exerting herself while she was injured, he'll merely give her head a comforting pat with a gentle smile. "Atta girl! But next time, don't be shy in asking for my help, okay? After all, we can't have you risk hurting your pretty little head even more than you already have," Kobato states before subsequently prying apart the first aid kit.
    Given how he wasn't a medical expert, however, he'll soon perch a hand beneath his chin while mulling over which items would be most effective in treating her red bump.
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    "Huh... let's see, which o' these should I use on my darling Himarin?" Kobato would then idly muse to himself, only to snatch up an Elastoplast, a cotton swab, and a bandage roll with a triumphant, "Aha!", mere seconds later. By that point, he'll grin assuredly towards Himari. "Aight, honey, you stay still while I patch you up," he urges, and within seconds, he'll begin dabbing some of the Elastoplast cream onto the cotton swab rather enthusiastically. Needless to say, it certainly didn't seem as though Kobato lacked the eagerness to take care of Himari... even if his motives for doing so were questionable at best.
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causalitylinked · 1 month
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    Ai's little outburst has Akira jerking back a little, for in all honesty, he wasn't quite expecting her to be that loud. Seriously, as far as he's concerned, she happened to be over-reacting quite a bit. "...The hell? Obviously, I would go grocery shopping every now and then. I just don't stock up on a whole lot of junk food, which is why I said I only have beef jerky," he then impatiently clarifies, allowing minor hints of irritation to seep through his voice.
    "Do you have turnips for ears, Kashiwagi? Or did the cold finally rob you of all common sense?" Honestly, Akira wasn't sure if Ai misunderstood him, but at the very least, he had been referring to her question about snacks and not his kitchen pantry overall.
    Regardless, it doesn't take long for him to issue out an exasperated sigh before inserting the key through his apartment door and twisting it with his back turned towards her.Then when it at last swung open, he'll step over so she would have more space to enter beside him while shooting her a deadpan look.
    "There, I'm letting you in. ...Happy?" Akira tiredly questions. Truth be told, he still has no idea why Ai chose his place to freeload at when she could simply have gone home, but turning her away would have been a lot more annoying than refusing her entry, so he decides to indulge her whims for now... and hopefully, she'll leave once she gets bored
“Exactly! And it’s that guy’s fault that I dropped my umbrella, not mine!” If that driver hadn’t been so careless and almost killed her, then she wouldn’t have dropped her umbrella trying to get away! But what’s done is done, and she hopes sincerely that the driver has soaking wet shoes and socks.
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“What do you mean you only have beef jerky!?” Her eyes widen as she gasps, completely ignoring his freeloading comment. “You didn’t go grocery shopping or anything?? Take better care of yourself!!”
She crosses her arms, frowning and glaring at him with all the intensity of a hamster. “And that also means getting us inside already! It’s cold out here!”
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causalitylinked · 1 month
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With it being my birthday again, I have now updated my Pinned Post to reflect my current age.
Not gonna lie, I'm still not sure about being more active on here because these days, playing Granblue Fantasy has proven to be more fun than committing to tumblr roleplay, especially considering the latter hobby often has you giving more than you actually receive, but if I ever get another reply/ask, I guess I would then queue two IC-oriented posts + one random musing post... before subsequently vanishing like I always do when I have nothing to really do on my blogs.
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causalitylinked · 2 months
    The moment she turns back to face him, Kobato would let a few dumbfounded blinks roll off his lashes, for it never even occurred to him he possibly flubbed that line. Why, as far as he had been concerned, he managed to nail it so hard, the girl should be swooning by now, but she doesn't, which only manages to leave him more confused. By that point, Kobato would then wonder... did he somehow fail in his execution or delivery again?
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    "Huh? Now, wait one sec, Koneko-chan... you do realize I've been hitting on ya this whole entire time, right? 'Course, there's no way I'd legit believe a beauty as stunnin' as you would go by 'Whiskers'. I was just... you know, trying to steal your heart the best way I knew how." No sooner did he admit this, Kobato would immediately proceed to awkwardly ruffle a hand through the back of his short, dark tresses. Rather than tell him to get lost, though, the girl seemed more concerned about the fact they now had an audience, causing him to eventually muster a sheepish grin.
    "O-Oh, my bad. I had fallen so head over heels the moment I first saw ya, I guess I kinda stopped thinking straight," came his subsequent admittance. "Anyways, guess we should start over, yeah? I'm Kazamatsuri Kobato. You, uh... mind telling me what your actual name is?"
