celestialowlbear · 4 days
I would like to share a few head canons for Gale Dekarios being in love with tav/you. If you liked this one and have a request for another character let me know. These ones have just been percolating for a bit.
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In Battle
He tries very hard to stay near you. He doesn’t like it when you go off on your own. He knows he doesn’t quite have the strength of Karlach or the sure footedness of Astarion, but he’s not just going to let you fight everyone on your own.
Sometimes he gets a little hurt that you always put yourself in harms way/take so much of the damage on the battlefield. Don’t you know that losing you would destroy him?
You have never witnessed it, but according to the other party members he goes feral if you’re knocked unconscious.
When you wake up it’s always with your head cradled in his lap as shadowheart works on the worst of the wounds.
He does this thing with his magic where he makes his hands really cold. It feels nice on your feverish skin as he gently smooths your hair away from your face, you don’t know why you feel so nauseous and sweaty after you black out but this little gesture helps you come back smoothly.
He has a hard time sleeping after a rough encounter. He keeps waking up and making sure you’re still breathing. In the end he gives up on sleeping and just reads by the fire, calming his nerves to the sound of your steady, stable breathing.
In Camp
He is hilariously fussy about what you eat.
“No, you ABSOLUTELY CANNOT subsist off of a loaf of bread, three olives and a bottle of wine. We are no longer young scholars barely SCRAPING by—“
Very resourceful when it comes to what you can scrape together out of barrels around camp. You were very skeptical when you watched him putting a variety of different bones into a cauldron as you left him back in camp one day. But you came back to a rich stew full of potatoes, some wild rice and even some cut up apple in the mix.
He likes it when you play with his hair. But he has to very pointedly avoid it if he’s in the middle of reading up on something.
“Darling, are you certain you’re not practiced in the arcane arts? I do think you’ve got some magic in those fingertips of yours, at the very least, with how quickly they can put me to sleep.”
When You’re Alone
It’s simple. He worships you. Perhaps it’s because his last lover was a goddess but it seems to come easy for him; the reverent words, the gentle touches, the utter devotion. Sometimes you catch him just… looking at you. His eyes softly hooded, a relaxed curve to his lips. It’s your favorite to ask what’s on his mind when he looks at you like that.
“Hm? Oh, nothing much. I’ve just been observing. Did you know you purse your lips when you’re reading something that you disagree with? Yes—hah—just like that.”
He loves to read WITH you. Especially loves to show you some of his favorite tomes. He’ll get you all nestled up against him and hold the book down in front of you. He reads much faster than you, so he busies himself kissing behind your ear or playing with your hair until you turn the page.
Gods does he love it when you ask him questions about something to do with magic. He loves watching the glint in your eye when he’s helped you understand something.
You love it when you get him rolling on a topic of theory that you know he doesn’t get to talk about much. Sometimes he loses you when he gets into the minutiae, but he’s so damn cute when he’s ranting about the wonder in the world.
In Intimate Moments
(Potential NSFW below.)
Of course it is not a surprise that he’s a generous lover. What is a surprise is how demanding he can be when he feels like it. He knows you are no stranger to a challenge and he loves to make things more exciting by presenting you with one.
“Of course I’m aware of our companions in camp. But it’s not as if we can afford ourselves more privacy. You’re just going to have to quiet those lovely little sounds you make while I touch you… let’s see… it was here wasn’t it? Ah, ah… shhhh, my love. Those pointy ears of Astarion’s might pick even that tiny sound.”
Gods does he know how to string words together to leave you completely undone.
Sometimes foreplay is mostly talk. He can get you going without even touching you.
“My love, I’ve not been able to stop thinking of the ways I want to touch you all day. Shall I tell you what’s been on my mind?”
His breath tickles against your ear as his hands smooth over your clothed body, telling you how he wants to take you. It’s all the more flustering when you know he always keeps his word.
Love making always starts with a kiss, deep and slow.
You feel him smile into the kiss when he slips his fingers into the front of your trousers and he feels just how aroused he’s made you.
“You are exquisite. A delicacy of the highest quality. Do you know that?”
He’s not one to bang it out for a quickie. He doesn’t like to feel like he’s stealing his time with you, or like he’s a young man again and hastily getting whatever he can before heading back to the dormitories. Every touch, every word, every thrust is slow and deliberate. He wants to relish the feeling of it all. He wants to soak you in.
Somehow, he always smells good. Like cinnamon and tea and… some earthen, herbaceous scent you cant place.
So many cuddles after you’re done.
