cherry-pop-elf · 10 hours
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i hope i can be this 2 some1
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cherry-pop-elf · 11 hours
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💚 slytherin bi cassandra stimboard 💚
🩶🐍🩶 - 🐍🩶🐍 - 🩶🐍🩶
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cherry-pop-elf · 13 hours
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cherry-pop-elf · 13 hours
Snuggle Company
Fred Weasley x Reader x George Weasley
Can be read as platonic ((because platonic love is valid!))
Summary: Umbridge has been giving everyone nightmares. You especially, given she is well aware how close you are to the twins. Has you paranoid she will hurt you in your sleep. So, who better to keep you safe than the twins themselves?
Warnings: Anxiety, Umbridge, stress, sleepy snuggles, and it’s very short 😣 Going through ALOT right now. Pls forgive me
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Here you were again. Standing just outside the dorm doors that belonged to the seventh year boys. A pair of boys would be in there that you needed. Needed badly, because you had yet another nightmare. A nightmare about her.
You worried they would be getting annoyed by this. By you waking them up again, just to climb into bed with them. Would it be better that you just straight up moved in there with them? Would the other students in their dorm be annoyed by your presence? This wasn’t your assigned bedroom after all.
You tried to power through those worrying thoughts, as you pushed the door open. You were too scared of Umbridge to give a care about what others thought. She hated you. Hated you because those twins liked you. You were the enemy by association.
You would tip toe across the room, and would hug yourself tighter. Just worried about being a burden, and a bother. Something she would often say you were. Just attacking your insecurities. She was good at that. She was good at making people hurt. Oh she was damn good at hurting people, and getting away with it.
Finally, you reached the familiar bed. Fred’s bed. Well, Fred and George’s bed. They never really out grew sharing a bed. George’s ended up being a make shift work shop table for their inventions. You found it utterly adorable how they would hold each other. They had a special bond. Magic tended to play a heavy role in that, but you still found it sweet. How that no matter how old they get they would still make sure to be there for each other. No matter what. Was comforting to see that guys don’t always worry about masculinity.
“Psst….Guys-“ You gently shook George’s shoulder, as you tried to wake them up. Didn’t want to wake the other students up, but you also didn’t want to just climb into bed either. Could startle them. Or worse. They didn’t want you to, and you invaded their personal bubble. Consent is important after all.
“Hm-?” George would rub at his eyes, while Fred yawned. They were annoyed as hell, until they saw it was you who bothered them. George gave a comforting smile, before scooting away from his twin. Fred, in turn, lifted the blanket up. You gave a sigh in relief, before climbing between them. Snuggled safely between them both.
“Thanks.” You whispered, as they would wrap their arms around you. A tangled of limbs, just like that. Was so warm. So warm, and safe. No one could get to you now. Safe between a pair of tricksters. Just like that. The smell of fire crackers, and cinnamon. That was such a comforting scent to you. Baked goods, and fire.
“No pink toads will get you-“ “Not on our watch.” The twins would tease you, as they gave you a tight squeeze. A reminder that they weren’t going anywhere. Not without you, at the very least. That had you smile, and feel a weight lift off your body. Safe. Safe again.
“We’ve got plans for her. Don’t worry.” George would reassure you, as he would nuzzle into the back of your neck. Enjoying the warmth you gave him, as his arm reached over to keep physical touch with Fred. The two most important people he has, right in his arms.
“And it’s going to be utterly spectacular. Just you wait and see.” Fred would echo, as he rested his head on yours. Forcing your nose into his neck, as his arm did the same thing. Keeping George close, as you were all safely hidden under the blanket.
“Promise.” They would share, as you were already drifting to sleep. Safe in their strong arms, and knowing you’ll be safe by morning all the same. No scary toads to haunt your dreams. Just a pair of pranksters to defend you. No matter what.
Safe snuggles. What a dream come true.
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cherry-pop-elf · 15 hours
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cherry-pop-elf · 16 hours
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linktree / support my work
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cherry-pop-elf · 16 hours
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cherry-pop-elf · 16 hours
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it came to my realization that 99% of my fandom related headaches would be cured if everyone understood this
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cherry-pop-elf · 16 hours
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Half the fics posted here in this damn fandom these days.
Yes, it’s obvious. Yes, I know who you are. Yes, you should feel bad.
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cherry-pop-elf · 16 hours
oh god i’d heard about the “i won’t commission artists who undercharge for their art” post and now it’s making its rounds on my dash.
please understand that this concept does not actually help anyone. the sensible thing to do if an artist is undercharging is to tip them for what you think their work it worth, and be sure to let them know that. even if this doesn’t cause them to actually change their base prices, at least YOU’RE paying for what it’s worth, and THEY’RE getting business instead of nothing.
by essentially boycotting artists who are already unsure of the value of their own work (and are thus underpricing) you’re not sending any positive message. no one is going to up their commission prices when nobody is buying them. the only thing the artist gets out of it is that people don’t want to buy their art for some reason, and people who’s products aren’t selling aren’t going to say “oh i guess it was because i wasn’t charging enough, i’ll pump up the prices!”
if you want to support a commission artist, please do it by actually SUPPORTING THEM WITH COMMISSIONS rather than by choosing to take your business elsewhere because their prices were too low.
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cherry-pop-elf · 16 hours
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Just so you all realize and see it in action:
This fic was finished in 2015 and the author hadn't had a comment since 2016. They appreciated the comment even though it was just emoji hearts, they were happy and surprised to receive love on their older fic.
Don't stop commenting just because it's an old piece or because you think you can't come up with something smart, witty or thoughtful to say.
