ceruleanscarred · 2 hours
Fucking animal time
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ceruleanscarred · 23 hours
"Kill them with kindness" wrong. 5th level lightning bolt
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ceruleanscarred · 1 day
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The Milky Way above White Sands National Monument
Jaxson Pohlman Photography
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ceruleanscarred · 1 day
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ceruleanscarred · 2 days
The sun had finally set, meaning the air went from blisteringly hot to almost frigidly cold in just a few moments. The desert was an unforgiving place, after all.
Thankfully, the moon was full overhead, illuminating the sand in a strange glow. Even without darkvision, it was surprisingly easy to see in the desert on some nights. And the stars overhead were a breathtaking sight. But the true wonder lay before the wandering Drow.
Spanning for nearly a mile was the ginormous rib cage of some long fallen serpent. The bones had turned to stone, cresting high overhead and creating a strange sort of partially covered tunnel over the sand. It was a marvel. But one should never let their guard down in the desert, especially to gawk at the scenery.
Several eyes of hunting beasts gleamed in the darkness, watching and waiting for the perfect opportunity...
{ @awsheets }
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ceruleanscarred · 2 days
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Prickly pear fruits inside Grand Canyon
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ceruleanscarred · 2 days
Attacked [sentence starters]
Monster-themed for the most part, but feel free to change ‘it’ pronouns to something else for a humanoid villain.
“Settle down, you’re safe now.” “Who hurt you? WHAT hurt you?” “I don’t know what it was that attacked me.” “Did you see what they looked like?” “Please, help me. I’m hurt.” “All I remember are teeth and a whole lot of pain.” “I was sure I was going to die.” “I would be dead if you hadn’t found me.” “What the hell was that thing?!” “Oh god, please don’t be dead. Please don’t be dead.” “I don’t want to think what would have happened if you didn’t show up.” “Do you have any idea what did this to you?” “Was it an animal? A person?” “It all happened so fast.” “Stop screaming, I’m not the one who hurt you!” “You’ll be alright, just calm down and tell me what happened.” “I’m so sorry this happened to you.” “I’m not sure it was even human.” “That looks like it hurt.” “Help is coming. Just stay calm.” “Don’t just stand there, help me!” “You’re lucky I came by when I did, or else you’d be dead.” “You shouldn’t be out here alone.” “Wh-where am I? What happened to me?” “You never know what might be prowling around out here.” “Why would anyone want to attack you?” “Hey, can you hear me? Are you alright?” “A-am I going to die?” “We have to go before it comes back!” “I don’t even know why it left me alive.” “I-I need a doctor. Please.” “Damn, it looks like you pissed off a grizzly bear.” “It was you. You did this to me!” “Do you think it’ll come back?” “I-I didn’t get a good look at it.” “It’s okay, I’ll help you. Just don’t try to move.” “How do you know so much about monsters?” “You need to learn how to protect yourself.” “Honestly, it’s a miracle you weren’t torn to shreds.” “I don’t think I’ve ever been so scared in my life.” “You’re not going to die. I’ll make sure of it.” “Whatever happens to me, make sure the one who did this pays the price.”
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ceruleanscarred · 2 days
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⁜Penned by Batty, 27 (they/she). Please read rules before interacting, selective and mutuals only. Follows from @fortune-feather⁜
◇A study in: True strength, leadership, kindness despite appearance, mourning.◇
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