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celestialowlbear · 4 days
Midnight Hour
pairing: Gale/f!reader rating: 18+ MDNI word count: 1.5k tags/warnings: shameless smut, oral sex a/n: this one isn't exactly recent, but i'm finally crossposting it from ao3. my first attempt at writing gale~
“As insatiable as ever, I see,” he chuckles. “I wasn’t aware you found the Underdark to be such a stimulating topic for discussion, but far be it from me to judge your, ah... interests.” You shoot him an indignant look and attempt to snatch the book out of his hands, but he easily evades your reaching fingers. “It’s not the damn mushrooms, Gale." ────────── You give Gale a blowjob. That's it, that's the fic.
AO3 ┊ masterlist
The camp has long grown quiet when you invite yourself into Gale’s tent.
Gale looks up at you from where he sits cross-legged on his bedroll, nestled under his favorite blanket. His brown eyes crinkle at the corners as he smiles fondly at you and sets the tome he’s been reading in his lap. You eye the elaborate diagrams on the pages curiously, but can’t make out much from this distance.
“My,” he says, drawing your attention away from his readings. “What a pleasant surprise it is to see you here.”
You exhale a laugh, even as you roll your eyes. Outside, the wind buffets the canvas and the boughs of several trees groan and creak as they sway violently back and forth, and you’re suddenly very thankful that you have someone warm to share your evenings with.
“Gale, we’ve been sharing the same tent for two weeks now,” you remind him.
He takes your playful scolding in good stride, as he always does. His smile never falters; if anything, he grins at you more broadly than ever.
“And nevertheless,” he tells you in an even, appreciative tone, “it continues to delight me that you choose to return every evening.”
You can’t help but grin back at him.
“Now,” he says, lifting the corner of his blanket to invite you in, “would you care to join me? I’ve just reached the most fascinating passage about the flora native to Underdark.”
You unlace your boots and leave them by the tentflap before crawling beneath Gale’s blanket, making yourself comfortable between his now-outstretched legs. The warmth of his body envelopes you in its comforting embrace, and you rest your head in his lap after he retrieves his book.
“Go on, then. Tell me all about it.”
“Well, for instance,” he begins, and you can hear the cadence in his voice shift upwards as he regales you with his newfound knowledge.
“Did you know that torchstalks, when disturbed, can release a rather volatile cloud of flaming spores that ignite anything unlucky enough to be in their vicinity?”
“Hmm,” you say, listening more to the words he says than to their meaning, finding comfort in his voice. “Fascinating.”
There’s a way he has of explaining things that endears him to you; even if sometimes they’re well beyond your depth to understand completely, the passion he has for any number of topics has easily become one of your favorite things about him.
For all you care, he could be waxing poetic about the intricacies of peeling potatoes amd you would still be enraptured by it all the same.
And yet, laying here with your head in his lap, you can’t help but feel a little mischievous.
How hard would you have to try to break his concentration?
Gale carries on, none the wiser.
“And the bulbfruit. It is apparently useful for all sorts of applications, including – ahhhh…!”
His breath is ragged as a groan slips past his lips, and his body tenses beneath you. You’ve angled your face conveniently to press ever-so-lightly into his groin, just to see what would happen.
You are no less than pleased by the result.
You can feel him shift beneath you, and he peers over the spine of his book to watch you with curious intent.
“As insatiable as ever, I see,” he chuckles. “I wasn’t aware you found the Underdark to be such a stimulating topic for discussion, but far be it from me to judge your, ah... interests.”
You shoot him an indignant look and attempt to snatch the book out of his hands, but he easily evades your reaching fingers.
“It’s not the damn mushrooms, Gale,” you pout.
Gale clears his throat. “Well. If you’ll pardon me for just a moment, my love, I -”
His breath hitches as you slide your hand up the side of his thigh, pressing your palm against the outline of his cock beneath his trousers. He’s half hard already, and his erection twitches with interest beneath his laces.
“Oh, if you’re that determined, don’t let me stop you,” you purr, looking up at him beneath your lashes. You squeeze him gently, coaxing a needy moan from him that makes you sigh with pleasure.
“And at any rate,” you tell him through a devious smirk, “it’s not your hands I’m interested in.”
You’re quick to unlace his trousers, and as you shift your head beneath the blanket and free his cock, the evidence of his arousal is more than obvious. He feels thick and warm and heavy in your hand, and as you brush the pad of your thumb over the head of his cock you find it already slick with precome.
You want nothing more than to taste him, but patience is a virtue, and you will yourself to take it slow - or, at least as slow as you can manage.
Gale leans back when you tug at his waistband, and with some effort you manage to pull his trousers down to his knees before he kicks them the rest of the way off for you.
You waste no time before you press your mouth against his inner thigh, lavishing him with soft kisses and savoring every breathy little moan he makes for you. Your hand on his other thigh is firm, your nails digging little crescent moons into his skin.
The book Gale was reading snaps shut the instant your lips brush against the underside of his shaft, the touch featherlight and purposely meant to tease. It falls to the ground with a resounding thud, and you’re greeted by the wan light of the tent as Gale pushes the blanket back around your shoulders.