Just say anything. Just put an emoji. Just let them know you appreciate their work.
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cherry-pop-elf · 17 hours
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i love following richard siken on twitter
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cherry-pop-elf · 18 hours
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cherry-pop-elf · 18 hours
Warm Rain Kisses
Westley Vuk x Reader
I had married Westley so I got a burst of needed endorphins. It’s also a AMAZING game. Pls I need mutuals who play this game
Summary: A rainy day on the farm calls for some needed cuddles with your newly acquired puppy of a husband
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“Darling, you are just drenched-!” Your husband would shout, as your soggy body entered the home. Everything was soaked, and your boots were even filled with water. That rain storm came out of nowhere, and it was hitting hard. With lighting cracking outside.
“Seem’s to me Violet may have made her incantation a little too potent.” You admit, as you would pull your shoes off. You swore a fish came out of it even. Cleocatra would enjoy it, at least.
“I’ll go fetch you a change of clothes.” Weasley said, as he would hurry to the closet. He did his best to be careful, as it had been past sunset. Big paws and all. He’s had years of practice, and you made it your soul mission to write your own mending incantation. Just for him. That way he could stress less. Gramma would have been so proud.
“The chores are all done, at least. Frozen over here.” You shivered, as you had to take everything off. Even with being married, and having had many an encounter that resulted in damaged clothes, your husband still got so bashful around your naked body. You two have long since enjoyed a wonderful honeymoon, but here he was. Covering his eyes with sleepwear he grabbed for you. Had you giggle. That’s the man you married.
“I’ll get some underwear on, don’t worry.” You teased him. With a peck to his furry cheek you were off. Left him all a fluster. How you adored teasing him. Your big ‘scary’ wolf of a husband, still able to be so gentle in such a massive form.
With proper undergarments on, you returned to the living room. You might wear was laid out, and you could hear him already working in the kitchen. If the mutters of Russian curses at dropped items said anything to you.
Warm clothes, a warm fire place, and the works of tea. That’s what your cold skin needed. Also, cuddles. Lots of them. He was more than happy to provide such, as he would return with a tray of needed treats.
“Figured I would try something a little different. My mother loved to make warm drinks for me, and my brother, whenever we returned hunting. Even in the snow you can lose a lot of fluids. She liked to make it a little challenge for herself. To try and make something a little different.” Westley would explain to you, before he laid on the floor. Now your big pillow to cuddle, as the towel he had also grabbed was in your hand. Ruffling at your hair to dry.
“Oooo. Hot chocolate!” You perked up, and were excited. Something sweet. Oh he knew you well. Hardly bothered with your hair anymore, before you were quick to take your cup. Nearly burned your tongue, but it was so worth it.
“Kai always finds the best chocolate.” You cooed, as you laid against your husband. Enjoying his furry touch, and the way he breathed. Such big breaths. How his heart beat was so visible. Some call it morbid. You call it beautiful.
“He really does. Maybe if we were to ever reveal ourselves one day, he should be who we speak to first. He seems the most likely to be open minded.” He figured, as he yawned. Poor man was exhausted, but he was always willing to wait for you.
“Yeah. I wouldn’t be surprised if he already has met some FaeFolk. He’s been all over the place. Maybe he never brought it up because of that. He knows better than to risk their secret. Respects nature, after all. The way he talks about the water just seems too whimsical…” You would agree, as you watched the fire place.
“Exactly. Along with the books he seems to enjoy, and how whatever I recommend seems to be something he’s aware of. World travelers tend to be more open minded.” Your husband would agree, as he gave a long stretch. Made his joints pop just right, as he would yawn.
“Today was a good day.” You would nod, with pride. You finished some candles, have potions and time freeze spells stacked for your mining trip tomorrow, finished some aging wines for your hubby to enjoy, the animals were checked on, you did alot in one day. Busy, but that’s how you liked it.
“I’m so glad. I wish I could do more for you, but I can only be in two places so often.” Your husband would sigh. That made you kiss his fuzzy little ear. He was doing so much. He deserved rest all the same. Just because you two had different jobs didn’t mean he didn’t deserve any less rest.
“You are doing the best you can. I love you so much for that.” You would finish your drink, before you simply curled up against him. No need a bed tonight. He was just perfect like this. The warm fire place, the rain storm outside, and the heavy breathing of your Westley. What more could you want?
“Suppose I’m stuck here for the night.” He chuckled, before he would nuzzle his muzzle against your cheek. His wet nose kissed your cheek, and that made you giggle. You loved his little doggy kisses. And in turn, he loved giving them. It made the burden of being a werewolf not so bad. You loved BOTH sides of him. His human, and fae, sides. Him. Simply him.
“Good night, sweetheart. Love you. Love you so much.” He whispered, in that gravely voice of his. A sleepy ‘love you more’ was returned, and he chuckled. Hardly could stay awake any longer. It was just a slice of heaven in that moment. Warmth, and love.
What more could a witch want?
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cherry-pop-elf · 19 hours
I find the 'you realise you're making whole storylines for characters that had 1 line' and 'they're practically just ocs' arguments silly bc is that not the fun part?
The whole reason I'm more invested in this fandom than any other is BECAUSE it's practically sharing OCs with thousands of other people so we can essentially do whatever the hell we want
Idk maybe they just hate other people having fun
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cherry-pop-elf · 19 hours
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💜 asexual ivy warrington stimboard 💜
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cherry-pop-elf · 1 day
Forced to learn how tumblr works because quotev has officially killed itself ☹️ (please tell me terms and stuff i should know) (and explain it like youre talking to your mom about your favorite media)
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