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"Is your name Whiskers, Koneko-chan? 'Cause you've gotta be kitten me with your cuteness!" Kobato shamelessly grins, thinking he somehow managed to win Yuko over with that dumb pick up line. Honestly, he thought her cat ears were merely a quirky aesthetic choice rather than something physically attached to her body, so he'll approach her with that assumption in mind... though, given how absolutely cringe worthy he sounded, those nearby would inwardly groan while wondering how this loser even possessed the courage to say something so lame.
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Apart of her so desperately wished that wasn't aimed towards her, but alas she knew right away without so much as turning around. 'What kind of pick up line is that!? And how much attention is he trying to bring to us by saying that? How do I even respond?!' Her inner thoughts yelled as her whole body flinched in turn. Trying to keep it together she slowly turns to the idiot man before her, a pained and almost embarrassed expression showed.
"It absolutely is not! Who would even name their child that?" The demon would take a literal approach to his sad gestures of a pick up line, to bashful to even address it head on. "Besides...I have no whiskers, surprisingly. A-Anyway, you know a simple 'hello' would have sufficed...now everyone is looking at us!" Yuko utters those words in hushed tones, facepalming all the while.
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causalitylinked · 2 months
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causalitylinked · 2 months
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causalitylinked · 2 months
    Honestly, that one instance where they had visited a park together was a memory Herja continued to cherish. Why, even if they hadn't exactly done much, it still happened to be rather nice, going out on a leisurely stroll with a fellow friend; after all, it made her appreciate the beauty of Japan just a little bit more, when previously, she would have only concentrated on defending a place rather than taking in it's beauty. Much to her relief, though, it seemed Rindo shared her sentiment as well, causing a far more gentler smile to grace her features; only, before he could completely finish his train of thought, yet another phone call would disrupt their conversation, and by that point, bewildered blinks soon began rolling off her eyelids.
    Who could it possibly be now? Sure enough, Herja then brings herself to whip her head around before squinting towards the direction Rindo had been focusing on... yet at the same time, she failed to detect any individual standing outside, leading her to wonder whether or not the unknown speaker was elsewhere somehow. Him subsequently raising his voice, however, has Herja immediately flinch, for this was the first time she ever heard him getting angry; as a matter of fact, she didn't know Rindo could even get mad. Either way, she's quick to cast a worried glance his way all while remaining silent.
    Of course, despite having many questions, Herja figures it would be way politer to wait for him to hang up before voicing aloud any queries, so it was only once the call ended did she finally part her lips. "N-No, you needn't apologize, Kaoru-dono! I mean, I too have moments where I have been frustrated at my subordinates, so it would be hypocritical of me to judge you for losing your cool like that," Herja finally shakes her head. "And don't worry, I never intended to in the first place," she goes on to admit.
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    "Though, since you now grant me the opportunity to prolong my stay... may I ask who it was you had previously talked to? He seems to address you with a great deal of familiarity, but for some reason, I don't get the impression you two were childhood friends... or ex-lovers."
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The comment drew a laugh from his lips, and gloved fingers curled around a thin stack of paperwork to lift and tap it on the desk. All of it was filled out now, adjusted and ready to go for whatever happened to come of this. The future they painted for themselves almost felt idealistic given the circumstances, but it was a future he wanted to hope on anyway. As much as he loved Kotone and the rest of the gang at Enchante, his life in isolation was something he didn't know if he could tolerate much longer. Spending time with Kotone had taught him that much, even if they had never really gotten much closer than friends. He still understood now the importance of caring for others and being cared for in return, and even if he did not wish to push this life onto others, he didn't think he could go on pretending everything was like it always had been.
Somehow he remembered Souan teaching him that very thing himself... If only he'd listened while the old man were still alive...
"To be honest, I think it would be fun to explore Tokyo as a man and not on business for once," Rindo replied, tucking the newly completed forms into a folder together. "There's so much you miss out on when you're having to deal with the supernatural. Everything is a catastrophe. Everything. I never get a chance to breathe, haha. But with you, I think I could enjoy a nice vacation... Hopefully, anyway. I should be receiving that email within the next couple of days at most, so I'll be sure to inform you whe--"
The sound of a ringtone cut Rindo off before he'd even finished his sentence, and he reached into his pocket to lift out his cellphone. Once again, that sour expression that he'd momentarily had when speaking to his bosses reached his face. Regardless of his displeasure, however, Rindo answered, the call, motioning for Herja to wait with an apology in his face.
"You know, if you really need something this badly, my office is right here," Rindo replied, jaw tightening as he gazed out of the door of his office. There was no one there, but his eyes seemed to focus anyway, as if he knew exactly where this call was coming from. "What do you want?"
The other voice on the line was not as those of Rindo's previous call this time. The man's voice was loud and dramatic, making Rindo tilt his head to the side to keep from hurting his ear while the other called in such a manner as everyone in the room could hear him.