“My beautiful girl,” he says in a low, sensual groan. “At least let me see you.”
You reward his praise by continuing to kiss along the length of his cock, your lips tracing the vein that winds along the side. Gale’s hand is in your hair now, brushing it from your eyes, his fingers grazing your scalp in just the right way that sends a shiver of pleasure down your spine. Desire pools low in your belly, and you moan against him.
“Enjoying yourself, my love?” he murmurs.
“Gods, yes,” you breathe. When your eyes meet, you let yourself flash him a wicked grin. 
“Although, not as much as you are, from the looks of it.”
Gale opens his mouth to utter some sort of rebuttal, but your tongue on the head of his cock stops him in his tracks. He fists his hand even more tightly in your hair as he tips his head back and exhales a shuddering breath.
“You,” he breathes, “are absolutely – hnngh – divine.”
You swirl your tongue around the tip of his cock before guiding him to the back of your throat. He tastes of salt and sweat and just the faintest hint of leather, and when he cants his hips upwards you can’t help the obscene noise you make around him.
“Gods, you sweet thing...” he wonders aloud. “Whatever am I to do with you?”
You lift your mouth off of him just long enough to speak. “Oh, I can think of several things.”
He huffs an affectionate laugh as you busy yourself once again with his pleasure, setting a moderate pace as you bob your head along the length of him. His breathing gradually grows ragged, his thrusts into your mouth becoming desperate. The trembling of his legs tells you that he’s getting close.
He watches you with rapt attention, the way you caress his name seeming to unlock something feral deep within him. His pupils are blown wide, and his mouth hangs open; he looks so beautiful like this, disheveled and panting and on the verge of coming undone.
For you. Because of you.
“I want you to come for me, Gale,” you tell him. “I need you to come for me.”
“Please,” he groans desperately, tugging on your hair even as he pushes your head down, angling himself to push even deeper into your mouth. “Just a little further now – yes...”
When he finally finds his release, your name is a reverant cry on his lips, his hips jerking as he spills himself down your throat. 
Your tongue sweeps lazily against him as you slide his cock out of your mouth and sit upright, wiping your lips clean with the back of your hand. Gale cards his fingers lovingly through your hair before he cups your face in both his palms, thumbs tracing circles over the apples of your cheeks.
“How convenient for you that my hands have quite mysteriously become free,” he says, his lips slowly curling into a knowing smile.
You laugh wildly as he pushes you down onto your back, his warm hands venturing beneath your shirt, your trousers, eager to map every inch of your body and commit it to memory.
He showers you in kisses - your face, your neck, your breasts, every one of them an outpouring of his devotion to you. You reach for him, pulling him flush against your body, capturing his mouth in a fierce, hungry kiss.
“How convenient indeed.”
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celestialowlbear · 14 days
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celestialowlbear · 14 days
Time for bg3 portraits! Want to start with these two
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celestialowlbear · 14 days
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Live Tav Reaction:
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celestialowlbear · 14 days
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✨late night at the Elfsong✨
nearing the end of my first bg3 run atm and I’m getting very sentimental about it. I love these characters so dearly :((( <3 so here’s them being silly together
(available on my inprnt!)
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celestialowlbear · 21 days
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it was supposed to be a grocery run but gale added books to the grocery list
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celestialowlbear · 21 days
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The people back home aren't gonna believe this.
The second landscape in my BG3 environments series. The first one is here. prints ✦ patreon (full speedpaint is available there + wallpapers)
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celestialowlbear · 21 days
Hello everyone! I’m sorry I kind of disappeared for a while. My life got really busy really quickly. I am still here, just a little quieter than usual!
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celestialowlbear · 21 days
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phone wallpapers for the galies (ultra close pore edition) 🔮✨💜
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celestialowlbear · 21 days
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Thirsty Thursday: BG3 Halsin
Big bear druid Halsin is...large!
Photos shot by @alphagravy, and my PS edits. Also....
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That is as far as I can post. if one wishes for the full, un-obscured version.... play the game! I'm keeping mine (thank you Gravy!)
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celestialowlbear · 21 days
My reaction to basically anything that happens in bg3:
"wow that's crazy I need to go kiss Astarion about this"
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celestialowlbear · 1 month
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this is your reminder to give Shadowheart all the pretty armor
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celestialowlbear · 1 month
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No more farts !!!
Prints are avaible here.
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celestialowlbear · 1 month
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larian wheres the romance scene that we help him braiding?
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celestialowlbear · 1 month
"When I look at my future, anything and everything feels possible. And I get to share it with you, as a partner. An... equal."
filed under: spawn astarion lines that make me want to launch myself into the sun from too much pain and joy
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celestialowlbear · 1 month
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