"I'm offended, Rindo! I would think you'd be glad to hear from me in your hour of need! Why, I don't know why you wouldn't come to beg for my aid to begin with!"
"I can handle my own issues," Rindo groaned back into the receiver. "I don't need your help."
"Well, too bad! You know it's my job to look out for you now that--"
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"What do you want?"
Rindo's voice and face snapped into something akin to rage so suddenly that the other was stunned into a momentary silence. Though, this unexpected outburst only seemed to halt him for a moment.
". . . I spoke on your behalf, you know," The voice was greatly toned down now, almost to a volume that couldn't be heard. "I heard about your mishap with the demon clan... I thought... Kotone doesn't deserve to be alone and... Neither do you. Please fill out the forms, Rindo."
And then the man on the other line hung up without giving Rindo a chance to respond.
Rindo was silent for a moment before tucking the phone in his pocket, clearly shocked from the sudden shift, "I apologize... Things never are quite peaceful around here. I suppose I can assume this to mean that my proposal will be accepted, so we can look forward to those days out in the future. If you don't have any more questions, then you're free to go whenever you see fit to do so. Ah, just... I suppose I don't have to tell you to keep all of this secret, yes?"
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causalitylinked · 2 months
    The moment Himari jolted upwards and proclaimed she was going to fetch the first aid kit herself, Kobato would blink back at her in surprise, for right from the very get go, he had intended on doing so to begin with. "Wait, Himarin, why don't cha just let me take care of it?" he'll then questions with palms raised, only to stare dumbfoundedly after her as she rushed off to grab the first aid kit.
    Well, if nothing else, there was at least no denying the fact Himari could be awfully stubborn, to the point where he imagines it would frustrate Ryuto... especially given the fact he liked to do everything himself. Fortunately, though, he wasn't his younger charge, so rather than chide her for physically exerting herself while she was injured, he'll merely give her head a comforting pat with a gentle smile. "Atta girl! But next time, don't be shy in asking for my help, okay? After all, we can't have you risk hurting your pretty little head even more than you already have," Kobato states before subsequently prying apart the first aid kit.
    Given how he wasn't a medical expert, however, he'll soon perch a hand beneath his chin while mulling over which items would be most effective in treating her red bump.
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    "Huh... let's see, which o' these should I use on my darling Himarin?" Kobato would then idly muse to himself, only to snatch up an Elastoplast, a cotton swab, and a bandage roll with a triumphant, "Aha!", mere seconds later. By that point, he'll grin assuredly towards Himari. "Aight, honey, you stay still while I patch you up," he urges, and within seconds, he'll begin dabbing some of the Elastoplast cream onto the cotton swab rather enthusiastically. Needless to say, it certainly didn't seem as though Kobato lacked the eagerness to take care of Himari... even if his motives for doing so were questionable at best.
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She would have rolled her eyes. Oh, they would have rolled. Yet the moment his lips touched her face, she forgot how to function. She didn't blink let alone roll her eyes, she didn't breathe, and she ceased to think.
He was a shameless flirt, but it wasn't often that he blessed her with physical affection of that kind. It was too much for her poor mind, the kiss turning it to the consistency of wet oatmeal. And when her mind became too overwhelmed, she resorted to the usual: endless giggling.
Face down in her hands, her shoulders shook with the force of her giggling.
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"I think you might have." Her words were muffled but still audible. The stinging would likely come back once the heat in her face ebbed away, but she would enjoy the few moments of joy before the pain returned.
Her head snapped up, the suddenness of it making her head rush. "Shoot, I forgot. I'm sorry. Hold on." She jumped up faster than she should have, but she hated the idea of being a burden on him. Even if he protested, she would insist that she fetch the kit.
On her way out of the room, she muttered and muttered insults under her breath — not towards him, but herself. Even as she fished out the first aid kit, she clicked her tongue at herself and huffed. "Should have gotten it sooner..."
Seconds later, she was across from him again, excessively prepared kit opened in front of him. She was the type, always stating that one never knew when they would need creams, needles and thread, bandages, wipes and cotton swabs.
"Uhm, I'm sure there's something in there you can use."
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causalitylinked · 2 months
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So since it has been brought to my attention some rumours have been circulating about me, I just wanna make a few things clear.
First off, I did not supposedly stalk anyone's blog for years.
If need be, I can even provide my IP address (aka self-dox myself) to prove any screencaps to be false, but I'm nowhere near obsessive enough to check somebody's blog everyday. Like, sure, I might visit blogs of ex-mutuals every once in a blue moon out of curiosity, but contrary to popular belief, tumblr doesn't take up 90% of my time and at best, I would maybe lurk on COAR to read new confessions or refresh my dash once per day just in case non-active partners of mine have returned.
If anything, my time has been mostly comprised of going to work and grinding mobile gachas; in fact, should I notice I have replies to write, I will log in, throw my replies into the queue/save written replies in my drafts folder to queue later, and then fuck off to do other stuff. Honestly, provided someone has beef with me, it's unlikely I would know why unless my encounter with them on tumblr had been rather recent.
To my knowledge, I haven't harassed anyone off of tumblr.
Now, did I have spats with my own fair share of people over the eight or nine years I have been on this hellsite? Yes. Have I made vague posts about ex-mutuals, unintentionally ghosted others, privately vented to friends about people from the RPC I personally can't stand, and commented on COAR confessions? Also, yes.
But that being said, the only one I've ever sent anon hate to was myself and if I played a part in somebody deactivating their blog or quitting tumblr roleplay altogether, then that's certainly news to me, because I don't like participating in public smear campaigns, to the point where I even avoid name dropping certain users in my rules or PSAs I've made. Heck, the way I see it, I can only ever recall myself being relentlessly harassed/bullied, because when it comes to me for some reason, people on this site sadly don't know how to block and move on like normal people.
I also have never encouraged anyone to delete their blogs or chase them out of the RPC and have only ever reported one person due to the fact they would not stop posting about me/attempt to provoke me into engaging in drama on a site that we both frequent despite having me blocked; therefore, I have no idea where the narrative of me harassing people off of tumblr even comes from. Besides, I'm nowhere near popular enough to influence whatever following I have to dog pile on whoever I have grievances with, let alone have many people who would go to bat for me each time I'm being unfairly criticized. Honestly, the one time someone did call out my harasser, it was something I had no control over and they did so without my permission, to the point where I did privately tell them to stop url-dropping me and engaging with this person on my behalf... because again, I just wanted to be left alone.
Furthermore, I make it very clear to mutuals I've vented to that they don't have to unfollow/block roleplayers I've had bad experiences with... so I'm not sure if this is merely a case of the Mandela Effect rearing it's ugly head, individuals making up bad faith reasons to dislike me, or an issue of mistaken identity (especially since I'm likely not the only one who goes by the mun handle, 'Livi', and it has happened before where somebody had wrongly assumed a blog belonged to another person).
Of course, it's possible I could have forgotten stuff, as I have had more than three blogs over the years, so naturally, I won't remember all the OOC posts I have ever shared, let alone every instance before 2022 where I have been involved in drama... but regardless, I refuse to take accountability for things I have never done unless you personally come to me off anon with screenshots that provide evidence.
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causalitylinked · 2 months
    So the outcome wasn't quite set in stone just yet, which worried her immensely. Still, Rindo did say he was going to fill out the necessary paperwork, meaning if nothing else, he didn't at least intend on cutting any corners... a fact that has Herja gradually heaving out a resigned sigh. "...I see. Then if you would be so inclined, please inform me of what they say when next you hear back from them," she earnestly implores.
    Truth be told, Herja would much rather he call than text, but in the event he did text her, she wouldn't complain; after all, the most important thing was that he contacted her to begin with. Still, despite him already finishing his conversation over the phone, she would bring herself to remain patiently seated, due to how she wasn't yet officially dismissed. Once Rindo assured her he still wanted to correspond the natural way, however, the corners of her lips would twitch upwards into a soft smile.
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    "Has anybody told you you're quite the smooth talker, Kaoru-dono? Still, I do believe you," Herja gently states. "It simply came as a shock is all... yet regardless, I do still want us to keep spending time together. Besides, you have yet to show me around more places in Tokyo."
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He shrugged lightly and shook his head, "They said they would deliberate and send me an email. I'm putting my faith in my abilities, however, and filling out the necessary paperwork ahead of time."
A page turned and the pen returned to the paper, writing up information to fill out the forms. He would be saving himself some trouble if it worked out, and if it didn't he could always just keep them as a reminder of what could have been. Or... Maybe what he needed to avoid in the future. He didn't want to drag people into this life that didn't need it, and even though he was fairly certain Herja could take care of himself, if the organization deemed her incapable of keeping the memories, he would have to remind himself what fate he'd be sending any future friends into. He didn't like altering their memories. Losing them...
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A deep breath and he turned the subject back to his work, "Just because I did all that research doesn't mean I don't want to do things the natural way, you know. I do want to talk to you, get to know you the way you want me to. I want to have long conversation and enjoy days out with you. It doesn't matter to me if it's information I might already know. I want to hear about you through your own words. That's something a bunch of documents cannot do, no matter how hard they try."
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